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Male Call

Page 2

by Denise A. Agnew

  My sister, Brenda, continues to be a pain in the ass. Last week she came into my kitchen and started telling me how to arrange things. She’s driving me bonkers with her bossiness. You’d think she was decades older than me rather than five years. Yesterday she called and told me I shouldn’t go to Mom and Dad’s picnic until I learned to cook. I always bring ready-made things. So, sue me. I’m a lousy cook. If you were here, I’d have Sean to the rescue. My mouth is watering for some of your chicken cordon bleu.

  Come on, tell me about those fantasies you’re having. I enclosed a snapshot of me in the dress. Guess I’d better sign off.



  * * *

  She reached for his next letter, stretching out on the bed with a sigh. God, she loved reading and rereading this letter.

  * * *


  Are you trying to induce a heart attack? The photo you sent about…well, let me state this perfectly bluntly. Seeing you in that dress—shit, I shouldn’t have been reading it while I was walking back to my quarters. I about ran over a colonel, and believe me, they don’t appreciate that. The photo…well, let’s just say the fantasy part came to life. If you wanted to give me a hard-on, you did. All I wanted to do was be there with you and make love to you. Okay, that’s too flowery a description for what I wanted to do. I wanted to fuck you.

  There, I’ve said it. Now that I’ve told you, I hope it doesn’t scare the hell out of you. Chalk it up to roasting my brains in the desert and you looking so soft and sweet in that photo. God, Eve, you’re driving me nuts. I wish I could tell you more, but this letter has to be short because we’re moving out in thirty minutes. It’ll be interesting to see if I actually get a letter or something from Janie. Later, when things calm down, I’ll write about my fantasies. Write me again soon. Damn it, Eve, I miss you.


  * * *

  He was right. When Eve first read the letter, his blunt statement of what he wanted to do to her had frightened her. Not in a bad way, but in a way that made her blood heat and her heart pound at the mere thought of him with her right here, right now. She’d decided to bring on the heavy ordnance. She’d bought some pretty pink letter paper with red lips printed at the top. After she finished writing, she’d sprayed some rose scented cologne on the paper. If that didn’t make him dream, she didn’t know what would.

  As for Janie writing him a letter, part of Eve worried about that. Okay, face it girl. You’re jealous. The idea of another woman catching his eye by writing him letters…

  Oh, damn. She didn’t want to be this green-eyed but she was.

  * * *


  Glad I could float your boat. You’ve paid me a great compliment. I doubt any man before you has had that reaction to my photograph. What did you do with all that pent up sexual need after you saw my photo? I wish I had a photograph of you. Something in uniform and macho, if you please. Anyway, I had a dream last night, and I’m blushing right now as I recall it. I was lying on this silky white king-sized bed. Lying on it utterly naked. Okay, I wasn’t totally naked. All I had on was this skimpy red bra and tiny thong panties. A filmy purple and red gauze material draped over the four-poster bed. But the ceiling above the bed is mirrored. The beautiful room is Victorian, with dark wood and green velvet. There is soft flower scents, rose and maybe lavender. Some parts of the dream were beyond hazy, as all dreams are. This one felt special. Anyway, I’m off track. That black dress lay on the foot of the bed. I should have been cold, but the room felt comfortable on my bare skin. I was really excited and frankly, horny as hell. Okay, I’ll admit it. I knew you were coming to see me. How I knew that, I don’t know. Then the bedroom door opened, and you stood there. Naked. Honestly, since I don’t know what you look like naked…oh, wow, I can’t believe I’ve told you about this dream. I’d better quit now before I say something ultra incriminating and you decide to stop writing me.



  * * *

  She sighed, still somewhat embarrassed by the letter. Then she remembered she hadn’t phoned Male Call.

  She’d promised to make reservations and something held her back. Maybe she should find it exciting to watch male strippers dance half naked for her, but the only thing her imagination could conjure was a half-clad Sean performing an erotic two-step. She slipped off her athletic shoes and stretched out on the bed so she could enjoy reading his letters. Suddenly, she felt way too warm. She unbuttoned her shirt slowly and unfastened and unzipped her low-rise jeans. Ah, that’s better.

  * * *


  You’re killin’ me here. I’ve enclosed the picture you wanted, though I got the razzing of my life when two of the guys found out why I wanted them to take it.

  * * *

  His photo fell from the envelope onto her lap, and she quickly retrieved it. Oh, oh, man. When Eve had seen the photograph for the first time, it had floored her. Stunned her. Turned her on like no other picture of a man she’d seen before. She’d seen plenty of attractive men in her life, and she’d always thought Sean could be cute in a nerdy way. This picture blew away her conceptions about Sean belonging to geek city.

