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The Fight for Britannia 7: Civil War

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by Saxon Andrew

  The little girl smiled and said, “That’s me!”

  Cami looked into the man’s eyes and said, “You’re a wave-two telepath like me. Coco is probably a third or fourth wave telepath and her mental talents far exceed ours.”

  The man continued to stare at Cami in silence and he knew he might be able to get his blaster out and kill the woman before the sharpshooter could kill him. But he would probably harm the young girl if he did that and he knew he couldn’t allow that to happen. Cami waited and then said, “I know that your mission here is to get inside my mind and determine all you can about Britannia’s defenses. That’s not going to happen so you should be willing to just have a friendly discussion with me.”

  “You mean just before you have me killed!” the man responded harshly.

  “You will not be harmed.”

  “Yeah, right!” the man replied.

  Coco looked up at him, “Aunt Cami never tells a lie.” The man looked at her and Coco added, “If she says you won’t be hurt, you won’t.”

  “What is it you want to discuss?”

  Cami’s expression showed no emotion as she asked, “Why are you here?”

  “You just said you figured out what my mission is.”

  “That’s not what I mean; what are you doing here? Why did you decide to come here to spy on Britannia? You must have a good reason to do it.”

  The man glared at her and said in a sneer, “I volunteered to come here to try and prevent Britannia from attacking the Colonies.”

  Cami’s expression didn’t change as she said, “You’re serious?”


  “Are you that bad at math?” The man’s lips pursed into a tight line and he glared at Cami. “At our last contact with the Colonies they had about three-hundred carriers with four-thousand Garrions on each of them. That’s over a million warships and I’m sure you’ve determined that we have less than a hundred-thousand warships here at Britannia. It’s absolutely idiotic to think Britannia would stand a chance against the Colonies Fleets. We’d have to be insane to attack the Colonies with those odds.”

  “You could be hiding other ships,” the man stated.

  “Where?” The man stared at Cami and she repeated, “Where would we hide them? Britannia is alone unlike the Colonies that have five planets. And if we had them hiding out in space, they would have to be provisioned. If you’re here, then I’m reasonably certain the Colonies have scouts here examining our fleets. Have any of them reported freighters leaving the planet? Even if we had double the number of warships we would still be outnumbered more than five to one. If you were in our position, would you be foolish enough to take on the Colonies’ Fleets?” The man was silent, and Cami asked, “But you say you have evidence to support your belief Britannia is going to attack the Colonies. What possible evidence do you have to make you believe that?”

  “Britannia broke off communications with the Colonies and forbid us from sending any of our ships here. You did that to prevent us from learning about any technological advances you’ve developed. It’s clear you have bad intentions toward the Colonies.”

  Cami’s eyes narrowed slightly, “The Colonies’ Prime Minister contacted Fleet Admiral Grady Henricks eight years ago and told him to not communicate with the Colonies nor send any of our ships there due to his fear that the alien civilizations in Andromeda might learn the locations of the Colonies. Grady protested saying that it was through our communications that we were able to share any technological advances, but the Prime Minister said that the Colonies and Britannia would have to develop their own technologies separate from each other.”

  The man’s eyes lowered, “And you expect me to believe that?”

  “Have you developed any advanced technologies that put you at a clear advantage over Britannia’s forces? If you have, then do you think the Prime Minister might not be willing to share those with us but keep them secret to use against us?”

  The man knew the Stealth Scanner was developed about eight years ago, but he refused to believe her. “And you expect me to just take your word on this. The people who sent me here are certain that it was Britannia that cut off communications.”

  “Logic dictates that it was the Colonies that cut off communications,” Cami replied.

  “Sorry, but I don’t believe you.”

  Cami shook her head and Coco said, “Aunt Cami, he really believes he’s telling the truth. He’s not a bad man.”

  The man looked at Cami, “You would lie to protect this planet.”

  Cami sighed, “So, we’re at an impasse. You refuse to believe me, and I know you’ve been deceived.”

  “I don’t believe I have.”

  Suddenly they heard, “Sorry we’re late, Cami. We were held up in traffic.”

  They turned around and the man saw Maranda and Andrew Connor standing behind them; they were two of the Colonies greatest heroes.

  Chapter Two

  Cami stood up and hugged them, “That’s ok. I’ve reserved a table in the restaurant behind us. Go on inside to our table and I’ll meet you there in a moment.” The Connors turned and went inside the restaurant. Cami looked at the man, “Do you really want to know the truth or are you just a true-believer that refuses to see anything but what you’ve been told? If you want to know the truth, come inside with us. If you’re nothing more than a stuffed shirt with no brains or intellect, then walk away.”

  Coco looked at the man, “You aren’t a stuffed shirt.”

  Cami took Coco’s hand, “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

  Cami walked into the restaurant and left the man sitting on the bench. He stared at them, stood up, and started to run…but…the two greatest heroes of the Colonies were inside that restaurant. He shook his head and said, “DAMN!” He turned and entered the restaurant behind Cami and Coco.

