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Home Again

Page 33

by Lisa Emme

  “Mmmm, that feels good too. That darn cast was so itchy.”

  “Does it still feel funny?”

  “Yeah, a bit.”

  “Well, it sure looks funny,” Mike teased.

  Allie gave him a playful swat. “Nothing that a bit of time in the sun won’t cure.”

  Mike let her arm fall back to her side and then picked up the other. He worked his way down until he reached her hand, cupping it in his. He held it for a moment and examined the scars that now crossed her palm, another reminder of her and Dougie’s little ‘adventure’. Slowly, he brought it to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

  Allie’s eyes welled up and she blinked rapidly, turning her head away so he wouldn’t see. It was too late though. Spying her tears, Mike reached up to gently touch her cheek, turning her head back to look at him.

  “Hey. Hey now. None of that.” He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re safe now. You’re safe.”

  He tenderly lifted her chin and pressed his lips gently against hers. The kiss was slow and sensual. Mike sucked at her lip then pulled away to look at her. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” At Mike’s raised eyebrow, she added quickly. “Really.”

  To prove it, she reached out, grabbed him behind the neck and pulled his mouth back to hers. She kissed him hungrily. This time the kiss was a play of tongues and lips. They nipped and sucked at each other’s mouths, the pace becoming more and more urgent.

  Allie slid her hands down his firm chest, tickling her fingers through the sparse hair and then suddenly pushed him back against the wall. Mike let out an ‘omph’ in surprise.

  With a laugh, she kissed her way down his neck and then latched on to the nearest nipple with her teeth, biting it lightly. Running her hand across his washboard abs, she found his throbbing erection jutting out of the mass of curly hair. She slid her hand down its length and plunged her fingers through the curls to cup his balls. Mike groaned.

  “So how was this little shower scene supposed to play out?” Allie looked at Mike mischievously. “Were you going to drop the soap and have me bend over to pick it up?” She gave his balls a little squeeze and then began to slide her hand back up the shaft. “Or were you thinking more of taking me up against the wall and pounding into me?”

  “Uh,” Mike cleared his throat. “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead.” He grinned back at her. “But either of those work for me.”

  Allie laughed, “I figured as much. But how about we start with this?” She dropped to her knees and enveloped his cock in the heat of her mouth.

  Mike groaned. “Yeah, that’s a good start.” He ran a hand through her wet hair, pushing it away from her face.

  Allie suddenly released him and exclaimed, “Shit!”

  She jumped up, moving out from under the spray of the shower. “C…c…cold!” She shivered. “The water’s cold.”

  Mike laughed and reached over to turn the faucet off. “We definitely need to get a bigger hot water tank.”

  Allie hugged herself and shivered. Mike rubbed her arms. “Stay there, I’ll be right back.” He stepped from the tub, grabbed a fluffy, big towel and held it open for her. “Here. Wrap up in this.”

  Allie stepped from the tub and then let out a little yelp as Mike wrapped her in the towel and swooped her up off her feet. He kissed her with a loud ‘smack’. “Come on Kitten, I think it’s time for a change of scenery.

  Allie laughed as he strode down the hall, dripping water all the way.


  Later, Allie lazed naked on the bed in a satisfied stupor and watched Mike get dressed. Again.

  “You sure you can’t just spend the whole day?” She trailed her finger along her bare thigh. Mike followed the path of her finger and then looked up to meet her eyes. She waggled her eyebrows at him.

  Mike groaned. “I wish, but I have to head out with Doc to the Sanders place in a while.”

  Allie stretched and looked at the clock. Almost ten. It felt positively decadent. With the garden all harvested, thanks to the men that Duncan had sent from the Circle D; and the vegetables all either sold, canned, frozen or set in dry storage, thanks to Lori, Becky and Eleanor; Allie was actually enjoying the extra free time. She had completed her first freelance contract to glowing praises from her employer and had already begun a second contract. Best of all, she had begun to paint again.

  “I thought you had a meeting with the architect.” Mike pulled on a shirt covering his wonderful chest and Allie pouted at him. She leaned back, thinking about their planned renovation to the farmhouse.

  Mike had surprised her with blueprints for a new addition to the house for her birthday. The plans would add an entire two levels off the back of the house - a large family room and an art studio for her on the main floor, and a master suite on the second. Allie was particularly excited about the master suite and its planned soaker tub, with jets, of course.

