Alpha Heroes

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Alpha Heroes Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  My door opened, and since I was pressed up against it, I almost fell out but was saved from hitting the driveway headfirst by a pair of strong arms.

  “Still a little tipsy, baby?” Ewan guessed with a chuckle as he scooped me into his arms.

  I was actually pretty clearheaded at this point, but I wasn’t sure I wanted him to know that. His bare chest was warm and much cuddlier than his ripped physique would suggest, so I just shrugged, wound my arms around his neck, and rested my head on his shoulder.

  His embrace tightened, and from the rustling of my hair, I was pretty sure he’d brushed a kiss on the top of my head.

  He easily held me against him with one arm as he closed my door and opened the back one. I was amazed with the way he seemed to lift and carry me so effortlessly. He made me feel small and feminine.

  I watched as he retrieved a to-go bag from Gatsby’s. Well crap. He’d obviously been picking up his dinner when he saw me and my friends. He’d said how exhausted he was, and now I’d kept him from eating his food, which was likely ruined now. Icy guilt trickled through my veins, extinguishing my fiery desire. Mostly…

  “Ewan, I’m so sorry if I kept you from your dinner. You must be starving,” I lamented.

  He chuckled, drawing my eyes up to his face. There was a devilish smile on his handsome face—adding kindling to my simmering need. “I’m definitely starving, baby. But food is not what I’m hungry for.”



  Kaia gasped, and her eyes widened while her pouty lips parted slightly. It was seductive and inviting, but I doubted she was even aware of her effect. The fact that she was so oblivious to her own appeal helped to pacify the possessive beast I hadn’t known lived inside me.

  Staring at her mouth, I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad, but once I did, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop. Which meant I needed to wait until we were inside the house so that I didn’t end up fucking her on my lawn. Besides, I wasn’t sure she was ready for that, and if she wanted to tap the brakes, I would do it. Even if it meant a cold shower and an empty bed. In fact, I was going to let her drive. For the moment.

  Keeping her curled up against my chest with one arm, I managed to unlock the front door without putting her down, and carried her inside, kicking it closed behind me. Making a beeline for the kitchen at the back of the house, I tossed the takeout in the fridge and headed in another direction.

  “I can walk, Ewan,” Kaia insisted quietly. “You can put me down.” There was no conviction in her tone, and she didn’t make a move to try to escape my embrace. She actually did the opposite, snuggling in even closer. Her head rested on my shoulder, and her warm breath made my skin tingle. And the feel of her soft, pliant body in my arms spread a peaceful contentment through my system.

  I shook my head and kept on my path to the guest room that had its own bathroom. My elbow hit the light switch, and Kaia buried her face in my neck to hide from the brightness. “Fuck,” I grunted. “Sorry, baby.” I slid down the dimmer switch until the room was bathed in a soft glow.

  Reluctantly, I set her on the counter and let her go. I stepped back and took a minute to admire her wild, dark-blonde curls, pink cheeks and lips, and how fucking amazing she looked wearing my clothes. Maybe we’d forget about retrieving any clothes from her place when she moved in. Then she’d be forced to wear mine all the time, and that thought had my cock pressing hard against my zipper. I hissed in pain when I shifted, and the metal teeth bit into the sensitive skin.

  Kaia’s hazel eyes had been roaming over my chest, but they darted up to my face when she heard me. Concern filled her eyes, and she frowned while placing a hand on my bicep. I felt as though the skin under her palm had caught fire and would combust at any moment. “Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself carrying me?”

  I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous question. “Baby, you’re about as heavy as feather. I could carry your sexy little body around with me twenty-four seven and never get tired.” Taking hold of her hips, I stepped between her legs and yanked her forward. She gasped when she felt the long, steel length suddenly pressed against her pussy. “I’m in a whole other kind of pain, Kaia,” I growled. My hands crept around to cup her ass, and I dragged her even closer while I rocked into her.

