Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1) Page 17

by Tammi Lynn

  “She took her life that same night. She had made a call to 911 saying the man in her room made her slit her wrists. When the paramedics got there, they said she kept screaming and pointing into the corner of the room. Telling them that the man-made her do it. No one was there of course, and while they were so worried about getting the blood to stop flowing they didn’t notice the empty bottle of pills she had swallowed in the bathroom sink and it was too late.”

  I don’t even know what to say to him, I can’t even imagine going through all that at such a young age. Him telling me his story is huge. Leaning back I wipe the trail the tear left down his face and kiss one cheek then the other. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Really, it’s okay. It was a long time ago and doesn’t get to me much anymore. Just sometimes seeing her picture, or on holidays is when it gets hard.” He stands me up and gets up behind me, grabbing onto my hand. “Come on, enough of the doom and gloom. Jesse is probably wondering what we’re up to and I need to go show Miklo how the pros shoot.” He’s all smiles again, and it makes my own face light up.

  “You know we haven’t gotten to spend any time alone yet. We should change that soon.”

  “It’s a date.”

  He leads me downstairs hand in hand. When we get to the front door, he turns and kisses me right as the door opens and Jayson comes in. I’m not embarrassed as I normally would be with someone catching me in a lip lock with another man. In fact, Roman hands me over to Jayson before going outside.

  “Well hey there, Sweetheart.” He pulls me in for a hug, and I can’t help noticing how each and every one of these guys gets my heart racing in different ways.

  “Hey, yourself.” I leaned up on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss before stepping back.

  “I didn’t think I’d get to see you today.” He has a mischievous grin on his face, and I can’t figure it out.

  “Yeah, Jesse kidnapped Miklo for some basketball, and I had to come over and see how they were doing. Jesse wanted Roman to come down and help.”

  “Well, that could get interesting. If Miklo comes home with a bad mouth, jokes for days, and any other bad habit you can think of just know it wasn’t my influence.” He winks at me, and I laugh.

  “I’ll be sure to remember that. I better get back to the house, I’m knee-deep in laundry, and it’s my least favorite adult thing to do.”

  After another quick kiss, I headed back to my house. While passing by Miklo and the guys they all look over at me with two wide for there not to be something going on smiles. I suddenly feel outnumbered, Miklo has been pulled over onto their side. Sticking my tongue out at them, I continue into the house and finish the dreaded laundry.



  When I pulled up outside and saw Miklo there without Mia, I knew I needed to hurry and ask him a few questions. Jesse had said that Miklo mentioned Mia’s birthday was coming up soon in November when they had been talking on the way home from the airport yesterday, and I wanted to plan a surprise.

  He told me it was on the thirteenth, which just so happens to be a Friday this year. Friday the thirteenth, my poor beautiful girl and her luck. I plan on making sure there is nothing but good surprises for her this year. Miklo said that they didn’t have anything planned for the actual day of her birthday, but had a tradition of going and seeing a movie that they would do on Saturday.

  I know exactly where I want to take her and surprise her, but need to make reservations. Oh, and where’s that card with her boss Jim’s number on it that he gave us? I’m going to have to call him and see if I can pick her up early that day.

  Heading into my room, I can’t keep my own excitement contained. A smile breaks out onto my face as I think about how fucking happy she’ll be.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It’s A Date

  That next morning I woke with a start to knocking on my bedroom door. “Mom!” Oh, it’s just Miklo. I turn and look at Cade lying shirtless next to me. Oh! Shit! He had climbed through my window again last night to lay with me. His eyes open just as Miklo knocks on the door again.

  “Mom, I’m coming in.”

  I manage to toss the blankets over Cade's face just as Miklo comes in. “Good morning, Bubbs. All ready for school?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to let you know I was leaving. Oh, and tryouts are today after school, so wish me luck.”

  “Good luck! Text me afterward and let me know how it went, although I have no doubt you’ll make it.” I blow him a kiss, and he blows one back. “Love you, see you later.”

  “Love you. Later.” He gets a big grin before turning to leave. “Later, Cade!”

