Book Read Free

Wicked Needs

Page 7

by L A Cotton

  Kara went to answer but our head bitch stomped out of the stairwell with Trina hot on her heels.

  “Since when did they become BFF’s?” I asked Kara in a low whisper.

  “Since you cut her out of our trio.”

  “We were never a trio.”

  “Weren’t we? I know Trin’s a handful, but she doesn’t mean anything by it. And I know she misses you.”

  “It’s only been a few days.”

  Kara rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  Silence lingered between us as I considered her words. I guess she had a point. The three of us were closer than any other girls. But I’d always considered Trina more Kara’s friend than mine. It wasn’t like I’d made much of an effort to let her get close to me.


  I didn’t like second guessing myself. And certainly not over girls who would stab you in the back quicker than you could say ‘Go Wreckers’. My cell phone vibrated, pulling me from my confusing thoughts. For a split second, I expected to see Devon’s number, but then I remembered we were done, and a sinking feeling washed over me.

  Kyle: Tell me you didn’t go with them?

  Well, that didn’t take long. Typing a quick reply, I stayed close to Kara as we slipped out of the hotel.

  Macey: Have fun, brother. I know I plan on it.

  Kyle: DO NOT leave the hotel, Macey. I’m not kidding...

  Macey: Bite me!

  I shoved my cell phone in my purse and slung it over my shoulder.

  “Everything okay?” Kara asked.

  “Yeah, Kyle found out we’re leaving.”

  “Shit, is he—”

  “It’s all good. Come on, there they are.” I flicked my head over to two cars. Caitlin was already walking over to the guys. I recognized the cute blond leaning against the door. Travis Macauley, Long Beach High’s star player. He was the reason the Wreckers almost lost out on their win today. Caitlin sauntered up to him, kissing him on the cheek. They shared an intimate smile and I couldn’t help but wonder just how well they knew each other.

  “Ladies, looking good.” He tipped his chin at us. “Your chariots await.”

  Trina and the others giggled, wasting no time filing into the back of his car. Caitlin glanced back at us and said, “Are you two okay to ride with Shaun and Denver?”

  My eyes found the two guys standing by a sleek black Prius. “Sounds good to me,” I said. “Kara?”

  “Hmm, yeah, sure.” She smiled tightly, and I slid my arm into hers, squeezing gently.

  “It’s fine,” I whispered.

  “Ladies.” One of the guys came around and opened the back door for us. “I’m Denver, this is Shaun.”

  Shaun’s eyes lingered on my friend a little too long, and I smiled to myself. “I’m Macey, and this is Kara.”

  I waited for the dots to connect; for them to realize I was Maverick Prince’s sister, but if they knew, neither of them let on. The relief was instant, and as I climbed inside my smile grew.

  THE PARTY WAS CRAZY. Kids at Wicked Bay High knew how to party, but this was wild. Travis, Shaun, and Denver were the perfect gentlemen, introducing us around, making sure we had drinks. Maybe it was the fact no one looked at me like I was off limits or the fact no one paid me much attention at all, but it was refreshing. Nice, even.

  “I think Shaun likes you.” I nudged Kara with my elbow and she flushed.

  “M-me?” It came out strangled.

  “Yes, you. Why wouldn’t he? You’re every bit as gorgeous as every other girl here.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “Jeez, K, It’s a compliment.”

  “I know.” She dipped her head hiding her flushed cheeks. “I just... well, you’re not usually so... nice.”

  “I’m nice, sometimes.” I rolled my eyes with indignation. “You should go talk to him.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “You really think he likes me?” She tucked her hair behind her ears as her eyes slid over to where Shaun was standing with his friends at the beer pong table. He smiled over, and I nudged her forward.

  “Go. Before I drag you over there.” I offered her a reassuring smile and took the solo cup from her hand. “See, now you have an excuse; you need a refill.”

  “Okay, I can do this. I can totally go over there and talk to him.”

