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Page 8

by D. R. Grady

  Rykert took a moment to think about that. “Yes, I believe you are right. Fortunately she is normal sized.”

  “Fricassa is expecting. I hope Aern avoids falling on her.”

  “I am sure he is careful but remember, she is a dragon. I would wager Fricassa can hold her own with Aern. And they are mated.”

  “Oh yes, that is true. Nature would have equipped Fricassa to deal with Aern’s lack of grace.” She darted a look at Rykert and sure enough he laughed.

  “Excellent wit, love.” He bent to kiss her and the sunlight set fire to his red-gold curls. It haloed around his head in a prism of colors that made her breath catch.

  “You are so handsome.” Her voice emitted breathy.

  “You are biased.” But he kissed her again, so there was a reward in being biased, clearly.

  She enjoyed their embrace and felt he did as well.

  “We should pack and find our dragons.” He murmured this against her temple and she sighed.

  “Yes. Shall we meet here again?” She cocked an eyebrow at him and they parted ways to head to the Aasguard side of the school. A row of doors lined the wings so each person had his or her own space.

  A quick survey of the bedchamber where she had slept afforded her a view of her belongings and she tucked a few strays into her sack. Then she remade the bed with fresh sheets. So a little longer than thirty seconds but she guessed Rykert would do the same.

  In fact, they arrived at their starting point at the same time. He kissed her again before they made their way to the dragons. Who greeted them then spotted their bags.

  When Rykert explained his plan, Aern and Felix quickly held a conference. “I do not need to accompany Vidar and Raene home.” Felix sent a dubious look at Fricassa.

  “We plan to study a map so we are clear on where Atlas is. It has been a long time since we last visited.” Rykert assured Felix.

  “And we should see what we can discover in the library about the city. That will give you and Aern time to take Vidar and Raene home. It appeared that they are saying their goodbyes right now.”

  Felix did require some coaxing to arrive at the appointed time.

  Felicity and Rykert accompanied him and Aern to the first training field where they offered their own goodbyes to the couple. She spent a little time with Raene who promised she and Vidar would work on her modified training. They climbed aboard the dragons, Raene on Felix and Vidar on Aern.

  “I am surprised Vidar did not insist Raene ride with him.” She mentioned this to Ari.

  “He did. But she needs to learn to ride a dragon on her own and Felix will keep her safe.”

  “Oh, of course. This will be one of her final lessons in Aasguard training.”

  Ari nodded. “Yes. I had to fight with Vidar, but finally convinced him that Raene needed to know how to ride a dragon on her own without Vidar there. He grumbled but I did finally penetrate his stubbornness.”

  “I expect Raene added her own persuasion.”

  “She did. She has expressed that she wishes to learn this technique, which is exactly what it is. Felix is a very good dragon to help her learn this. He is the perfect size, even for her, and he is gentle with those who have done little in the way of flying.”

  “Excellent thinking on your part to initiate her with Felix.”

  “Kellen and I thought him perfect for Raene.”

  “He is. I am pleased that she will have this experience. It is a shame there is no dragon in Montequirst she can practice on.” Thoughts flitted through Felicity’s mind.

  “Aasguard warriors come and go there regularly. And we have put out that she could use further instruction on this.”

  “Perfect. Stefana is learning with Fricassa?”

  “She is and coming along very nicely. She rode Fricassa here and enjoyed the experience, but Raene requires additional experience because Vidar likes her to ride with him.”

  They exchanged knowing glances. “Your brother is stubborn.”

  “Yes, but you can get through to him if you are persistent. And Raene understands she needs to learn this final skill.”

  She most certainly did. No one knew what crisis might occur where Vidar stayed behind and Raene and babes needed to flee. While in her condition, she needed to understand fighting would not be as easy, especially once she neared term. The same was true for Fricassa.

  “We also do not know how long Raene’s gestation will last.” Felicity frowned. “Or Fricassa’s.”

  “No. Mother Nature has a knack for upsetting things. Raene needs to be comfortable riding a dragon. They need dragons in Montequirst, especially while she is expecting.” Ari’s frown matched her own.

  “Meaning you believe perhaps Aern and Fricassa should return to Montequirst?”

  “I do. They are in Swiftland helping but I believe Fricassa and Raene could benefit from daily rides. Both of them can therefore grow accustomed to their changing bodies and make the necessary adjustments.” Ari had thought this through.

  “Have you mentioned this to Lajos and Stefana. And Vidar and Raene?”

  “I have. Raene and Vidar have an issue they need to address at Montequirst. And Fricassa and Aern have nests in both places. So they plan to fly to Swiftland tonight and make certain things are fine there, then perhaps tomorrow they will head back to Montequirst.”

  “That leaves Swiftland without a dragon.”

  “There is an Aasguard there, and he has a dragon.” Ari bit her lip. “I cannot for the life of me remember who is there.”

  “Where is Mkhai?”

  “I heard he moved on. He does not have a dragon and I figured he moved on to see if he could pair with a dragon.”

  “He is restless.” Felicity understood.

  “That makes sense. Until we all figure out what we are doing, it stands to reason that our peers are feeling adrift.”

