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Sharing Backstage

Page 5

by Paige Parsons

  He probably shouldn’t have let the laughter burst from his body so easily, but she looked so sweetly demure and a little nervous, for once, and he couldn’t help it. How could she not realize she was being ridiculous? Especially since he was aware, even if she wasn’t, that he couldn’t get Riley to let her go even if it was what he wanted, which he didn’t. Whoops. He could tell he was seconds from taking too long to respond from the look in her eyes. Her light brown eyes were getting darker right before him. It was either rage or an emotional breakdown. He wasn’t interested in dealing with either.

  Pulling her forward into an embrace that was comforting, if a little awkward because of their current positions, allowed him to sober up from his laughter.

  “Sorry for laughing. Getting rid of you is the last thing I want. Besides, unless I could prove to Riley that I, in fact, caught you trying to set the place on fire, she would fire my ass before you. In other news, even if Riley wanted it, I wouldn’t do it. This place isn’t the same without you. You bring something with you when you come blazing through those doors like a tornado.”

  Pushing back from his solid, chiseled chest she said, “You act like you hate everything I bring these days. And what do you mean like a tornado? Nobody likes those, either.”

  “I guess I’m thinking about the times you’re running behind schedule and come barreling into the building with three overflowing bags, some huge drink, and your phone always in hand.”

  “Look, we aren’t equals anymore.”

  “Were we ever? Equal, I mean. I’m older than you, Harper. I have more experience, and we do completely different jobs. Our equality was only by virtue of the fact that we were both contractors. Now, we aren’t. It’s not an issue for me, as long as you do your job, which I know you will. I guess I just wish you would do it without risking life and limb.”

  “I know all of that. I’m not sure how to deal with it or even if I want to. Maybe we can’t make this work. I can tell Riley this has to be my last show.”

  “Seriously? Where the hell would you work? There are only three theatres that are still hiring union stage managers. No one can live off of the sad contracts the community houses are paying. You prepared to move out of the state? Because that’s what you’d have to do.”

  “Well, this isn’t working, and I don’t know what will.”

  He knew she was throwing up roadblocks to the obvious, but it didn’t stop him from pushing the conversation. He didn’t want her moving out of state.

  “Are you telling me you think your actions and attitude have been endearing? Have I been dealing with the usual Harper? What the hell was that about last night? Taking off and not answering your phone? I didn’t know what happened to you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”

  “I can’t deal with you when you’re like this. You’re getting mad again.”

  “Yeah, I am!”

  She needed to lash out, which made shoving him in the chest seem rational. Her ears were burning, and she desperately wanted to shove her hands under her butt so the shaking she felt couldn’t be seen. Harper started scooting back a little, but Lucas held onto the sides of the chair.

  “No. No, I’m not mad. Damn it, Harper, I’m frustrated.”

  “Why? What do you want from me? I feel like you wouldn’t accept an apology even if I offered it.”

  Lucas leaned in again and his hands grasped both sides of her face and pulled her into him once more. Their eyes locked, and Harper could feel his breath on her face, and the lingering scent of cinnamon floated to her nose. His tongue demanded entrance, and she didn’t want to resist. Running her hands from his forearms to his shoulders, she settled on locking them behind his neck until he jerked her body into his lap. Lord, this man knew how to kiss. Harper was grateful for her outfit choice, at that moment, when she got fully astride, with both knees on the outside of his thighs. The little tugs at the back of her head he used to control her movements only served to turn her on more.

  Their mutual moans of gratification and desire filled the small office. Harper ran her fingers across his head, her nails scratching his scalp along the way. As he brought his hands down her sides and back up again, they parted lips briefly, him for breath and her so she could get her top shirt off.

  “No!” He held her hands in front of them as she tried to clutch the hem of her shirt.


  Stunned confusion marred her features. He’d just grazed the sides of her breasts, and she could feel his rising need. He was quite obviously just as interested as she was, so his stopping was perplexing to her. This was not the turn of events she’d desired.

