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Ties of Destiny (Curse of the Crown Book 1)

Page 13

by Caitlin Taylor

  “Certainly, my Lord. The West Wing’s rooms have been prepared as always. Dinner is ready to be served at your leisure.”

  “Excellent, we could all do with some food. Let’s have it out on the veranda today.”

  They walked inside, Ignacio leading.

  “It seems that this is a pretty secure place, why did the Prince want me to join this trip? It doesn’t seem like I’ll be needed,” Jeffrey said.

  “When you’re a Prince, security is only an illusion. If someone wants to, they’ll find a way even into this fortress. We’ll be having a number of guests over the next few days, maybe he felt safer with you here, maybe he likes your company, maybe you shouldn’t think about it and instead enjoy the time here.”

  “I definitely think I will do that!” Jeffrey laughed. “Do you think I could go for a swim in the ocean? The long drive has me in need of exercise.”

  “Who am I to stop a man committed. Food will be waiting for you. Head out that way and you’ll get to a path that will lead you to the beach.”

  “Thanks,” Jeffrey called and headed the way Ignacio had indicated. The sun was slowly setting, and he knew he’d need to be fast enough if he didn’t want to be out in the ocean in darkness when he didn’t know his surroundings. So, he sprinted down the path, feeling the stiffness in his body after a full day of sitting in a car. Once at the water’s edge he took off his clothes and gear, leaving them where he stood and headed into the water. It was cool and refreshing. Being back in the south was wonderful.

  The beach lay sheltered by cliffs and rocky outcroppings on both sides, leaving the water still and clear. He could see all the way to the bottom, even after he had swum out a good distance. Despite having been at or in the ocean many times before, he had never seen water so clear.

  For a long time, he kept swimming straight out, enjoying the feel of the water against his skin, feeling the stiffness leaving his body. With the sun setting, the sky turned from pink to red and orange, a beautiful sight. At some point he stopped swimming, turned on his back and just floated, watching the sky.

  Before the sun fully disappeared, he turned back towards shore and found dozens of lights all along the beach as well as along the path back to the villa. It was a beautiful sight and yet he couldn’t stop inwardly shaking his head at the way the upper class lived.

  Back at the beach, he found that a few towels had been left next to his clothes and gave a silent thanks to the thoughtful servant who had left them. Using them to dry himself off he put his clothes back on and headed towards the villa, bringing the towels. At the top of the path, there were a few chairs and he hung the towels over them, leaving them to dry or for the servants to take. Ignacio had said they would eat on the veranda but while there were chairs here, there were no tables. Looking around, Jeffrey was unsure where to go. Hearing voices, he tried to follow the sound and headed along the side of the house. After he had turned a corner, he found the Prince and his advisor sitting on what appeared to be the mentioned veranda; a large deck with several chairs and tables and once again lights all around.

  “Jeffrey, you found us,” Ignacio called when he saw the blond. “Come join us. Did you have a good swim?”

  “I did, the water is amazing here. It’s so clear.” Jeffrey sat down and eagerly dug into the food already served up.

  The Prince meanwhile seemed to be lost in thought, staring into space.

  Steps approaching had Jeffrey sit up and reaching for his dagger. The head-turning the corner had bright red hair and with the sun lighting it up, it seemed to be on fire.

  “Your Highness, My Lord,” Kieron said, fist against his chest in salute, he gave a slight bow. “Tiras,” he added in a whisper, his voice becoming more deferential.

  “Kieron,” Jeffrey replied with a hard look. This was not the time to display their roles.

  Kieron flinched and only hesitantly sat down next to Jeffrey.

  “It’s good you’re here too, Kieron,” Ignacio said, watchful gaze on both Kieron and Jeffrey.” Akoni and I were doing some thinking. He may not have mentioned quite what this trip is all about. We’ll be having several guests, all noblemen and women. Mostly the heirs to powerful men, all of them getting a chance to let loose while playing the waiting game.”

  “I don’t think I get your meaning,” Jeffrey said after a long silence. Noble visitors, people that Jeffrey might have met before. He felt queasy.

