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Page 17

by Huss, JA

  I know Cooper sent me in here to help them, but I can’t help them. I sit on a chair in the corner and just… am one of them.

  I pretend it’s not happening.

  Soon enough though, all the girls have read the card and gotten their checks. The doctor comes out and not one of these girls looks at him.

  They leave, but he’s not out the door but a few seconds before another nurse comes in with a medical bag. She sets up at the dining table and one by one draws blood from the girls and neatly tucks the vials away in a black bag.

  When she leaves we all look at each other, wondering why the fuck any of us are doing this.

  I want to judge them. Find fault with their decisions. Maybe even sneer at them for being greedy. After all, these girls have everything. They don’t need to be in this secret society.

  But if I did that, then I’d have to take a good long look at myself and admit I’m greedy too.

  Because I don’t need that scholarship. Chairman Valcourt gave me all that money. He was probably counting on me skipping out on the first day.

  That’s what a smart girl would’ve done.

  And yet here I am.

  The door opens and Cooper peeks his head in. “Isabella?”

  She doesn’t even remove her eye mask. “What?”

  “Mona’s a no-show. I have people looking for her—"

  “She’s out then,” Elexa says. “Fuck Mona. She didn’t show? Fuck her! She’s out!”

  Cooper sighs. “Isabella?”

  “What?” She throws her facemask again. “What do you want me to do? Go find her? She’s got bodyguards for that!”

  “The bodyguards are on it. I’m sure she’ll be back tomorrow. But we’re still short a girl.”

  “No!” Elexa is screaming now. “No! She didn’t show, she’s out! She can’t just waltz in here tomorrow like—”

  “Shut up, Elexa!” Isabella is really losing it today. She stands up, takes a deep breath as she smooths down her skirt. “So what do you propose, Cooper? Hmm? What should I do? Pull another girl out of my ass?”

  And then his gaze migrates my way. And those electric-blue eyes turn dark and disturbing. “Use Cadee. Get her ready.”

  “No!” I say, jumping up to my feet. “No fucking way!”

  “Ha!” Elexa points at me. “Ha! You get the same choice as the rest of us, Fugling! Now you’ll know how it feels to be—”

  Isabella slaps her. “Go to the bathroom and calm your ass down! Do you hear me?” She points her finger right in her face and it is trembling bad.

  Elexa stomps off and slams the door behind her.

  “No. I’m not doing it,” I say. “I’m not doing it.”

  “You don’t need an exam, Cadee,” Cooper says. “You’re not one of us. I keep telling you that. You’re just a stand-in. Mona will have her exam when we find her.”

  “Why don’t you just kick her out?” Sophie says. She’s not hysterical like Elexa was. She sounds… defeated.

  “Same reason I’m not gonna kick you out, either, Sophie.”

  Then he leaves without another word.

  He knows. He knows what just happened in here. And he did nothing.

  Elexa comes back out of the bathroom just as Isabella walks over to a side table where I now notice there are several champagne buckets. She picks up a bottle, pops the cork, and then starts sloppily pouring the light golden liquid into eight glasses.

  She picks one up and looks at us. “Well, what the hell are you all waiting for? Pick up a fucking glass!” The girls start moving towards the tray. “You too, Cadee!”

  Right. But you’re not one of them, Cades. You’re just a stand-in.

  Cooper was right. When he said that last night.

  For the first time ever, I’m glad I’m not one of them.

  We all lift our glasses in the air and Isabella says, “Welcome to the real Fang and Feather Summer Rush, ladies. There’s really no going back from here, even if you try to walk out.”

  Then she downs her drink, pours herself another one, and sinks into a nearby plush chair. Spilling the champagne all over the front of her shirt.

  “But… what happens now?” a frightened Natasha asks.

  Isabella won’t look at her. Or any of us, actually. “Now… you will be sold.”


  Lars and Ax are standing on either side of me at the front of the tent. All three of us have our arms folded across our chests and scowls on our faces. It’s like ninety degrees outside and we’re dressed up in coattails.

