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Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2)

Page 27

by Xana Jordan

  “In the morning is fine, but I do need to wash my face and brush my teeth, though.”

  Pulling away from her I say, “Go on and get cleaned up. I’ll bring your things to you.” She agrees and I slap her on the butt as she walks away. “Hurry up, woman.” She giggles and leaves the room while I get her toiletry bag and clothes to sleep in. I didn’t even have to get one of my shirts for her, because I found one of my high school ball shirts and a pair of matching shorts in her suitcase. She must have snagged it one night when she stayed in my room, because I’ve been looking for it for weeks. Seeing her wear my clothes does things to me that I sometimes have a hard time controlling, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Walking into the bathroom, I find Xana washing her face and place her things on the counter beside her. Coming to stand behind her. I lay my hands on her hips, and give them a small squeeze while I place my cheek to hers.

  “I love you wearing my clothes almost as much as you wearing my sheets,” I growl into her ear before nipping my way down her neck to her exposed shoulder.

  She closes her eyes and tilts her head away, allowing better access to her neck and shoulder. “I love it when you do that,” she breathes and I press my erection into her backside, causing her to moan.

  “Come on, let’s brush those teeth so we can go to sleep,” I command her and reach over to take the toothbrush and paste out of her bag. The look in her eyes staring back at me in the mirror tells me she’s no longer sleepy.

  Xana silently takes the loaded toothbrush from me, her gaze never leaving my reflection in the mirror, and begins brushing her teeth. Taking the wet rag from the counter, I wash my face as well and use her toothbrush when she is done with it. Watching her change into my shirt makes me want her even more. I brush my teeth quickly, and shed my clothes, except for my boxers, and pull her to me. She slings her arms around my neck and I lift her up for a kiss. She wraps her legs tightly around my waist and crushes her mouth into mine before I realize what’s happening. Apparently, I’m not the only one turned on.

  I turn and walk us to the bedroom doorway and fumble to turn the light switch off. She entwines her fingers with my hair and begins to pull at it. Adjusting her position in my arms, I press her closer to me and walk to the bed. Lowering her onto the middle of the bed underneath me, my hands rest on either side of her head to support my weight from crushing her. With her legs wrapped around me, she raises her hips to mine, grinding to get more friction where she needs it. Slowing our kiss, I press my erection into her and she moans in my mouth.

  Xana holds my face in her hands, gently pushing my head away from hers, and looks me square in the eyes. Her thumbs run over my lips and back again, and I notice her eyes becoming watery. “What’s wrong, baby?” I search her face for signs of what might be wrong and come up with nothing.

  “I love you.” Her gaze moves across my face, and back to mine. “I’ll always love you.” Hearing her say those words never gets old. If I could have them on constant repeat I would.

  “I’ll always love you, too.”

  “Show me,” she commands, running her hands along my neck and over my shoulders.

  Invitation accepted, I show her just how much love I have for her, taking my time to enjoy and savor every inch of her. We’ve never been as connected as we are at this moment.

  After sharing ourselves on the most intimate level, we lie in each other’s arms, content and completely relaxed.

  “I’ve come to realize a few things this week.” Her fingers run up and down the center of my stomach, slipping beneath the edge of the sheets. Waiting for her to continue, I lean my cheek to her head and hold her closer to me.

  “Okay.” She shifts to where her arms are crossed on top of me, her chin resting on them.

  “Mom called me last night. She was going to tell me about my test results. I don’t know what they say,” she admits, not able to look at me.

  “What do you mean? How do you not know?” I question, confused.

  “I didn’t want to hear them, so I made up an excuse and ended the call. I just didn’t want anything to spoil our week together.” She waits for my response and I take time to choose my words carefully, but she interrupts before I have a chance to speak.

  “I know that it doesn’t matter what they say about my PCOS, because you’re not going anywhere. I truly believe you when you say that, and I trust that you will support me through whatever happens,” she declares, and I’m certain she’s telling me the truth, not just what I want to hear. Finally.