  “They will not be behaving as they would at court. This holiday is about being able to be themselves. You’ve proven your loyalty, which is why you’re here. We will need you to keep anything and everything you see confidential. Both of you. What happens here, must remain a secret.”

  “If you had told me all this back at the palace I might have just stayed back, seeing as you don’t really need me here.” There was no escaping this situation now. He had to pray that he either didn’t know any of the guests or that they didn’t recognise him.

  “Maybe that’s why we didn’t tell you. Didn’t want to miss your company,” Ignacio replied with a grin.

  “I feel better having you here and am grateful you came,” the Prince spoke out of the blue, not looking at Jeffrey.

  Jeffrey nodded. “Will you want us to stay out of sight?”

  “No, rather the opposite. Stay close, mingle. A stay at this villa is about one thing in particular, having fun. That should apply to you two as well,” Ignacio answered. “Go swimming anytime you want, make use of any of the facilities here, drink, eat, be merry.”

  “Sounds like trouble.”

  “Maybe it is, that’s why the secrecy.” Ignacio winked.

  “But you’ll still want us to be on guard, right, my Lord?” Kieron said. “Or can we leave the swords?”

  “We’d like you to be on guard and be watchful. Whether you want to carry the swords I leave up to you. Maybe keep a dagger close though. Kieron, we’d like you to still do the night-shift if that’s alright with you. There isn’t likely to be any need, but it never hurts to be cautious.”

  “Of course, my Lord. I’m well used to it and don’t mind at all.”

  “Your duty won’t be as official as at the palace. You needn’t keep close to the Prince. Just, be around.”

  “Do you want us to patrol the grounds, my Lord?” Kieron said, his head cocked to the side.

  “I leave that up to you as well. You’re the experts and I know the marshal trained you well. Do what you feel you need to but remember to leave time to enjoy yourselves.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. Your Highness. I’m honoured to be here.” Kieron smiled, his head lowered.

  Ignacio returned the smile and nodded. “There’ll be no need for titles here. So, you can stop calling me my Lord.” He winked and Kieron blushed. Jeffrey wondered if any other nobles ever allowed soldiers to address them as anything other than official styles of address.

  The Prince still seemed lost in thought, his gaze fixed in the distance.

  Silence settled at the table.

  Jeffrey was as lost in thought as the Prince, trying to find ways to diffuse the possible danger waiting for him. A frown marred his brow and when he realised it, he made a conscious effort to straighten his forehead. It wouldn’t do for the others to get suspicious. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kieron’s head turning towards him. Blue eyes sparkling but questioning too. He gave a small smile. Their relationship seemed to have become something he had never intended. He’d come to care for the redhead, though it wasn’t love exactly he felt. Their affair was based more on physical needs.

  Being assigned a full shift should have changed the situation but now here they were. A week spent in the most beautiful location, given next to free rein to do as they wished. He could read in Kieron’s eyes what plans he was making. Jeffrey would not be complaining; the redhead was too eager and too delightful to play with. He winked at Kieron.


  While they sat having dinner, the sun sank behind the horizon, taking with her all ligh
t. The moon was dark, barely a small sickle, providing no light to speak of. Servants lit candles all around the house, which provided a gentler light than lamps. More candles lined the path leading to the beach, the veranda, and other spaces where people might spend time.

  Jeffrey and Kieron excused themselves after they finished eating, leaving the Prince and his advisor to sit on their own. They headed down towards the beach, using the candlelight to find the way.

  “Can you believe our luck?” Kieron asked, excitement evident in his voice. “A whole week in this place.”

  “Yes, quite lucky,” Jeffrey said evenly. If only he knew who the noble guests were, whether they would know him or not, then maybe he could relax.

  “And under orders to enjoy ourselves.” Kieron skipped along the beach. He stopped and turned back to look at Jeffrey, his eyes twinkled with intent. “Tiras,” he whispered.

  Jeffrey caught up to him, the redhead was too adorable to resist. He wrapped his arms around Kieron’s waist, pulling him close. They both wore armour and it clashed, getting in the way. “You are much too eager, little Trian. What if I tell you no?”

