Book Read Free

Home Again

Page 24

by Lisa Emme

Allie smiled. “What’s the matter Bri? Full time parenting taking its toll?”

  Brian smirked. “Yeah, yeah. Razz the sleep-deprived dad why don’t you? I thought you came here for my help.” He dropped down on the couch beside Becky jostling her and Chloe, earning a glare from his wife.

  A frown replaced Allie’s smile. “Might as well show him the picture.”

  Becky handed the picture to Brian solemnly. He looked at it, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. “Holy cow, Allie. When did you start filming porn?”

  “Shut up.” Allie couldn’t help but smile.

  Brian flipped the photo over. “Can’t say that I like the caption much though. Where the hell did this come from?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. It was sent in this envelope.” She handed the rumpled envelope. “The picture was taken on Monday and my aunt picked it up at the post office today.”

  Brian frowned at the plain, white envelope. “Well, it wasn’t likely that we’d get any useable prints off it, but we sure won’t now.” He flipped the picture over checking the front and back again. “Nothing really to distinguish it from any other photo produced by an automatic lab.” He looked at it again, and then looked over at Allie mischievously, “I could probably fine you for public indecency though.”

  Allie snorted. “You think that’s indecent. Wait until you see the other pictures this jerk probably has.” She blushed at the thought of her topless sunbathing.

  “You didn’t!” Becky shouted then covered her mouth when the baby started to squirm. “Tell me you did not have sex in your backyard,” she whispered emphatically.

  “No, we did not have sex. Not in the backyard anyway.” She looked away embarrassed. “It won’t be pictures of Mike and me - ”

  “Well? What could be worse than this then?” Becky gestured to the picture in Brian’s hands.

  “Uh, I was sort of sunbathing au naturel.”

  “Oh! You little exhibitionist,” Becky chortled.

  “Look, it’s not like I was parading around naked in Town Square. I was in my own back yard. It’s a mile to the closest neighbour,” Allie replied defensively. “How was I supposed to know some pervert would be lurking in the bushes?”

  “Ewww! And now he has pictures of you naked as the day you were born.”

  “Not helping, Becks.” Allie frowned. “I’m concerned that he has pictures at all. Who could it have been and why?”

  “Or she.” Becky looked at Allie and shrugged. “It could be a woman you know. Maybe it’s Madeleine Pundyk.” Becky’s eyes lit with excitement.

  Allie frowned in thought. “Hmmm, I hadn’t really considered her. Doesn’t really seem like her style though.” She took the photo from Brian, flipping it over to the back. “Is it just a coincidence that whoever it is used the same word to describe me as the jerk that jumped me in the parking lot a couple of weeks ago?” She looked at Brian. “Well, Deputy Rogers? You’re being awfully quiet. What do you think?”

  Brian frowned. “I think we need to take this conversation to the station.” Not what Allie was hoping to hear. Not at all.


  Allie pulled into the drive to find Mike’s Harley parked in front of the house. She had tried to call him a couple of times to let him know what had been going on, but his phone kept going to voicemail. Finally, she had left a sparse message asking him to come to dinner if he could.

  At the sight of his bike sitting in the drive, Allie felt some of the day’s tension leave her shoulders. Just knowing he was around made her feel safer. She grimaced. Just when had she gone from Miss Independent to leaning on a man?

  She headed towards the house until a curious sound coming from the barn diverted her attention. Frowning, she walked over and stepped inside.

  “Mommy, Mommy! Look what Dr. Mike brung us!” Dougie looked up from where he was sitting in a pile of wiggling puppies. Her aunt and uncle were standing beside him looking pleased. “Aren’t they great?”

  Allie quirked a brow at Mike who put on an innocent face and shrugged. Allie scowled then schooled her face to look at Dougie. “Yeah, they’re terrific, little man.” She reached over and grabbed Mike by the arm. “I’ll be right back. I just need to have a few words with Dr. Mike.”

  Allie dragged Mike outside. “Puppies?”