  “I will. Through everything,” I promise her, meaning every word and so much more.

  “I know. I’ve also been thinking about Jeff and the relationship we had,” she observes my face when she notices my body tense underneath her. Hearing his name makes me want to stomp all over him again.

  “Don’t be upset,” she soothes, “but I’ve thought about how we even started dating in the first place. Even then, he was controlling me. We were hanging out with Mike and Stace in the beginning. He knew what happened with you and Lexus, so he would do stuff with me when they were gone so I wouldn’t be stuck there all alone thinking about it.” Xana frowns and her bottom lip juts out. “After a several months of doing that, he just showed up one night and said we were ‘going out’. Like more than friends. I was so surprised I just went along with him, and before I knew it, he was somehow my boyfriend.”

  That’s how they started dating? No wonder Stacy and Cade were so confused about their relationship. He just took control of her, never considering what she wanted, and kept on going. But why? Why not just cut her loose and do his own thing with Brittney when he wanted out? Asshole.

  “So you’re telling me he never asked you about anything? Not even to be his girlfriend?” My words are a little more clipped than I aimed for, but it’s not to be helped. It could have come out much worse.

  “No, he didn’t. I didn’t even think about it. Now, it just feels like I was one of those bobbers on a fishing line, just waiting for someone to grab my hand and yank me along with them. I guess he did that.” She closes her eyes once more and releases a shallow breath. “Yes, I cared about him, more like I care about Mallory or Gavin, but I never loved him, and I realize that now.” Guilt and shame cover her face as she bites her lip. It kills me to think she feels like it’s all her fault.

  Running my fingers along her cheek, I move the stray hairs from her angelic face and lay them over her shoulder. I’m relieved to hear those words from her, clearing away any lingering doubt there might have been about that issue. “Not gonna deny I’m happy to hear that part,” she raises her lips in a small smile, “but I’m trying to stay calm about the other things. None of this is your fault. He did what he did because of his own feelings, not yours. He chose how to act that night. You made him do nothing. I know it’s over,” I say, cupping her cheek in my free hand, “but if he ever comes near you again like he did last time, I make no promises, Xana.” She nods her head slightly, acknowledging her understanding.

  I’m not sure what’s gotten into her to be so open and forthcoming with these revelations, but I’m glad she’s sharing them with me. We look at each other for a few minutes before she continues. “I’ve also thought a lot about these test results and what they could mean for me. For us.” She seems uncertain about our future, long-term, so I clarify that for her.

  “There will be an us in the future. That’s never in question, alright?” This time her smile grows wider.

  “Kids were never something I gave much thought to, remember?” I nod. “But I’ve done nothing but think about them lately,” she stops, seeming to bolster herself to tell me the rest. “I do want them. Someday. If there’s even a slight chance I can have a child, I want to take it.” She suddenly looks nervous about her confession and how I will react to it.

  Thinking about her and our relationship now, leads my mind to wonder how she would look holding a child. My child. Something about those images possibly being our
reality should frighten the hell out of me but, oddly enough, they don’t as much as I expected they would. “I think you should take the chance, as long as it doesn’t endanger you, right?” I hope she isn’t thinking of risking herself over just a chance.

  “No, but I want to use that option if it’s right for me. I want that baby. Our baby. Are you okay with that?”

  “Are you asking me if I’m okay with having a child with you?” She briefly looks down at her hands on my chest before recapturing my gaze.

  “Yeah. Someday, when it’s time for us. How do you feel about that?”

  “I’m not exactly looking to have a baby any time soon, but I can see you with our child one day. I’ll support you if it’s safe, but I can’t promise anything more than that,” I tell her honestly. I’d like to say I’ll support her in anything, but I know me, and how strong my feelings for her are. I can’t lose her again.

  “I know, but I thought we’d better talk about it now that we’re in this for good. I don’t want any issues between us that we could have avoided. I don’t want anything left unsaid anymore.” She moves a hand from under her chin and holds the side of my face, her thumb rubbing slowly underneath my eye.