  Kieron pouted, his arms wrapping around Jeffrey’s neck. “I’d be much too sad for you to walk away from.” He leaned in and nuzzled Jeffrey’s neck. His tongue came out, lapping at the skin.

  Jeffrey let out a moan, Kieron knew him too well already. He tightened his hold. Leaning in he captured the lobe of Kieron’s ear, sucking on it. Kieron’s moan was music to Jeffrey’s ears. He bit down gently, eliciting a gasp that delighted him. Pulling back, he let go and walked further down the beach, away from the villa. When he found a rock outcropping that would shelter them, he stopped.

  Kieron had followed, his armour hung loose, the straps open, his sword belt held in his hand.

  Jeffrey chuckled at the sight and held out his arms. Kieron dropped his gear, then got to work on Jeffrey’s. Moments was all it took for Kieron to have Jeffrey’s chest piece off, bracers followed, then greaves. His hands roamed, caressing Jeffrey’s legs. Jeffrey allowed him the indulgence. For now.

  Before long, their tunics were off, serving as makeshift blanket in the sand. Kieron lay underneath Jeffrey, pinned to the ground by strong hands.

  They spent a long time sating their desires and making the most of their new freedom, temporary as it may be.


  Stepping out on the balcony of his room, Jeffrey marvelled at the views, clear blue ocean meeting clear blue sky. He breathed in deeply, smelling the salt of fresh ocean air. The sun still hung low in the sky but already warm on his face. The smile on his lips was honest and true, carefreeness spreading through him. The beauty of the landscape gave the place a peaceful atmosphere. For the first time in a long while, he felt content.

  There were memories lingering in the distance, some of them called up by his surroundings, but they were far away and didn’t matter. Not now. It wasn’t home, but it was so close. He took another breath, inhaling salty air.

  For a time, he stood enjoying the feeling. He noticed a figure moving at the beach. Looking closely, he realised it was Kieron, practising with a sword. Too far away to see much more than a blur, he decided to go down and join him.

  “Morning, Tiras. Finally awake?” Kieron spoke, his movement never stilling. He wasn’t fighting exactly. Each movement purposeful and measured, his legs moving in time with his arms, his whole body twisting and turning. It was a graceful dance.

  Jeffrey had seen this before. All Clansmen practised a form of it, though each clan had a slightly different version unique to them and each teacher added their own touch, passing it on to the next generations. They learned this as children with bare hands, then later they added swords to the practice. It gave them balance, flexibility, and mobility. After years of fighting beside Clansmen, Jeffrey had learned some of the moves and saw similarities to what Kieron was doing.

  Kieron was barefoot in the sand and Jeffrey, glad he hadn’t put on shoes, stood beside the redhead. He joined him, trying to repeat the moves. Kieron threw him a wide-eyed look but didn’t say anything. Jeffrey followed Kieron’s examples, swordless as he was. He got some of it wrong and he wasn’t nearly as graceful as Kieron, but the practise and exercise were welcome.

  After too many days of standing around without ever drawing his sword, Jeffrey missed a proper practice. While he wasn’t fighting, his muscles were being tested and he felt them start to burn at unknown movements, a welcome feeling.

  A snicker interrupted him. It broke his concentration and he stumbled, barely managing to catch his balance. Kieron had stopped to observe Jeffrey and covered his mouth with a hand, his shoulders shaking.

  “Give me credit, I’ve not done that in years. And you’re doing it differently,” Jeffrey said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  “You’re like a five-year-old, bumbling through it. It’s the most adorable sight,” Kieron snickered. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Jeffrey’s neck, giving him a kiss on the mouth.

  Jeffrey, in turn, wrapped his arms around Kieron’s waist, pulling him closer. He deepened the kiss.

  “Will we do this again tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that,” Jeffrey replied with a smile. “Maybe you can teach me your dance.”

  “It’s not a dance!” Kieron protested, eyes wide.