  Decked out in desert battle dress uniform pants and boots, but without a shirt, he held an automatic weapon in front of his chest in a rough and ready pose. The grin on his face was cocky but charming. His espresso eyes held an intense, badass gaze. His military short, silvery blond hair defined his high cheekbones and made his perfectly cut jaw more prominent. And oh, his chest and arms. Sean owned well-muscled arms and a gorgeous chest sprinkled with dark blond hair that trailed down over his six-pack stomach and into his waistband. Oh, my, my. He was delicious, but in a rough, sharply angled way that shouldn’t have turned her on like this. Most women at the office talked behind his back about his tousled messy hair and too-big shirts. Maybe those too large shirts had been hiding this kick ass physique all this time.

  He looked dangerous.

  Fuckin’ seriously hot.

  If the office ladies could see him now…if they even knew what fantastic shape he was in—that his body was this fabulous…

  She groaned and jealousy flashed through her. Oh, man. She had it bad.

  Even now this photo created a desire that filled her blood with instant sexual attraction. His letters had turned her low-grade intrigue into full-on heat. Her mouth watered. She tore her gaze from the photo with difficulty and returned to the letter.

  * * *

  Now that you’ve seen my ugly mug, I hope you’re satisfied. You asked me what else is happening. Hell, there’s a whole lot I can’t tell you and you don’t want to know. We reached Baghdad, and things are dicey. That’s about all I can say.

  Let’s not talk about this fuckin’ place, okay? You know that dream you told me about, the one where you’re lying on the bed naked? Sounds fantastic. Want me to add to the dream?

  * * *

  Oh, did she ever. “Please tell me.”

  She read the letter with an eagerness that should have disappeared by now. Instead, what he said next sent her desire rocketing straight through the rooftop.

  * * *

  You’re lying on the bed waiting for the mysterious man, but he’s delayed. So, you help yourself…literally. You want to be ready and hot when he comes to you because you’ve been waiting for him forever. You’ve wanted this guy to notice you and now he does, and he can’t wait to touch you, kiss you.

  * * *

  Her breathing sped up at his seductive words, and she closed her eyes only a moment, just long enough to imagine Sean watching her.

  * * *

  Your hands slide slowly up your ribcage and across your belly, touching softly. Your nipples are tight and sensitive and you need them touched. Your palms and fingers skim over your breasts and it feels so damned good. Your heart starts to pound.

  * * *

  She closed her eyes once more and followed his fantasy, sliding her fingers over her skin, her r
ibs, her breasts and felt the true, tingling pinprick of heat. Her nipples went hard through her bra, and Eve almost took her skirt off so she could experience the erotic picture he’d drawn for her. With eagerness, she slipped her fingers under the waistband of her jeans and coasted across her belly. Her fingers nested intimately between her aroused, plump petals.

  * * *

  Your body wants more. Because your pussy aches, you touch your hot, wet lips. Smoothing the juices along each fold, you can’t wait for something to break loose. You bring your wetness to your clit, circling around and around and it feels so good. Can you feel it?

  * * *

  Following his explicit directions, she enjoyed the light, knowing touch. Her fingers manipulated her clit as her body demanded a finish, but she withdrew her hand and laid it on her stomach. She needed to read the rest of the letter, though she’d already devoured it many times before.

  * * *

  He comes into the room and startles you, but you’re ready for him.

  You keep your hand on your pussy and when he sees you playing with your pussy, he thinks, “This is a fuckin’ turn on.”

  And any man who wouldn’t think that would have to be loco.

  Gotta go for now, Eve. Talk to you soon and take care. If you have any more fantasies, tell me, okay?


  * * *

  Her fingers kept stroking, tickling her pliant flesh. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this wound up, this aroused. Well, maybe the first time she’d read his shocking letter. Not shocking because she was offended, but wicked because she never expected Sean to write letters like this to her. To anyone, if she gave it much thought. Hell, no, she hadn’t given it any thought before he shipped off to Iraq.

  She tossed the letter on the bed and closed her eyes. The sensation bombarded her, the need to come too strong. Over and over she slicked her juices over her clit. Eve imagined his fingers strumming her into a hard point of extreme delight. She arched, trembling as her fingers moved faster, faster…until…

  Oh. Oh, yeah.

  Chapter 2

  Ecstasy brought Eve straight to the top of the roller coaster and sent her downward into sweet, melting pleasure so breathtaking she couldn’t resist. She cried out in soft, shaking bliss.

  She lay on the bed, her breath panting as she enjoyed the pleasure before reality hit. She wanted Sean. No doubt after that mind-scattering fantasy streaking through her system.

  She retreated to the bathroom and when she came out, she grabbed the next pile of letters.

  * * *


  Life here is sometimes routine. Dust, heat, a long stretch of uncertainty. All we know is taking care of our own and making sure we finish the job, do it well and stay safe. By the way, don’t watch the news, because it’ll make you crazy. Life here means taking one day at a time, and being grateful for every step I make. When I return to Clarksville, I’m taking life differently. I realize now I didn’t appreciate what I have as much as I should. Number one, I need to get a life. Yeah, I’m in that big brother program, I have my golf game…but there’s more, and I understand what it is.