  He stood, with her in his arms, and placed her on her feet.

  “Not like this, Harper. Not this time. Besides, we still have things to talk about. But, damn baby girl, I can’t concentrate with you so close. I had to get that out of the way,” he said brushing her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “Are you fuc—”

  “Don’t you say it!”

  “So you’re trying to make me angry, to what? Show me how much you like me? Or did you want to give angry sex a shot? Maybe makeup sex was your goal? I’m not complaining, except for the fact that we didn’t get to the sex part.” Harper shoved at his chest in frustration. “Next time, just ask for the damn kiss!”

  “You need to calm down. Girl, these mood swings are killing me. This isn’t a game to me, Harper. I meant what I said about your behavior and your attitude of late. But you’re right. I’ve been on your case a lot more. I wanted to explain. I wanted to—”

  Okay, this was the Lucas she enjoyed. If he could play nice again, she would meet him half way.

  “Well, apology accepted,” she said sweetly.

  “Oh, believe me, I was not going to say apologize.”

  “No, of course not. You can’t be all high and mighty, always right, and apologize!”

  “You know what? Let’s just finish our business regarding last night.”

  “What do you mean? Come on, Lucas, you know you didn’t mean all that spanking the defiance out of me stuff.”

  “You wanna bet? You, of all people, know when I’m joking and when I’m perfectly serious. You should probably rethink your assessment.”

  Harper pulled at the sleeves of her shirt till they were covering half her hands. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

  “You don’t have to say anything yet. Look, I didn’t realize how much I missed you until you walked back into the place. Being here hour after hour just magnifies how empty it all feels when you’re gone. I think I wanted to be here all the time because, in my mind, you’d be here with me. I think I’m a cranky pain in the ass when you aren’t.”

  “It hasn’t been really different when I’m here. Just saying.” They shared their first genuine smile.

  “Point taken. I’m not willing to have you disappear for months again after the show strikes. This place could use you full time, too, Harper, but feeling the way I do—I don’t know. Look, I only know how to be in a relationship one way.”

  “I don’t know what the hell that means, but we’ve never had a problem before.”

  “We still don’t have a problem with that. Unless maybe that kiss wasn’t as good as I thought.”

  “Oh, no, it was.” She smiled as she moved closer into his space. “But smoking hot sex doesn’t make a relationship or whatever this is we’ve been doing. Of all people, I know you agree. You would never even entertain the word relationship before.”

  “Come on, Harper; I don’t run through the theatre kissing every able bodied stage manager I meet. You’re supposed to know me better than that.”

  “Espero que no. I hope not. Especially since Paul was the last one here.”

  “You know what? This is wrong and completely my fault. I shouldn’t have demanded you come to the office. I’m keeping you from your rehearsal, and this isn’t the right place for us to have this conversation. I’m sorry, Harper.”

  “About the k
iss? So you can apologize. Just about the wrong things.”

  “No, Harper. Baby girl, if I had hair, you’d have me pulling it out by now. I don’t regret or apologize for that kiss. It just shouldn’t have happened when it did, during this conversation. I meant to talk about last night only. You look at me with those gorgeous eyes and smile, then I hear your voice— My focus is shot.”

  “I like it when you lose focus a little. You’re not as grumpy.”

  “I bet, but blood is flowing back to the head on my shoulders, so I’m going to cut this meeting short, shorty.”

  “Like you’re so tall.”

  “Listen and listen good. You are never, never, ever to climb those damn racks again. If I’m not here, then you put what you need in the report, and I’ll pull it for your next rehearsal. Even Riley can wait, if it means you breaking your neck. If I catch you in the shop wearing flip flops again, I’m going to show you another use for them that has nothing to do with your feet. You got me?”

  “Yes, Lucas.”

  “Good girl. See? You can be agreeable.”