  “Go get ‘em, Tiger!” I watched Kara edge her way over to Shaun. She was too nice, too innocent for the likes of Caitlin Holloway and Trina Gilby. Even me. She reminded me of Summer in a lot of ways. Quiet. Kind. Always rooting for the underdog. But she deserved one night of attention from a cute guy. No way would I let him take advantage of her, but from the way he’d been watching her like a lovesick puppy, I figured he had nothing but good intentions. Unlike Travis, who currently had Caitlin pinned against the wall practically dry-fucking her.

  I grabbed another drink and settled into my position at the huge kitchen island. Shaun wasted no time bringing Kara into the fold, introducing her to his friends, one hand pressed gently on the small of her back. Something told me he was one of the good ones.

  “You did a nice thing there.” A guy stepped up beside me and tipped his beer toward them. He towered over me by at least a foot.


  “Yeah. Shaun is good people.”

  “Kara too.” I nodded, taking a sip of my drink.

  “And what about you?” he asked getting a little too close for comfort. “Are you good people?”

  I looked up at him and raised a brow. “Are you?”

  “I’m Guy.”


  “Nice to meet you.” He smiled. “Can I get you another drink?”

  “I’m good.” Much to my surprise, getting wasted wasn’t my top priority tonight. I was content in watching from the sidelines, enjoying the anonymity.

  “You’re with the Wreckers, right?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  He rubbed his jaw, keeping his eyes on me. “Nah, but I think I would’ve noticed you before now.” His gaze darkened as it swept over my body, but a commotion over by the door caught our attention. When I saw Kyle burst into the room, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or storm over there and knee him straight in the balls.

  “We need to talk,” he stormed over, drawing an audience.

  “Kyle?” the guy beside me said, “Kyle Stone? Well, this is a surprise. Don’t tell me this is your girl?”

  Kyle howled with laughter, but quickly stopped when I levelled him with a hard look.

  “Wait a minute, shit... you’re Macey Prince?”

  “One and the same,” Kyle mumbled, his eyes creased with amusement. I found nothing about this amusing. In fact, anger boiled in my blood and I wanted to tear my stepbrother a new one. But I’d prefer to do it away from prying eyes.

  “Excuse us,” I said to Guy, grabbing Kyle’s arm and yanking him toward the back door. Everyone was watching. Kara and Shaun included. She offered me an apologetic smile as we passed them. Once we were outside, I moved to a quieter corner of the decking.

  Kyle followed. “Macey, I—”

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?”

  “Protecting your virtue?” he said it around an easy smile, but his humor wasn’t going to dig him out of this one.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, sucking in a harsh breath. When I opened them again, he was staring at me with puppy-dog eyes that never worked on me. “I screwed up, didn’t I?” He brushed the hair from his eyes as he continued to pout at me.

  “You think?” It came out hard.

  “I thought...” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah shit, Mace, I overreacted.”

  “I’m not a child, Kyle. I don’t need you or Rick fighting my battles, charging in like a white knight to protect me. That shit might fly with Summer.” She was younger than us and pure. She had a reputation left to protect. “But it sure as hell won’t fly with me. Did Rick te
ll you to come?”

  “I—” Guilt flashed in his eyes.

  “Did. He. Tell. You?”

  “He might have suggested...”


  “Goodbye, Kyle.” I spun on my heel and headed for the door.

  “Macey, come on, we’re just worried.”

  “Enjoy the party,” I yelled over my shoulder. “I know I will.”

  I hadn’t intended on making a scene. I’d planned to stay relatively sober, to keep an eye on Kara and just enjoy the anonymity, but all rational thinking flew out of the window the second Kyle appeared. He expected me to pull a Macey.

  So I’d do exactly that.

  “DON’T YOU THINK YOU’VE had enough?” Kara whispered, one of her hands firmly clasped in Shaun’s hand.