  Could this summer get any worse?

  I shouldn’t say that. It’s just tempting fate.

  Lars turns to me. “This is a very bad idea. You better know what you’re doing.”

  I have no idea what I’m doing. But telling him that will only make him doubt me, and I don’t need that right now. “What else am I supposed to do, Lars? Mona was smoking pot last night with Cadee. She knew.” I’m so angry about that. Not only that she got Cadee to smoke with her. Cadee—the girl has never even tried a cigarette and she hit that joint so many times, she lost count? Just what the fuck? “She fucking knew there would be a drug test today.”

  “Obviously,” Ax says. “Where is she? Do you know?”

  “No. But as soon as this auction is over, you can bet I’ll go looking.”

  “The bodyguards should have her.”

  I side-eye Lars. “Then why isn’t she here?”

  “She probably told them,” Ax says. “And they know the only person who gets the drug test results is your father. The whole virginity check thing comes with a wink and a nod. Everyone knows, and expects, to pay that old pervert off. But the drug test doesn’t work that way. Trust me, I know.” He scoffs. “The Judge had me locked up for two months before our rush. Remember? They’re keeping her at home so they can talk to you first.”

  He’s probably right. And he would know. He was sent to rehab the day before Cadee had her abortion, so he never saw her afterward. Which makes me think back to what Lars was doing during that time.

  Oh, yeah. His father wanted him working at city hall after classes.

  Funny. Back then I didn’t really notice that both Lars and Ax were essentially out of the picture during the Cadee crisis.

  At first, I thought Ax really had a problem with drugs, but in the years since I have figured out that he was just trying to get the judge to cut him loose. Didn’t work for him, and it won’t work for Mona, either. “We’re lucky we can substitute Cadee for a day.”

  “A day?” Lars laughs. “Gonna take weeks for that pot to get out of her system. She’s gonna go home with one of these assholes tonight, Cooper. That’s what’s gonna happen.”

  No. That’s not going to happen. “I’ll just have to call my dad. Explain it to him. If he wants Mona to get through so bad that he ordered me to make it happen, then he’ll have to make an exception for the drug test. I will find Mona and she will take Cadee’s place.”

  “Have fun with that,” Ax mumbles. “I’m not talking to the Judge for Mona Monroe. Not a fucking chance.”

  “You’re gonna have to,” I say firmly. “It’s not for her anyway. It’s for Cadee. And you’ll have to talk to your father, too, Lars. We all know my father won’t lie to them.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it,” Lars says, shrugging.

  “You wouldn’t,” Ax sneers.

  I shoot Lars a look that says, Do not engage. And he just sighs and shuts his mouth.

  Michael, Dante, Roland, Jamie, and Ivan are grouped together in the back near the bar, talking excitedly about who they will be bidding on.

  That’s why they had to bring cash. Large sums of cash. Because the first challenge of the Fang and Feather Summer Rush is an auction to buy yourself a girl.

  Not to marry. Just to take for a spin. See how this might shake out at the end.

  And it makes me sick that Cadee will be up on that stage in a little bit, being bid on.

I didn’t know that my father had written her a check for two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, I might be able to console myself with the idea that the girls get to keep the money. Even if they walk out later, getting through this one challenge will bring its own reward.

  But Cadee doesn’t need the fucking money.

  She doesn’t need to be here.

  She shouldn’t be here.

  I should’ve tied her up this morning. Left her in the closet.

  Who am I kidding? I couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t do that. Because I came up with this plan last night right after she fell asleep.

  I am using Cadee Hunter to save my own ass. Because Mona Monroe must get through. The packet made it very clear. All the reasons were spelled out in terms a baby could understand. She knows too much to get away.

  That fact is my only consolation right now. I know my father will agree to give her a pass about the drug test. If he were home, I’d have sorted it last night. He would call his buddies, the Mayor and the Judge, and by now I’d know one way or the other what they decided.

