Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1) Page 20

by Tammi Lynn

  His arms trail down my sides gripping my hips, and with one hard thrust, he’s inside me. “Oh, fuck, fuck fuck fuck.” I grip onto his shoulders, holding on in a tight grip as he begins to slowly pull out of me and then thrusts hard back in. I wrap my legs around him, resting my heels above the top curve of his toned ass, making sure not to stab him with them, and pulled him closer. I need him closer.

  “Hold on, Angel.” He starts fucking me hard. His cock pounding into me as my back arches and pleasure courses through my body. He reaches an arm around my back to keep me from falling back, and my nails start to bite into his shoulders.

  Pulling me back up, I wrap my arms around him tighter, and he pulls me closer, lifting me off the counter. He’s still inside me hitting back as far as his long thick dick will go, and my legs wrapped around him tighter so I can bounce up and down on him, not wanting to lose any friction or lick of pleasure he’s giving me.

  Turning with me in his arms, he walks to the fridge to rest my back against it as he starts pounding into me again. I feel like I could burst, the most intense pleasure creeping along my body, awakening every point of pleasure I have. When he pulls the front of my dress and bra down to expose my breasts, he takes one into his mouth to suck, not losing any of his rhythm he’s pounding into me. My orgasm hits me hard as I throw my head back against the fridge and scream out Roman’s name. I’m still riding my blissful high as he continues to thrust inside of me, jerking and grunting into me as he finds his own release.

  My head falls against his chest, and I take in the clean smell of his body wash and the smell of his cooking, he smells like, like. Home? I don’t know what to think of that as my stomach uninvitingly rumbles, and he laughs, stirring the hairs on the top of my head.

  “We better get some food into you. You know, to keep up your strength.” He laughs again, and I have to wonder what he’s implying. I groan at the loss of the way he fills me as he slowly slips free. Setting me on the ground and holding onto me as my legs are trembling to keep me from falling. He kisses me as he slips the skirt of my dress back into place, and I fix my bra and dress top, not forgetting to lift the girls again just as Cade had done for me earlier.

  “Let me go clean up a little, and I’ll be right back.” I smack his ass before heading back to my bathroom to clean both of our arousal from dripping between my thighs. This has got to be one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had so far. Roman in that apron will be in my dreams, night and day, for a long time.

  After eating breakfast, I noticed an envelope on the counter and pick it up. I smile as I see the words “Mom” written across it. Inside he wrote:

  Happy 25th Birthday, Mamacita!

  I hope you have an amazing day! Sorry not sorry I told the guys today was your birthday, I’m sure you’ll be thanking me later! See you tomorrow for our dinner and a movie date! Love You! Your #1 Son! Miklo.

  He has got to be one of the sweetest kids ever, and he’s still playing my it’s my always twenty-five game. I just turned thirty-four, but hey, I liked being twenty-five.

  Noticing that I’m going to be running late, I grab my phone just as the phone starts to ring. It’s Dre. Do I answer it? Or do I ignore it? Okay, I’m in a hurry, so I’m going to ignore it. I grab my purse and head out to the truck and head to work. As I pull into the parking lot, I get a text message.

  Dre: Happy Birthday, Baby! I miss you!

  This text actually made me smile a little. He always could be short and sweet with words. He speaks louder with music or pictures. Such as the picture that he sent along with his words. It’s a picture I actually had sent him a few years ago. Nothing really racy, my hair was in a really messy bun with curls hanging down. I had on bright red lipstick and was biting the corner of my bottom lip, trying for a sultry look. I was in the bath, but the picture was from the chest up with bubbles covering everything. I can’t believe he still has that picture.

  So many memories flood my mind as I head into the office, things have changed so much. I don’t want to admit to missing Dre, but I kinda do. He was so much a part of my life, even though he was hardly around because he was in my thoughts daily. Isn’t that the hardest part about losing someone in your life? Pushing someone out? You know they aren’t healthy, hell you don’t want them there, but they are familiar. Familiar is easy. I mean shit, even our fights are familiar. I know I am healthier now than I’ve ever been, and he’s a bad habit I need to break. I have to stay strong. I pushed those thoughts and emotions aside, not wanting to hash them out and try to understand them until another day.

