Book Read Free


Page 7

by Huss, JA

  “I don’t really want to talk about this,” I whisper.

  “I know. I understand. But… what I really want you to know is this—they have a legacy here. The gardens are your father’s work. The desserts the cafeteria will continue to make will remain your mother’s recipes. You are a legacy, Cadee. I really want you to stay here with us.”

  “Here?” I point to the floor. I am not staying in this house.

  “Wherever you’re comfortable. I was busy this morning. I didn’t have a lot of time to come up with solutions. And Cooper.” He sighs loudly and rubs his temple. “That boy. Not to mention Mona.” He spits her name out. “The point is… the garden cottage is vacant. I would like you to live there. If you stay. It’s up to you. You don’t have to take the summer job if you don’t see yourself at High Court for the next four years.” He reaches into his suit coat pocket and pulls out an envelope. “I have a severance packet for you. For your mother. And your father. They were loyal. Legacies, like I said.” He stretches his hand out, beckoning me forward to take the envelope from him.

  I stare at the envelope for a moment, but then step forward and take it. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to stay?”

  “Not here,” I say too quickly. “But. Yes. The garden cottage.” I smile. I can’t help myself. “I grew up there.”

  He smiles back. “I know. I’m sorry you ever had to leave. It was Cooper’s idea.”


  “Yes. He talked me into it. He wanted it for the lacrosse team that year.”

  I seethe inside. He’s the reason we had to move. He stole my home from me. Just one more reason to hate that asshole.

  “So you’ll stay? In the cottage?”

  I nod before I even realize I’m doing it. “Yes. I would love to stay. And I’ll take the job. And the scholarship.”

  “The two are conditional. I’m afraid that’s the best I could do with the board on short notice. We reserve that job and scholarship for a needy Prep student. It was Lacy Pendleton’s up until a week ago. Don’t worry about her though. I’m sure her student loans will cover most of her tuition.”

  “Oh. Wow. Um—”

  “It’s fine. She completely understands.”

  R-iiii-ght. Note to self. Stay the hell away from Lacy Pendleton. She’s gonna have it out for me next year pret-ty bad.

  “Well, if that’s your decision then my work here is done.” He pulls a key out of his pocket and hands it to me. “For the cottage. It’s partly furnished. But the severance packet”—he nods his head to the envelope in my hand—“should more than cover whatever you need to make it feel like home again.”

  I sigh. “Chairman Valcourt. I don’t know how to thank you. For real. You’ve touched me with this gesture. And I want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

  He smiles. “It was my pleasure. Please change into a dress and come for dinner. We eat at six. Dane and Jack won’t be there, they’re both busy at home getting ready for the summer trip. But Cooper will.” He adds this like he’s afraid I might think he was asking me on a date.

  Gross. This is the first thing he’s offered today that makes me want to say no immediately.

  But it would be rude. And I can get through one hour of dinner if it means I can leave and go home to my cottage tonight. “Yes. Of course, I’ll stay for dinner.”


  Isabella Huntington has her hands all over me on the dock in front of Lars’ house. She and her Swans showed up to talk some business about the start of rush tomorrow and she’s always been a hands-y girl. Not that I mind. Isabella is a girl I truly like.

  We don’t hang out much, but I always know if I need her to do something—anything—she’ll be there. And parts of her are very easy. She tries hard, she’s smart, beautiful, and even though most people think she’s a bitch, I kind of like that about her.

  Gives her depth.

  But I’m stuck having dinner with my father tonight and he’s already informed me that Cadee will be there too. Dane and Jack have other plans, thank God for small favors. So that’s helpful.

  But he said he wanted Isabella to join us. Which can only mean one thing. Summer rush is actually a grooming exercise for Isabella and me. She will be the Cygnet and I will be the King next year.

  I don’t tell her that though. I’m sure she understands this—on some level. But she’s not the kind of girl who likes to face reality. And that’s fine. There’s no need to think about the future—yet.

  But I am kinda happy that Isabella will be my ‘date’ for dinner. Isabella and I are a team. And that means Cadee will still be an ‘outsider’, even though she somehow weaseled her way inside my house.

