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Virus Z | Book 3 | Creation & Execution

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by Stewart, K. M.

  Virus Z

  Creation & Execution

  Book Three

  K.M. Stewart

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Emma

  Chapter Two: Emma – Next Day

  Chapter Three: Tom And Karen – Present Day & Memories

  Chapter Four: Emma's Tour – Next Day

  Chapter Five: Karen & Tom – Present Day

  Chapter Six: Emma & Madison Eavesdrop

  Chapter Seven: Science Club – All Hands On Deck

  Chapter Eight: Karen And Tom's Anniversary – Two Weeks Ago

  Chapter Nine: Tom & Karen – Creation & Execution

  Chapter One


  T oday I learned so much. It's a school day I will never forget. It started as a school day like any other, but then I learned about zombies. There are several strains of the zombie virus. Mr. Thatcher is a zombie. He was infected with a mild zombie virus many years ago. While he will never be human again, with medical treatments and a proper zombie diet, he can live as a part of society. Ben Hudson got infected with a severe zombie strain today. He broke a vial containing the virus. Just getting his shoes wet was enough to infect him. Because he wasn't bitten, it took several hours for him to turn into a zombie. There is an experimental antidote that was developed by my parents. Ben was so lucky it worked for him. For it to even have a chance of working, it must be administered immediately after being bitten by a zombie. Even then, the chances of success are slim. Mrs. Norris hypothesized that because Ben wasn't bitten it worked. I also learned about the super top-secret underground laboratory under the school. Although, it's so much more than a lab, it contains a medical bay. It's also Mr. Thatcher's home. There's much left to be explored. There are lots of locked doors I haven't asked Mrs. Norris about yet.

  After a long day, I'm finally home. I'm walking into the front door. I'm grateful that Mrs. Norris has a kitchen in her underground compound. I ate dinner already. My aunt Susan is always stingy when it comes to giving me food.

  I walk inside. Of course, aunt Susan is waiting for me. I already knew she would be furious. She stands up, shouting with her fists balled, "Where on Earth have you been?" Her reason for concern about my whereabouts isn't because she cares about me, it's because I'm a servant to her. She calls me Cinderemma.

  "Science club." I simply say.

  "Officer Andrew Gibson did say you might have joined a club. He even went and looked. He called to tell me you were there. He saw you with his own eyes." He didn't come in to say hello, but it’s probably because he was busy. Aunt Susan must have called the police.

  "Yes. Club ran later than usual." I say.

  I'm seriously debating telling her the truth. Aunt Susan isn't one for listening. I think about it for a few minutes while she's rambling on. I decide to tell her the truth. If I warn her, and she gets eaten by a zombie anyway, at least I won't feel guilty for not telling her. It's her own fault. "I discovered a zombie virus at school today. We looked at it in the science club. Ben turned into a zombie although he wasn't there. He was in detention. I saved him with an injection. It was developed by mom and dad! And Mr. Thatcher is a zombie. He-" Aunt Susan interrupts me. I might have made a mistake. Her cheeks are red. Her hands are shaking. I've never seen her so mad.

  "Emma Johnson. You are never to speak of zombies in my home ever again. You sound just like your mother. You will end up just like her if you keep up the crazy talk. It sounds like you’ve been playing too many video games at a friend's house, when you had chores here that you needed to do. Go to your room Cinderemma!"

  "My name isn't Cinderemma. Don't call me that. I don't like it!" I snap back. She's still yelling. I go to my room and shut the door. Aunt Susan will be yelling for a while, even if no one is listening. I wish I was a heavy sleeper like Ava and Olivia.

  Chapter Two

  Emma – Next Day

  M adison and I are walking into school. I start telling her everything. I didn't get a chance to call her on the phone because it was late when I got home. She missed school yesterday because she was sick. "You're not going to believe what happened yesterday! Mr. Thatcher is a zombie. Ben turned into a zombie. I discovered the zombie virus on his pencil. I saved him with an antidote. I injected him by myself."

