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Ties of Destiny (Curse of the Crown Book 1)

Page 17

by Caitlin Taylor

  It was the Prince that had issued the dare. There seemed to have been a lot of tension between Tacitus and Silvestro. Had he intervened to prevent worse? Or had he done it to spite Silvestro? To gain Tacitus’s loyalty? Tacitus had certainly seemed grateful for the Prince getting involved. It seemed like an odd thing to do. It wasn’t likely to buy Silvestro’s loyalty unless the Prince didn’t need it. But then why invite him? So much of what the Prince did seemed to make no sense. Inviting nobles to a secluded villa to have a sex fest?

  As his mind circled around the Prince, Jeffrey noticed a pale figure with black hair walking along the beach. Beside them, a familiar, darker figure. The Prince and Ignacio.


  “Are you hiding, Jeffrey?” Ignacio asked, taking a seat next to Jeffrey.

  “If I was, then your being here would mean I was doing an abysmal job.”

  Ignacio laughed. “It would at that. Are you not enjoying yourself?”

  “I’m having a great time so far. You?”

  “I couldn’t feel much better than I do here. No troubles, no worries, just sunshine, friends, good food, better wine...”

  “A noble’s paradise.” Jeffrey couldn’t stop a roll of his eyes.

  Ignacio frowned. “You know, sometimes you make us out to be the root of all evil. Why is that?”

  “Aren’t you?” Jeffrey asked with a grin.

  “Are you playing me?” Ignacio gaped.

  Jeffrey winked, still grinning.

  “Moments like this I think I might understand why Akoni finds it so hard to talk to you,” Ignacio grumbled, averting his eyes.

  Jeffrey snorted. Something was making him edgy again. The Prince had been on his mind too much, was that it? Could he not even think of the man without getting angry? “Can I ask you something?” he spoke to distract himself. When Ignacio nodded, Jeffrey continued. “You and the Prince, you’re very close. Are you... involved?”

  Ignacio laughed. “You are not the first to ask. Does it make you uncomfortable to think so? Maybe even jealous?”

  “Yeah right,” Jeffrey laughed. “I was just wondering. You’re very intimate with each other.”

  “Our closeness stems from us growing up together for the most part,” Ignacio answered, his brown eyes on Jeffrey. “Soon after his birth, it was determined that I would become his advisor and so my childhood was largely spent being tutored in anything and everything that may one day be useful to him as King. And when I was not being tutored, I spent time with the Prince, so we would be friends and be able to build a relationship of trust.”

  “So, you’re just really close friends then.”

  “I’d go farther than that. I’m his cousin but really he’s like a younger brother to me.”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Jeffrey, I am protective of him. More than anything I want to see him happy. I’m certain you know that he likes you, I suspect you like him more than you care to admit. Would you not give him a chance?”

  Jeffrey frowned and sighed. Why did everybody seem to think he should be with the Prince when it was utterly out of the question. “Ignacio, my Lord, what he likes is the idea of me. I have a reputation and it suits him to surround himself with that. It probably impresses his allies at the same time as it intimidates his foes. He is the Prince, the heir to the throne. I’m a soldier, a nobody. For so many reasons, what you suggest is impossible.”

  “He is also a man with needs and desires. A man with a heart.”

  “A man that will run an empire one day soon.” And must therefore live. Jeffrey could never endanger the Prince’s life for the sake of carnal pleasures.

  “All the more reason for him to have someone at his side to support him.”

  Jeffrey laughed. “He does not want me by his side. He might want me in his bed. I’m not a conquest to be gained, however.”

  “Do you like him even a small bit?”

  “I’m charged with protecting him. I will fulfil that duty to the best of my abilities. That’s it.”

  “I see,” Ignacio said slowly, turning away.

  To preclude any further discussion, Jeffrey stood. “My Lord, it’s time I went on another patrol.” He left Ignacio sitting on his own, aware that he’d know as well as Jeffrey that there was no need for any patrols.


  “Oh look, it’s the Prince’s pet.”

