Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1) Page 19

by Tammi Lynn

“Still.” I give a pouty face, and he reaches out and grabs my bottom lip.

  “Do it again, and I’ll bite it.”

  I pout my lip out again but quickly pull it back in when I realize that Andie is still sitting with us. She’s getting a ride with Killian and his parents back home.

  “I saw that, but I’ll get you later.” I see Andie shaking her head and smiling. Gah, I wonder what she’s thinking, seeing me hold hands and flirt with all of them.

  I hear a loud noise coming from the locker room doors just before the team comes out. Miklo runs over to us excitedly, still in his uniform and with an orange sweat headband on, that holds back his curls. “Mom! Mom! Did you see that last play?”

  I grab him in a big hug. “Yeah, I saw Bubbs, you were awesome! I’m so proud of you!” I grab my phone out of Roman’s pocket, hey guys pants have bigger pockets, and I didn’t bring my purse. Cade has my lip gloss in his, I loved the look on his face when I shoved it in there after putting some on and popping my lips at him. “Hey, Andie, would you mind taking a picture of all of us?”

  “Yeah, I can do that.” I handed her my phone, and we all get together on the court. We pose for the picture, Miklo and the guys around me, followed by a pic of my two goofballs, Jesse and Miklo kissing me on either side of my cheeks.

  Getting my phone back from Andie, I decide to take a couple more. “Hey, before you guys leave, I’d like to get a pic of you, Miklo and Killian, together.” They all agree, and I get a good one of them, with both of the boys resting their arms on the shorter girl's shoulders. I snap one more quickly before they leave, as Miklo and Andie hugged goodbye. It came out as the cutest pic, her wrapped in his arms, him looking down at her and her looking up at him. I know they say their just friends but still… so cute! Not that I even want Miklo dating yet. He can wait as long as he wants for that, I’m not going to rush him.

  “Hey, Mom, you wanna ride with Jesse and me?” Miklo says as we get out to the parking lot.

  “Yeah, um, I think I’ll pass. You, my dear child, are sweaty and stinky.” He grabs me in a tight hug and pretends like he’s going to stick his armpit at my nose. “Miklo! No! Guys, help me!” Help me, they do not, laughing instead. Okay, I’m laughing too, but that’s beside the point. “You guys suck.”

  “Okay, Mom, we’ll see you at home.” He releases me, my hair now wild and all over the place. I try to pat it back down but feel I’m failing when I see Roman focused on the top of my head.

  “Babe, you're a mess.” he comes over to me and moves a few strands of my hair into their proper place. “A hot mess, but still a mess.”

  “That’s alright. You love my mess.” I say saucily as I try to climb sexily into the truck. Sexy, I am not. I slip twice before Cade ends, uplifting me up into it and smacking me on the ass, before following behind me.

  It’s not a long drive back to the house, but I’m so tired my head drops against Cade’s shoulder, and my eyes start to close as I breathe in his familiar scent, Giorgio Armani cologne, and man. “Hey, no sleeping yet, Baby Girl, we’re almost home.” He nudges me up as Jayson pulls into the driveway behind Jesse.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside.” He helps me out of the truck, and I say my goodnights to Jesse and Jayson. Roman already headed inside our house with Miklo, and I’m hoping he’ll end up staying.

  When Cade and I get inside Miklo and Roman are at the kitchen island with glasses of water and talking about, I was thinking about the game, but they got quiet as we got to them. “So what are you guys talking about?”

  “Oh, um, Killian was wondering if I could spend the night tomorrow. Would that be okay? I’ll be home in time on Saturday for the movie.”

  “Yeah that sounds fine, are his parents going to pick you up after school tomorrow, or will you need a ride?”

  “Actually, I’m going to just take some clothes in my backpack and go home with Killian after school.”

  “Okay, make sure you text me when you get over there, alright?”

  “Will do.” he steps back from the counter and gives me a hug. “I’m going to go take a shower and head to bed. Love you, see you in the morning.”

  “Love you more! See you in the morning.” He gives a look to both Cade and Roman that I don’t understand before heading down the hallway. “Night, guys.”