  "Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Madison asks.

  "You should see everything that's under the school. It's amazing. I will show you later." I say.

  "Maybe you're sick? I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Should I take you to the school nurse? Did Susan hit you in the head?" Madison asks.

  "I'm fine. Aunt Susan didn't hit me." I say.

  The bell rings. It's time to go to class. Aunt Susan didn't believe me. Madison doesn't either. I will show Madison the underground compound later.

  The day goes on as normal. I wonder if anyone else got infected with the vials from Frank's house? Ben broke one. He said there were six. They contain a zombie virus. This strain was unknown to Mrs. Norris. She's been working on super top-secret research for the government since my parents died. She knows a lot about zombie viruses. Whoever has been making zombie viruses has been doing it at least since I two. So, ten years, or maybe longer. They have kept themselves secret. I hope we can find who is at the bottom of this.

  When we get to science class, I sit down and look at Mrs. Norris. She looks at me and gives me a nod and a quick thumbs up. I'm reassured that the rest of the vials were retrieved. We are ok, for now, assuming the vials don't fall into the wrong hands. I take a sigh of relief.

  Chapter Three

  Tom and Karen – Present day & memories

  W e've been stuck in a prison somewhere for 10 years. We still don't know where we are. It's underground. We knew we weren't getting out. This isn't your typical prison. It's not a small cell with bars. It's not dark or dirty. We will never forget the first time we saw it or how we got here. First, we were kidnapped from our laboratory. Our captor had his men break down the door. They put bags over our heads & tied our wrists. They took Emma. They drove us somewhere. They made us get out of the car and walk up some stairs and sat us in seats. It was an airplane. When the plane took off, our captor had his guards take off the blindfolds and hand restraints. I suppose it's because we were trapped. They all had guns. We were on a private plane. It was very luxurious.

  We saw our captor for the first time. The only other face we would see for ten years. He was short and Asian. He had jet black hair. He dressed very flamboyantly. He had on a white zoot suit with red pin stripes. He had a black hat with a feather and big sunglasses. It was so strange and surreal, like something out of a movie.

  The strangest thing about our captor is that he loves to flaunt his wealth. He was showing us around the plane as if we were friends. He offered us a drink of scotch. We both politely declined. "You kids are no fun." He was waving his hand in our faces, with a gun in the other. I assumed he was a smuggler or drug lord. My suspicions were confirmed. After a plane ride across the ocean, we landed somewhere for what he called a ‘delivery’.

  The plane took off again. After another long journey, we were blindfolded, our hands restrained again before the plane landed. We took a long car ride. We didn't know where we were. "We are almost there. You two are going to love it. Didn't you love the plane? Wasn't it luxurious?”

  "You're sick." Karen said.

  "Karen, please don't make this guy mad." I whispered to Karen.

  Our captor definitely loved all things luxury. We were still blindfolded. Guns were pointed to our backs as we walked into a building of some sort. We heard an elevator beep and doors close. It went down several floors.

  "Ok, take your blindfolds off."
Our captor instructed. He says it happily as if it were a surprise birthday party. Karen and I did as we were told.

  "Wow. Where are we?" Karen said.

  "What is this place? I asked.

  Our captor has a gun in each hand.

  "Don't you just love it?" He said. He was swinging his arms in the air, along with his guns. He was insane. "Welcome home kids. I hope you love it here. You will find everything you need to make me a zombie virus.”

  The place looks like a luxury apartment; a giant tv in the living area, plush couches, a chef's kitchen. It had an open floor plan, but there weren't any windows. It was underground. The only way in or out was the elevator.

  "Why do you two look shocked? How are you going to make me a deadly virus if you aren't happy and comfortable? Unless you want a traditional prison cell?"

  We both shook our heads.

  "The lab is this way. You'll find everything in order. Please ask if you need something."