  As I come around and through the front counter, the girls whistle, and catcalls at me. I do a little spin in my dress and give them a silly curtsy, laughing before I sit down in my chair.

  “I love those shoes!” Felicia gushes.

  “Ohh, dressed all sexy for your birthday, huh? Any plans??” Cassie gives me a wink.

  “Hey, how did you guys know it was my birthday?” Geez, I know Miklo didn’t tell these two, he stays his distance when the gossiping flirts come around.

  “Oh, um, Jim told us, your Aunt must have told him.” Felicia glances quickly at Cassie before turning her eyes back to me. Hmm.

  “And I thought it was hard to keep a secret in my small hometown in Arizona. I’m new here, and everyone already knows everything.”

  “Well, not everything.” Cassie starts in. “Such as who you’re all dolled up for? You always come to work looking nice, but not that nice.”

  “Gee, thanks Cass,” I shoot her a playful glare as she grins, “and it was a gift.”

  “A gift from whom?” Felicia prods, wanting me to continue.

  “A gift from someone.” I want to leave it at that, but they are both looking at me with wide eyes, and I know they are not going to let me get out of telling them anything again this time. “Okay, Okay, it was a gift from Cade.” If possible, their eyes get even wider.

  “Holy Shit.” Cassie’s face lights up, and she gets a huge grin on her face. Like she just got the best piece of gossip pie.

  “Damn, homeboys got style! Seriously, those shoes.” Felicia looks at the red heels with the little black bow on the back of them with awe. She has a serious shoe fetish, and I swear she wears a new cute pair to work every day.

  “Okay, so spill, are you guys dating?” Cassie always gets right to the point.

  “I’m not seeing any one person right now, but I really do like him.” See, I didn’t lie, I’m not seeing any one person right now, I’m seeing four persons.

  “You look like you love him, look at that blush.” I blush harder. Love? No, it’s too soon for love, and after loving Dre for fourteen years? Can I even really love again? I feel like my heart might be too broken. My heart scowled at me as if to say, ‘who are you to decide that’? What an asshole.

  “Come on, guys, let’s get some work done. Just because Jim isn’t coming in today doesn’t mean he won’t get a new grey hair if we don’t finish up.”


  We all get to work, but we do end up talking the whole time we got our work done. Throughout the day, we keep it light, talking about our previous weekend and my birthday plans with Miklo tomorrow. It was about five minutes to lunch when the office door opened and someone walked in. I was trying to finish something real quick, so I didn’t even look up knowing one of the girls would help whatever client that came in.

  “Um, Mia. Someone’s here for you.” I looked up at the tone in Felicia’s voice.

  Standing on the other side of the counter with the biggest grin on his face was Jesse. He looked really good in a black hoodie sweater with the sleeves pushed up to show off his colorful tattoos. His blonde hair was in a very messy, sexy style on his head, and his blue eyes sparkled in amusement at me. “Happy Birthday, Beautiful!” He lifts up a bouquet of purple Calla Lilies already in a glass vase and with balloons tied around it in one hand and a large rolled down paper bag in the other. “I brought lunch for everyone. You’re always complai
ning you can’t find anywhere with good Mexican food here, and I just so happen to know a little place that I think you’ll like.”

  The man brings me food. I mean, I may love him. Shit. Joking…

  “Yeah, we’ll see.” I return his smile as I get up to greet him, going around the counter he engulfs me in a huge bear hug. There’s something in the front pocket of his hoodie that is pressing into my stomach. When he releases me and pulls back, I slip my hands into his hoodie pocket and pulls out a wide rectangular shaped slim present. It’s adorably wrapped badly in My Little Pony wrapping paper. I’m guessing it was leftover from one of Emma’s birthdays, and I love it.

  He looks at me, his smile getting wider. “Open it.” He looks like a kid at Christmas even though I’m the one who gets to open a present. Actually, with the way he’s now looking me up and down now with lust in his eyes, making me feel hot all over? I might just let him open one too.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, the flowers, balloons, and lunch are already too much.”