  This makes me grin as we walk back to my house and enter the French doors that lead to the great room and family kitchen. The staff uses the catering kitchen on the lower level for food prep, so there’s no one in here with us when I lead her across the room and into the hallway towards the formal dining room on the other side of the house.

  “You’re late,” my father barks as we enter. But then he notices Isabella and forces a smile. “Why, hello, Miss Huntington. How delightful to see you again.”

  “Hello, Chairman,” she quips, tossing her long, blonde hair and shaking her hips a little. My father admires the display, then gets to his feet and walks over to her. He extends his hand to take hers, then kisses her knuckles.

  I don’t really care that he does this with the girls I bring home because I don’t really care about the girls I bring home. But with Isabella—and Cadee—it’s fucking disgusting.

  My father’s chair is at the head of the table and Cadee Hunter is sitting in the guest-of-honor spot to his right. When I glance at her she’s squinting her eyes at Isabella. Then they shoot to me and she scowls.

  “Come,” my father tells Isabella as he pulls out a chair directly across from Cadee. “Have a seat.”

  “Thank you, Chairman,” Isabella coos up at him. She’s learned to play the game these past three years and she’s suddenly using every lesson she ever learned about how to get by, on my father.

  “Have a seat, Cooper. The servers are waiting on you.”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead glance at Cadee one more time as I take the seat next to Isabella. It’s just the four of us at the huge table that seats twelve.

  I glance at Cadee again. Because she’s changed her clothes since I last saw her and is now wearing a low-cut light blue dress that announces to everyone who cares to look that she is not wearing a bra. “What the fuck?” I mutter.

  But no one hears me. My father is asking Isabella what she’s been up to.

  Cadee notices me noticing her and nervously clasps the silky thin fabric between her breasts together, like she’s self-conscious. Then she glances around, trying not to look at me. Trying to look at everything but me.

  I slouch in my chair as we’re served a light soup as the first course.

  Cadee has no idea which spoon to use, because she stares at them for like twenty seconds before Isabella says, “It’s that one, honey,” as she points to the soup spoon next to the knife. “Go ahead. Pick it up. Eat, sweetie. You’re going to need your nourishment. I hear you’re going to be working for me this summer. Is the rumor true, Chairman? Is Cadee Hunter our servling for this summer’s rush?”

  “Absolutely.” My father beams. “She’s going to be a wonderful addition to the rush camp. And at the end of the summer, she will be offered a full scholarship to High Court College.”

  Isabella places a hand over her heart. “My. What a generous offer!” Then she looks at Cadee, who is now visibly frowning. Probably wondering about that word. Servling.

  Yes, honey. It means exactly what it sounds like.

  I can practically read her thoughts. Will I be serving cookies and tea to the Swans? Or be down on my knees in front of King Cooper’s big fat cock?

  I laugh out loud and everyone turns to look at me. “Sorry,” I mumbl
e, then kick my long legs out under the table. But then my foot unexpectedly hits something on the other side. Cadee coughs and squirms in her chair, trying not to look at me as my father and Isabella discuss her role in the rush like we’re not even here.

  Well, that’s fun. I slip my shoe off, angle my chair a little so Isabella thinks I’m trying to get close to her, and then rub my foot up and down Cadee’s leg.

  “Oh!” she exclaims, jumping in her chair, then blushes profusely. Jesus Christ. She is so easy to startle. I pull my foot back as the conversation between my father and Isabella halts at her outburst.

  “What’s that, sweetie?” Isabella asks Cadee. “Did you say something?”

  Cadee shakes her head self-consciously. “No. Sorry. This soup is…” She looks down at the bowl of cold green sludge and hesitates. “Delightful. That’s all.”

  “You haven’t eaten any yet,” I say, smirking at her. Hey, if this bitch gets to be in my house against my wishes, even if it is just for one night, then I’ll make her pay for that. I told her three years ago to stay out of my face. She needs to learn that my commands are absolute.