  Her mouth was open in a little O of shock, and a little moan escaped when I pushed against her once more. “You do this to me, baby.” I delved one hand into her hair and tugged her head back, exposing the elegant slope of her neck. Bending down, I ran my tongue up the velvet flesh of her throat from her collarbone to her edge of her jaw, just below her ear. “You make me want to tear off these clothes and lick every inch of your body,” I whispered, so close that my lips brushed over the sensitive spot with every movement. “I want to explore all your curves with my hands and my tongue. I want to make you come with my fingers and on my face. Then I want to bury my cock deep in your pussy and fuck you so hard you’ll feel me inside you for days.”

  Lifting my head, I was satisfied to see her heaving chest, her flushed cheeks, and her eyes glazed with lust, their color turned to blue with her hungry desire.

  “You have no idea the filthy things I want to do to you, Kaia. And while I have no doubt that I’ll do each and every one eventually, I’ll let you set the pace. Even if that means a little zipper burn and a whole lot of icy showers.”

  Kaia stared at me with a mix of emotions. The desire was prominent, but she also looked confused and curious. “Why?”

  I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to explain her question.

  She cleared her throat and looked away, the pink stain on her cheeks deepening. “Why me?”

  My heart softened, and I gently palmed her face and lifted it so she was staring into my eyes. “Because I’ve never felt anything so strong in my entire life. I’ve never felt such a deep hunger. You are so fucking sexy, baby, and you make me burn. I want you so much it’s hard to breathe. But more than that, I’ve never felt a connection like this. Somehow, the moment I saw you, I just knew I’d never be the same. You and I were meant to be, and if I had let you go, I would have lived with regret every day of the rest of my life.”

  Kaia’s face had a look of wonder, and I couldn’t stop myself from finally covering her mouth with my own. At the first taste of her sweet flavor, a groan rumbled from my chest. It took everything in me to stay in control and not carry her off to my bedroom, especially when she made little mewling sounds of pleasure and locked her arms around my neck. Then she wrapped her legs around my waist. Fucking hell. I was in hell. And heaven.

  I didn’t have a fucking clue. I only knew that if I didn’t stop this now, I would break my word to her. It took a feat of Thor-like strength to rip my lips from hers and untangle my body from her limbs. “Fuck,” I panted. I shoved my hands in my hair and yanked hard as I turned around and took several steps. I couldn’t look at her kiss-swollen lips and her big, sexy tits bouncing with every breath, or I was going to lose my shit.

  Once I calmed enough that I felt it was safe, I turned back around but stayed several feet away. “I’m going to fix us some food, baby. Take a shower and relax. I’ll leave you some clothes on the sink.”

  Kaia nodded but remained silent, unfocused with her fingers lighting touching her lips.

  I walked stiffly to the door, every step a painful reminder that my cock was pissed as fuck. Before I crossed the threshold, I stopped and swiveled my head to look at her over my shoulder. “Keep the door open, baby. I want to be able to hear you if you need me.” She seemed as though she was mostly sober now, but I would still be keeping a close eye on her. I was tempted to shower with her to make sure she didn’t pass out or lose her balance, but that would be asking too much of myself. I was trained to be in control, but even I had my limits.

  I went to my bedroom and took a fast shower, then dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of sweats. After gathering a similar pair that were a little small for me (but would probably still swim on my girl) and a T-shirt with my name
emblazoned on the back (it seemed a little early to be tattooing my name on her body, so this would have to do), I left them in her bathroom, keeping my gaze averted from the glass shower stall.

  The food from Gatsby’s was cold, but surprisingly, hadn’t become mushy. I preheated the oven, then split the burger in half and piled the wings, onion rings, and fries on a couple of cooking sheets. While they heated up, I padded down the hall to check on Kaia.

  The water was turned off, but I didn’t see her in the bedroom, so I made my way to the bathroom. “Baby?” I knocked lightly. I should have knocked on the doorjamb because that small nudge sent the door swinging farther open.