  Jeffrey had been walking along the beach, lost in thought. A man’s voice interrupted the tranquillity. It was the same man and woman he’d met in the palace gardens when the Prince was walking with Xandra. He now knew their names, Demyan and Iris. They walked towards him, Iris’s arm hooked into Demyan’s.

  “You look so lost without your owner. Did he abandon you?”

  Jeffrey remained silent, looking out at the ocean.

  “Hey, look at me when I talk to you!”

  “Oh, you were talking to me?” Jeffrey said, smiling. “I thought you were talking with yourself.”

  “You think you’re something special because you’ve been around longer than most. But you know he’ll tire of you sooner or later,” Iris said, smiling back, her eyes glinting with viciousness.

  “Doubtlessly,” Jeffrey said and rolled his eyes.

  “You’re such a sad little creature. Thinking you can be our equal because you hold temporary favour. You’re nothing and you will learn your place soon enough. Pleb.”

  “Enlighten me, what is my place?”

  Demyan sneered. “In the dirt, giving your life for your betters.”

  “My betters... thank the Goddess that there are people who qualify. Even if they aren’t here now.”

  Demyan’s face flushed.

  “It’s bad enough he had to bring you here. But to allow you and that other one to sit at our table... A Northern Scrut too. Disgraceful,” Iris spat.

  “You should watch your words,” Jeffrey growled, his voice taking on a dangerous tone. “Remember, I’m a pleb. I don’t have manners and very little self-control. Less with every word you speak.”

  “Suppose there’s something to bending a brute like you over, giving you a good thrashing,” Demyan said, eyeing Jeffrey. “How often does it happen? Twice a day? Three times? You must be so sore.”

  “Some days it could even be five times or more. Depends on how much time he needs to waste on insignificant petty lords,” Jeffrey said, letting his gaze travel down Demyan’s form.

  Demyan’s face turned purple and he stepped close, an arm raised.

  Jeffrey laughed, he would not ignore the gesture again, he flicked the arm aside as if swatting a fly. He brought his knee up, between Demyan’s legs. With an embarrassing squeak, Demyan dropped to his knees, clutching his groin. Jeffrey grabbed his head. “If I wanted to, I could kill you right here, right now. A little twist is all it takes.” He forced Demyan’s head sideways, as far as he could without causing actual damage.

  Demyan panted between groans.

  “Final warning. Next time, I won’t hold back.” He pushed Demyan, so he fell into the sand and walked away, pausing briefly in front of Iris. “I don’t hit women unless they give me a reason.”

  “You will regret this,” Demyan hissed.

  Jeffrey sneered and walked away.


  All the nobles had been summoned to gather at the beach. They formed a circle. In the middle, near the cliff side with the path leading to the villa, stood a single chair, richly ornamented with a thick cushion on the seat as well as armrests. It looked every bit the throne it was supposed to mirror. The Prince sat in it with a straight back, his knees parted a little, his arms lying on the armrests, he drummed the fingers of one hand. He had never looked more regal, more commanding, or more intimidating.

  Jeffrey had not been told, but he suspected he knew what this was about. Standing beside Kieron he wanted to reach for the redhead’s hand for reassurance, but he wouldn’t, not in front of the gathered nobles. If the Prince wanted to punish him, he would accept it. It’d be wort
h the satisfaction he had got.

  The last person arrived at long last. Demyan, looking smug and pleased with himself. Iris walking beside him. They joined the circle.

  “You took your time, Demyan, considering you asked for this.” The Prince’s voice was cool and smooth.

  “The servant only just found us, Akoni. We came here as quickly as possible,” Demyan declared, no hint of apology in his voice or manner.

  “Well, let’s begin. Step forward, Demyan and Jeffrey.”

  Jeffrey did as told. Facing the Prince, he sank to his knees and pressed a fist against his chest, his head bowed. He could sense Demyan nearby, still standing.

  “You’ve been here before, Demyan, albeit as observer. You know what I expect. Is this what it will be like?” The Prince remained silent for a time. “Kieron, please help him to his knees.”

  Kieron stepped forward, approaching Demyan from behind. Before he got close, Demyan sank to his knees gracefully. At a gesture from the Prince, Kieron stayed where he was.