  “That’s not until tomorrow. You were going to meet with us too, remember?”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot.” Mike shrugged.

  Allie laughed. “I think you need a secretary to keep track of things for you.”

  Mike leaned over and playfully tapped her on the nose. “That’s what you’re for, soon-to-be Mrs. Doctor Finn,” he said, playfully making fun of the way her aunt had begun referring to her.


  With a laugh, Mike bent down to kiss her and she surprised him by grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him down on top of her. After kissing him soundly, she gave him little nudge. “I thought you had to meet Doc.”

  Mike knelt beside her and glanced at his watch. “Not for another hour,” he replied with a grin, pulling his shirt back over his head.

  Allie laughed and reached up to yank the buttons on his pants. It was wonderful to be home again.


  Thank you for reading Home Again. I hope you enjoyed reading it. It’s a story that will always be dear to my heart because it is the first novel I ever wrote. I’m happy to have had this opportunity to share it with you.

  As an independent author, I rely on word of mouth to help sell books. If you are so inclined, please consider leaving a review online at your favourite bookseller’s website.

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Tom Pundyk for his generous donation to the United Way of Winnipeg. Tom was the lucky auction winner of a chance to name a character in one of my upcoming books. Hopefully his daughter, Madeleine, didn’t mind too much about being the superficial, gold-digging ex-girlfriend!

  Thank you as well, to all my beta readers. Your fresh eyes, suggestions and advice are invaluable. I take full responsibility for any mistakes that remain.

  Want to know what I have in store for you next? Keep up with all the news and receive exclusive offers and content by joining my mailing list. Visit my website at and sign up today!

  Cheers! Lisa

  About the Author

  Lisa Emme is a Canadian who proudly ends her ABC’s with 'zed'. A self-professed book-a-holic, she has spent the last few years trying to stem her book hoarding tendencies by writing her own stories and by avoiding the bargain table at the bookstore like the plague. She is the also author of the popular urban fantasy series, The Harry Russo Diaries.

  A bit of a thrill seeker, Lisa has tried such death defying activities as bungy jumping off a bridge in New Zealand and rappelling down the side of a 17 storey building. She's also single-handedly raising a teenager.

  Lisa has worked as a veterinary assistant, playground instructor, bank teller, store clerk, waitress, telephone solicitor, research writer for an environmental think tank, computer programmer, and systems analyst. Her passion however, is writing. What else is she going to do during the long, cold prairie winter?

  Lisa would love to hear from you. Drop her a line at lisa.emme@ or you can find her online:





  Coming May 2017!

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  Welcome to the Yacht Club - Vancouver's exclusive BDSM club and best-kept secret - where few are asked to play, fewer still invited to stay. Get your kink on with three short, spicy reads.


  Daisy Andrews has been burned by love before. Now she prefers to play it safe and keep things casual. So how then, does a woman that prefers her sex with a little kink, satisfy her need to be owned?


  With a vicious killer loose Kimi Jones is on the hunt, and she’ll stop at nothing to get her man. But when she meets a sexy stranger on the beach and a one-night stand turns into more than she bargained for, will Kimi be able to keep her own secrets?


  Pax Lightfoot struggles to make it day-to-day without losing her mind, until a chance encounter brings her the peace she's been yearning for. It doesn't hurt that it comes in a ruggedly handsome package. But can Pax win the heart of a man that craves more than just vanilla?

  Originally published separately in limited release as the novellas:

  From the Heart

  Two for One

  Peace and Quiet

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  Dead and Kicking - The Harry Russo Diaries, volume 1

  What’s a girl to do when her date is D.O.A?

  Angharad ‘Harry’ Russo is just your ordinary twenty-something, with one exception - she’s a witch with an out of the ordinary gift. When her blind date goes sideways and she ends up face to face with a dead body, her life starts to go sideways too.

  Harry soon finds herself right in the middle of the mayhem, dealing with Cian Nash, a homicide detective that is as aggravating as he is sexy; the biggest, baddest vampire in town; and a parcel of pesky zombies that keep popping up everywhere. It’s all connected to her date’s unfortunate demise, or is there more to it than meets the eye?




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