  “Okay now. Before you get all worked up - ”

  “Worked up? Who’s worked up?” Allie asked, her voice betraying her words. “Just because I’ve had a real shit of a day and you were nowhere to be found. And then I come home to find you’ve given my son a bunch of puppies without even asking me first. The last thing I need is more work around here and bringing a bunch of shedding, flea-bitten free-loaders…” She bit off the rest of her words, turning away from Mike, her arms folded across her chest.

  Mike reached out, but Allie shrugged him off. He scowled and took a step closer. He wrapped his arms around her, ignoring her protests. He stood for a minute with her standing stiff in his arms until he felt her begin to relax.

  “Listen,” he said. “First of all, I didn’t give the puppies to Dougie. They’re on loan, and I made that clear to him from the get go. Secondly, I’m sorry I didn’t run it by you first. I tried to call you but you weren’t here. Your aunt told me what was going on.” He held her out at arm’s length to look at her. “Are you okay?”

  “I - ” Allie began.

  “Mommy. You hafta come see the puppies. Their mommy’s gonna be our watch dog.” Dougie stood in the door of the barn, a squirming puppy dangling awkwardly in his arms. “This one’s my favourite. He’s gonna be a watch dog too when he grows up. His name’s Spike.”

  “Oh hey, careful little man. That’s not how you hold a puppy.” Allie hurried over to rescue the precariously perched pup.

  “I know, but he won’t stay still,” Dougie replied in frustration. The puppy wiggled and landed on the ground, none the worse for wear. Allie scooped him up. He was a hairy, little, black ball with a single tuft of white on his forehead; must have been some sort of Australian Shepard cross. Cute as the dickens. Wait…no. No puppies. Allie grimaced.

  “Come on. Let’s get you back to your mother,” she said to the pup. She threw a disgruntled look over her shoulder at Mike, narrowed her eyes and mouthed ‘we’ll talk later’ at him, then led Dougie back into the barn. Mike had the presence of mind not to laugh, at least until she was out of earshot.


  “I can’t believe you talked my uncle into taking in not only a dog, but seven puppies.” Allie shook her head as she walked towards the barn. Mike ambled along beside her, a grin on his face.

  “Hey, remember, they’re just on loan,” he replied. Allie snorted but Mike continued, “We’ve been boarding Bella at the clinic until the pups are weaned. She’s a good watch dog and I figured it would be a better environment for the pups than being stuck in the kennels all day.” Mike reached out and wrapped an arm across her shoulders, pulling her close as they continued to walk along. “Besides, it’ll give me a good excuse to come out here every day and check up on them.”

  “And me.” Allie added matter-of-factly. She stopped with her hands on her hips. “I can take care of myself, you know.”

  Mike stopped and looked back at her, his hands held out in a placating gesture. “I know, I know. I would just feel better if you kept the dog until we figure out who’s behind the picture and everything else that’s been going on.”

  Allie rolled her eyes and looked heavenward shaking her head. “Fine, fine. The dogs can stay, but outside. I don’t want them shedding everywhere.”

  They reached the barn and walked over to the formerly empty stall that was now serving as a doggie-daycare. Bella was nursing a squirming mass of pups. She wagged her tail, happy to see them. The puppies, drunk on milk, were oblivious to their arrival.

  Allie looked down over the four-foot high wall
and frowned. “Not going to be much of a watch dog stuck in there all night.”

  As if she had been listening, Bella suddenly stood up, ignoring the protests of the last couple of pups who were still drunkenly nursing, and quickly bounded from the stall to a wooden crate in the corner and up over the wall, landing at Allie’s feet. She barked once at Allie, as if to say ‘you were saying?’ and Allie laughed. “Okay, okay. I take it back.” She patted the dog on the head affectionately. “Good girl, Bella.”

  Allie filled Mike in on her less than productive day while they took care of the horses for the evening. As expected, the stop at the police station didn’t result in much, other than making sure that half the police force got to see the picture of her with Mike’s hand down her pants. There was really no way of knowing who sent the picture and despite the less than flattering word written on the back, there was no real threat made. Allie left the station feeling dejected and embarrassed; especially after Brian’s boss suggested that maybe she should check the Internet for the rest of the pictures, if there were any. Great. Just what I need, half-naked pictures of me floating around cyberspace.