  “Want me to call your mom with you?” I know she needs to hear what her mom has to tell her, sooner rather than later.

  “Yeah, but can we wait a few days, though?”

  “Sure, but you need to at least text her in the morning and tell her just that, so she doesn’t have your dad driving down here to find you, alright?”

  “Mkay,” she agrees, relieved she has time to be prepared. “Promise.”

  Smiling at her, I grab her beneath the armpits and drag her up my body so that her head lies just beneath my chin in the crook of my neck. She sighs as I wrap my arms around her and adjust the covers over us, her body lying half on top of mine.

  Turning out the bedside lamp, I kiss her and say, “‘Night, Sweetness.”

  I can feel her smiling against my bare skin when she whispers, “‘Night, Handsome.”

  Both of us relaxed and happy. We quickly fall into a contented sleep until mid-morning.

  It’s already Friday morning and this is our last day in Galveston. We have all decided to head back to school early in the morning so we could have the rest of the weekend to do laundry and relax before classes on Monday. We’ve all had a really good time here, but I have almost had enough of the water. Even Noel, whose water activities were limited, has grown tired of it.

  Noel and I have opted to stay around the house today and get things ready for Mallory’s birthday dinner, while the rest of the group, except Keaton who left earlier this morning for some sort of mandatory football practice or something of the sort, is taking one last trip to the beach. My skin is thankful for the reprieve from the sun. I have used the maximum spf available in sunscreen I can find, applied religiously, and I still got burned. Not enough to warrant wearing the same clothes for the next few days, but extremely uncomfortable, nonetheless.

  I’m putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher and washing up the breakfast ones when Noel walks up behind me and tugs on my shirt hem.

  “What time did your mom say to call?”

  “About nine thirty. The doctor is going to do a phone appointment with us and Mom. Even put me down on his schedule,” I shake my head, amazed at how he goes above and beyond for my mother. I suppose being a loyal employee for almost thirty years really does pay off sometimes.

  “Good. Here,” he says, taking the dirty dish away from me, “I’ll finish in here while you go shower and get dressed. I’ll put more aloe vera on you when you’re done.” He pulls me away from the dishwasher and turns me to face the hallway. I’m almost to the bedroom when I hear him call out, “Don’t forget to take a pain pill. I know you need one.”

  Taken by surprise, I stop, mid-stride, and my mouth falls open. How in the hell does he know I’m having cyst pains? My head snaps to look over my shoulder toward the kitchen when I hear, “I know, remember?”

  Closing my mouth, I grit my teeth in exasperation at how he just takes over like that. I love him for it, but damn, when will I ever catch a break? I need a long shower and a Pepsi.

  It’s almost time to call Mom when I finally wander back to the living room. Noel is watching some show on ESPN that I’ve seen before, but can’t remember the name of. He hangs his arm around my shoulders when I sit down beside him, place the aloe vera in his lap, and flinch away from his touch. It doesn’t hurt too badly, but my reflexes are in defense mode.

  “Sorry, I forgot,” he apologizes as I turn my back to him and raise my shirt for the aloe.

  “It really wasn’t that bad. I guess I’m just a little touchy,” I laugh, my back twitching as he applies the refrigerated gel on my sunburned skin. Sighing in relief, I moan, “Aaah, that feels so good. I really need to wear more sunscreen next time.”

  Noel smoothes the gel over my red shoulders and down my arms. “A cover up or tee shirt would probably work better. The sun likes you too much,” he chuckles, kissing the back of my neck lightly.

  “Ugh, you’re right, it does. Doesn’t mean I have to avoid it, though.” I pull my shirt back down and turn to face him as he places the aloe on the coffee table, and hands me my cell phone.

  “Let’s get this over with.” I take the phone from him and place the call to my doctor’s office.