  I froze, unable to look away as my shirt slid down over Kaia’s naked body. It had been fast, but long enough for me to permanently burn the images of her gorgeous body on my brain. Her full breasts and their rosy nipples, hard from the cool air after a hot shower. Her soft stomach with a cute little belly button that my tongue itched to explore. Her round hips that I instantly knew would fit perfectly in my hands. And the neatly trimmed thatch of golden curls nestled at the apex of her thighs.

  When all that perfection was covered up, my eyes continued downward, memorizing all the rest. She was petite, but her legs seemed a mile long, ending with cute little feet, tipped with toes painted in sparkly bright blue polish. I chuckled, and it obviously startled her because she gasped and stumbled back a few steps. Quick as a flash, I was at her side, both hands on her waist, holding her steady.

  We stood there for a few silent moments, just staring at each other. Finally, I cleared my throat and retreated a few inches. “I have some dinner heating up.” Then I spun around and hurried from the room. She mumbled something about other things heating up, and I couldn’t help laughing as I stalked to the kitchen.



  I rolled down the waist of Ewan’s sweatpants a few times so they would stay perched on my hips. Then I rolled them at the ankles so I wouldn’t trip. Looking at myself in the mirror, I frowned. I certainly wouldn’t be tempting him in this getup.

  After rooting around for a while, I found a comb stashed in a drawer and tried to tame my curls. They had a mind of their own, and I didn’t have a hair tie. With a shrug, I accepted the fact that this was as good as it was going to get.

  When I left the bedroom, my stomach growled at the delicious smell emanating from the kitchen. I hadn’t had much to eat before we’d gone to the bar, and now, I was starving. Plus, food would help absorb the rest of the alcohol.

  Ewan was pulling the food out of the oven as I entered the room. He shot me a sexy smile and winked at me, making my heart flutter and my pussy tingle. I tried to suppress the desire because I would be mortified to return Ewan’s pants to him with the crotch soaked from my arousal. How freaking embarrassing would that be?

  “Have a seat.” He gestured to the area across from him. There was a small table with four chairs nestled in a little nook that had a large bay window.

  This house wasn’t what I would have expected for a sexy bachelor like Ewan. It was a home built for a family. But he seemed to be surprising me at every turn, and I had to admit, it seriously turned me on. I was excited to start my new job, to be independent and financially secure, but I’d always hoped that the day would come when I’d have the kind of home I’d wanted growing up. I dreamed about being a wife and a mom in a home where there was plenty of love but also stability.

  If Ewan’s house was a reflection of his hopes for the future, I was pretty sure I’d tumble headfirst in love with him. I suspected I was already falling.

  My bare feet smacked against the wood floor when I walked over to the table and sat down. The table and chairs were thick and sturdy oak—likely hand-made—and a lot more comfortable that they initially looked.

  Ewan set plates piled with food on the table and sat across from me. While we ate, he practically interrogated me. However, by the way he hung on my every word, it was obvious he wanted to get to know me.

  When he asked about my childhood, I didn’t see any reason to hide my past, so I was open and honest. Relief trickled through me when I saw sympathy and not pity in his eyes.

  “Why were you playing around in the fountain?”

  I grinned and shrugged. “I was hot.”

  “I won’t dispute that, baby.” Ewan laughed, and the rich sound sent shivers straight to my core. I briefly wondered if I could come from the sound of his voice alone. If his laughter had me on the edge, what would it be like to have filthy words fall from that sexy mouth? Was he a dirty-talking kind of guy? I’d never thought about whether that kind of thing would turn me on, but when I pictured Ewan doing it…


  My startled gaze flew from his lips to his eyes. They were twinkling with amusement, and heat flushed through me, probably turning me strawberry red. I didn’t know how long I’d been daydreaming while he waited for me to answer, but from his smirk, I was pretty sure he had an idea of where my mind had gone.

  “Well.” I cleared my throat and tried to focus on his question. “We were celebrating and”—my blush deepened—“I’m not much of a drinker. It doesn’t take much to get me tipsy, but like I said, we were celebrating. When we left the bar, we couldn’t seem to cool off. We decided to go to the park, but we didn’t actually go there to take a dip in the fountain. Elizabet fell in, and when we tried to help her out, we fell in too. That was when it seemed like a great idea to cool off in the water.” I grinned, and Ewan shook his head as though he was exasperated, but the skin around his eyes crinkled as he suppressed a smile.