  He arrived at the table just as Cami and Coco sat down and took a chair next to Coco. Cami looked at the Connors and said, “I hope you don’t mind if he joins us. I’ve been having a discussion with him about the current situation with the Colonies.”

  Maranda smiled, “I’m Maranda Connor and this is my husband Andrew.”

  The man leaned across the table and extended his hand, “My name is Jessie Stone and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Call me Stoney.”

  Andrew looked at Cami, “What’s bothering you about the Colonies, Cami.”

  Cami looked up at the waitress that just arrived and said, “Let’s order something to eat and we’ll discuss it afterwards.”

  They ordered their meals and drinks and Cami turned to Andrew, “I’m just not feeling good about the relations between Britannia and the Colonies and I wondered if you would share your thoughts with me on your feelings and observations.”

  Andrew slowly shook his head, “Cami, the Colonies are up to something and it can’t be good for Britannia.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “When the Prime Minister cut off all communications and travel between the Colonies, Earth, and Britannia, I knew he was up to something inimical.”

  Cami spoke before Jessie could respond, “I’ve heard rumors from the Colonies that they believe it was Britannia that cut off communications and travel.”

  Maranda snorted, “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Why do you say that?” Stoney asked.

  Maranda turned to him, “I love the Colonies; I’ve spent most of my life defending them along with Britannia. They have a place in my heart that will never change but this new Prime Minister is an egomaniac. We barely managed to come to Britannia before he shutdown all travel out of the Colonies.”

  “But how could the Colonies now believe that it was Britannia that shutdown communications?” Stoney asked.

  “That’s easy!” Andrew responded.


  “I’ve looked at the recording of him telling Grady to cease all communications and travel to the Colonies. There was no one else in the room with the Prime Minister when he made that co
ntact. He simply told everyone in the Colonies that it was Britannia that cut the Colonies off and that Britannia was plotting against the Colonies. That was easy for him to do with no one to witness he was the one that did it.” Andrew paused and said, “I know the people in the Colonies have good hearts and they would never turn against Britannia. But this Prime Minister is playing with their fears and is manipulating them toward something dangerous for Britannia.”

  The Connors weren’t telepaths and Stoney looked at their thoughts; they were telling the truth. Cami sensed him looking into their minds but didn’t say anything. Finally, Maranda stood up, “I hate to eat and run, but one of my grandchildren has a piano recital tonight and I don’t want to miss it.” Cami stood up and hugged them. Andrew looked at Stoney, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” He turned to Cami, “Call us if you need us and don’t stay a stranger.”

  “I’ll try to get by; this job just has a way of pinning me down.”

  Maranda nodded, “That’s how it used to be with us; I’m really enjoying our retirement.”

  Stoney quickly asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you leave the Colonies to come to Britannia?”

  Maranda smiled slightly, “The freedom here is like nothing in the Colonies. This is where I want my children to grow up.”

  The Connors left and Cami sat back down and turned to Stoney, “If you won’t take my word, are you willing to take the Connor’s word?”

  “They could have been deceived.”

  Cami’s head tilted and she rolled her eyes, “You were in both of their minds. Do you honestly think either of them could be deceived about anything dealing with the Colonies?” All Stoney could do was raise his shoulders in response. “What if I asked Abbey and Rory Dunhan to come and talk with us?” Stoney stared at her and after a moment shrugged again. Cami slowly shook her head and stood up, “You’re nothing but a stuffed shirt filled with no substance. You don’t care about the truth! You’re free to go and I suggest you leave Britannia. I won’t turn you in and you’re wasting your time staying here following me.”

  Coco looked at Stoney and turned to Cami, “He’s not a bad man, he’s just misguided.”

  Cami’s eyebrows went up, “Where did you hear that word Coco?”

  “Mom was arguing with Daddy about the Grang and said that we should have destroyed them. Daddy said they weren’t bad they were just misguided.”

  Cami shook her head, “I shouldn’t have asked.” She looked at Stoney, “Now you have something to report to the Colonies.”

  “So you didn’t destroy the remaining two core civilizations?”

  Cami shrugged, “I don’t believe in needless killing. And the fact that Coco says you aren’t a bad person is the only reason I’m allowing you to go in peace. There are too few good people in this universe.” Cami took Coco’s hand and led her out of the restaurant. Coco kept her eyes on him and said, “Aunt Cami, he’s just misguided.”

  “That’s always the excuse for bad behavior Coco.”

  Stoney watched them exit the restaurant and tried to decide what to do. The young girl insisted her aunt never lied but he just couldn’t bring himself to believe her. He refused to believe that this young planetary leader would allow an enemy agent to walk away. He stayed inside the restaurant for an hour and finally decided that the restaurant wouldn’t stay open all night. He took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and stepped out of the entrance on to the sidewalk. He waited for the laser beam to hit him, but nothing happened. He started walking down the street and finally arrived at the hotel he had been staying since his arrival on Britannia. He went to his room and threw himself on the bed. He had been petrified with fear for most of the walk and knew his life would end…but it didn’t.