  “While Rykert and I assess Atlas, perhaps we can also determine if there are other dragons out there.”

  “I believe dragons prefer to be with an Aasguard. It is a lonely existence otherwise.”

  Vidar and Raene mounted the dragons and soon the four disappeared into the clouds as they flew to Montequirst.

  She and Rykert headed to the library. Tomes, maps, and several globes graced the space. Contrary to popular notions, Aasguard training required plenty of bookwork and knowledge in addition to the physical training. Most students came with the preliminary sword and fighting skills.

  Many of them lacked the scholarly pursuits so this space would be well used.

  By mutual consent they homed in on a large map set on an easel.


  The massive parchment crinkled in places as Rykert unfolded the edges. A few of the nations listed there were faded. Someone had meticulously altered the names of the king and queendoms that had changed. Such as Swiftland. It now showed brighter in color between Chariovalda and Montequirst. Its newer status apparent in the fresh ink.

  A quick perusal showed the new Aasguard school situated in the west. Excellent. That meant this map was up-to-date. Rykert approved.

  Felicity traced a finger in the sea until she discovered where Atlas should be. Nothing showed on this map.

  “What?” A furrow formed across her forehead. “This is where Atlas used to be.”

  “It is.” He peered at the same spot on the map with her. “It did sink into the ocean, but it should be here.”

  No markings indicated where it had been.

  “There should be an outline, at least.” Felicity leaned closer. “Although perhaps it has sunk even deeper. If so that is fine news for us.”

  He considered that. “Yes. Although what if someone is hiding something there already?” Might be best to consider all aspects before they made assumptions.

  “Who changes maps?”

  His mind blanked. “I have no idea.”

  “Neither do I.” She tapped a finger on the area they would soon be traveling.

  And that exact section brighten
ed. Letters scrolled across the region. The sunken island and city of Atlas.

  “Oh.” Once the letters faded she repeated the motion.

  The information appeared again then disappeared.

  He touched an area at the southern point of the map where an entire civilization was lost to a spewing mountain. The entire nation buried in molten rock and ash. The land had solidified into rock. Rykert’s good friend Marcus the Large and his dragon Bard had perished in that eruption. The mountain gave no warning. There were no survivors.

  The map showed nothing.

  “That area is pure rock is it not?”

  “It is now. A millennia and a half ago it was a thriving civilization.” He told her about Marcus and Bard. Her gasps and horror eased the lingering sorrow in his heart for his friend.

  “Mother Nature is capable of killing us.”

  “Yes. And he died in that mountain eruption.”

  “The only good to be said is they remained unaware of their impending death.” Felicity’s shadowed violet eyes eased more of his sorrow.

  “No, I believe it happened so quickly that they did not know.”

  “And the molten rock hardened so it has permanently entombed the people who lived there.”

  “It did. Felix and I went before it hardened and it was so hot we could not safely land. So we waited until it had cooled. There was nothing left. No indication that anyone had lived there.” He wiped a hand over his hair. “We passed by there a few years ago and there is still no vegetation. The entire area is solid rock.”

  “I am so sorry.” She stepped into his arms and he held her close, aware of a budding sense of wholeness that had been absent all the solitary years of his lengthy life.

  To have someone to comfort you. Hold you when memories wished to tumble you into chaos. To offer a kind word when the tumult threatened to overwhelm. All of this was alien but valued.

  She sighed before stepping out of his arms. “Perhaps we should study the history of Atlas before we embark on finding it.”

  “What do you wish to know?” Cold rushed around him when she stepped away.

  “The first question on my mind is how far down the island and city sank?”

  “A fair question.”

  Pacing to the far side of the library, Felicity ran her finger along the spines there. Rykert experienced a twinge of jealousy, but through expansive years of self-restraint, rolled his eyes at himself and joined her.

  A newer tome rested on a podium of sorts and he glanced at the title. Sword Techniques proved an excellent read for the students, but didn’t cover the subject they sought.

  They parted to inspect the titles. “New plan. We place any books that mention Atlas on this table.” Felicity indicated a nearby surface with the book in her hand.

  “That is an excellent idea.”

  Between them, they amassed a stack of tomes that should help them to understand the city they sought. Stacking the books in front of them at a library table, they chose chairs across from one another and settled in to read.

  The few texts he had chosen revealed snippets of information about the lost city, but nothing modern that would aid them now. He set those textbooks aside in favor of a thicker volume that appeared promising.

  “Here it is.” Felicity jabbed the page in front of her. “Altas Island and city sank beneath the surface of the sea 1254 feet.”

  He tapped the book in front of him as he thought. “That is deep enough we will have to be careful when we rise.”

  “Yes, otherwise the gases could make us giddy. How do dragons fair in depths of that magnitude?”

  “Felix is usually fine although he grows drowsy.” He paused. “Of course, Felix enjoys regular naps.”

  “Right. I am not certain if Maeze has ever been in the water before.” Felicity sank into her memories. He waited until she had assessed whether this would be Maeze’s first foray into the ocean. A dragon of her size should be fine, especially with Felix and two experienced Aasguard warriors.

