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Prince Charming and His Ladies in Wanting

Page 4

by Vivi Anna

  She reached under her cloak. Her legs were shaking. The insides of her thighs were sticky with her lust. She wore no undergarments. She trailed a finger over her throbbing sex. She was hot and wet, her clit already swollen with need. She rubbed herself hard, and inserted a finger deep inside.

  Rose’s tempo increased. She was nearing her orgasm. She watched in the mirror, wanting to see herself come. She saw movement in the mirror.

  She narrowed her eyes to see clearly.

  She saw a figure in the corner of the ballroom. A woman. Her eyes were glued to their coupling. Rose smiled when she realized the woman was touching herself, pleasuring herself. Rose pounded down on Jack’s cock harder, faster. She cried out when her orgasm slammed into her. She kept her eyes open. She wanted to see the woman’s face when she came.

  Jack bit down on Rose’s breast as his seed spewed into her. She had been wild again, squeezing from him all he could give her. Her ability to take pleasure selfishly made him come harder.

  Cinda muffled her cries when she came. Watching the goddess come, had spurned her own climax. She slid out her fingers, and wiped them on her cloak. She cursed herself under her breath and escaped from the ballroom into the shadows.

  Rose saw the woman leave. She wondered who she was. Not a servant.

  No, the woman had been dressed in a cloak. A cloak designed for invisibility. She was a spy. But whom was she spying on? She had claimed many enemies over the years. Maybe Malificent had finally sent an assassin. Their secret bond could not be quieted forever.

  Jack moaned into her chest. “You are insatiable.”

  She looked down at Jack’s sweaty face. She kissed his brow. “Only for you, Jack.”

  “Do you fuck Philip like this?”

  “No. He is too rigid, and never has time for me. And you, dear Jack?”

  Jack looked up at her quizzically. “There are no others, my little vixen.

  I have barely enough energy for you.”

  She smiled and hugged him to her breast. She felt his cock jerk again into an iron shaft. She was not so sure.


  The village was bustling when Snowden arrived. It had been a long time since she’d been there. The dwarfs were usually the ones who came to get supplies. But this time she volunteered when it was time to come again.

  They had argued with her at first, but had softened when she pleaded her case. She needed to face her past and, unknown to them, her future. She planned to seek out the Prince.

  He would be surprised, but pleased she was sure. He would certainly look at her differently. She would no longer be the timid recluse he knew, but the strong ambitious woman she wanted to become.

  Snowden walked around the market and smiled. She had forgotten how it could be. She’d missed the interaction with others. When she was a girl and lived at Darkside Castle, she loved to come to the market. All the things she could see. She had been fascinated by everything. But her evil

  stepmother had soon crushed that fascination and forbade her to come into the village.

  The dwarfs had been her only friends and family for seven years now.

  She had been a girl when she was forced to find refuge with them. But now she was a woman, and she decided it was time to act as so. If she ran into her evil stepmother, she would deal with her. The woman no longer had a claim over her. She did hope to run into Humbert, the kind and gentle woodsman. She had had a sweet crush on him as a child. He was large like a bear and handsome. He had a deep and soothing voice, she remembered.

  She wondered if he would recognize the young girl that he helped to escape from the evil clutches of her stepmother.

  Snowden passed many proprietors selling their wares. She smiled as she passed them. An old woman held out an apple to her as she neared.

  Snowden took it. She looked at it then with a smile took a healthy bite. The juices ran down her chin. She loved apples.

  “Thank you, kind woman.”

  The old lady nodded her head in response then continued on with her business. Snowden continued on her way weaving in and out of the hectic market place.

  A bugle sounded. People stopped in their business. They dropped what they were doing and hustled toward the sound. It sounded again.

  Snowden followed the crowd curiously. Maybe it was the sound of festivities. She would love to eat and dance with her fellow folk. The crowd gathered in the courtyard before the mighty royal castle. Snowden’s heart raced as she saw the magnificent structure of her true love’s home.

  She never knew it was so beautiful. After the festivities, she would make her presence known at the gates, where Prince Charming could receive her proudly.

  The bugle sounded again. A herald stepped out in the bright sunlight.

  He was dressed in the royal colors.

  “Hear ye, hear ye. The good people of Sheffield. It is my honor to make this glorious announcement. Our kindly Prince Edward Constance III, has chosen a bride.”

  There was applause among the people.

  Snowden looked around her. She didn’t realize that Jack had a brother.

  This was definitely happy news. She clapped along.

  “It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Lady Gwendolyn of Devonshire, and your Prince Edward.”

  Snowden clapped as two figures emerged from the castle gates. They had linked hands and waved to the crowd. They were both dressed in their royal best. Snowden’s smiled quickly faded. Before her was not Jack’s brother, but Jack himself.

  Her heart fell into her stomach and she felt like vomiting. She had been betrayed. She had been gullible and naïve. He had stolen her virginity and her innocence. She put a shaky hand to her racing heart. She could feel it break.

  “Jack!” She pushed forward. She would not let him go. He was hers.


  The Prince flinched. Had he heard his name? Who would be calling his secret name out in this crowd? He glanced nervously over the faces of the crowd.