  “It looks like one.” Jeffrey shrugged and kissed Kieron again to stop further protest. “Are you too tired for a sparring session?”

  “Hmm, today I am. I didn’t sleep enough yesterday what with the car trip. Maybe tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that. I’m in need of practice. Standing around all day is too monotonous.”

  “Give it some years, you’ll get used to it.”

  “Years?” Jeffrey laughed. He would not be around that long. “We’ll see.”

  Kieron yawned, hiding it in Jeffrey’s shoulder.

  “You should go to bed, Trian. We’ll talk more tonight.”

  “Only talk? Lord Ignacio said we should have fun. Talking isn’t fun.”

  “I’m sure we can find other ways of entertaining ourselves.”

  “I hope so.” Kieron licked his lips suggestively, his blue eyes trained on Jeffrey.

  Jeffrey smiled and kissed the tip of Kieron’s nose. “Good night, Trian.”

  “You’re no fun sometimes,” Kieron mock complained with a pout. “Night, Tiras.” He placed a last kiss on Jeffrey’s check, then he left.

  Jeffrey watched the redhead leave, enjoying the view of his backside. With a shake of his head, he turned towards the ocean. The smell of salt permeated the air, and it was beautiful. The sound of birds in the distance, waves splashing against rocks. Nothing else. Just nature. It was blissful.

  Walking towards the water’s edge, Jeffrey found a number of staves lying in the sand and on a whim, he picked one up. It appeared heavier than the type he had previously practised with. Moving it through his hands slowly he got himself used to the feel of it. He swung it back and forth, twisting it around himself. After the dance with Kieron, this was the perfect way to continue. It had been some time since he’d had the chance to practise with a stave. He made use of it now, all else fading away as he moved, the wood an extension of himself.

  Someone stepped into Jeffrey’s reach, interrupting his routine by bringing their staves in contact, causing a loud reverberating clanging. Jeffrey started but engaged quickly, taking a step back at the same time as he brought the other, free end of his stave, up and almost hit the Prince’s leg but was rebutted in the last moment.

  The Prince had issued a challenge and Jeffrey was ready to take it. He would not go easy. Correcting his stance, he warded off the Prince’s next attack and countered, pushing the Prince back a step. Focusing only on the moment and his opponent, Jeffrey got into a rhythm with the Prince. They’d take a step forward, then two back, one or two forward, and back again. The staves were clanging off each other continuously, both men heaving with exertion.

��Now children, you’ve demonstrated your prowess quite long enough,” Ignacio called.

  Both men heard the call, yet neither reacted, at least not right away. Jeffrey had got somewhat lost in the fight, enjoying having an opponent he could truly test himself on. The call did bring him back to himself somewhat though. After a few more strikes, he jumped back and took a defensive stance, still holding the stave but loosely to indicate he was willing to stop. The Prince was about to strike again but pulled back at the last moment. Standing up straight he let the stave fall to the floor. Jeffrey followed his example.

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I’m grateful for that opportunity,” Jeffrey replied, bowing slightly, feeling it was appropriate.

  “As am I, Jeffrey. I think I’d enjoy doing that more often. The marshal does not typically have me practise with staves.” The Prince closed the distance that separated him from Jeffrey and held out his hand. Jeffrey took it hesitantly. “I knew you were a good fighter, but this was something else. Thank you for not holding back.”

  “I was too far into my practice to be holding back. Figured you knew what you were getting into.”

  The Prince laughed, “I don’t think I did but that was probably a good thing.”

  “Are you two done yet? It’s time for breakfast!” Ignacio called to them again.


  Well after breakfast, the two nobles sat at the beach while Jeffrey went back into the ocean to swim. His body needed physical exertion, as did his mind. The morning had only made his need become more pronounced. He pushed himself as far as he could, swimming further out than he had the night before. On the way back, his arms and legs burned, his lungs suffering the same fate. He reached the beach and walked out slowly, gulping in lungfuls of air.

  Letting himself fall into the sand he stayed still for a time, watching the clouds. His cheeks were starting to hurt from the grin on his face. Life was good.


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