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King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel

Page 16

by Franklin D. Lincoln

Alexander "Lucky" King had feigned his remorse after the so called "accident" at the mine. He had lost his one true love. How could he be called Lucky now. It would take days to reopen the tunnel. There was no chance she and the mining inspector could possibly survive. Alexander "no longer Lucky" King, filled with remorse could do nothing, but return to the solitude of his ranch and mourn his loss.

  Manuel had driven him back to the ranch. King dismissed the servants to their quarters, requesting that he be alone for the rest of the day. There he sat, resting in his big overstuffed chair, drinking and thinking.

  He smiled glibly to himself, satisfied that he had stayed one step ahead of the G-man and the trollop who tricked him, goaded him, made a fool out of him. Pinkertons, he had heard her say as he listened outside her door the night before when she had that clandestine meeting with Clayton. Good thing he was on his toes. He chuckled and took a sip. Just as well, he thought, who would suspect him doing away with his girl. This way the claim of accident would be believable and there would be no hint that Jack Clayton was a target and had been disposed of.

  He thought of his men and the weapons. They should be close to their destination now. By next month he would have complete control of Texas. Yes, he was very satisfied with himself as he sat there. He set his glass aside, before he would drink himself into a stupor, settled back in his chair closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with only the steady monotonous ticking of the mantle shelf clock echoing in the encroaching darkness of early evening.

  It was completely dark, when Alexander King awoke. The parlor was a myriad of shadows, with moonlight streaming through the large front picture window. He sat upright, leaned over the table beside his chair, lifted the globe of the hurricane kerosene lamp. He had just finished lighting the wick, replacing the globe, and adjusting the wick, bringing the orangey glow to full brilliance, when he felt the threat of cold steel just above the left ear. "Just ease back, Lucky. Get your hand away from the lamp. No sudden moves," the voice warned.

  King’s eyes widened, he stiffened. Did what he was told and sat back, his eyes rolling upward to see his nemesis. "You are most remarkable, "He rasped calmly.

  Tamara stepped back removing the pistol barrel from King’s temple and move around to face him. She said nothing. The large gaping mouth of the pistol muzzle said it all. "I suppose, Mr. Clayton survived too? I must say again, you are truly remarkable." Still probing, "As is your Mr. Clayton, I presume?"

  "Yes, he’s alive, Lucky. But he doesn’t want you just yet. He wants those weapons. He’s trailing them right now. I didn’t want to take a chance on you getting away, so I came back. I came back to kill you, Lucky. "The pistol was still pointed at his face. She eared back the hammer and it clicked into place.

  Sweat dripped down King’s cheek and dropped off his chin. His eyes stared blankly up at Tamara. Then a glint seemed to appear, a slight smirk started and he said, "Then, my dear, I suggest you get it over with …before, "He added, "Somebody stops….."Manuel’s sinewy arm wrapped around her neck and pulled her backwards. The pistol went off, plowing lead into the ceiling. Plaster spilled down over the furniture and carpet. She struggled, feeling his steel grip on her forearm as he wrestled the pistol from her hand. It clattered to the floor and Manuel flung her to the side across the room. She crashed into a small table and fell to the floor. She could see the pistol at arm’s length away. She lunged for it. Too late! Manuel kicked it away, just in time. She slumped in resignation.

  "Well, you had me worried there for a while, "King chuckled. "Thanks Manuel. You were none too soon. I believe she really would have pulled the trigger." He laughed.

  "Í saw her through the window, Senor. I came as quickly as I could. I had to be careful."

  "Take her out and kill her, Manuel, " Then to Tamara. "My, my this is quite a day for you. You get to die twice." She glared at him from the floor.

  "On second thought, Manuel, kill her eight times. Who knows she might have nine lives." He laughed.

  Tamara pulled back as Manuel leaned forward, reaching out to pull her up. Startled, Manuel tried to twist upward and erect, King’s warning not quite soon enough. "Manuel, look out….."

  Manuel vaguely heard the warning, much less the pounding of boots across the floor behind him. Solid steel crushed down on the back of Manuel’s head and a meaty paw dug into his back and thrust him to the floor. Tamara jumped to her feet, dancing backward out of the way of Manuel’s fallen body. "Hold it right there lady, "the hammer clicked back in the meaty hands of the big man before her. She froze, glanced at King, sitting poised in his chair eyeing the man as he would a coiled rattler.

  The man was dirty with sweat and anger glowed in his beady round eyes above his jowls. This was the man Tamara had seen in town with King the day before. The man was Moose Malloy!

  "Now, King. Are you going to tell me where to find Corbin?" he waved the pistol.

  "Of course, "King grinned slyly. "But first, we’ve got to make a deal."

  "Oh, no. No deals."

  "Look Moose, I understand you being angry with Corbin. I’d be mad too if he threw me to the wolves, like he did you. But, I need him right now. When I’m through with him, you can have him."

  "Oh, no. I’m not waiting for nothing."

  "There’s big money in it you, Moose. Then he’s yours."

  "Don’t listen to him, Moose." Tamara growled." Just shoot him and get it over with."

  "You shut up. I’ll shoot you too." Moose warned.

  "Go ahead, I don’t care. Just shoot him," she screamed.

  Moose’s slow brain muddled thing over. Oh why not? Just shoot them both.

  "Listen, Moose," King pleaded. " Corbin and the men are transporting those guns to San Angelo right now. Tomorrow, at sundown, they’re going to blow the walls off of Red Rock Prison and free the most vicious army of recruits any army ever had. We’ll have Texas at our mercy. We’ll all be rich. Besides, this will give you a chance to get Clayton too. He’s on the trail of those guns right now. You and I can stop him. You want him don’t you?"

  Moose was bewildered, trying to think. "Yeah, I want him. He left me for dead in that damn river didn’t he. Sure, I want him. Almost got him in town last night, but he surprised me instead of me surprising him. Then I followed him back here with you. I saw him climbing around the tree and the windows and I saw what you did to hi this morning. I was watching."

  So it was Moose following them last night, King mused. "All right, Moose. What do you say? Are we Partners?" Just say so and we’ll head to San Angelo now. If we beat Clayton, we can surprise him and he’s all yours." King chuckled.

  "What about her?" Moose asked pointing his pistol at Tamara.

  "We’ll take her with us. "He smiled toward her. She glared back, anger seething. "She just might come in handy. Clayton may need a little persuasion."He laughed heartily.

  Moose thought a moment, wondered. His eyes rolled, not quite comprehending the joke. Then he laughed.


  Chapter Seventeen

  Gun Powder Trail


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