  “Night Lil Man.”


  I turn to look back at both of the guys, and they each have mischievous grins on their faces. Hmm? “What’s going on?”



  They both say it quickly and at the same time, making my bullshit meter start beeping in my head. What are they up too?

  “Come on, Angel, let’s go to bed,” Roman says as he takes my hand and leads me down the hall into my room, Cade following behind.



  I’m lying on my bed listening to music and trying to fall asleep, but I still have adrenaline leftover from the game pumping in my veins. Today had to have been the best day ever. Winning the game was awesome, and even more awesome because Jesse is going to be our assistant coach now. He has already helped me so much with my technique and conditioning. Running with me in the morning and shooting hoops and going over plays with me in the afternoon.

  The game wasn’t the only thing that made it one of the best days ever, though. Seeing my mom with the guys and looking so happy was the best. She’s always had to go to all of my school functions alone, and now she has four guys that will go with her. I have to admit it was a little weird in the beginning when thinking about her being with four different guys, but just like I told her, I just want her to be happy. And she is very happy. They all treat her the way I’ve always wished my dad would treat her, and they all bring something different to the table. I get along with all of them and like them all.

  I turn over, hoping the new position will help me fall asleep faster when I hear a text message notification on my phone.

  Andie: Hey, good game today. You guys were so good.

  I’m quick to text back, Andie has become a good friend along with Sean and Killian. I like her, and she’s pretty, but she’s also made it clear she only wants to be our friends. Which is cool too because she has to be one of the coolest girls I’ve met. Always right at our level. I didn’t know there were girls like her. Maybe there aren’t, maybe it’s just Andie.

  Me: Thanks! I’m glad you came to the game. Did you get home, okay?

  Andie: Yeah, Killian’s mom dropped me off, and luckily my mom was already home.

  She never seemed to want to be home if only her dad was, which worried me, and I didn’t know how to ask her about it.

  Me: That’s good, did you get your homework done for tomorrow? I’m gonna have to finish it in my free period.

  Andie: Yeah, same since I went to the game. Hey, can I ask you a question?

  Me: Yeah, shoot.

  Andie: Well, I was wondering… which one of those guys is your mom with? Or is she maybe with all of them? They are all really nice, I’m glad your mom asked me to sit with them.

  Oh man, I was waiting when one of my friends would ask me that question. I don’t want to lie to her, and honestly, if someone doesn’t like it, then who cares, because I’m okay with it.

  Me: I’m glad she did too, and she’s with all of them.

  Andie: Really? That’s cool. They seem to really love her.

  Did they love her? They acted like it. I knew I couldn’t see Andie’s expression, but I felt like her tone was sad. That word always seemed to make her sad.

  Me: Yeah, she is.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Birthday Surprises

  “Mmmm.” The feeling of large hands running up my inner thigh to brush over my naked pussy from under the covers has me waking up, squirming. I pick up the covers to peer under and see who has me already trembling with need before my eyes even opened. “Well, good morning to you too.”

  Cade looks up at me fro
m between my legs, the covers falling into his face. “Good morning, Baby Girl.”

  He pushes my knees up and spreads my legs wider. The comforter is now tented above his head from my knees, and I see a smirk on his face before he leans back down and runs his tongue between my lower lips. “Oh, fuck.” I moan out as his tongue starts flicking over my clit in quick succession, and I feel the flood of my arousal below. What’s better than waking up to Cade every morning? Waking up naked with Cade.

  “Keep your legs open for me Baby,” I quickly follow his command dropping my knees wider till they both hit the sheets. When he pushes two fingers inside me and starts thrusting them in and out, following the pace he is pleasantly torturing my clit with, I grab onto the sheets beneath me and bucked my hips up, grinding my clit on his face. This has to be the best wake up I’ve ever received. The stubble on his chin tickles my thighs, and they move up to flex against his head, making him hold one thigh down with his free hand. I’m getting close, I can feel the orgasm start in my toes as they curl and run up my legs into the rest of my body. My thighs start to twitch, and I release the sheets and grab onto his hair instead, urging him on.