  Cadee, flustered and on the spot, picks up her dessert spoon and uses it to taste the cold cucumber soup, then says, “Mm,” as she tries her hardest not to make a face.

  “Oh, honey,” Isabella says. “Stop. That’s a dessert spoon. You do know how to properly set a table, don’t you?” She looks at my father. “You know how picky I am about these things. We need to make a good impression on the swanlings. So we can set high expectations. Don’t you agree, Chairman?”

  “Of course.” My father beams. He likes Isabella. Probably a little too much. “I’m sure she’ll learn. You can learn, right, Cadee?”

  She nods. “Yes, sir. I will study up tonight and be ready tomorrow.”

  My foot is sliding up her leg again and she squeaks a little.

  “Are you OK?” Isabella asks.

  “Fine,” Cadee mumbles. “I’m just… not very hungry.”

  “Oh.” Isabella looks at my father. “She should go rest then, don’t you think? Tomorrow will be a very demanding day.”

  “I don’t need to rest,” Cadee interrupts. “And I’m not staying here tonight. I’m going to move back into my cottage.”

  “Nonsense,” my father bellows. “It’s too late to move in tonight. You will stay tonight and Cooper will help you move in tomorrow after your first day of work. But if you need to go lie down, we understand.”

  Cadee frowns, unsure if she’s being dismissed or has a choice in this matter.

  “Yes, Cadee,” I say, once again sliding my foot up her leg. “You need your rest. Isabella and I will be putting you through your paces tomorrow.”

  “And you are to be there at five AM with the other servants,” Isabella adds. “Cooper and I will be hosting the opening ceremony at eight sharp. And everything must be perfect.”

  “Go get your rest,” my father says just as my foot finds Cadee’s inner thigh.

  She backs her chair away so quickly, it scrapes on the slate floor.

  “Dear,” Isabella says. “Do be careful. Slate floors are delicate. I hope you didn’t scratch it.”

  I chuckle.

  “Thank you for dinner,” Cadee squeaks. Then she just stands there for a moment. Like she’s not sure if she needs to say more or not.

  “You’re dismissed,” Isabella says, waving her hand at her like the pompous queen she is.

  My father chuckles like Isabella is just a delight and he can’t imagine having dinner without her being present, acting like a snooty bitch to his house guest.

  Cadee turns on her heel and walks out. But she’s heading the wrong way. Dear God. This girl is going to be so easy to fuck with this summer. She flusters so easily.

  “Other way,” I call out. She turns and looks at me and I nod my head in the proper direction. “The servants’ quarters are that way.”

  “Cooper,” my father bellows. “That’s uncalled for.”

  “As if.” I chuckle. “Good night, Cadee. Rest well.”

  “You’ll need it,” Isabella calls.

  Cadee turns and disappears through an arched opening in the wall.

  We all pause in silence for a few moments, making sure she’s out of earshot. Then Isabella whispers, “I don’t know about her, Chairman. Lacy Pendleton would’ve made such a spectacular servling. I really wish she was still on my staff. And she really needed that scholarship. Not to mention she earned it. She put in her time. Cadee Hunter never even attended Prep! How will she ever fit in at the college?”

  “Hmm.” My father dabs his napkin at the corners of his mouth, considering this. “You might be right, sweetheart. What do you think, Cooper?”

  “Me?” I point to myself. “Since when do you want my opinion?”

  “Since you became the King-in-waiting. Son.” He kinda growls the word son. Like it’s ironic or something.

  “Please,” I say. “Lacy Pendleton needs a scholarship because her father is sitting in prison for embezzlement.”

  “That’s not her fault,” Isabella counters, looking from me to my father, then back at me. “She’s not responsible for the sins of her father.”

  “Isn’t she?” my father asks.

  Isabella pouts. This is the first time he’s disagreed with her.

  “She needs to learn a lesson. She needs to learn that we are all a reflection of each other. Don’t you agree, Cooper?”

  I don’t say anything.

  And thankfully I don’t have to. Because Isabella says, “Oh, I do agree there. Absolutely. And if you feel Cadee is up to the job, well”—she beams a grin at my father and places her hand over his—“I totally trust your opinion, Chairman.”