  My jaw drops as I hear, “Later, Lil Man.” come muffled from under the covers.

  Once I heard the front door close, I quickly pull the covers from Cade’s face. “Shit! How does he know? Do you think he heard me scream your name the other night?” I’m freaking out here. I planned on having a talk with him, but he already knows? Well, there goes my practiced speech. I’ll have to start it differently now.

  He pulls me down from my sitting position and cradles me in his arms. “Calm down, it’s fine. I doubt he heard you and knows some other way. Maybe Jesse let something slip?”

  Narrowing my eyes. “He better not have.”

  “I’ll hold him down for you if he did.” He gets out of bed and pulls me to follow. “Come on, let’s take a shower. I’m already late getting the shop open, and you need to get ready.”

  When we get out of our quick shower, yup, it was fast, no time for sexy time, not that I didn’t try, of course, and get dressed. I watch as Cade pulls some boxers and jeans out of a dresser drawer and gets a shirt from the closet. When did he bring some clothes over? I gotta say I love seeing his shirts hanging next to mine. I’ve never had to share a closet with a man before.

  He leaves about ten minutes before I do, and I barely get to work on time. The girls talk nonstop all day about their weekend. Felicia went on a date with the bartender Max on Friday, and they went to a new club in Seattle on Saturday. They both look like they are still recovering from all the excitement.

  I get a text message from Miklo when I have about an hour left of work.

  Bubbs: I did it, Mom! I made the JV basketball team!

  Me: Congratulations! I knew you could do it! Proud of you, baby.

  Bubbs: Thanks, mom.

  Bubbs: Hey, can I go to the movies with Killian and Andie tonight? Please?

  Hmm, He’s mentioned Killian a lot before, but I don’t remember him ever mentioning Andie. Must be another new friend. Remembering my conversation with Roman yesterday, I get an idea.

  Me: Yeah, that’s fine. Actually, when I drop you off, I might watch a movie too. Don’t worry, not the same one.

  Bubbs: Ok, thanks, Mom. Love you.

  Me: Love you more!

  I send a quick text to Roman. Looking around, I see the girls are on their phones too. We got all of our work done early today so the afternoon has been slow.

  Me: Want to go out on a date? You and me? Movies?

  I was expecting to have to wait a while for a reply, but one came almost instantly.

  Roman: Yes. Just got home gonna jump in the shower and will be ready by the time you get home.

  I’m going to have to change real quick when I get home too. No way am I going in my slacks and a blouse.

  Me: It’s a date.

  Roman: Jesse’s jealous, he’s pouting.

  Awe. Poor baby.

  Captain Cock, aka Jesse: Not pouting. You can make this up to me later though wink wink.

  Even in text, he’s silly. I laugh out loud, gaining questioning looks from the girls.

  Me: I’ll think about it, wink wink.

  The rest of the hour passes by quickly, and in no time, I’m pulling up to my house. I run in to quickly get changed. Miklo had text again to let me know their movie started at six, so I had to hurry. Throwing on a black wool knit sweater, with a v neckline and a pair o
f light blue skinny jeans, I miss getting to wear my chanclas. It’s too cold for them now, so I pull on a pair of knee-high black boots instead.

  When I finish getting ready, Miklo and Roman are in the living room waiting. From the sounds of it, Miklo has been telling him about tryouts. He has such a big smile on his face; it warms my heart. They stand up, and we head outside to my truck since Roman’s jeep is blocked in, and he takes the keys from me to drive. I don’t mind, I hate driving.

  When we get to the theater and get out, I look around for Miklo’s friends. “Hey, so where are they supposed to meet you? I don’t see Killian.”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you he couldn’t make it. Got grounded, so it’ll just be Andie and me.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. Where’s Andie at?”

  “She’s right over there.” I turn to where he is pointing to see a cute little blonde girl waiting by the entrance doors. Her blonde hair reaches her shoulders in waves, and her eyes are a bright blue.

  “Wait, she?”

  “Yeah, Mom. Andie is short for Andrea. I thought I told you about her.”

  “You definitely did not. I’d remember that.”