  “What I don’t get,” Allie said, “is what they hope to accomplish from all this? If it is all the same person, or people, that is.” She rinsed out the feed measure and hung it on the rack to dry. Mike filled a bowl with water for Bella and set it outside the stall beside the dish he had just filled with kibble.

  “I don’t know,” Mike replied. “It doesn’t really make sense. I mean if it was someone who had a grudge against you, why do all the pranks at the other properties?” He gave Bella a pat and then followed Allie out the door. “Maybe we’re jumping to conclusions lumping the pranks together with your Peeping Tom.”

  Allie frowned at the thought. “I don’t like it when you put it that way, my Peeping Tom. It makes it sound like I’ve got a stalker or something.” She shivered.

  “Well,” replied Mike, concern in his voice, “maybe you do. For all we know the guy that jumped you at Rowdy’s is the same one that sent the picture today.” He grabbed Allie’s arm and pulled her to a stop. He stepped up to face her, his hands brushing the hair from her face gently. “I want you to promise me you’ll be extra careful.” Allie shrugged noncommittally and Mike continued, “that means you keep letting Sal walk you to your car at night if I’m not there. And I think you should start making sure to lock your doors, even when you’re home.”

  “ Arrgh!” Allie growled in frustration. “I hate this. Home is supposed to be a safe place. I shouldn’t have to live like a prisoner.” She stamped a foot in frustration. “It doesn’t make sense. What could they possibly gain by harassing me?” She stopped, a look of surprise on her face.

  “What?” Mike asked concern in his voice.

  “I…I…wait a minute. I just thought of something.” She stood deep in thought for a moment then grabbed Mike’s hand. “Come on. I have to check on something.” They hurried back to the house.


  “Aunt Elaine? Was there anything else in the mail for me today?” she asked her aunt, who was in the kitchen finishing up the dinner dishes.

  “Well now, let’s see. There were a couple of bills and that awful picture. Oh, there was something else, a parcel card. It was addressed to you, so they wouldn’t let me pick the package up. I’m sorry dear. What with everything going on today, I plum forgot about it.”

  “That’s okay, Aunt Elaine. I’ll go in and pick it up tomorrow.” Allie smiled at her aunt and squeezed her shoulder. Turning to Mike she asked, “Want a coffee or tea or something before you have to take off?”


  They took their coffees into the veranda and Allie outlined her theory. Mike listened intently. He whistled when she told him what she had learned from Diane Lamont at the Town offices.

  “Well, it certainly would be a motive if the reason behind everything is to make your aunt and uncle want to sell.”

  “Maybe once I get the map I ordered, I’ll have a better idea.”

  Mike grimaced. “I thought you were going to lay off the Nancy Drew routine.”

  Allie scowled and crossed her arm over her chest. “I never said I was going to let it drop. I said I would try and be more discreet. Why does everyone keep comparing me to Nancy Drew? Is that the only female detective anyone can think of?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Mike. “I always thought Nancy Drew was kind of cute.” At Allie’s dumbfounded look, he added defensively, “What? I had an older sister who liked to read.”

  Allie giggled and poked Mike in the side. “Oh yeah, sure.” She made a straight face and looked at Mike. “You know she was a lesbian, don’t you?” Now it was Mike’s turn to look shocked. Allie continued on, a mischievous smile on her face. “I mean come on, there were always those sexy lesbian bondage overtones to the stories with Nancy getting tied up by one domineering villain after another. And she was constantly hanging around with butchy Bess Marvin and never did seal the deal with poor old Ned Nickerson.”

  “You know, I find it very hot that you even know all that.” Mike laughed and pulled Allie to him, dragging her to sprawl across him so their lips locked together. Allie pulled her mouth away from his. “You’re a guy. All I have to do is say the word lesbian and you get hot.”

  “Not true, but ‘sexy lesbian bondage overtones’ will do it for me every time.”