  The phone doesn’t ring long before the receptionist answers my call. “Oh, hello, Alexandra. Let me transfer you to the doctor’s office and get your mother. Hold on, just a sec.” She sounds like she’s had two too many cups of coffee and is way too chirpy for me this time of morning. She must drive my mother nuts.

  I’m only on hold for a minute before the doctor picks up the call and places it on speaker while I do the same. Once we are all settled, he begins going over the scans I’ve had and asks me how I’ve been dealing with the pain in between visits. “Are you still managing the pain when it comes? Are the meds I prescribed still working, or do we need to change them?”

  “They seem to be working fine. I just have to remember to take them when the pain starts and not wait too long,” I tell him, twisting my fingers together as Noel shakes his head at me. He gets so mad when I wait too long to take them, but sometimes I just get so busy I forget until it’s almost too late.

  “How often are you needing to take them?”

  “Not too often, maybe once a week at the least. It just kinda depends,” I reply.

  “That’s good, but if the pain starts to become more frequent, I want you to call my office immediately so we can get them checked out.” His voice alone tells me he is very serious about those instructions, and I look to Noel who has a frown on his face.

  Mom asked a couple of questions, as did Noel, much to my surprise. It seems he really is okay with all of this. All of my baggage. “Is there anything we can do to alleviate or reduce the symptoms?” Noel asks as he takes my hands in his to make me stop twisting them.

  “Exercise and diet are good ways to help relieve the pain. You aren’t overweight, Xana, so the main thing for your diet is to maintain regular, healthy eating habits and exercise.” He’s pleased to hear I’ve been running and exercising some with Noel, and chastises me for not watching my diet more consistently. Yeah, that got Noel to smile and shoot me an ‘I told you so’ look. Heaven help me.

  “The scarring from your previous cysts bursting has me a little concerned, though. With the amount of cysts that you have at the moment, and their size, I’d like to schedule you for a check up after school gets out in May, unless you need to see me sooner,” he pauses, a long breath is released before he continues, “If any or several of those remaining large cysts burst, or cause pain greater than you can tolerate, we may need to discuss their removal with surgery.” Mom, Noel, and I remain silent as we absorb what he has just told us.

  Unable to sit through the silence any longer, I ask, “What are my long term results? What about...what if I,” I stumble
through the words, unable to give voice to my deepest fear. Children and family. He reads my mind when he says, “I won’t sugar coat it, Alexandra. There is significant scarring and numerous cysts that could cause further damage if they burst and leave the ovaries too damaged to make conception possible, that’s why I’d like to keep a check on you every few months so we can better monitor the situation, just until we get a better handle on it. I don’t want to rush into any conclusions based on conjecture and supposition.”

  Seeming to have answered all of our questions, and getting me scheduled for my follow-up in May, we all say our goodbyes to the doctor before Noel ends the call. Placing my phone on the couch beside him, he pulls me to sit a little closer to his side.

  “Well, that wasn’t too bad, right?” He tilts my chin upward so that I am looking at his face and not my hands laying in my lap.

  “No, I suppose not. At least not yet. There’s so much scar tissue already and those remaining large cysts don’t really leave much room for anything good though.” I try not to let the tears that are threatening to fall take control, but I’m not sure I can keep them from breaking free. Especially when he caresses my face with his strong hands. The gentle look on his face nearly breaks my tears free.

  “Hey. Things will be fine. We’ll work on your diet and exercising like we have been. Your classes will be better next semester, and you’ll have less to worry about.”

  “But he mentioned possible surgery on the largest cysts. That’s only going to cause more scarring.” I can’t prevent my voice from becoming shaky and a little high pitched as I continue, “I can’t do surgery, Noel, not if it’s going to do more damage. I’ll just live with the pain.” His thumbs brush away the tears now falling down my cheeks, and he murmurs soothing words as he pulls my head to his chest.

  “Ssshh. You can’t think like that. Besides, I’m not letting you suffer like that again. Watching you hurting with so much pain last time was enough for me. If it comes to surgery, then that’s what will happen.”


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