  “Well, it’s ok if I still watch the movie with her, right? She said her mom could give me a ride home after which means you and Roman could have more time together.”

  He’s trying to butter me up, and it’s working. It would be nice to not have to rush home so Miklo could be in bed at a decent time for school in the morning. He had me at more time with Roman, though. “I guess that would be ok, but I want you to text me when you get home, and make sure you lock the door when you get inside. Oh my goodness, this is your first date!”

  He blushes a deep red.”Shh Mom! And it’s not a date, we’re just friends.”

  “Sure, it isn’t.” It’s my turn to pick on him.

  “Mom, stop.” I give him a break as we reach where Andy is standing. He introduces us all, and we let them go to buy their tickets for the newest comedy out. Roman gives Miklo a manly pat on the back before they walk off.

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve been had. Do you think they had that planned?”

  “Definitely. I’m proud of Lil Man.”

  I shove him in the chest, and he laughs. “It’s not funny, he’s growing up too fast.”

  “Come on, Angel, let’s go get our tickets. Do you know what you want to watch? I’ll even watch a chick flick with you” His smile lights up his gorgeous face, and he’s distracting me, and I love him for it. I hate thinking about my baby growing up on me.

  “Hmm sounds good to me.” We get our tickets, and after getting popcorn and soda at the concessions stand, we head into our theater. Roman grabs my free hand and leads me to seats in the center back row. I can only see a few other couples in the room, and we are all spaced out. It actually seems really cozy with the leather reclining seating.

  Once seated, Roman immediately pushes up the armrest between us. Putting an arm around me, he slides us closer. I still can’t believe how comfortable I am already with all four guys. Sitting here cuddled up with Roman, I feel like I’ve known him forever, and we shouldn’t be anywhere but close. “This is nice.” I rest my head against his chest and arm.

  “This is perfect. I’m glad you asked me out.” Kissing the top of my head, he tightens his arm around my shoulders.

  “Well, since none of you have thought to ask me out anywhere, although I did go on that surprise picnic with Jayson, I figured I’d have to wear the pants and ask.” I giggle, letting him know I’m not really bothered by having to be the one to ask.

  “We tried once, even had a bet to see who could get you to go out with them first.”

  “Hey!” I look up at him, and he’s laughing.

  “Yeah, we all failed, though. We couldn’t do it. When you first arrived, you seemed… broken. Now you are, slowly getting your pieces back.” The mood quickly changes. I am getting myself back together, but these men, they are all helping me glue the pieces. They all have their own personalities and stories, their ways of making me smile. I’m afraid of what they can do to me. They are winning over my heart faster than I thought possible, and I fear it wouldn’t take much for my heart to be shattered again but in even more pieces. He gently grabs my chin and turns my head up to him, planting a sweet kiss to my lips. “You were a beautiful mess, now you’re just beautiful. You did that all on your own, Mia.” Giving me a smirk, he releases my chin. I wanted to tell him how much they’ve helped me, but I decided to keep the night light.

  “Hey, wait, was that the day you all had come over individually, and Jesse with the sugar?”

  “Yeah, I still need to get the fucker back for that one.” I love seeing the affection he has in his eyes for his brother. Their bond couldn’t be more prominent even if they were blood.

  “That was over two months ago. I had only been here a week.”

  “Yup, and we had wanted to ask you out from day one. I don’t know what it is about you, Babe, but you’ve pulled all of us in. Even Cade, and we all thought he’d end up being a grump ass forever.”

  “That’s right, Cade hated me at first.” I could thank the Lord every day, that is no longer the case.

  “No, Babe, he never hated you. You scared him. After Nichoal he never thought he’d feel anything close to what he felt for her. Then here you come along like a hurricane and practically blew him over. He was mad at himself, didn’t think he should be allowed to have feelings for anyone else since he still blames himself for her disappearance.” Oh my poor angsty, Cade, how could he blame himself?

