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Her Broken Highlander (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 3)

Page 18

by Fiona Faris

  “Aye, look where we are. Look how far we’ve come. Ye trusted yer gut, and now we are almost at th’ end of this journey. Ye’ve accomplished what ye set out tae do, and no matter th’ outcome, I’m proud of ye lass.”

  “I love that you think that now Gavin, but really was it all worth it? So many near misses. You could’ve ended up back in a dungeon at any moment, or worse.”

  “Aye, but I didnae, and we are together. Tomorrow is th’ last obstacle, and then ye can meet yer wee brother. Would it help ye if I told ye I met him, myself tonight?” Amelia pulled away and looked at him with shock. Het met Iain? It seemed so logical, she can’t believe she didn’t realize it sooner. Of course, her brother would have been in the great hall.

  Until this moment, he had seemed like a far-away dream. A hope. But Gavin had not only seen him but met him.

  “You met Iain?” She asked, wiping a tear from her eyes.

  “Aye, a braw, young lad. Looks a bit like ye and yer sister. Fair-haired, same piercing blue eyes.” He punctuated his words by placing a feather light kiss on each of her eyelids in turn. “My guess is ye all three favor yer mother.”

  “I’ve often been told I look like my mother. Liam, I mean, Laird Macleod…” She still was not used to knowing that the Liam of her youth was now the laird of a prosperous and happy clan. “He commented on it this morning in the garden. Was Iain well? Does he seem intelligent and kind?”

  “Lass, he was smart. He spoke of horses and battles. It was hard tae get a word in against th’ lad. He will be a braw man, indeed. Laird MacLeod, Liam, as ye call him,” he said with a wink, “has raised th’ lad with love and strength.”

  “Gavin, thank you for telling me. Oh, how I wish I was able to meet him.” She leaned up into him and pressed her lips to his.

  They had kissed many times, but something different occurred inside her when their lips touched. A deep well of emotion poured up and took over her, claiming her natural instincts as its own. The kiss deepened as she placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled him down with her onto the bed. Realization dawned on her she was in love with Gavin. Perhaps it was inevitable, they circled each other, drawn in by attraction, but still, Amelia knew this was different.

  She wanted to lay claim to the brilliant man who defied logic. He was a survivor, a protector, and a gentle soul. He had been through the worst imaginable circumstances, and still, he put her needs ahead of his own. He cared for her like no one else in her life ever had.

  He opened, parted his lips to her kiss, and Amelia took control. Using her tongue to explore his mouth completely, she tasted the ale on his tongue, and the heady scent drove her wild. He responded in kind, grinding his hips against her at that sacred spot that held her passion. She arched her back to meet him.

  She pulled at his shirt, tugging it off with abandon. She wanted nothing between them. She craved every inch of his heated skin pressed against her own. He took her mouth again with his, and Amelia was content, but only for a moment. Gavin broke the kiss and suckled her neck. As he trailed his lips gently down to the hollow spot where her throat met her collar bone, fire shot through Amelia’s veins.

  “Gavin,” she moaned.

  “Lass ye doona ken what ye do tae me,” he replied, punctuating each word with a rough sweep of his tongue before pulling down the top of her thin night rail. She knew he sought more of her. She was loved. She reached down, pulling her night rail over her head. Tossing it to the floor as the cool air reached her nipples, she felt a wash of pleasure. She arched her back and moved her body up to meet Gavin’s

  She ran her hands down his back, feeling the ripple and pull of each muscle as he finally drove into her. Hardness met soft in a heady rush. She was wet and ready. Nothing in her life up until that moment had felt so pure and right.

  “Yes, please.” Whimpering moans that Amelia was shocked to find were her own bounced off the walls that surrounded them.

  “Yer so perfect, lass, so perfect.” Amelia felt perfect. She and Gavin fit together as if it were meant to be. Each thrust and arch drove her deeper and deeper into the abyss. Gavin was the only man who could soothe the fire that raged inside her.