  “He came here acting like my father, which he’s not,” I slurred, jabbing the air for effect. “He wants to be on babysitting duty, then I’ll give him something to babysit.” I grabbed another shot from the tray next to Shaun and knocked it back, holding up the empty glass and waving in Kyle’s direction. His frown deepened as he stood there, arms folded over his chest, watching me like a stalker, but I didn’t care. I was past caring around four shots back.

  “Macey, I’m not sure this is—”

  “I need to pee,” I announced. “You two, don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” I flashed them a wink and stumbled into the overcrowded hall. The place was crammed, especially since half the team showed up with Kyle, and much to everyone’s surprise the Long Beach players hadn’t kicked them out. But Kyle had that effect on people, usually becoming instant friends with everyone within five minutes of meeting them. Besides, he was Kyle Stone. It meant almost as much as being Maverick Prince.

  Searching for the bathroom, I didn’t expect to come face to face with Guy. “Whoa there,” he said as I all but fell into him.

  “Oh, it’s you.” I looked up at him through glassy eyes as I steadied myself.

  He smiled tightly, running a hand through his messy brown hair. “And here’s me thinking we were friends.”

  “We were never friends,” I corrected him. I’d seen the flash of hesitation when he realized who I was, and when I’d returned from my argument with Kyle, he was nowhere to be seen. Now he was looking at me like he was starved, and I was the only thing on the menu.

  “But we could be.” Guy smirked, and a rush of warmth flowed through me. But my layers of ice wouldn’t be thawed that easily.

  “I’m Macey Prince.”

  “Yeah.” He crowded me against the wall, sliding his hands either side of my head, and dipped his head to mine. “And you’re fucking hot.”

  “My brother’s Maverick Prince. Guys usually run the other way when they find out, or they figure they can use me to get to him. So, Guy, which is it?”

  “Does it look like I’m running? Besides, I heard he’s away at college now.” His mouth lingered over mine. Close but not touching. The bitter scent of beer on his breath. “And even if he wasn’t, I’m not sure I’d—”

  I crushed my mouth to his, twisting my fingers into his Henley. Guy came easily, pressing his hard body against the soft lines of mine. And it felt good.

  It felt like a small victory.

  “I wanted you the second I laid eyes on you,” he breathed between kisses. “I can’t wait to feel you under me. The things I’m going to do to you. Macey fucking Prince, who’d have—”

  “Wait.” I slammed my palms into his chest and jerked my head back.

  “Seriously?” His gaze darkened.

  “I- I can’t, I’m sorry.” I ducked underneath his arm and ran. His lips had felt good for a second and then they’d felt wrong.

  So wrong.

  His touch, his voice, his body pressed against mine; none of it was right.

  It was all wrong.

  As I rushed out of there with everyone watching, all I could think was, I’d let someone kiss me.

  Someone who wasn’t Devon.

  Chapter 10


  Something was wrong. The second Macey walked into school, I saw it. Or maybe I’d reached stalker status and was reading too much into things, but she seemed more guarded than usual.

  I couldn’t text her since I’d stupidly deleted her number, and I couldn’t just walk up and ask her in front of Kara and their group, which left me only one option. The cheer squad practiced at lunch, so after third period, I hung around by the gym, waiting.

  “Travis wants to take me to the fairground at the weekend, and then there’s this party he invited me to.” Caitlin’s voice filtered down the hall and I moved further back into the recess under the stairs.

  “Oh my god, did you say yes?”

  “What do you think?”

  So Caitlin had her claws hooked in some other guy. Unlucky for him. A few months ago, I might have felt the sting of betrayal and rejection, but now all I felt was sweet relief that I’d escaped her toxic grip.

  They disappeared into the locker room and I checked the hall for any sign of Macey. When she appeared around the corner alone, I inched out from the shadows.

  “Devon?” She blinked as if she was seeing things. “What the hell are you doing here?” Her eyes widened, scanning the hall frantically, and she grabbed my wrist, yanking me back into the recess under the stairs. “You can’t be here.”

  “What happened?”

  “Excuse me?” Her icy gaze bit into me.

  “I saw you this morning, you looked... I don’t know, different.”