  As he picks up the pace of his fingers, and he sucks my nub into his mouth hard. I scream out in ecstasy, my back arching as he continues to suck on me as I ride out the intense wave of pleasure coursing through my body. You know I never used to like guys going down on me, never could get off on it. But now both Roman and Cade have brought me to that peak with no trouble at all. Hey, where is Roman? He was here when I fell asleep between them both. I had been so tired last night, but they had me up till at least midnight before I fell blissfully asleep. I felt so safe. Everything with these guys is so new. I don’t know how to feel about it, and the emotions I’m feeling about these guys are scaring me. I don’t want to get hurt.

  Cade flips the covers over his head and starts scooting up my body trailing kisses up my stomach and chest, kissing each nipple on my breasts softly before going up my collar bone and neck. “Happy Birthday, Baby Girl.” How did he know? I didn’t say anything about it being my birthday. In fact, I didn’t say anything on purpose. I never try to make a big deal out of my birthday. I just always like to go out and do something with Miklo. We usually go and watch a movie and go out to eat for my birthday. Which we have planned for tomorrow since he has school today.

  He kisses my lips, and I melt into him before being able to stutter out, “How did you know?” I’m not used to all this attention, and it makes me blush.

  Leaning upon his elbows, he looked down at me. It’s hard to concentrate when his green eyes sparkle with an emotion I can’t figure out just yet. “Miklo might have let it slip.”

  Crap. “He is so grounded.”

  Cade laughs before kissing me again. “Don’t be hard on Lil Man. I’m glad he said something. Why wouldn’t you want anyone knowing it's your birthday?”

  “I don’t know, after turning twenty one I stopped really doing anything for them. Miklo was about to turn one, and I turned all my birthday attention on him.”

  “Well, you both deserve to be celebrated on your birthdays. Come on, let’s go take a shower. Roman’s cooking breakfast, and it’ll probably be finished by the time we get out.” He gets off the bed and tugs me up to follow after him. So that’s where Roman went. I can faintly smell bacon cooking, and my stomach rumbles, the last time I ate had been popcorn at the game. Cade laughs. “We better hurry from the sounds of it.” I playfully smacked his shoulder as I follow him into the bathroom.

  When we get out of the shower, and I head to my dresser to pull out a bra and underwear, Cade stops me. “Hold on sweet girl, I have something for you.”

  “Another gift? You already gave me the best one.” I blush again as he heads toward the closet, his naked butt on full display for me to ogle. When he reaches into the back of the closet, he pulls out a purple gift bag and brings it to me. He steals a kiss before handing it to me, and I almost topple forward in only a towel for protection as I continue to lean into his kiss as he pulls away. I give him a playful glare as I pull the contents out of the bag. My gaze drops from him to a beautiful black dress, and a pair of amazing red heels Swoon! How did he know about my weakness for red shoes? They aren’t too high, probably three inches, which means my clumsy ass has a better shot at not falling in them.

  “Oh, Cade, I love them!” I throw my arms around him, crushing the bag between us and making my towel fall to the floor.

  “You’re more than welcome, Baby Girl. I…” He looks to the side quickly and then back to me as if he changed his mind on what he was going to say. “I’m glad you like them. I hoped you’d wear them today?”

  I nod. “Hell yes I’ll wear them!” the dress is a little much for work, It’s almost a cocktail dress with sleeves that will go around my upper arms and a high/low skirt that will hit me mid-thigh in the front and down to the back of my knees, the top of my dress will skim across the tops of my breasts, but I don’t even care. I’d like nothing better than to wear his gift.

  “Here, let me help you put them on.” He grabs the bag from me and pulls out a pair of red lace boy short panties, He knows what I like, and a red lace strapless bra that I hadn’t even noticed in the bag. Reaching around me, he clasps the bra on and then brings his hands back to the front with a grin and grabs each breast and lift them in the cups, so they’re almost spilling out. He leans down and kisses the tops of heaving flesh as my heart rate accelerates. He knows what he does to my body, and he’s getting a kick out of making me squirm. When he drops down to his knees, my legs almost buckle, and he has to place a hand on my hip to keep me steady. He then runs it down my leg to my ankle, gently lifting my foot so he can stick it in one hole of the panties and follows it with the other slowly sliding them up my legs and thighs, and over my ass. Maybe it’s just the lace, but I feel a draft down there.