  That delicious cord of tension in her center began to unfurl, and Amelia opened her eyes as she felt herself nearing her release. She wanted to see everything happening to her, to him, to them. She had asked him before if it was always this way between lovers and he had said no. At the time she couldn’t imagine he was telling her the truth, but now she knew it to be so. No other woman had ever felt the feelings she was experiencing now. Her last thought before he took her over the edge was of him.

  She opened for him, welcomed him inside her body, mind, and soul. Shuddering and gasping, pleasure overtook each of her senses in quick succession. She could no longer keep her eyes focused on the man in front of her, as wave after wave of tingling reached into every space she occupied.

  And when Gavin found his own release a few moments later, Amelia clutched him tightly to her breast. His body shook with waves of pleasure, her name on his lips as he cried out. Her heart swelled with love for him. Gavin was hers, no matter the outcome in the morning, he was forever hers, and everything would be all right.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Warmth surrounded Gavin, and a soft light teased at his eyelids. It was morning. How had the morning come so quickly? His last thought had been of Amelia wrapped in his arms, then nothing. The sweet oblivion of a well-rested night’s sleep, which had eluded him for years. He didn’t wake in the night filled with dread, walls closing in, back in that dungeon cell in Perth. Instead, he had slept.

  He rolled over, Amelia lay content, asleep next to him. Her blonde hair spread down her back and across the warm woolen plaid. It was because of her, his newfound contentment. How was that possible knowing all they still faced? It wasn’t only the bedsport, although he knew it would never be better with any other lass. It was something deeper. They were bonded, fated, connected.

  He reached out and ran a finger lightly down her spine. The smooth, softness of her skin felt like silk.

  She stirred and rolled over, tucking herself into the crook of his arm and settling her head on his chest. He pushed her hair back from her forehead where it fell loose from her braid and placed a light kiss on her forehead. She let out a light sigh, and Gavin felt his body stir. He was instantly ready for her again. Her scent, warm and uniquely hers, enveloped him. Her sounds and her very being spoke to his soul.

  He carefully lowered his head, placing a light kiss on her velvet lips. He wasn’t sure if she was fully awake, but he could not stop his desire to taste her in the morning light. The only truth he knew was Amelia, and no matter the outcome, he would not allow harm to come to her. She was his past, his present, and his future, and Gavin would protect her with all he was.

  “Good morning,” she said, opening her eyes and smiling into his kiss.

  “Good morn tae ye lass,” he replied before tilting her head to gain better access to her kiss. He deepened the kiss. Wanting to postpone the beginning of the day as long as possible to stay with Amelia. Once they left this bed, Gavin could not know what would truly occur. He wanted to trust Laird Macleod and William, but he had seen many men with good intentions fail at the tasks they set to accomplish.

  A hard knock came at the door, causing Gavin to break their kiss with a groan. “It’s too early,” he said, standing and wrapping himself in his discarded plaid from the night before. The knock sounded again.

  “I can’t wait for this to be over, and we can go home,” Amelia said. Home, with Amelia. Gavin liked the sound of that. He dropped to the bed and gave her another quick kiss.

  “Lass, I want th’ same.”

  As the third knock came, Gavin moved to answer the door, putting himself between Amelia and whoever was on the other side as she dressed quickly.

  He allowed William to enter the room.

  “Good morn tae ye both,” he said nodding at Gavin before
respectfully giving Amelia his back so that she may continue to dress.

  “Cabduh is already callin’ for th’ trail tae begin,” he said keeping his voice low. Gavin understood that he was trying to protect Amelia from bad news, but it was unnecessary. Amelia knew what was about to happen. She stood and turned to face the men.

  “William, there is no need to speak quietly. I want to know what is happening.” William looked to Gavin as if to ask for permission. It was rare for a woman to be as bold as Amelia had become, but Gavin loved her the more for it. He simply nodded.