  But he’s in Bali. Actually, still on his way to Bali. And even though I tried to get through to the jet, no one picked up the sat phone.

  “Here they come,” Lars says.

  We all look at the Glass House as the girls file out.

  And the saddest thing? I told her to dress cute today. Because I knew. And she does look damn cute. Not as fancy as the other girls, who brought designer gowns with them this morning to change into, but still, very fucking cute.

  “About fucking time,” Ax grumbles. He pulls on his starched collar. “I’m dying here. I’m about to strip naked.”

  “That’s funny,” Lars deadpans. “Like you’d ever take your shirt off.”

  “Lars,” I snap.

  “You’re an asshole, Lars,” Ax snarls.

  “That was uncalled for. Ax isn’t the enemy. We need to stick together.”

  Lars sighs. But says nothing.

  Isabella is drunk. And I knew she would be. Valentina is leading the girls up to the stage while Selina holds Isabella up and takes her over to the loveseat in the back so she can slump down into it.

  But I don’t have time to worry about Isabella right now. Cadee is glaring at me like I am the biggest piece of shit in the whole entire world.

  And I am, aren’t I?

  All three of us sigh. Like Lars and Ax are both thinking the same thing.

  We had a good plan to get away. And it almost worked. If I had known that the winners of the summer rush had to run the camp entering senior year, I wouldn’t have gone to that party after the Prep graduation last Friday. I wouldn’t have listened to that girl when she asked me to take her to the wrong side of the lake where a car was waiting. I wouldn’t have gotten drunk or arrested. I would’ve gotten all of us out of here weeks ago and said fuck it to all the family responsibilities.

  But then Cadee might still be here. And someone else—someone worse than me, that’s for sure—would be running this shit show right now.

  Dane, probably.

  I shudder just thinking about it. Then force myself to look Cadee in the eye.

  She’s breathing hard, I can tell from here. But she’s not crying or anything. In fact, she’s taking this better than all the other girls in the tent right now. Probably consoling herself that she is just a stand-in.

  If I can’t get Mona back before it’s time to go home…

  Who will buy Cadee?

  I don’t even need to wonder. It will be Dante.

  And then, like he can read my mind, he’s next to me. “Why is Cadee up there?”

  I look over at him. Find all the boys asking the same question with their eyes. “Mona is sick today. So Cadee is standing in.”

  “That’s not fair,” Ivan says. “I mean, how is that going to work? Do I get to take her home?”

  “You’re not taking her home,” Dante says. “I’m buying that little slut.”

  I reach for Dante’s throat, but suddenly Lars is between us and Ax is pulling me backwards.

  “Let’s go over here, boys,” Lars says “We have a few ground rules to go over before we start.”

  “Easy,” Ax says, blocking my view of Dante.

  “He’s gonna buy her, Ax. And he will take her home. Because I know I won’t be able to find Mona, or if I do, she’ll be wasted. And Cadee will have to—”

  “Relax,” Ax says. “I’ll just follow them home if that happens and threaten him. I know for a fact my father might hate Dante Legosi more than he hates me. So if Dante does anything”—Ax pauses to smile that evil smile of his—“I’ll take care of it.”

  Everything happens fast after that.

  The rules are explained, and they are very simple.

  Highest bidder wins. Girls keep the money. Girls can walk out at any time, so these boys better treat them well.

  Sounds simple. But it’s not. I know.

  Because when it was my turn to buy a girl three years ago, I bought Isabella.

  And she tried to kill herself that very first night.

  Lars is the auctioneer and he barely puts in an effort, wanting to put this day behind us as quick as possible.

  Sophie is bought first by Michael. There is a very competitive bidding war over Sophie. She’s sweet, but that’s the problem. Way too meek for my tastes. Then Natasha is bought by Roland. I guess that pervy doctor must’ve tipped the boys off about their virginal status. Natasha is also sweet, but at least she stands up for herself if you push too hard. Sophie just breaks out in tears.