  “I invited you all here and I vouched for you. I established the rules and promised to solve disputes should they arise. I’m disappointed to say, a dispute has arisen. It will be dealt with in the Extraneo tradition. Will you accept my judgement?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Yes, Akoni.”

  The Prince nodded but did not speak right away, letting silence descend. Jeffrey could feel Demyan shuffling nervously beside him. He was likely not used to kneeling and finding it uncomfortable. Did the Prince know and purposefully keep him this way? Jeffrey felt a spark of hope at the idea. “My rules are not complex or difficult and I don’t believe it’s unreasonable to expect them to be obeyed. I am deeply disappointed that we are here now and for such reasons.” He was still drumming his fingers on the chair. “As the initiator, Demyan, tell us why we are here.”

  “Your guard attacked me.”

  “Let’s be more specific, he kicked you between the legs. That’s what you told me, yes?”

  “Yes,” said between gritted teeth.

  Jeffrey heard someone sniggering and had to suppress a smirk himself. Demyan’s squeak had been most entertaining. Catching the Prince’s eye Jeffrey sobered. “I won’t deny it, Your Highness. I did kick him.”

  “Yes, I have no doubt you did, after being provoked.” Jeffrey stared wide-eyed. “I can even guess what he said. Doubtlessly he called you my pet and made some references to the things I’m bound to be doing to you behind closed doors. What else... he probably called you a pleb, too. Yes, I thought so. Is there more?”

  Jeffrey frowned. How did he know?

  “There is more! Hmm... he didn’t just insult you, did he? He would have insulted Kieron too, with words that I shall not repeat for their offensiveness.”

  Jeffrey swallowed. “That particular piece did not come from him, Your Highness.”

  “I see,” the Prince said with a raised eyebrow. “Who were you with, Demyan? Iris was it?”

  Demyan glared at Jeffrey, who shrugged.

  “It honours you to want to keep her out of it, but I won’t lay blame where it doesn’t belong. Iris, step forward.”

  She did as told, and showed more sense, falling to her knees without request.

  “Were you present when these events took place?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Did you take part in the trading of insults?”

  “I did, Your Highness. I apologise.” She kept her head bowed as she spoke.

  “Hmm, and you think that’s enough?”

  “No, Your Highness, I’ll accept whatever judgement you pass.”

  The Prince paused, letting the silence sink in. “Tell everyone here what you said to Jeffrey.”

  “Your Highness?” She looked at him wide-eyed.

  “If you can tell him, surely you can tell all of us.”

  She lowered her head and spoke haltingly. “I told him... that it was disgraceful they were allowed to sit at our table.” At a gesture from the Prince, she continued. “I called...” she looked at Kieron briefly, “I called Kieron a Northern Scrut.”

  Gasps spilt from all around. Jeffrey could see Kieron paling, hands clenched into tight fists, he tried to catch Kieron’s eye, but the redhead stared straight ahead.

  “Considering all we’ve heard, I believe Jeffrey should be commended for his self-control. In his place, I’m certain to have done a lot more than kick you. With his reputation, you should both be glad your heads are still attached to your necks.” The Prince’s words were smooth but sharp as a newly made sword. “Does anybody object to that assessment?”


  “Then let me be clear, both Jeffrey and Kieron have my explicit leave to defend themselves in any way they wish against any insult thrown at them. Do you understand?”

  “Perfectly, Your Highness,” Demyan answered, an odd note in his voice.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” Iris replied, her head bowed.

  “Good. If any of you think you can insult them because you think you’re better than them,” he paused, letting his gaze sweep the circle of nobles, “then whatever they wish to do to you, you deserve it. As for the two of you,” he turned his gaze to Iris and Demyan. “You will start by apologising and begging their forgiveness, then you will shake their hands and embrace. If they are generous enough to accept your apologies. If they don’t, I would perfectly well understand.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Jeffrey said.

  The Prince nodded. “Did anything else happen that we didn’t yet address?”

  “Nothing of consequence, Your Highness.”