  “Well, lass, Laird Cabduh is calling fer ye tae be turned over tae him to be taken back tae his lands and dealt with. But me nephew will nay allow it, nor, I suspect, will Gavin or Tristan,” he said. Gavin had a feeling he was leaving out some of the more forceful language the mad laird used to spare the lass.

  “Will there be a crowd of clansmen present?” she asked. Gavin understood she wanted to know if she were being forced to sway a crowd’s opinion or merely that of men she already knew.

  “Nay, that is th’ way of some clans, and while Liam is fair, he prefers matters tae be handled in front of a select chosen few. It will be myself and Cadbuh as witnesses and Gavin, here, Tristan, and Liam makin’ the final choice.” Gavin could see the muscles in her face relax. It was a slight movement, and had he not been so in tune with every movement her body made, he may have missed it. She was relieved that the panel deciding her fate were all on her side. Most likely, she didn’t believe it last night when it was discussed but hearing it now from William would allow her a certain measure of peace.

  “There will be questions, and ye’ll have tae answer honestly, but I doona think ye’ll have trouble, just be honest, lass,” William said, moving to give her a father-like a pat of the shoulder. “Try tae remember this is simply an exercise to calm an aging mad man, nothing more. We’ll nay let any harm come tae ye.”

  “I know that,” she said turning away from them and moving to look out the chamber window. “I’m just…I was only searching for my family; how did it get so dangerous and complicated?”

  Gavin hated seeing the pain she was going through and rushed to her side.

  “Shh now. lass, it’s one more day. One more day is all…” He only wished he knew that Cabduh would resign peacefully after the panel rendered its decision. Something told him that the old man would not back down so easily.

  * * *

  When Amelia walked into the large hall, she noticed it looked similar to the night she and Gavin arrived, except all the tables had been removed, as had the seating save for six chairs. Three large, throne-like chairs sat at the front of the room. In the middle was the tallest and sat Liam. Laird MacLeod looking stern and taciturn. At either side sat Gavin and Tristan.

  Two chairs sat off the left, smaller and less ornate, and in one sat Laird Cabduh. The scowl he directed at her was venomous. A shiver of fear ran down Amelia’s spine. When she was a young girl in England, she had been playing in the woods and came upon a fox. It had foam around its mouth and snarled in a similar way. It had been Liam all those years ago that had scooped her up and removed her from the fox’s path, telling her to mind the diseased animals, as they were dangerous and unpredictable. Cabduh wore the same rabid look as the diseased fox of her youth, and Amelia knew enough to be scared.

  Her hands felt slick with anticipation as she moved toward the head of the room. The cold metal of the chains around her wrists grew heavy. William had convinced her and Gavin that is was best that he bring her into the chamber, and that she put the chains on again. Gavin had been solidly against it, as Amelia knew he would be. Gavin knew what it meant to be in chains, and her heart warmed, thinking he wanted to spare her that, even if it was only for show.

  She had calmly reminded him that she, too, had spent time in chains and reassured him she would be fine. William also noted the chains would be removed as soon as she was placed in her spot on the stone. But in the moment, she now thought mayhap Gavin was right. She felt confined, and fear threatened to choke her. She stopped moving forward, suddenly frozen in fear. Gavin moved to stand, and she knew if he did, that would send Cabduh into a fury. She gave him a slight nod, encouraging him to stay seated. She would be fine. She only hoped it was true.

  “Are ye alright, lass?” William whispered.

  She nodded her head, wishing she could kiss the man’s cheek. He had been so kind, and it was due to him that Liam had listened to her and not blindly given back to Cabduh. She owed him a deep debt of gratitude.

  Amelia took her seat and lifted her hands so William would be able to release her chains easily.

  “Are ye sure that’s wise, William?” Cabduh snarled, looking at Liam as if William were daft. “She be a witch, mayhap she’s bewitched th’ old man!”

  “Cabduh, ye be th’ old fool. Th’ lass will nay try anything in a room full of warriors,” William countered.