  I’m glad Kowalski quit. Good news. Sounded like he’s been on a downward spiral forever. Please be careful around him. I’m not kidding. I don’t want you to worry, but stay alert where Kowalski is concerned. If I never learn anything else while I’m in Iraq, it’s to trust that weird feeling in my gut that tells me to zig rather than zag. Say you’ll do the same, okay?

  I never realized until I came here that I’m pretty damn good at escaping dangerous situations. I won’t tell you until I return, but things have happened here that prove I need to trust my instincts.

  I had one hell of a dream last night. It was hot. And I don’t mean desert hot. Steamy, yes. Mind-boggling. It makes me want things maybe I shouldn’t want.

  Man this dream…where do I start? I was in this castle in a great bed. One of those huge four-poster things. Kind of like what you described in your dream. I was nekkid as a fuckin’ jaybird, and when I left the bed, I went to the window and saw this huge forest, some of the trees with red blooms, and grass greener than anything I’d seen before. Seconds later, the door opens on this huge bedroom and you walk in. You’re wearing this silky blue robe. You smile and look so happy. Then you walk toward me and drop the robe on the floor. Under the robe is this slinky, long blue gown with a low cut neck that goes to your navel. I can see your stomach. Your breasts press against the material, and I see your nipples. Your smile is seductive and welcoming. I touch your flat belly, and I want to kiss it. Then you’re in front of me, and I draw the dress up over your head until you’re naked. We kiss, and when your skin slides over mine, I’m in seventh heaven. Then the dream turns into a mix of erotic images. My hands coasting over your breasts, my tongue on your nipples, my fingers sliding deep inside you. You are so hot and wet, and I want to lick your clit. Then I’m lying on the bed, and you’re straddling me. You’re riding hard, and it’s torturing me because for some reason I can’t touch you. Then I realize you’ve tied me to the bed. The dream ended abruptly. I was frustrated and aroused.

  I can’t wait to touch you.

  Talk to you soon.


  * * *

  Eve had stared at that letter the first time she’d read it, amazed, stunned, and feeling as if her world spun around three-sixty. Sean had blown her away, and the emotional intensity made her tremble. Not only the sexual dream—that alone would fry her cookies, but the way he warned her against Kowalski. She’d written back right away.

  * * *


  I’ll admit you freaked me out with your last letter. If you’re dreaming about me that way, it only means one thing, right? Spell it out in black and white, mister. What does it mean? When you get back we’ll have explore these fantasies and dreams. Or are we just talking about it while you’re there and I’m here and when you come home, we’ll pretend nothing happened? Oh, hell, Sean. I’m not trying to pressure you. You could say I’m amazed and…turned on.

  As for me watching the news, I haven’t done that in a long time. Work is the same otherwise. Busy but somehow less interesting now that you’re not around. People ask about you all the time, and I admitted I’m in contact with you. They’ve teased me about writing you. The women have, anyway. You know me. I’m always blushing, no matter what I do to try and stop it. Never works. My face gives me away.



  * * *

  Another letter came from him in short order. He must have written back immediately after he received her note.

  * * *


  I’m glad you aren’t watching the news.

  As for my last letter, I’m sorry I scared you with the fantasy. I came on strong. I really did dream it just like I described, so yeah…I know it means I think you’re sexy as hell. But I won’t write about my fantasies again if it scares you.


  * * *

  When Eve received that closed, almost curt letter, she realized she’d blurted her emotions and gave him the wrong impression.

  * * *


  Oh, boy. I stepped in it, didn’t I? No, I don’t want you to stop writing your fantasies. I was just aroused after I read that dream. What you said—no man’s ever said those things to me before. It blew me away, and took me off guard. Please don’t feel like you need to hide what you’re thinking from me ever. I may not watch the news, but I know you’re not telling me everything you’ve gone through. You mentioned using your instincts to avoid dangerous situations. I don’t mind if you tell me, but if you don’t tell me because it upsets you, then don’t worry. I understand. Whatever you might think, know that you can trust me. Feel free to dump what you’re thinking. You can’t scare me away.



  * * *

  Sean’s next letter came swiftly.

  * * *


  I’m glad as hell you want to hear my dreams and fantasies. You’re one of the best things in my life right now. Yesterday, one of our convoys was hit and two men died. I know that could be me someday. Yet despite the shit going down, your letters mean so damned much. I’m excited about getting the next one and the next one. Don’t stop.

  My fantasies are even hotter than my dreams. Sure you wanna hear them? I can’t fantasize about you every night because it makes me hard as hell, and you know what? I’m saving it up for if and when you want me. I know, that’s bold and probably pretty fucking presumptuous. I’m not pressuring you, but telling you what I feel. Sometimes I want to tell you everything, but obviously I can’t. Then there are times I don’t want to say a damn thing to you or anyone else. It’s a weird feeling, wanting to clam up, to pretend none of this is happening. Then, at night I dream about you, and it feels so good I know it’s real. You’re real. I remember each and every morning that I’m here for dozens of reasons. Number one, I’m fighting to come home to you.


  * * *

  The phone rang. She didn’t want anyone to call and remind her that she didn’t live in a fantasy world filled with endless sex with Sean.


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