  Allie dragged herself up the stairs. Wow, what a night! She didn’t usually work at the bar on Saturday nights and after filling in for Jack, the regular bartender, she was really glad she didn’t. It had been busy from the moment she walked in the door until Sal kicked the last stragglers out at one a.m. Clean up had taken longer than usual because she had to restock more of the bar than she was used to doing during the week and it was after two by the time she made it up the drive to the farm. Please let Dougie sleep in tomorrow. She snorted. Yeah, like that would happen.

  She stopped at the bathroom to wash up and brush her teeth. Splashing some water on her face, she paused to look in the mirror. The bruises she had gotten from her attack were almost totally gone. Too bad the bags under her eyes wouldn’t fade as easily.

  In her room at the end of the hall, she peeled out of her work clothes and dressed in skimpy ‘boy shorts’ and a snug-fitting spaghetti-strap tank top before falling gratefully into bed.


  Allie woke with a jolt, feeling disoriented. Lying in bed for a moment, she listened and tried to figure out what had woken her. Out in the yard, Bella barked once, then twice. Allie sighed. It was probably just another raccoon like the night before.

  Suddenly Bella’s barking became more frenzied. Groaning, Allie flipped the covers back and dragged herself from bed.

  “Okay, that’s it. There had better actually be something out there or you’re going to get evicted,” she grumbled.

  She looked out her window; the back yard at least seemed quiet and undisturbed. Without bothering to grab her robe, she hurried quietly down the hall. Bella’s barking continued. At the stairs, she saw that her uncle had been disturbed from his sleep as well. He was standing halfway down on the landing looking out the window to the front yard. With a muttered curse, he continued on down the stairs without noticing she was there.

  “Uncle Russ?” she called out after him quietly. “What is it?”

  Her uncle opened the front hall closet and Allie heard the distinctive ‘snick’ of the gun locker lock opening.

  “Uncle Russ?” She hurried down the stairs to the landing and looked for herself. “Damn it all!” she hissed keeping her voice at a whisper. Two ATVs were parked at the side of the road by the driveway. If Dougie had been there, Allie was sure he would have been able to identify the make and model, but all she could really be sure of was that they appeared to be red. Although come to think of it, it was rather dark so she wasn’t even sure of that
. Maybe they were brown.

  As she watched in shock, a helmeted man in dark clothes poured the contents of a jerry can around the base of her brand new sign, liberally dousing the sign as well. “Shit!” she exclaimed, then covered her mouth looking worriedly back up the stairs. Not waiting to see if she had awakened her aunt or Dougie, she ran down the rest of the stairs.

  Her uncle was already heading out the veranda door. Allie stopped at the closet and grabbed the old air rifle she used to chase off coyotes. It was loaded with salt pellets. They wouldn’t kill you but they sure stung if you got hit with one.

  By the time she had shoved her feet in some shoes and followed her uncle out the door, the sign was ablaze. The flames jumped up from its base with a whoosh. A muffled ‘Yeah! Burn baby’ carried back over the sound of the flames. Her uncle was huffing down the drive, Bella at his heels.

  “You fellas get away from there,” her uncle bellowed. But the men were already hopping on their vehicles and getting ready to drive away. Her uncle paused halfway down the drive, panting. He shouldered the shotgun taking aim.

  “Uncle Russell, no!” Allie shouted as she ran up beside him and pushed the muzzle of the gun up into the air. “Not with that, you could kill them.”

  “Serve them buggers right,” her uncle replied, but he reluctantly took his finger from the trigger.

  Allie let go of his gun then ran forward, throwing a quick ‘Bella stay!’ over her shoulder. The dog whined but did as she was told.

  The men were already speeding away, their tail lights glowing in the distance. She stopped in the middle of the road and shouldered her own rifle. Taking aim she fired twice in rapid succession. With the second shot she cheered, “Take that you bastards.” Always a pretty keen shot, she had pegged the tail light of the closest ATV. Maybe a broken light would help identify the troublemakers.

  She turned back to the drive and gasped. The sign was fully engulfed in flames. As she watched, the dry grass in the ditch at the side of the road started to burn. “Shit!” She started to run back up the drive. “Uncle Russ! Get the hose. We’ve got to try and stop it from spreading,” she shouted to him.


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