  “Stop.” He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear and leans in for a quick kiss to my lips, “You deserve so much more.” I swear I hear collective sighs from both of the girls on the other side of the counter.

  I unwrap the present, and I absolutely love it. Jesse has printed out and placed the picture we had all taken just last night in our matching sweaters with Miklo into a black five by seven frame. This picture had been my favorite, and I had texted it to everyone’s phones. We all managed to look at the camera and have smiles on our faces. Yesterday was an amazing day, and you can see it on all our expressions.

  My eyes start to water a little. “Jesse, it’s perfect.” I throw my arms back around him in another hug.

  “I thought you’d like it for your desk, nothing better than looking at my handsome face all day, right.” He wags his eyebrows at me, and I hit him playfully on the shoulder. Grabbing onto the vase of flowers, I take them and place them on my desk along with my new picture. I set it next to one I have of me and Miklo in New York the year before last on the Empire State building. We always go somewhere new for spring break, and that trip had been one of our favorites.

  Jesse grabs the bag of food, and I lead him back to the conference room where we always eat lunch. Cassie and Felicia enter right before we do having gotten themselves a drink from the breakroom. He passes out containers of tacos, beans, and rice to all of us before sitting beside me on one side of the table and the girls on the other. Jesse keeps everyone talking, providing most of the conversation, as the girls are actually uncharacteristically quiet for themselves. They just keep listening to him talk and looking between the two of us taking everything in.

  About halfway through lunch, I feel Jesse move his hand to my thigh and starts to slip it up to my dress. I pay a little more attention to my food as I take another bite, trying to hide the trembling he has started along my body. He continues talking, telling a story about a guy they all know in common as his fingers reach the apex of my thighs, and he slips one between the material and into me quickly. “Mmmmm.” The girls' heads whip towards me so fast I almost choke on the bite of food I had just taken before he made me moan out. “Mmmhm, you’re right Jesse, this place is good. Not as good as it is back home but definitely the best I’ve had here.” I squeeze my thighs together, trapping his hand, and halting his movements before I make another embarrassing noise that I’m not able to cover up.

  “I told you, Beautiful. Well, ladies, I hate to cut my visit short, but I better get back to work before my own brother tries to fire me.” He laughs and stands up, taking his magical fucking hand with him.

  “Here, I’ll walk you out to your jeep.” I stand to follow him as the girls wave their goodbyes, and then they both shoot me looks that say, ‘You are so telling us more when you get back in here.’ Crap. What should I tell them?

  Jesse’s jeep is parked to the side of the office, between it and a high brick wall that borders on one side and the rear of the building. He’s holding my hand as we walk over to it, and when we reach the door, he opens it and pulls me in, crushing me to him and kissing me hard, thrusting his tongue in a wild dance with my own. I moan against him. He was already getting me worked up inside, and now I need him.

  We’re completely sheltered and unseen in his chosen parking spot, not visible from any prying eyes. He grabs my hips and lifts me a few inches, so my ass is now teetering on the edge of his front seat. He lifts my dress up to my waist and slips his fingers back inside me, I feel myself gush around his fingers just from that first contact. “Fuck Beautiful. I have been thinking about you in these panties all day, wanting to slip inside. It’s been hard trying not to get hard from seeing this image in my head while at work.” I laugh, knowing Roman never would have let him live it down. “When Cade showed us what he’d gotten you, I had to thank the fucker myself.”


  “Yeah, Babe?”

  “Shut up and fuck me.” I had been shamelessly moving my hips back and forth, working myself over his fingers as he talked, and it wasn’t enough. I needed him inside me. “Please, Captain Cock?” I bite my bottom lip playfully after I say it, and his eyes go wide.

  “Fuck yeah.” He unzips and has his cock springing free in no time.

  I look down and giggle. “Looks like the Captain went commando today.” In that next second, he’s lined up at my entrance and thrusting in as I cry out. “Oh, oh, fuck.”