  “She has bathed in lakes before and enjoyed a little swim, but I recall no memories of her swimming in the ocean.”

  “What about her parent’s memories?”

  “Salunga and Keark both had some experience, but none of it recent.” She must have anticipated that question because she had a ready answer.

  “Okay. Felix, of course, attracts a lot of attention in the sea.” He thought they had already covered that.

  “We can dull him. Maeze should be okay. There are plenty of other creatures her color so I imagine she will blend in but it might not hurt her to be dulled for her first trip.” Felicity set the first book aside. “I would prefer if we took her on a few shallower jaunts before taking her all the way to Atlas.”

  “An excellent notion. We can visit a treasure I believe is Fergus the First’s. It is on the way and is closer to three hundred and fifty feet deep.”

  “That is about perfect for a new dragon.”

  It suited him to make a couple of stops. “We won’t have any problem with that either and it should help to acclimate us to the depths again.”

  “Is there another treasure we can also visit? Perhaps one that is a little deeper yet?”

  He tugged the second book closer. “I am thinking of one in particular. And this textbook mentions a series of caves that sound as though they might be suitable for a treasury. Perhaps as a secondary one. We would do well to inspect them. They are around six hundred and forty feet deep. Perhaps we can look into these after the celebrations.”

  “I agree. If we head to both of the treasuries first, it should be beneficial to all of us.”

  He lifted an eyebrow in inquiry. “How so?”

  “It will give us time to mute both dragons and again, acclimate all of us. Atlas is far enough beneath the surface that it could cause trouble for you and me, not to mention a new dragon.”

  In order for this to turn out well, they did need to take every precaution.

  “Agreed.” He shut the book with the cave information. “If this goes according to plan, we should return the day before the actual school opening.”

  “If all goes well…” They shared a look.

  Who knew what they would discover?


  After hugs and goodbyes right after lunch, Felicity climbed onto Maeze’s back, strangely thankful for the alone time. She enjoyed people but she intended to enjoy this opportunity to soar into the clouds with Maeze. Her dragon lifted her azure wings and with a mighty flap they lifted off the ground. It took only moments for them to reach the clouds and climb above them.

  Felix remained with her, protective of the younger dragon. Rykert hovered with his dragon, the two males watching out for them. She did not know how she felt about that.

  “Where are we going again?” Felix transmitted this to Rykert, but she heard him.

  “Remember the first time you dunked me in the search of treasure?”

  “Oh yes. We are returning to that treasure?” Eagerness threaded Felix’s statement.

  “Yes.” Good humor interwove Rykert’s.

  “Felix dunked Rykert?” Maeze inquired.

  “He neglected to tell me he had located treasure when he abruptly dove for it. We plunged straight into the ocean, with no warning. I got soaked.” Rykert’s amusement could nearly be felt, even here, above the clouds.

  “I forgot. And I found what we believe is Fergus the First’s treasure. He would have enjoyed that I dunked you.” Felix’s wings made no sound as he set their course.

  “He would. He was contrary like that.” Rykert filled in details for a delighted Maeze.

  A sense of peace and harmony settled over Felicity as they sped through the air on a new quest. She enjoyed her companions and the task ahead. She did not know what the next few days would bring, but a part of her also didn’t care.

  All too soon Felix began their descent. While doing so she and Rykert kept watch of people on the water or nearby. Many humans did not
know of the existence of dragons and most never saw one. They tended toward silly stories and fairy tales and plenty of untruths so it was better for them to simply not know.

  “We are about to get wet,” Felix warned as they neared the surface of the water. His dive showed perfect form and Rykert clearly had done this with the dragon before. They disappeared beneath the surface of the calm water.

  Maeze showed no hesitation. She followed as Felicity worked to dull her scales. No need to dive deep for this treasure, but it still made sense to mute Maeze.

  It took her a panicked minute to spot Felix, who Rykert had also muted. He appeared more rust colored and this should make him less noticeable as they made for the depths. Felicity changed Maeze’s scales to more resemble the water surrounding them.

  A second of panic about whether she could breathe, but all the times before when she entered water had proved that Aasguards could breathe under water. Somehow. She no longer questioned this ability. Dragons appeared to have no difficulty in this matter either as Maeze showed no signs of discomfort.

  Felix never hesitated as he throttled through the water toward something he could clearly sense. Felicity opened her own senses, both to maintain their safety, but also to determine whether Maeze could perceive the treasure as Felix did.

  A simmering awareness awoke within Maeze. As though it had been slumbering. She stopped following Felix as closely.

  They could not talk in the water, but Felicity felt a new confidence emerge within Maeze as to their direction. Felicity joined Rykert in fully watching for lurking predators and other dangers. As they were land based animals, they knew little about what lived in the oceans.

  Shadows in the depths below them made her senses slam into the highest awareness. She kept watch, with her sword close at hand. Water fighting was different than land battles, but she had been trained and could hold her own in this ocean.

  As expected, the water was cold this time of year so Felicity adjusted her body temperature. The cold would barely register as they headed deeper and deeper. The sensation of being surrounded by water didn’t necessarily bother her but Felicity admitted this environment was not her niche.


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