  He sat up and thought about what he should do. That woman was right about his mission being over…perhaps he should make his escape before she changed her mind and sent someone after him. He could hide from her but there was no escaping that young girl’s detection. He put on the special suit he wore on the trip down to the planet and waited until several hours after midnight before slipping out of the motel’s back entrance. He headed toward the tree line several hundred yards away and used a locator on his arm to find his small ship.

  The ship was an invention made exclusively to get him on the planet undetected. It’s hull was made of a transparent substance that allowed light to pass through it unimpeded. A warship had dropped his ship off on the other side of the star in Britannia’s system and he used the pressure from the star’s light to drive his ship to the planet. It used no other energy on the trip in and, though it had a stardrive and gravity drive, both were inactive during his approach to the planet. He arrived at Britannia, flew to the dark side of the planet, and landed his tiny ship; it had worked as advertised. However, getting away was a different story all together. He would have to use the gravity drive to lift from the planet and there was a risk he might be seen. However, what choice did he have?

  Stoney entered the ship and sat in the pilot’s chair and thought about what he had seen today. It was clear that the Connors believed they were telling the truth. So who was lying? He thought about the Prime Minister and saw various images of him in his mind. The Prime Minister always wore a thought blocking cap over his head. When he questioned his superiors why he did that, they replied that he wore it to prevent any telepathic Britannia spies from seeing his thoughts. Stoney thought about that and wondered if he wore that cap to prevent anyone from discovering that it was he that stopped all communications with Britannia. He also thought about this young woman having a conversation with an obvious adversary without killing him. He knew the Prime Minister would have any Britannia agent killed immediately. There were several that were executed, and he wondered if they were really Britannia agents or someone the Prime Minister wanted removed.

  Damn it! He didn’t want to believe this woman, but he found himself seeing holes in everything he had been told. She was right that attacking the Colonies was sheer stupidity. The Colonies had been building up its forces against the day they would confront Britannia’s treachery.

  He opened his mind and listened to the thoughts of people around him; it was an entirely different sound than what he heard in the Colonies. The people here were happy with their lives and the people on the Colonies constantly worried about how they were going to survive with the high taxes and constant rules governing their behavior. He blew out a breath and thought, Stoney, you’re being stupid. If he left he knew he would forever wonder about just what the truth really was…and if that woman was right about the Prime Minister, he would be taking part in a war against humans who did nothing to deserve it. That little girl and many more like her could be killed as a result. It was that realization that made him really think about what he was doing. He focused on all the information in his mind and things began falling into place. He blew out a hard breath, activated the tiny ship’s gravity drive, and pressed a button. The tiny ship lifted off the ground and accelerated into the atmosphere. Eighty miles above the planet it was hit by a powerful blaster and exploded.

  • • •

  The next morning, Coco was sitting on a bench in the lobby of the giant Fleet Operations building listening telepathically to her mother and Cami on the top floor. She turned toward the door and said, “My mother and Aunt Cami think you’re dead.”

  Stoney came over and sat down beside her, “They do?” Coco nodded. “Are they discussing it now?” Coco nodded again. “Will you tell your aunt I’d like to speak to her?”

  “I’ll get screamed at if I try to interrupt them.”

  “Will you let me hear what they’re saying?” Coco stared at him and Stoney smiled, “Hey, they’re talking about me; I should at least be able to hear what they’re saying before I speak to your aunt.”

  “Do you think it’s ok to do that?”

  “I do.”

  Suddenly Stoney heard, “Sweets, I told that man that he wouldn’t be harmed, and you de
stroyed his ship before it made orbit! Why didn’t you tell me what was going on before you opened fire on it!?!”

  “Cami, I didn’t know you agreed to allow a Colony spy to escape. And you’re being incredibly stupid in even considering allowing it to happen!”



  Stoney looked at Coco, “I think you should interrupt them now.” Coco stared at Stoney and he shrugged, “They need to be stopped before they say something they can’t take back.”

  Coco sighed, lowered her head into her shoulders, and thought, “Aunt Cami, I need to tell you something.”


  “But I really think you need to know something.”

  The other woman said, “COCO, STAY OUT OF THIS!”

  “But the man you thought you killed last night is sitting beside me in the lobby. I’m sorry I interrupted you.”

  Cami’s eyes flew wide open and she leapt out of her chair and sprinted out of her office toward the elevators with Sweets right behind her. It took them less than a minute to arrive on the first floor and they ran from the bank of elevators across the lobby to the bench where Coco and Stoney were sitting. Sweets stepped around Cami and pulled her blaster out of her holster and pointed it at the man sitting beside her daughter. Cami saw her and stepped between Sweets and the man, “SWEETS, PUT YOUR BLASTER AWAY!!”


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