  The Prince frowned. “I suspect there is more, but it is your choice whether to speak or not.” He paused as if waiting for Jeffrey to speak. “Your reputation has been discussed in enough detail since we arrived, to be so foolish as to disrespect you in any way must surely be punishment enough.”

  Jeffrey smirked and inclined his head. At a gesture from the Prince he rose, so did Demyan and Iris.

  The sound of flesh impacting on flesh rang across the group, followed by a high-pitched cry. Two quick strides had Jeffrey standing beside Kieron, a hand on his trembling shoulder. Blue eyes wide as saucers stared at Jeffrey, then sought the Prince. Jeffrey followed his gaze, noting Iris cradling a reddening cheek.

  “I commend you too for your self-control,” the Prince said and nodded at Kieron, rising from his seat. Someone murmured something about hitting women. The Prince paused. “I thought I had made myself clear before,” he snapped. “He’s a Clansman. They train their girls to fight from a young age. If he doesn’t have qualms about hitting women, I’m not going to do anything about it. Certainly not when I would do much worse in his place. And if anybody else thinks they can break my rules, I swear, the next time, we’ll have a repeat of what Silvestro and Tacitus did with everybody watching. And that will be the least of your punishment. Iris, Demyan, I will see you privately tonight, you better not be late again.” The Prince left the circle and disappeared, heading towards the villa.

  Kieron also left, the nobles stayed, some talking with each other. Jeffrey turned to Demyan expectantly. This should be good, he thought.

  “I apologise, Jeffrey,” Demyan said, his voice strained. “For my behaviour and the things I said. It was unworthy.” Demyan held out a hand.

  Jeffrey ignored it. “I don’t hear you begging my forgiveness.”

  The hand lowered and became a fist. Demyan gritted his teeth. “Please, will you forgive me?”

  “Say sorry for everything you said.”

  “I’m sorry for calling you a pleb, for calling you the Prince’s pet. And I’m sorry for what I said about your place being in the dirt.”

  “Hold out your hand.” Demyan did as told and Jeffrey took hold of it, squeezing until he drew a wince. “I’ll accept your apology, but I will not forget what you said. And my promise stands, next time I will not hold back.” He released Demyan’s hand and turned to Iris. “Your apology ha
s already been rejected. Neither of us will forget what you said. And my promise to you also stands. Don’t forget it.” He walked away.

  Chapter 11

  Picking up one of the staves he’d used before, Jeffrey made his way far down the beach. Out of sight from the villa, he started his practice, twirling the stave in well-known movements. The sun moved across the sky and Jeffrey continued. He’d stop long enough to take a deep breath before he started over again.

  During one of his breaks he noticed Kieron sitting nearby, cross-legged and watching.

  “Tiras,” Kieron said as their eyes locked.

  “Trian,” Jeffrey replied, his voice the same neutral tone.

  “I’ve never seen anyone fight with a stave before. You look...” He didn’t finish his sentence, looking down at his folded hands instead.

  Sensing something being off, Jeffrey stepped closer. “What happened?”

  “Nothing happened,” Kieron replied, his eyes wide. Jeffrey raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m sorry, Tiras.”

  “For what?” Jeffrey asked. Dropping his stave, he knelt next to Kieron, who avoided meeting his eyes. Reaching out with one hand he lifted Kieron’s chin. “Tell me.”

  “I regret what I said. About us. It’s true but I don’t...” he sighed. “I miss you.”

  “Oh, Kieron,” Jeffrey chuckled. He sat down properly and pulled Kieron into his arms, holding him tight. “I told you, I’m always here for you.”

  Kieron’s hand sneaked around Jeffrey’s waist, holding on even tighter. Jeffrey kissed the top of his head.

  “Something brought this on. Tell me what happened.”

  “Nothing happened. I had a dream. Of you. I can’t tell you.”

  Jeffrey didn’t say anything and just held the redhead. The silence lasted for a long time, Kieron moving only to get more comfortable in Jeffrey’s arms.

  “The Prince woke me up today.” Kieron’s voice was quiet, barely audible above the crashing of the waves. “He apologised for it. I don’t think he knows what time my shift starts. He wanted to chat.”


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