  Okay saying it out loud did sound kind of creeperish, but it was too late now.

  “You’re stalking me because you thought I looked different?” Macey scoffed. “It’s lame, even for you.”


  “So, nothing’s up?”

  “I...” she hesitated, and I knew then I was right. Everything wasn’t fine. “Everything’s fine.”

  “Fine? Okay.”

  “Devon, you can’t do this. Not here, not in school. If someone sees—”

  I pressed closer to her, and she swallowed, staring up at me. “Talk to me, Macey. I’m right here. I know things are—”

  “Things are done. This, us, it’s over, Devon. You can’t keep doing this.” Her eyes fluttered closed, and she inhaled a shaky breath. My fingers reached out, brushing her cheek.

  “Hey,” I said, and her lids opened. “I’m here as a friend. If you need—”

  “You don’t get it.” Her gaze hardened. “I don’t need you. I never did.”

  “Nice, Macey, real fucking nice.” She might as well have stabbed me right in the heart. What a fucking idiot. I wanted to make sure she was okay and somehow, I was the one who ended up feeling trampled on.

  “Devon, I—”

  “Hey, it’s all good. I messed up. It won’t happen again.” I started backing away.

  “Devon, come on, that’s not—”

  “Not what, Macey? Not fair?” I couldn’t hide the irritation in my voice. I was pissed. At myself. At her.

  At this stupid fucking situation.

  “Nothing about this is fair.” My jaw clenched.

  “Please,” she pleaded. “I’m—”

  “A cold-hearted bitch.” The second the words left my mouth, I regretted them. The color drained from her face, and I jammed my fingers in my hair, yanking in frustration. “I should go. See you around.” Barging past her, I got the hell out of there, taking my shattered pride with me.

  Macey had frozen me out. I didn’t want to admit it, but maybe this time, she really meant it.

  FOR THE REST OF THE week, it seemed like wherever I turned there she was. I don’t know if she was following me or if the Universe was throwing me a huge ‘fuck-you’, but I couldn’t escape Macey Prince.

  “Dude, what are you staring at?” Jared elbowed me, and I glared at him.


  “Nothing, right. You do know I have eyes? Look,”—he pointed at his face—“I use them to see with. You’ve b
een staring over at the cheerleaders for the last thirty minutes.” His eyes slid over to where Macey and the squad sat. “Something you want to tell us?”


  “You know I’ll just keep pushing until you crack. It’s what I do.” He grinned.

  “J,” Liam warned.


  Liam shook his head and Jared threw up his hands. “Fine. But if you ask me, you need to quit acting like a pussy and fuck Lo and Cat right out of your system.”

  “I’m not—”

  But Jared was gone, leaving me with Liam.

  “Is he right? Are you still hung up on—”

  “It’s not Lo or Cat, okay?”

  “But there is someone?”

  “I thought there was, but it doesn’t matter now.”

  “Shit, man. How do you end up in these situations? I’m guessing since this is the first I’m hearing about it, she’s either off-limits or bad news.”

  My shoulders lifted in a shrug. “It doesn’t matter now.” I looked back over at where Macey was sitting. There were enough girls gathered it wasn’t obvious who I was interested in. And Macey hadn’t looked twice in my direction so there was no chance of her giving anything away.

  “You know, I figured you were sneaking around with someone. You’ve been distracted. But honestly, I wondered if it was Cat again.”

  “I told you before, we’re done. I wouldn’t touch her if we were the only two people left on the planet.”


  I nodded. “Lesson learned. I don’t want a repeat.”

  “You should let me hook you up. Autumn has this cousin; she’s a junior, real cute. She’s home schooled. Nothing like...” He trailed off giving me a tight smile.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What’s the worst that can happen? Kim is an only child, like you. Her mom and dad recently separated, like you. And get this, her favorite band is Death by Desire.”


  “Yeah. She’s a little sheltered, but maybe that’s what you need. After Cat and Lo and all the drama with Prince, maybe you need to play it cool, fly under the radar.”


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