  "And don't you two think you can keep working on your cures. I may not be science experts like you two, but I will have someone watching. The lab is under video and audio surveillance." He turned and walked into the elevator, then screamed, "I said no cameras in the living room! Idiots! Our guests need to be happy!" He points one gun at the camera across the room and shot it at a camera.

  Karen screamed.

  "I will send someone to clean this up and fix it." Our captor said.

  "You said we’re guests, so when can we leave?" Karen asked our captor.

  "Give me what I want, and you can go."

  "What about our daughter? What have you done with her?” Karen asked.

  "I didn't do anything. My feelings are hurt. Do you think I'm a sicko who hurts children? She's with Susan. Unless of course you want me to bring her here?"

  "I don't think that will be necessary. Just give us some time and the zombie virus will be yours." Tom said. Later in the day the elevator dinged. The door opened and just as our captor had said, a couple of repairmen were sent, along with a maid to clean up the mess. There were three armed guards. "Don't get any ideas. The elevator buttons don't work. It only works with a key. I'm not supposed to shoot you. Try something and I'll shoot her." The guard pointed his gun at the maid. She was trembling as she tried to clean up the huge mess. I'm guessing she's also not an employee of her own free will.

  I knew people would be coming for us. I wrote two letters. They had as much information as we knew. The appearance of our captor, how it happened. The description of the plane interior and our prison. We were supplied with plenty of notebooks and pens, but obviously, no envelopes. About 30 minutes passed. The guards got bored and hungry. They were rummaging through the refrigerator. I went to help the maid clean. I slid two notes into the maid's pocket. I whispered to the maid. "The address is written on the bottom of the notes. It's to my sister. Please, send both in case one gets intercepted. Please help us."

  Those were the only visitors we saw in ten years. Except our captor, Mr. Don Lok Chow.

  Chapter Four

  Emma's Tour – Next day

  E very day I get to school early. It's an escape from my aunt and two cousins, who treat me like a servant. I despise the fact that they call me Cinderemma.

  I made my best friend Madison meet me at school early. We got here an hour before school started. Madison walked into the library, where I'd been reading books, waiting for her. I was so excited to show her the underground compound & laboratory. The lab equipment was my parents. After they passed, it was all left for Mrs. Norris. She continues super top-secret research that my parents started. She continues to develop antidotes, antiviral medications & vaccines. Mrs. Norris refined the antidote my parents invented. It saved Ben Hudson. She also refined Mr. Thatcher's weekly antiviral injection. It helps suppress the zombie virus. Mr. Thatcher is our school janitor, although he was once the director of the CDC.

  Madison looks sleepy. She's not a morning person. "This better be good." Madison says, yawning.

  "Follow me." I simply say. We walk to the librarian's office.

  "Em, I don't think we should just barge into someone's office."

  "It's ok. There's an entrance here. I didn't want to make you walk across the soccer field." Madison thinks I've gone crazy. I see apprehension in her eyes. She's just watching me from the doorway.

  I walk to the bookshelf on the back wall. I pull a book from the bottom shelf. It's actually a lever to open the door. The bookshelf swings open.

  "Wow. So, you were telling the truth. Not that I thought you were lying; I just didn't know what to make of everything you said." Madison politely told me.

  The hallway is white and well lit. We hold the handrails as we descend. We are walking down to the main living area. "I always knew Seattle was built on top of the old city. I didn't know underground spaces were still being used." Madison said.

  "The government is utilizing underground space. They've been doing renovations for a while. I'm sure they have other underground facilities we don't know about. This was inspired by my parents. But nobody would expect this to be here."

  I show her the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms. It's a big space. I point to a room with the door closed. It's Mr. Thatcher's bedroom. "Wait. What? Why would our school janitor live down here?" Madison asks.

  "He's a zombie. I told you yesterday. Mrs. Norris gives him an antiviral injection once a week."

  "What if he bites someone and starts an apocalypse?" She's panicking. I reacted the same way.

  "It's ok. His saliva isn't contagious. Even if he missed a dose, he probably wouldn't infect anyone." I reassure her.