  Before standing, he leans forward and runs his tongue over my still throbbing clit. “Oh, fuck me.” Nope, it’s not the lace, but the fact that he has put crotchless panties on me. I feel the cool air hit where his tongue just left.

  “Oh, I will Baby Girl.” arousal rushes through my body at the promise in his eyes. “But you’ll have to wait for tonight.” I groan. He has me so worked up. “Go into the bathroom and finish getting ready. Don’t make Roman wait too long.” He slides the dress over my head and down my body, and it fits perfectly. He slaps my ass as I turn to the bathroom. “Happy Birthday, Baby, I can’t wait until I see you again tonight.” Fuck now I can’t wait for tonight either, Work is going to drag today.

  When my hair is done, dried and curled in waves down my back, I slip on my new heels and head to the kitchen. It’s seven now, so Miklo must already be back from his run with Jesse and already off to school. When I reach the kitchen and see Roman, my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

  “Oh. My. God.” I put my hand over my mouth, bringing my jaw back up and closing it. Roman is turned toward the stove, his ass on full display. Straight out of my fantasies, he is wearing nothing but my frilly black apron with cherries all over it. I must be dreaming. Did I really wake up, or was my morning with Cade all a dream too?

  “Good morning, Angel, Happy Birthday!” he turns off the stove and puts eggs on two waiting plates with bacon, toast, and pancakes already on them. Placing them on the kitchen island, he comes around and engulfs me in a huge hug, lifting my feet off the ground and kissing me with a needy want in the pressure of his lips.

  “Thank you! You made all this for me?” I gesture towards the food, but my eyes stay locked on him. His powerful shoulders and the muscles in his arms down to his strong naked thighs since the apron barely reaches below his hard dick that’s pushing against the material.

  “All for you.” I don’t know what comes over me, but I practically attack him, jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I kissed him hard, hard enough to see stars as I begin to lose my breath. One of his arms go around me,
and the other goes to cup my ass and hold me up. Walking towards the island, he releases the hold on my cheek and pushes the plates to the other side, setting my ass on the edge. “You know I’m starting to think there’s a thing with us and kitchens. No wonder, though, since all I want to do is eat you up.”

  I giggle as he begins to nibble at my neck. “So… the apron? How did you know I’ve been fantasizing about you in nothing but one for months, and I’ve gotta say the real thing brings the fantasies to shame.” I reach around and grab his glorious ass giving it a squeeze. Wrangler butts might make some people nuts, but my guys' butts make me nuts. I know I'm corny as hell, but damn they have nice asses, and no pants are going to make them look any hotter than they are naked in my hands.

  He laughs too as he starts to drag my dress up my legs to pool around my waist. His hands-on my body lighting a fire through me, and I feel the liquid need begin to flood as he slowly drags his fingers up and down my legs, teasing me. “You probably don’t remember, but you told Jesse about it last week. We had been drinking at Jokers, you two got wasted fast and were dancing all over the place. He brought up that day we all tried to ask you out, and you admitted to the fantasy when remembering Jesse’s not so funny joke of me baking cookies in an apron. He told me all about it.”

  I blush but still laugh. “Oh, it was funny. Oh, fuck, that feels good.” His fingers reach my core, and he slipped a finger in the open hole of my new gifted panties, running it over my clit and my whole body jerks. I reach down and lift the apron up, grabbing onto his fully hard cock and squeezing at the base before running my hand up and down. He groans and leans into my shoulder, giving it a gentle nip of his teeth. I can’t take it anymore, I need him inside of me. Scooting closer to the edge of the island, I line him up with my throbbing pussy and look into his startling blue/grey eyes. They’re normally bluer, but right now, they are a sea of both colors as he looks back at me with just as much need and want.


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