  “Jack!” Snowden pushed aside the crowd. He would come to his senses when he saw her. When he saw his one true love.


  A gloved hand clamped over her mouth. “Be quiet, foolish girl, or I will be forced to rip out your tongue.”

  Snowden struggled against the restraint, but her captor was incredibly strong. She was dragged behind a wood dwelling.

  Her mouth was released and she was pushed up against the wooden wall. A stunning blond woman stared at her from underneath a hooded cloak.

  “Who are you? Why did you stop me?”

  “I am a fool just as you.”

  Tears swam in Snowden’s eyes. “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I, but I will with your help.”

  She released her hold on Snowden. She produced her hand. “My name is Cinda Rella, and I have fallen under the charms of our Prince, the same as you.”

  Snowden took it gingerly. “I am Snowden White.”

  Cinda smiled. “A pleasure.”

  Snowden snatched her hand back. “Are you telling me, that … that you have been with Jack?”

  “Oh yes, in many ways, many times.”

  Snowden blushed. “You’re not a…?”

  “A what?”

  “A prostitute?” She whispered.

  “I do not get monetary rewards for my favors. I give them for free.”

  She grinned wickedly.

  Snowden turned from Cinda’s blazing eyes. “I am unaccustomed to such brazen talk.”

  “I see you are embarrassed, little girl.”

  “I am not a girl. I am a woman.”

  Cinda looked her up and down lecherously. “We shall see.”

  “What is it you want from me?” She asked her voice quavering.


  “On who?”

  “Our Prince Charming. We are not the only ones he has taken up with.

  I know of at least one other.”

  “That Lady Gwendolyn? The one he intends to m

  Cinda shook her head. “No, Princess Borealis, the lady’s cousin.”

  Snowden’s face reddened as tears fell freely from her eyes. “I cannot believe I have been so foolish.”

  Cinda backed away from her. She was unaccustomed to another woman’s feelings. She had never seen tears from her stepmother or stepsisters. She did not think they could produce them. And she had not cried in many years. But as she watched tears fall down the ivory oval face of this woman, she felt her heart tighten.

  “Do not berate yourself. He has many charms. He is wicked with them.

  Do not blame yourself for falling under his spell. There is not a one that could resist.”

  Snowden gazed into Cinda’s sharp face. She looked like a woman who knew of such spells. A woman that could cast such a love spell on many men. If she had been fooled, then Snowden did not feel as stupid.

  She smiled, as she wiped the tears away. “What is it you had planned?”

  Cinda grinned. “There is strong stock underneath that pretty exterior.”

  Snowden blushed. She was not well rehearsed in receiving compliments, especially coming from another woman.

  “Firstly, we will need to track down Princess Borealis.”

  “But why? Surely she will have us arrested for accusing the Prince of such indiscretions.”

  “No. She is a woman. She has her pride. She will not protect him.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I have seen the knowing look in her eyes.”

  For the rest of the day, Jack jumped at shadows. He had an unsettling feeling that he was being watched. In the courtyard, when he had heard his

  name, he felt exposed. Certainly, his Mistress would have heard the news of his impending marriage. But he was sure that she would understand his duties as a Prince. She would know that he would have to marry. Surely, she wouldn’t think that he would marry her. She was beneath his station.

  He had to marry a lady. And Cinda Rella was no lady. By birthright, she might have been, but due to her current circumstances, she was no more than a servant girl. He was certain that she understood that, accepted her fate.

  He would still receive her in his bed. They would just have to work around his marriage to the Lady Gwendolyn. He would insist that Gwendolyn have her own bedchambers. They would certainly couple, as was expected of a husband and wife, but he would convince her that she would be happier with her own rooms. Her own privacy. She was indeed a smart woman. She would understand if she wanted to rule one day.

  They had a formal supper in the large dining room to consummate the engagement. Lady Gwendolyn sat across from him with her parents, which was customary. Princess Borealis managed to commandeer the chair beside him. It was a dangerous move on her part. He wondered what game she was up to.

  The dinner was served and polite conversation emanated around the table. Sir Roderick was questioning Jack about his political ambitions.

  “And what of the civil disobedience in the counties? Surely, you will quash that with a heavy hand. You mustn’t be kind with these people. They know nothing of manners and civility.”

  “Surely you are correct, Sir Roderick, but I have found that violence begets violence. I’m sure there is another way to extradite loyalty than with a sword.”

  Rose nodded her assent even as her hand found its way to Jack’s thigh.

  He jolted at the contact. He glanced at her sideways. She was smiling sweetly, hand on her chin enthralled with his speech.

  Sir Roderick asked him another question, but Jack did not hear it. All he could do was concentrate on the clever hand that moved its way up to his groin. He quickly stiffened under the firm touch. He nearly groaned as she rubbed him up and down.

  “Prince Edward? Are you all right? You look like you’re in pain,” Sir Roderick commented. Everyone stopped to look over at him.

  He smiled and waved the thought away. “I’m fine, sir. I think this soup’s given me a little gas.”

  Sir Roderick nodded. “I do believe you’re right, sir.” He pushed the soup bowl away and waved to one of the servants.