  "That doesn't sound like a total guarantee."

  "Well, Mrs. Norris isn't totally certain he couldn't. Even without his medicine, the virus is really mild. But as she said, it's an experiment she's not willing to try. This way to the lab." I point towards the hall. I show her both labs. There's one where you need a suit to enter. There's a smaller one down the hall. There's also a medical bay. We see other doors. I don't dare open them. Who knows what else is here?

  We walk toward the main living area. We see Mr. Thatcher sitting at the kitchen table. He's still in his pajamas. He's eating breakfast. Madison turns white, she gags.

  "Is that brains?"

  "Yes. He's a zombie after all. He can't eat much of anything else."

  "Please don't tell me they've been feeding him students?"

  "No. I promise. My parents and Mrs. Norris never fed him people. It's either cow or pig brains. Maybe even goat." I put my hand on her shoulder. I give her a hug.

  "I'm not a vegetarian. Neither are you. He's just eating what would have been wasted anyway. Makes sense, right?"

  "Oh, when you put it that way it doesn't sound so bad. Little Miss Zombie activist. You have a very strange way of persuading me that zombies aren't bad."

  "Well, he's not. Movies didn't get all the facts right." Madison chuckles a little bit. I'm glad she's feeling better. I go to the refrigerator.

  "NO!" Madison shouts. I think she's seen enough brains this morning.

  "It's ok. Brains aren't kept in this refrigerator."

  We pull out some bottles of water and yogurts. Just then, Ben Hudson walks in. Madison and Ben aren't friends. It's no surprise how she reacts. "What are you doing here? Don't you have some kids to go bully?" Ben actually looks like his feelings are hurt.

  "It's ok Madison. He's on our side." I say.

  "Yeah. I was patient zero. All cured and better now." Ben proudly says.

  Madison has her hands on her hips, "Em, you sure have a strange way of making alliances. It's like all you have to do is be here, and suddenly everyone is friends."

  "The more the merrier." I nonchalantly reply.

  "Good morning students. I had a feeling I would find you three down here. Anyone hungry? I brought donuts." Mrs. Norris says.

  Ben offers Mr. Thatcher a donut. He refuses. Since he can't speak, he shakes his head and grunts. "Ah man, I'm s
orry. I forgot." Ben says.

  We all laugh. I start to feel like we are a family. It feels good.

  Deja Vu hits me again. My parents and the zombie behind the glass. Seeing all the lab equipment and Mr. Thatcher have jogged my memories. They never were dreams, they were memories. He was the zombie I let out to walk around the room. My parents were treating him, just as Mrs. Norris explained.

  The bell rings. We all head to class.

  Chapter Five

  Karen & Tom – Present day

  M y husband and I have been held captive underground for 10 years now. I miss my daughter Emma greatly. Our captor Don Lok Chow has regularly brought me pictures of her through the years. He's offered on several occasions to bring her here. He would never let her go. As much as I want her here with me, it would be selfish to rob her of her freedom. I always wondered why he kept an eye on her. At first, I thought it was to threaten us and use her as leverage. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Chow is a psychopath. But if anyone should try to harm her, he would probably have his men shoot them. I'm glad he's her ally, not an enemy.

  Mr. Chow is full of contradictions. He's a violent criminal & a drug lord, a smuggler of illegal objects. But he builds schools, funds sports, donates to children's hospitals. Mr. Chow has done all sorts of good deeds for children. I have a couple theories as to why. He probably had a rough upbringing. Maybe he didn't have access to a good school, medical care or activities. I have a feeling he's living vicariously through the eyes of the children he helps.

  My husband has built a strange friendship with Mr. Chow through the years. He visits my husband regularly. They drink together sometimes, laughing and joking. They play cards and converse for hours. If you didn't know we were captives, you would think those two were best friends. I just ignore them and roll my eyes. Mr. Chow knows he can tell Tom anything and he can't snitch to the authorities. It seems to me like a typical case of Stockholm syndrome.


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