  “Maybe I’m giving you what you want because I want something.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yup. This.”

  She returned her arms around his neck. Putting all her desire into it, Harper kissed him as though his breath mingled with hers was life sustaining. Circling her waist, he allowed his hands to roam southward to caress her firm, perfectly round ass. Lucas didn’t know if she was working out again or not, but things certainly felt tight. With the connection this close again, she knew he was indeed as excited about the possibilities of finishing their conversation. This was a Lucas she could stand being around, and often.

  The sound met her ears before the impact registered with her brain. One point-making solid smack to the seat of her sweats, and she immediately threw a hand back to protect and rub.

  “Ow, Lucas! Did you just smack me? What the hell?”

  “No, I gave you a little reminder spank. Get going. Riley’s anxiety is probably through the roof with you out of the room.”

  “There was nothing little about that! Don’t do that again!”

  She tried giving him a pointed look, but it fell short as he kept his gaze soft, his hands resting around her waist and their bodies chest to chest.

  Drawing in a deep and audible breath, Harper once again broke the visual stand-off.

  “I guess you’re right. I need to get back. Riley—”

  Not letting her go, he gave her instructions for later. “When you’re done tonight, lock up and meet me back here.”

  “Are we finally going for that drink?” Harper asked when he did finally release his hold. Gathering her things, she attempted to look a lot less flustered than she was feeling.

  “Harper, just this once, do what I tell you and let it happen.”

  With that smile, Harper thought he could convince her to let anything happen. Her drifting and goofy grin was an indication of lack of focus to Lucas. The pointed look he leveled on her said he wanted a response.

  Finally, opening the door, she looked backed and gave him what he wanted.

  “Yes, Lucas.”

  Four hours went by, and they didn’t see one another once. Even during breaks, Riley kept Harper occupied. Harper was gnawing on everything in sight. Her bottom lip, her cuticles, and the back end of her pencil all fell prey to her aggressive chewing. When she finally ushered everyone out of the building, it was thirty minutes after the official end of rehearsal. Walking the halls, she reminded herself how much she loved her job. She had to keep reminding herself as she turned off random lights that shouldn’t have been on, then again when she poured out half bottles of soda, water, and coffee, pushed in chairs or put them away from various scattered places; and finally, once more, after placing the trash bag full of the evening’s indulgences in the outside dumpster. Then Harper went to find Lucas. They ran into one another as he left the bathroom.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah, everything is locked up. You finished in the shop? What’d you make tonight? Did Glenn’s changes work?”

  Wide-eyed, Harper had to forcibly press her lips together to stop the barrage of questions bursting from her mouth. It was like she was hosting a rapid-fire quiz show.

  Lucas shut off the lights in the office and eased her through the door. “Feeling a little jumpy? Settle down, baby girl. I promise not to bite.”

  “What if I ask nicely?”

  He kissed her at the temple and cut off the back hallway lights on their way out. “I’ll follow you to your place and cook you dinner. I’m betting you’ve only eaten Twizzlers and jerky over the last four hours. Can you provide drinks or should I stop on the way?”

  Leaning into his body, Harper felt like it was a place she always belonged. Gazing up at him, her laughter flowed naturally at the truth in his words.

  “Like you know me so well; I’ll have you know I mixed it up tonight. I had baby carrots, too. Riley had a bag that was going bad in her fridge. So, unless you want chocolate covered almonds and popcorn for dinner, you better stop for food on the way, too. That, wine, and condiments are about all I have in my fridge.” At his disapproving side-eye, she added, “I’ve been busy. Stop judging.”

  “Change in plans. We’re going to my house. You follow me. I know what’s in my fridge.”