  “Och, ye ken nothin’, she’s a demon!”

  “Mayhap yer th’ demon, ye mad old fool!”

  “Ye ken I’m nay more a demon than ye!”

  “And th’ lass is nay more a demon than both of us!”

  Cabduh stood, and Amelia flinched, thinking he may move to strike William or her.

  “ENOUGH!” Liam, shouted, and both men looked toward the Laird. Amelia was instantly grateful for his interruption. “Take your seats. Th’ sooner we begin, th’ sooner we end!”

  The squabbling men quickly took their seats, Amelia noting that each was still angry enough to battle, and it was once again because of her. If the beginning was any indication, the rest of the trail would not be easy.

  “We are here tae listen’ tae a complaint made against Lady Amelia Pearson, sister by marriage tae our allies Clan MacGille. The accusations made against her are levied by Laird Mical Cabduh. Representing both families is Tristan Cabduh and Gavin MacGille.” Liam nodded to both men, who mirrored his somber mood and nodded back. Amelia wiped the dampness of her palms on her day dress. She had nothing to fear as long as Gavin was close.

  “Lady Amelia, ye’ve been accused of bein’ a murderer and a witch. How do ye answer these charges?”

  “I’m no witch, my laird. I’m no murderer. ’Tis all been a misunderstanding.”

  “Lass, ye’ve also been accused of being a spy for th’ English crown. How do ye answer?”

  “I’m not a spy. I know no one of importance in England, and I have been in Scotland searching for my family for four, almost five years.” It was amazing she was able to keep her voice even. Her heart was racing a mile a minute. The accusations did not come as a surprise, but hearing them spoken of her, out loud, was jarring and difficult to recover from.

  “LIES!” Cabduh shouted. “Ask her about me sweet wife!”

  “SILENCE!” Liam shouted. “Cabduh, if ye cannot allow these proceedings tae move forward as we hae discussed, I’ll be forced tae have ye escorted out an’ flung far from me castle. Do ye understand?” He glared at Cabduh, and Amelia felt the weighted meaning of his threat.

  “Och,” the old man said, turning away from Amelia and the panel. Liam was not a man to be trifled with, and Cabduh was quickly learning.

  “Lady Amelia, please explain.”

  Amelia looked at him as if he were insane. Did he really want her to reveal everything? Right now, in front of Cabduh? But when she thought on it, except for Cabduh himself, everyone in the room knew a lot of her story, if not the whole thing. If it could put an end to this, then she would willingly explain herself a thousand times.

  She looked to Gavin, and he gave her a slight nod of encouragement, as did Tristan. Finally, she looked up at Liam. He didn’t smile, but his eyes were kind. She knew he wanted her to tell the whole story.

  “It started when my father was on his death bed,” she began. She told them everything.

  “Again, with more lies! Who would believe such a tale?” Cabduh shouted at Liam as Amelia finished her story.

  “We need tae re
nder our decision,” Gavin said.

  “Aye,” Liam answered. “Cabduh, ye ken th’ lass speaks true. Ye brought th’ babe here yerself. I’ve no doubt her tale is true. The lass is nay a witch. Either ye doona remember and yer truly mad as they say, or ye have another reason? Which is it?”

  “She killed me wife!”

  “She did no such thing!” This time Gavin chimed in. “Ye asked me brother fer help, and he sent ye a healer. Ye should’ve asked fer help sooner. Lady Cabduh’s death is on none’s head but yer own. I also say th’ lass has committed no crime.”

  “Ye’ve been no ally of mine since th’ lass came through. Ye’ve no right tae weigh in on this decision,” Cabduh said.

  “Father, this is what we agreed to. Ye cannae change the rules now,” Tristan said. Amelia noticed how quiet he had been through the morning and into the afternoon. She hoped her cousin was a reasonable man. She told herself to remember Gavin trusted him. “I also say th’ lass is innocent.”


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