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Page 17

by Justice, A. D.

  “Tawnee? Is that really you? Thank God you’re safe! Did they hurt you?” Rafael is obviously a better actor than I gave him credit for. He’s laying the brokenhearted hero bit on thick while untying our restraints and removing our hoods. He holds my face in his hands and kisses me squarely on the lips. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. “I’m so happy to have you back, love. What did they say? What did they look like? Who are they? I’ll pay someone double the ransom to hunt them down and bring them to justice.”

  “We’re okay, Raf. It was terrifying, but they didn’t harm us. I guess they wanted the ransom money more than anything. They spoke very little English, and even that was broken, but I didn’t get a good look at any of them. Did you, Roman?”

  “No, I didn’t. But I’d recognize their voices if I heard them again. Thank you for paying the ransom. That couldn’t have been easy for you to negotiate with terrorists like that.” Roman extends his hand to shake Rafael’s. There’s a brief hesitation on Raf’s part, but he does accept the olive branch.

  “Don’t mention it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Raf and Roman share an uncomfortable moment of simply looking at each other, so I clear my throat and force a fake cough to break the tension.

  “Tawnee, it’s so good to see you.” Tony pulls me into a full embrace. “I’m so relieved you’re okay. Let’s get you out of here before they decide to come back.”

  On the ride back to the hotel, Raf turns to Roman. “Which hotel are you staying at, Roman? We can drop you off.”


  “I’m staying in the suite with Tawnee. I’m not convinced she’s out of danger.”

  “No offense, but I think she’d be safer staying in my suite with me at this point. You both were taken from a very crowded conference. I will hire additional staff to stand guard outside my door around the clock to ensure no one gets to her again. After my business concludes next week, she’ll be on a private jet headed back home.”

  “It’s okay, Roman. I appreciate your offer, but maybe Raf has a point. I’ll stay inside the resort and wait this out. We only have a few more days until we can make our trip home.” Keeping my tone neutral is much harder than I thought it would be.

  “If you say so. I’ll be around for a few more days if you need me. What about the police, Rafael? Do we need to go give any statements or anything?”

  “No, the kidnappers were very clear about that. If we contacted the police, they would kill you both. I wouldn’t take the chance they weren’t bluffing about that, so I didn’t involve any of the authorities.”

  Isn’t that convenient? The problem is, I remember Silas said he didn’t give that stipulation, purely as a test.

  You just failed that test, Raf.

  Chapter 19


  The smug bastard drops me off at my hotel and barely waits for me to get out of the car before telling Tony to drive away. Silas and Nick are already here, waiting for me to join them in Silas’s room. I can’t stop the sinking feeling in my gut as I watch Tawnee drive away with him. No matter how many bugs we have in his suite or how closely we watch him, we’re not there if—when—something happens.

  After a quick rap on the door, Nick opens it, and we walk straight back to the command console where Silas is. The bug in Rafael’s living room is on speaker, so we have a front-row seat to hear all his conversations. I just wish we could listen to what was being said inside the car while they’re on the way back to their hotel. We couldn’t slip a phone on her since they stole hers in the wreck. Someone would be sure to check her for listening devices after being out of their clutches, so there was no use in even trying.

  In her capacity, she wouldn’t have allowed a device to stay on her person, anyway. If she’d walked in and gotten caught with one, Raf would know instantly, and she would be in danger just as fast. We have to trust her to get the information we need and get out of there as soon as she does.

  “How’d they act in the car?” Silas asks.

  “Rafael couldn’t wait to get rid of me. I said I was staying in Tawnee’s room with her, but he shut that down real fast. He wants her in his suite in no uncertain terms. He said they’re leaving here after his meeting next week instead of staying for an entire month. That means whatever he has planned will go down soon. He said he’d hire additional security to stand guard around the clock. He could be lying, or that could be how he betrays her again.”

  Tawnee’s voice comes across the speaker, and I can breathe easy again for now.

  “I’m going to take a shower now, Raf. I can’t wait to get out of these dirty clothes and into my pajamas.”

  “Are you hungry? I can order room service and have it here waiting for you when you get out.”

  “Can I pass on it for tonight? I’d love to have breakfast with you in the morning, though.”

  “Breakfast is our thing, isn’t it? That’s a great idea, love. I’ll order it tonight, and it’ll be delivered first thing in the morning.”

  “Thank you again for everything, Raf. I wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for you.”

  “It’s my pleasure. A feast fit for a queen will be waiting for you in the morning.”

  Silence on the speaker means Tawnee escaped to the shower. I don’t know if I can listen to this guy much longer without stabbing my eardrums until I’m completely deaf. I don’t know how she’s endured it for the last three years.

  “Silas, can I just go over there, strangle him to death, and close this case once and for all? The world would thank me if they could hear him.”

  “Yeah, Roman, for once, I think your anger is warranted. I’m very tempted to send you over there and put us all out of our misery.”

  The shrill sound of a cell phone ringing comes across the speaker, making both Silas and me perk up.