  “Celebrating what?”

  “Graduating from college.” This had a proud smile stretching across my face, and it grew even bigger when gave me a similar smile.

  “That’s an incredible accomplishment, baby. I’m proud of you.” He was making it really hard not to jump his bones.

  You don’t even know him, Kaia, my brain scolded. It didn’t feel like that, though. I’d immediately felt safe with Ewan, and the more time we spent together, the more that feeling increased. It was as if we’d known each other for years. But in an attempt to placate my mind, I turned the tables and began to question him.

  He was thirty-one, an only child, and his parents, who’d been married for fifty years, were retired in Florida. He had a degree in Criminal Justice and had been on the pre-law track, even going so far as to take the LSAT. Then decided he’d rather be in law enforcement. When he joined SWAT, he’d received special training for hostage situations.

  I was genuinely interested in everything about him, but eventually, a yawn escaped. Ewan stood and rounded the table to scoop me up into his arms. He moved toward the entrance to the hallway, and I glanced back at the mess from dinner.

  “I’ll clean it up in the morning, baby.” His voice sounded tired, and when I looked up at his face and saw the exhaustion there, I felt like a complete bitch. Suddenly, I remembered how tired he’d been when we drove to his house.

  “Ewan, I’m so sorry,” I lamented. “You didn’t have to stay up and entertain me. We could have gone straight to bed after dinner.”

  Ewan chuckled and paused at the door to the guest room. “Baby, if we’d gone right to bed, we wouldn’t have been sleeping.”

  My cheeks burned, and I ducked my head to hide it. I wasn’t sure how much of the heat was from embarrassment versus arousal. “I meant in our own beds.”

  Ewan was silent so long that I finally raised my eyes to his face. He was watching me with an intensity that I felt down to my very bones. “Did you?” His voice was soft, but there was an underlying firmness that warned me to be honest.

  It was what I’d meant…at the time. Until he put other ideas in my head. However, my brain was currently winning the battle with my body, and I nodded. “Yes.” My answer was weak, and for a moment, he looked as though he wanted to argue. Instead, he sighed and carried me to the empty, lonely, queen-sized bed pushed up against the far wall.

  He le
t my legs swing down and slowly lowered me to my feet. The arm that had been supporting my back stayed tight around me, keeping my body pressed to his so that I slid down his hard body, feeling every inch of his long, thick erection. When I was steady on my own, I stepped back and couldn’t stop my gaze from dropping to the tented section of his pants.

  He was freaking huge. Would that thing even fit in me?


  I sucked in a breath, and my head whipped up. Had he read my mind, or had I accidentally said that out loud?

  Ewan didn’t give me a chance to ask before dipping his head down and sealing his mouth over mine. The kiss was slow and easy, an exploration. But I sensed the tension in him and how hard he was fighting to keep control.

  Unlike him, I was quickly swallowed up by the desire, the fierce need, building inside me. I slid my hands up his chest and around his neck to delve into his hair. I wanted him to lose his grip, to chase away my doubts by taking over and making me powerless to stop this.

  With his thumb and forefinger, Ewan put gentle pressure on my chin, opening my mouth. His tongue slid in and teased mine until we were tangling together, tasting each other.

  I almost screamed in frustration when he ripped his mouth away from mine and backed up until we were several feet away from each other. “Why did you stop?” My voice carried an air of desperation, and he flinched, his resolve wavering.

  “Don’t think this means I don’t want you,” he rasped. “I want you so fucking bad, all I can think about is getting you naked and running my hands over your luscious curves. I want to bury my face in your pussy and eat until you are screaming my name. I want to shove my cock so deep inside you that you’ll feel it for days. I’m dying to feel your tight pussy milking all the come from my dick until you are so full it spills out of you.”


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