  He looks down at it, then back up at Isabella to smile. He wraps his other hand around hers. “That’s why I’m in charge, dear. But… I will keep your opinions under consideration. If Cadee doesn’t cut it, we’ll replace her.”

  “Replace her?” I grunt. “And take her scholarship away too?”

  “Do you think it’s unfair, Cooper?” my father asks.

  “No. I actually think it’s a great idea. You should do it tonight. Just kick her out. Send her on her way. We don’t need her here. She doesn’t belong.”

  “Let’s not be rash, Cooper,” Isabella sings. “Let’s give the poor girl a chance.” She looks at my father. “One week?”

  “Sounds like plenty of time to me.”

  “Perfect.” Isabella beams. And then squeals in delight and claps her hands when the soup is taken away and a plate of broiled lobster tail is set in front of her.

  I endure the rest of the meal because I don’t have any other choice.

  But I spend most of it replaying the way Cadee Hunter blushed when I rubbed my foot up and down her inner thigh. And by the time my father excuses himself and the dishes have all been cleared, I have a raging hard-on.

  As soon as I stand up, Isabella notices. “Oh, Cooper. You hot, sexy fuck of a man.” She grabs my crotch and begins to massage it.

  “Stop it. Jesus. My father’s gone. You can quit playing now.”

  “I would just like to thank you for dinner.” She winks at me. And man, she is trying way too hard tonight. “It was nice.” She adds. Probably noticing the confused look on my face. “And you are my king now, right?”

  “Right. You’re OK with that?”

  “Cooper,” she sighs. “I would do anything for you. You know that. And I do mean… any. Thing.”

  Isabella is hot. Just... not the girl I was fantasizing about.

  But she is the girl here.

  Then I get a devious idea. A fantastically dirty and devious idea.

  I take her hand and lead her down the hallway towards the stairs that lead up to my apartment.

  “Oh… fun, Cooper. I wasn’t expecting this, but—”

  “Like hell you weren’t. That’s why you grabbed me. You want me to get you off, Isabella?”

  She slaps me halfheart
edly as I pass by my stairs, turn the corner, and keep walking to the end of the hallway.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Right here,” I say. Leaning against Cadee’s door.

  “Here?” Isabella says, looking nervously down the long corridor. “Why can’t we go upstairs?”

  I turn us around so her back is against Cadee’s door, slip my hand up her dress, and then slide her panties aside so I can finger her pussy. “Jerk me off, Isabella. Right now.”

  She moans a little. But not loud enough. So I push my fingers deeper inside her until she’s writhing. I unbutton my pants and place her hand inside them. She grabs my throbbing cock and begins to stroke me.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I moan. “Squeeze it harder.” She does, slipping my pants down my hips a little to gain better access. And it feels pretty good. I almost change my plan.

  But I imagine Cadee Hunter on the other side of the door. Her face as she figures out what’s happening just inches away from her. And then I turn the handle. The door bangs open and Isabella goes crashing to the floor of Cadee’s room.

  And then… Cadee Hunter gets a good long look at my rock-hard cock. I grab hold of it. Fist it a little. Smirk at her.

  “What the fuck?” Isabella screams. “Did you just do that on purpose?” But she’s not looking at me, she’s looking at Cadee.

  “You’re a sick freak,” I say, staring at Cadee’s horrified face. Kinda jerking off as I do that. “If you wanted to join us, you should’ve just asked.”

  “What?” Cadee exclaims. “I didn’t open the door!”

  I help Isabella up from the floor, my dick still hanging out. Cadee’s eyes drift down to stare at it, like she can’t help herself. Then she whirls around, flings the French doors open, and disappears into the night.


  I run across the wet lawn in bare feet, my ridiculous long, blue dress flying out behind me. I don’t have a bra on—none of the dresses in that closet were anything close to something you could wear a bra with. And when I showed up for dinner wearing jeans and a sweater, I was told by the Chairman, in no uncertain terms, to change into a dress and try my entrance again.


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