  “No, you listen to me. You will do exactly as I say, when I say to do it, and not one second before or after. This must be executed flawlessly. I understand you’re not accustomed to perfection, but you will learn quickly.”

  There’s silence, presumably while the other party responds. What I’d give to have that comm line in my ear.

  “Yes, Yousef, I’m back in my room now. She just went to bed. Bring Omar, Khalil, and Ahmad with you first thing in the morning. Don’t be late.”

  “Don’t be late for what? Do those names mean anything to you?” I turn to Silas and Nick, ready to bolt.

  “Other than being four of the most common names in Saudi Arabia, no, they don’t. Sit tight. We don’t want to show our hand unnecessarily. That could be his additional security team coming on duty.” Nick continues to concentrate on the speaker.

  “Have you heard him order a team since we’ve been out of the picture?”

  “No. I haven’t. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t do while he was away from the bug where we couldn’t hear him.”

  I know Nick’s right, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to tear down the place to get her out of there. Now we wait and see what happens next. I know Tawnee is capable and a badass; that’s part of what I love about her. It’s because I love her that I don’t want her to face this alone.

  After Rafael hangs up with Yousef, he calls room service and orders one of everything on the breakfast menu to be delivered to his room by seven o’clock tomorrow morning. That may be a slight exaggeration because I can’t stand the guy, but he’s definitely overcompensating now. He’s desperate to impress her and show her he can give her the world on a silver platter.

  Or the illusion of it, anyway.

  He doesn’t want to stay with her any longer than it takes to pull off his scheme without being the target of a nation of angry men.

  “That shower felt so good. These clean pajamas feel even better. Thank you for having my clothes brought up here ahead of time. That was so thoughtful of you. I just wanted to say goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Tawnee.”

  Silas turns to me and shrugs. “I’l
l leave the speaker on and listen for anything out of the ordinary tonight. You two can go back to your rooms and get some sleep. We’ll probably be very busy tomorrow.”

  “As much as I hate to leave her in there with him all night, I guess you’re right.”

  “She may be in there with him for several nights before we get any real answers. Now it’s a waiting game, and I know how impatient you are. If you stay in here and drive me crazy, I’ll have to hide your body beside his.” Silas cuts his eyes at me and lifts one brow.

  “Fine, fine, fine. I can take a hint. I’ll be back in the morning. Silas, wake me if anything happens.”

  “You got it.”

  * * *

  As promised, I’m back in Silas’s room at first light, bearing gifts. When he opens the door, I offer coffee, donuts, and breakfast sandwiches. That seems to brighten his mood some.

  “Nothing exciting happened last night?” I know he already would’ve told me if it had, but I can’t resist asking.

  “Not a peep all night.”

  “In a way, I hope today is more exciting because I’m ready to take this motherfucker out and go home.”

  “You and me both, man. You and me both.”

  When they finally stir, several voices carry through the speaker at once. I distinctly hear “good morning” and “sleep well,” standard early morning greetings.

  “You’ve been through quite an ordeal, and I’m sorry to put such an imposition on you by asking for a favor.”

  “Are you kidding? You saved my life, Raf. Any favor you need isn’t an imposition. What’s on your mind?” She’s very convincing. I know she hates every second of being fake.

  “I’d really appreciate if you could find the energy to finish the conversation that we started a few days ago but never had a chance to complete. I know my timing is terrible, but I almost lost you, and I don’t want to let more time slip away.”

  “I understand what you mean. We can talk over breakfast. Thank you again for ordering in—I’m not ready to face a restaurant full of people just yet.”

  “I actually prefer it this way because I get you all to myself. I hope you’re hungry—I may have ordered an overabundance of food. It’ll be here any min—” A chime rings throughout the spacious suite. “Ah, that’s probably the food now. Tony, can you get the door, please?”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  “Raf, did you leave anything for the rest of the hotel to eat?” Tawnee laughs. To the untrained ear, it’s a normal laugh. To my Tawnee-tuned ears, it’s forced.

  “Only the very best for you. Would you like to eat at the formal dining table?”

  “Actually, no, I’d rather eat in here if that’s okay with you. The couch is so comfortable, and I’ve had enough of hard chairs and floors this week.”

  Good excuse, sweets.

  “That’s perfect. I prefer the more intimate setting for our discussion, anyway. Shall I make your plate for you?”

  “That’s very kind of you to offer, but I think I can handle it.”

  When they settle down on the couch, their voices come in loud and clear.

  “I realize this is very sudden and may seem completely out of the blue, but I assure you I’ve given the matter a great deal of thought. Even before this week and everything that’s happened. This ordeal has only magnified the importance of not wasting another moment. Tawnee, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Silas and I turn our heads to look at each other at the exact same time.

  “No fucking way. He did not just ask her to marry him.”

  “He did. He’s escalating his timeline.” Silas picks up his phone and texts the rest of the team to give them a heads-up.