  For a single guy, Lucas lived in the perfect suburban neighborhood. He was in one of the newer East Valley communities. All of the homes fit a particular design model. Each one was painted in desert tones of various shades, from oyster to totally tan. Well, she couldn’t be sure of the names, but they certainly looked like they’d be appropriate. The front yard was definitely man friendly and low-maintenance landscaped, with all rocks, short shrubs, and a mid-size cactus. Harper almost expected a suitably coiffed woman, with two or three little ankle biters trailing behind her, to greet them at the door. What they got was a big, barking chocolate Labrador named Rowdy. Boy, was he ever. Lucas got them through the door quickly and worked on settling the large animal down. Harper knew he was classified as a puppy, but he was huge. She subconsciously hugged the walls until she knew Lucas had him safely in the back room.

  It was like old times. His roommate was staying the night with his girlfriend, per the note taped to the fridge, so it was nice having the place to themselves. Laughing and reminiscing about past shows, they both hashed out their individual production issues and attempted to help the other find solutions, too.

  Lucas’ house was one giant man cave. The television consumed the wall across from three overstuffed, deep tan leather sofas, and the coffee table was a pop-up that switched to eating height, so no one had to miss a moment of viewing pleasure. They watched the comedy channel and laughed until it hurt. It was nothing they hadn’t done before, but there was newness to their dynamic that had them both sneaking glances at one another constantly. It was at about glance number five when they busted each other. Harper tossed a couch pillow at him and gave him her most toothy smile.

  When his response was eye squinting silence, she said, “I figured I had something in my teeth, the way you were staring.”

  They even managed to have enough leftovers to pack lunches for the next day. As they cleaned and packed up, the fun continued until Harper wet the floor one time too many splashing him with water. He popped her with the towel, which settled her a little but put her back in the mind frame of worrying about their pending conversation.

  “Well, thanks for dinner, gorgeous,” Harper said playfully, then rounded the counter to pick up her things up.

  “You’re welcome. We’re not done, though.”

  Well, damn, she thought. There’s that voice again.

  “What? You plan on pulling a rabbit out of your hat for your final number?”

  “Cute, but not quite. We need to talk. That was the point of tonight, right?”

  The sigh slid from her lips slowly, and although not profound, her eyes gave a small roll in e
xasperation. He would’ve been more irritated at the attitude if it wasn’t so expected. Harper could be the typical guy when it came to some confrontations. She’d rather just let enough time pass for things to settle themselves versus speaking to a situation head on.

  “What happened to just letting it happen?” The annoyance in her voice was barely held at bay.

  “Not with this. Come. Sit with me.”

  “I don’t want to fight or ruin this. Whatever this was tonight, Lucas, was good. Let’s quit while we’re ahead.”

  “If honest talk is going to ruin this—” He moved his hand back and forth between them. “We have too many issues even to start it.”

  “That was eloquent. Almost poetic.” She hardly sounded convinced as she acquiesced. “Fine. You win. What do we need to talk about?”

  Harper wanted to snuggle in and treat his talk like a bedtime story. She was finally more relaxed than she’d been in the last few days and was positive that his hard chest was exactly the surface she needed for a good night’s sleep. She wasn’t in the mood for serious.

  “I know you think I’ve been a bossy jerk of late and maybe I have been a little more nit-picky, but the bossy thing is who I am.”

  “I know,” she said. “It’s necessary. Same with me. It’s the only way for us to be successful at our jobs.”

  If this was his big revelation, Harper felt that she could easily relax more for the rest of it.

  “It’s the same but different,” he said.

  “Why do I feel like you’re going to make this complicated for no reason?” His silent rebuke for her interrupting had Harper mock-zipping her lips. When he didn’t jump right back in, she rolled her neck and asked, “How?”

  Harper attempted to get comfortable, shifting her body to snuggle against Lucas’s side. It seemed as though it would take a while.

  “Please sit up. I need to look at you,” he said.

  “Way to make it weird.”

  Harper squeaked out a giggle that sounded odd to her own ears. She could feel her eye muscle constrict and relax at rapid speed and knew that her nervousness was creeping back to elevated levels.


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