  Maddie is bought by Jamie. No one else even bids, so it’s over in like thirty seconds.

  Elexa goes next and she starts to cry when Ivan and Dante both refuse to bid on her.

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter, rubbing my temple because I have a thundering headache. “Step back, Elexa,” I call from the side of the stage. “We’ll do Cadee first.”

  And when I meet Cadee’s eyes this time, she shoots me… hate. Complete loathing. Utter disgust.

  But she doesn’t complain.

  And there are no tears welling up in her eyes.

  She simply lifts her chin and steps forward on the stage.

  Dante wins in the end.

  We all knew he would.

  And he pays a hundred and twenty-nine thousand dollars for the pleasure of torturing Cadee for an afternoon.

  Or a night.

  Or hell, what do I know? Maybe Mona won’t come back and he’ll really get to keep her for two whole weeks?


  All of us girls walk back into the Glass House without saying a single word when it’s over. Valentina and Selina have to hold Isabella up to get her inside, because she is wasted.

  They help her over to the loveseat in the back and she slumps back into the cushions. “Fugling!” she yells. “Drink! Now!”

  I’m confused for a moment. For a couple reasons. Are we playing a drinking game and it’s my turn? Or is she seriously asking me to serve her a drink? “Uh… I don’t think so, Isabella. You don’t need any more drinks. And I’m not in the mood to serve anyone right now, least of all you.”

  “Ignore her,” Valentina calls. “She’s cut off.”

  “Fuck you! Fuck everyone! Fuck—”

  Selina cups her hand over Isabella’s mouth. “Shut up.” Her words come out like a hiss. “Just shut the fuck up.” Then she reaches for the champagne and pours her a new glass.

  “Selina!” Valentina protests.

  “What? I’m not going to listen to her whine and cry all day. This is happening to everyone, not just her.” She hands the drink to Isabella, who is placated. But when Isabelle goes to take a sip, she spills most of it right down the front of her dress.

  She doesn’t even notice.

  “Oh, my God,” Sophie says.

  We all turn and find her pointing to the dining table. There are five silver trays with stacks and stacks of cash on them.

  “Holy shit!”
Natalie breathes. Then she smiles. “Which one is mine?”

  “This one,” Sophie says, pointing to the tray with a large stack and a little white card off to the side with Natalie’s name written in flowing, curvy calligraphy. “And this one’s mine.” Sophie actually smiles. And why not? She fetched the highest price today. A hundred and forty-three thousand dollars. “This one is yours, Cadee.” She points to another tray with a healthy stack of cash.

  “This is so fucked up,” Elexa complains. Then she sighs dramatically and takes a seat in the chair in front of her tray of money. It’s a pretty small stack, since she only got the minimum bid of twenty thousand.

  “That’s not your money, Cadee,” Isabella snaps. “It’s Mona’s.”

  “Fine with me,” I say. “I wouldn’t take it anyway. I’m worth way more than this.”

  Everyone giggles. And so do I.

  Natalie even snorts. “I hear you, Fugling.” I shoot her a dirty look. She doesn’t notice. “But if we have to do this, we might as well get paid.”

  But that’s the thing. Right? Do we have to do this?

  Maybe they do. I don’t know what kind of fucked-up arrangement these lake-mansion families have going on out here in the woods, but I’m definitely not part of it. And as far as I can tell, they’re allowed to walk out any time they want.

  Well, not Isabella, Valentina, and Selina. Obviously, they signed their deal with the Devil three years ago when they went through rush. But all the pledges are here by choice.

  “So…” Sophie says. But then she gets distracted and doesn’t finish her sentence. Because she’s shoving the cash into the front of her dress. And there’s no way it’s all going to fit in there, but then I realize she’s got hidden pockets in the side of her gown. Still, there are only so many places to stash stacks of money on your person.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m out.”

  “What?” Maddie says. She’s been very quiet through all this.

  “Yeah.” Sophie laughs. “Michael and I had an agreement.”


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