  “You know, you guys are quite the forces of nature yourselves. I never thought I’d be able to get over Dre… and while I’m not 100% there… I feel like I’m healing. It’s been so long since I’ve even allowed myself to even try to get close to anyone else. Then all of a sudden, I have all four of you capturing my attention. Treating me how I’ve always wanted to be treated by a man, taking care of me as much as I want to take care of all of you. And there are four of you. I still can’t wrap my head around you all wanting me back, and all being okay with sharing me. I’m waiting for the ball to drop, things always get worse after I’ve had a little bit of luck.”

  My words flow out, and I can’t take them back, but they are raw and honest.

  I turn towards the movie, the previews have ended, and the film is now starting. He grabs my chin again and gently forces me to look at him. “Hey, don’t think like that. We’re here, and we’re here to stay.”

  Could I really be this lucky? Despite my struggles with Dre, this was getting easier. I was starting to feel freer. I also couldn’t deny that I felt a confidence boost from my amazing men actively pursuing me. My guys, I like the way that sounds.

  Moving my long bangs out of my eyes, he leans back down for another kiss. I let out a whimper needing more of him and turn my body sideways so that I’m practically laying on top of him to deepen the kiss. We end up making out almost the entire movie, and he was driving my libido crazy, running his hand up and down my jean covered thighs. Don’t ask me what the movie was about, because I wouldn’t be able to tell you. In the moments we broke apart to catch our breaths, my eyes never left him.

  When we stand up to leave when the movie is over, his voice is even deeper than normal with lust. “Come on, Babe, let’s go somewhere, just not home yet. I feel like being a little greedy with my time alone with you.” He grabs my hand, and we walk outside to the truck. I can’t help but keep looking down at our joined hands. I can’t remember but less than a handful of times that Dre and I ever held hands in public.

  As Roman drives, I turn my phone on, having had it off during the movie. There’s a text from Miklo letting me know he made it home okay. Cades at the house, and they are going to play some Xbox before he heads to bed. I can’t explain how happy I am that he has someone there for him when I’m not.

  Pretty soon, we are pulling up to a small clearing at Sammamish Lake. Roman turns and backs the truck to face the lake.
“Do you have a blanket in here?”

  “Yeah, there’s one under the back seat.”

  We both get out, and he grabs the blanket from under the back seat. He pulls the tailgate down and lays the blanket in the back of the truck. Grabbing my hips, Roman helps lift me into the bed of the truck and gets up behind me. Laying down, he holds me in his arms, and we look up at the stars in the sky. The sky is entirely clear of clouds for the first time in a week, and the view is fantastic. It’s cold outside, but I feel warm in Roman’s arms as we lay in comfortable silence, the water hitting the shore of the lake and the birds bedding down in the trees the only things we can hear.

  “This is amazing. You never get to see a sky like this in Phoenix. The closest you can get to a view like this would be on South Mountain looking down on the lights of the city.”

  “I love it out here. As teenagers, we used to always come out here to camp and party. A lot of good memories.” I wonder what it would have been like if we had met each other as teenagers. Would we all still feel the same way we do now? Would they have been willing to share me back then too? Without all of their life’s experiences behind them?

  Roman gently removes my head from his arm and lays it back down on the blanket. He climbs over me, bracing himself above me with a hand on either side of my head. “Is this where you took all of your girlfriends?” I don’t know why, but the thought makes me insanely jealous. I mean, I didn’t even know them back then.

  “Why? Would that make you jealous?” It’s like he was reading my mind.

  Yes! “No.”

  “Liar.” He smirks at me.

  “Your right. You know Dre used to take me to this…”

  He stops me. “Okay, okay, stop. Point taken.” A line appears in his forehead and his jaw ticks. He really didn’t like me talking about Dre. Wanting to change the subject, I grab a handful of his black sweater and pull him down to me. Stopping any of the words he was about to say. He shifts position onto his forearms so that he can deepen the kiss.

  When we both have to come up for air, he scoots down my body and leans on one arm while using the other one to slide my sweater up my stomach and over my breasts. The fresh air feels good, hitting my heated body, and I squirm from beneath him. He leans over and places soft kisses on my belly and up to my chest. Pulling my bra down beneath my breasts, my nipples instantly pebble against the cold air as he runs his thumbs over them teasingly.


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