  “Like I said, you, these panties, in my head. All. Day. Long.” He thrust in with each word hitting me deep and sending flickering white sparks behind my eyes. What have these guys done to me? I feel like I can never get enough of them. It isn’t long before he has an orgasm ripping through me. Before I fully come down from my high, he pulls me from my perch and flips me around, bending my top half over the seat and re-entering me from behind as my pussy continues to pulse, and I clench around him. “Fuck Beautiful, you keep clenching around me like that, and I’m going to...” He doesn’t get to finish what he was going to say as I clench around him again, and he roars his release, filling me up with his hot come in jerky thrusts.

  He rests against my back as we both regain our breath. When he pulls out, he reaches around me into the middle console and pulls out some tissues. Leaning down between my legs, he gently cleans me up before tossing the tissues to his floorboard. After fixing the skirt of my dress and putting himself back into his jeans, he grabs me in for another of his amazing bear hugs, and I melted into him. “You’re perfect, you know that?”

  I blush at his words. “Whatever. I’m so not perfect.” I know. I know. But come on, I deserved a bit of reassurance after everything I’d been through.

  “You’re right, perfect doesn’t describe you. It’s not strong enough. You are single-handedly the most unique and amazing woman I have ever met. ” He kissed me passionately this time, and I almost lost myself in it along with his words. I’m not used to this. He pulls away, and I groan at the loss of his lips against mine.

  “I really do have to go now, but I’ll see you later, Beautiful. Happy Birthday!” Then with one last kiss, he gets in his jeep and drives away.

  I walk back into the office a smile on my face, I don’t even lose it when the girls pounce on me as soon as I get around the counter.

  “Holy shit, Mia!” I can tell Felicia wants to ask me so many questions, but she’s too shy to ask.

  Cassie sits me in my chair, so they can block me as if I’m going to get away from them. “Alright, Cade’s buying you clothes, Jesse’s bringing you flowers and lunch. Don’t think we didn’t catch that kiss, by the way.” She winks at me, and I laugh. “His hot as fuck brother Roman was dropping you off and picking you up that one day last week. And then there’s-”

  “Shh! Cassie!” Felicia shakes her head at her.

  Cassie shuts up, and I look back and forth between them. What the fuck was that all about? “Alright, your guys turn to spill it. What’s going on?”

e can’t tell you, we promised. It’s a surprise.” Felicia is about two seconds from telling me anyway in excitement, she’s bouncing in her black and white polka dot stilettos. They are super cute, by the way. I told you, the girl loves her shoes.

  “Don’t get mad.” Not a chance this day has already been so amazing. “You’ll find out what it is soon anyway.” Cassie heads back to her own desk, and now I’m really intrigued. I mean, I could definitely go for another surprise. First, I got woken up with Cade's head between my thighs. Then, Roman’s glorious body bringing my fantasies to life as he wore nothing but that apron covering his smooth, hard, naked body beneath it. Jesse’s excitement at giving me the picture that I absolutely love, and then him bringing me to ecstasy against his Jeep and telling me I was perfect. Another surprise? Bring it. Best freakin’ birthday ever.

  We all get back to work, but they keep making me nervous, looking at the clock then at me. I’m practically bouncing in my seat. The next surprise has got to be Jayson, and I’m excited to get to have some alone time with him. I hardly ever get to see him, he works so much and then has Emma every other weekend now. I haven’t gotten to meet her yet. It just hasn’t felt like the right time. I am excited to meet her, though, when we do. I see so much of myself and Dre in Miklo, and I want to see Jayson’s Lil mini version. I already know they have the same beautiful blue eyes.

  I’m not disappointed when Jayson walks in at a quarter to three. I swear this man always has me drooling. He’s dressed to the nines in a black suit, with a black button-up underneath, and a crimson red tie. Now I understand Cade’s choice of cocktail dress for me to wear. He looks hot as fuck, and that tie keeps drawing my eyes into it, and over his toned chest. I want to grab that tie and pull him into me. Fuck, I’ve become insatiable. I blame them. I was never a sex addict before them. My heads running wild with thoughts, and I stand to walk to him. He’s like a magnet, and he’s pulling me in.

  I quickly reach him, and he pulls me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around me. His hugs aren’t like Jesse’s bear ones, he just holds you, envelopes you in warmth. “Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.” He kisses the top of my head.


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