  “Raf, I don’t know what to say. This is very sudden.” Tawnee doesn’t hide the surprise in her voice, but she’s careful to keep her tone from sounding harsh.

  “We’re in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We can get married on the hotel grounds. The wedding coordinator can arrange for a local Christian minister to officiate the ceremony so the courts will recognize it. It’ll be the perfect setting, and you won’t have to lift a finger.”

  “They can’t get married here. They’re not residents—the UAE courts won’t recognize it. Right?” I’m grasping at straws here.

  “The Dubai courts will recognize it if a minister of their faith conducts the ceremony—especially since they’re of the same faith. Dubai is much more accommodating to visitors than the other Emirates. They know this place is a wedding destination gold mine. Had Tawnee truly been Jewish, they obviously wouldn’t allow it.”

  “I really don’t know what to say, Raf.”

  “Say yes, and make me the luckiest man in the world.”

  “Say no, and make me the happiest man in the world, Tawnee,” I yell at the speaker, willing her to hear me.

  “I’m very flattered, Raf, but I have to say no. It’s too fast for me. We’ve been friends and have gotten to know each other after all this time. But if I do get married, it’ll be for the rest of my life. We need time to get to know each other as a couple before we even think about marriage.”

  “I completely agree that marriage should be until ‘death do us part.’ We are on the same page there. But I think you know if someone is your match or not. When someone is your soul mate, you can feel the connection regardless of the distance or time apart. And when you’re close to that person, your very essence tells you. Electrified touches, knowing glances, finishing sentences for the other, and understanding deep feelings without the words to describe them—these are all signs that your soul has found its mate.”

  Not that I ever thought I’d agree with this tool, but he’s one-thousand percent correct about soul mates. All of that is what I feel when Tawnee is near… what I’ve always felt around her, but I was too stupid to realize it. I used to think love made me weak. Now I recognize love makes me the strongest man alive. I’m nothing without her in my life and by my side. When I get her back—this time—I’ll hold on to her for the rest of my life. Now that I know exactly what I’ve been living without, I see I haven’t been living at all.

  “That explains so much.” I can tell by the inflection in her voice that she’s lost in thought. She’s thinking about what she feels for me.

  “It certainly does.”

  “Be ready to move at a moment’s notice, Roman. Nick is packing his stuff now. She just turned him down, and she just confirmed she’s still in love with you. Even though she didn’t say your name, he can tell she wasn’t referring to him with that last comment. He won’t wait much longer to get rid of her now. There’s something else I need to check—your question about them getting married raised a red flag for me.” Silas opens his secure CIA laptop and starts clicking away.

  I try to watch what he’s looking for and listen to the speaker for strange noises at the same time. If someone rushes in and nabs her, the only signal I get could be a muffled cry for help. Silas zips through the website, letting our special encryption translate each page while hiding his online presence.

  “You’re looking at the deeds for the property he’s touring next week? Why?”

  “I have a hunch from something you said before… Yep, there it is. He already owns that building. He’s not here to consider buying it—he already owns it. That means he has an automatic resident visa. Now, let’s go to one more site and check one more thing… Son of a bitch. They just processed Tawnee’s resident visa as his employee. He must know it’s approved for her to stay here long term as his employee. He’s not planning to return to the US in a few days. He’s staying in Dubai, gaining control of the most profitable oil company in the world, and setting up residence as an expat right here on the Saudi border.”

  “We know everything has been a setup from day one. The trip to Dubai, the wreck, the attack on my dad—let’s just go in and take him out of play altogether. Don’t give me the company line that the CIA doesn’t assassinate people. I know better than that shit. We
are the elite team that goes in when others can’t or won’t. Get her out of there, remove him from the picture, and let her dump all the shares. She’ll make a ton of money, and they’ll leave her alone since they’ll have their company back.”

  “Not a bad idea. Maybe we can sell that to the State Department so that they’ll let us back into the country—it’s still iffy. We have direct orders to identify the conspirators because of the high probability of terrorism. We may have to stop over in another country first to give her time to close out the sales and get her name off all the dark web hit lists. She’ll have to change her name for a while too.” Silas is thinking out loud.

  “She can change her name permanently—to mine. Let’s just go over there and get her the fuck out of that place, man. Before it’s too late.” I’m already on my feet, moving toward the door.

  “All right. Go pack your shit and take your suitcase with you. We’ll have to gain entry by sea. The only way in or out of their hotel by land is blocked by guards. Rafael won’t let us in again. As soon as we have her, we’ll have to flee the country.”

  When I step out of his room, I hear him calling Shadow and Reaper to let them know we’re making a move on Rafael today. I don’t even feel the least bit guilty—he’s plotting to kill my girl, but he’s the one who will get a six-foot-deep surprise.

  Before the door closes, I hear voices on the speaker again, so I stop and listen.

  “Oh, yes, I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you. Stay right here, and I’ll fetch it from the bedroom.”

  “Raf, you really didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Nonsense. I enjoy spoiling you. It’s quite breathtaking. One moment.”

  “Okay, if you insist.”


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