  Jack turned toward Rose. He crinkled his eyes, telling her of his distress.

  She smiled and squeezed. He grimaced. She turned her attention to her cousin across the table. “Lady Gwendolyn, you must be excited about your wedding day?”

  Gwendolyn smiled sweetly. “Oh yes. A woman should be excited for this day. To become a wife is a worthy duty.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. To become a Princess is even better.” She laughed.

  Everyone laughed at the table.

  “Did you know that in savage countries, a man can marry many women?

  Some kings have over ten wives, and some even have concubines as well.

  How do you feel about that, Prince Edward?” She turned her smoky eyes toward him.

  “I think those men have more energy than I.”

  Everyone around the table laughed.

  “Oh, I don’t know, my lord, you seem to radiate energy.” She patted his growing cock.

  Everyone chuckled kindly, except Lady Gwendolyn. She narrowed her eyes at Rose.

  “Surely that is no kind of talk for a married lady, my cousin. Or a woman of your station,” she chided.

  Rose bowed her head. “You are right, my lady. I apologize.” She took her hand away from Jack. She picked up her napkin and dabbed her mouth.

  “I am sorry, my lord, if I caused any embarrassment.” Jack chuckled. “You have caused nothing but amusement, my lady.”

  Rose set down her napkin and narrowed her eyes at Jack. Amusement?

  She was more than an amusement. He would soon learn that.

  Everyone went back to their food and other conversations.

  Jack leaned over and talked low. “You will meet me later?”

  “I don’t think that wise. Besides, my husband shall be coming soon. I would like to be clean for him.”

  Jack sat back, slighted by her comments. He watched wearily as she took her leave of the table. Surely, she had no jealousy of her cousin. She was the one that suggested Gwendolyn to his father and mother. Planting the seed in them. She knew that they could easily run around the girl.

  Maybe she had changed her mind?

  In was around midnight, when movement near her bed, stirred Rose awake. She sat up and listened intently to the night. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Was it Jack coming to make up?

  “Jack, is that you?” she whispered into the dark.

  A figure in black pounced on her, pinning her to the bed. Her arms were pinned back, her body immobile by the weight of the intruder.

  She was about to scream when one of her silk scarves was crammed into her mouth. She looked up wide-eyed at her captor. She must have been dreaming.

  Cinda leered down at Rose. “Hello, my little darling. Sorry, it’s not Jack coming to call.”

  Rose struggled to no avail. Cinda was very strong. She glanced around looking for an escape. Her eyes rested on another woman in the room. She was as pale as porcelain she nearly glowed in the dark. Her hair was like midnight. She looked ethereal even in her dowdy dark cloak.

  “If I remove the scarf will you scream?”

  Rose shook her head. She had an inkling of why these women had stolen into her bedchambers. She wanted to hear what they had to say.

  Cinda removed the scarf. Rose stayed silent. “Good girl.”

  “What do you want?”

  Cinda smiled. “You know what we want.”


  “Yes. I knew you were smart. A girl like you doesn’t get where she is by being stupid and careless.”

  “But I have been careless.”

  “You fell in love with him.”

  Rose nodded. Cinda let go of her arms, and sat back on the bed. Rose rubbed her wrists and sat up.

  “We all did,” Snowden said quietly.

  Rose looked at her, then at Cinda. “How long?”

maybe six,” Cinda said.

  “A few months. Not long. I’d only see him once or twice a week.”

  Snowden bowed her head as she spoke.

  Rose wiped a stray hair from her face. “I’ve been with Jack for years.

  He helped me ensure my royal status.”

  “You mean he served up his friend Prince Philip to you on a royal platter,” Cinda snarled.

  “Yes, you could say that. Now that you have my audience, what is it you propose?”


  “I assumed that, but do you have a plan?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “What makes you think I will go along with it? What makes you think that I even group myself with the likes of you?” She asked indignantly.

  Cinda reached out and trailed a finger over Rose’s pouty lips. “Because I have seen the look in your eyes, my lady. You don’t like to share.”

  Rose batted away Cinda’s intimate touch.

  “I see how you seethe with anger when you look at me and imagine Jack’s cock in my sex. He has had it in there many a time.”

  Rose looked away from Cinda. She glanced at Snowden. “And what about you? How many times did you spread your legs?”

  “Once.” She lifted her head and met Rose’s stare.

  “He was just working on her. She was a tougher sale than we were. She has morals,” Cinda chuckled.

  Rose huffed. She hugged the covers close to her body. “Infidelity is not that strong of a motivator. With one word, Jack would stop seeing the both of you. His loyalty is to me.”

  “But I know all of your secrets, Rose Briar. With one word, I could end your life as you know it.” Cinda smiled sweetly.

  Rose stared hard into her face. Cinda’s look did not waver. She was not a woman to deal lightly with. She could see hardness and brutally in her angular face. This woman knew of pain and suffering. And would dish it out just as cruelly as she’d received it.

  “I will be bound to you by my word. What is it you ask of me?”

  Cinda leaned forward eager to tell her plan. “You must act like there is nothing wrong. You must be the same with him. He must not suspect anything. We will need the element of surprise.”


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