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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

Page 8

by Maya Stirling

  Kyle halted in front of Veronica. He bowed courteously to her parents and smiled down at Molly. Up close, Veronica could see the excitement in Kyle's eyes. She could see how much this day meant to him. "I'm so happy to see you all here on such a wonderful day," he said. Reaching out, he beckoned them forward. "Please. Follow me."

  He led them near to the front, and gestured into an empty pew which was behind the front two rows. "Make yourself comfortable here," he instructed.

  Veronica smiled at Kyle. "Thank you," she said. He grinned back at her. Veronica led Molly into the pew and got her settled while Augusta and Dominick took their places next to Veronica. Apparently pleased he'd done part of his duty, Kyle moved quickly to other guests, allocating places for them. Judging by the friendly greeting which were exchanged, Veronica guessed they must be family members, close relatives or friends. There would be plenty of folks to meet later at the celebration up at the Baxter ranch, Veronica reflected. The two rows in front of Veronica and her parents filled up within a few minutes of frantic activity. Everyone knew the bride would be waiting to make her entrance with her father.

  Veronica smiled down at Molly, who was swinging her legs on the seat. "Isn't it exciting, Molly?"

  Molly's eyes widened. "Sure is." Twisting her head, Molly peered back at the open doors. "Is she coming in now?"

  "Any minute now," Veronica reassured her daughter. Veronica ran her gaze around the interior of the church which was now completely full. The murmur of voices echoed all the way up to the wooden beams which stretched across the high ceiling. She looked at the faces behind her. So, this was Inspiration's church congregation, Veronica said to herself. They looked like good people. Godly folks who had come today to join in with the celebration of a wonderful union. Another marriage. Veronica guessed there were marriages all the time in the town. Kyle had told her the population was growing steadily and now stood at a few thousand.

  Suddenly, she saw the Baxter brothers turn and face away from the open doors. It was time. The church pianist started playing "The Wedding March". All eyes turned to the open doors. And the two figures walking into the church. Lauren Munro's arm rested on that of her proud looking father. Lauren's white veil hung across her face and she held a pretty bouquet of flowers. Veronica heard admiring gasps as folks saw how lovely Lauren looked. As father and daughter walked slowly toward the front, the music filled the air. Veronica felt emotion sweep through her. Surely, there was nothing more joyous or beautiful than a wedding, she told herself.

  When Lauren reached the three men standing with their backs to her, Lauren's father loosened her hand and stepped to one side. Lauren's father had a look of obvious pride written across his features. Landon and Kyle moved to one side allowing Lauren to take her place next to Gabe. Veronica smiled when she saw the way Gabe's eyes widened with delight upon seeing just how beautiful Lauren looked. Molly smiled up at Veronica and looked about to say something. Veronica held a finger to her lips and, thankfully, Molly said nothing. But, Veronica was delighted to see how much Molly was enjoying the sight of the marriage ceremony.

  Then it was time for most important part of the proceedings. Pastor Joseph led Gabe and Lauren, carefully and respectfully, through the ceremony with a perfect dignity and calm delight. The words, ringing in the air, were joyous and familiar. As she sat listening to the beautiful declarations of the wedding vows, Veronica felt herself almost choke up with emotion. She could see how much Lauren and Gabe loved one another. It was written on each of their faces. There was love in their eyes. Veronica remembered what it had felt like when Jack had looked at her in exactly the same way that Gabe was looking at Lauren.

  And when the pastor declared Gabe and Lauren to be man and wife, a huge roar of approval was followed by a round of applause when Gabe and Lauren kissed. The interior of the church was filled with perfect joy and happiness. Veronica's heart filled with peace as she watched Gabe and Lauren walk arm in arm, side by side, all the way to the front door of the church. It was done. They were married and they looked astonishingly happy. Glancing at Kyle, Veronica saw him watching his brother and new sister-in-law with visible delight. For a moment, Kyle's gaze drifted to Veronica and she felt her cheeks flush slightly with heat. Quickly dragging her gaze away from Kyle, Veronica leaned down and shared a private moment of happiness with Molly.

  Then, everyone stood and started to make their way out of the church. The bells started ringing as Veronica and Molly made their way toward the door, mingling with the crowd of happy witnesses to what had been a lovely ceremony. When she reached the door, she saw Gabe and Lauren standing at the top of the stairs. They were busy thanking everyone for coming. At the foot of the steps, Veronica saw the flower-strewn carriage which would take Gabe and Lauren all the way to the Baxter ranch. Lauren was a Baxter now, and today would be her first true day as a rancher's wife. Briefly, Veronica wondered what that would be like. To live on a ranch, and have a rancher as a husband must be something special, she told herself.

  Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her. "That was wonderful, wasn't it?" Kyle's voice, so surprisingly close to her, was like honey in her ears.

  Veronica turned quickly, jostling slightly with the crowd at the top of the stairs, and smiled at the handsome rancher. "Just lovely," she agreed. She thought Kyle looked relieved, now that the ceremony was over.

  "You know you and your parents must join us back at the ranch for the celebration," Kyle reminded her.

  She'd known about the invitation and had no intention of refusing. "We'll be there," she said to him.

  Kyle smiled warmly, glanced at Gabe and Lauren and then spoke: "See you there." He and Landon made their way to Gabe and Lauren. Veronica led Molly toward Gabe and Lauren and shared her congratulations with them. Molly did the same, and in a very solemn and serious way which made Lauren smile with delight. Veronica led Molly downstairs where they soon met up with Dominick and Augusta who were standing by the carriage.

  "Wasn't that lovely," Augusta enthused.

  Veronica nodded. "Just perfect. And they look so happy together." Veronica saw her father nod his head sagely. He didn't say anything, but she could tell by the look in his eyes that he'd found the whole proceedings impressive. In fact, Veronica thought her father even looked moved by the entire event. That was unusual for her father, who was usually quite stoic about such things. But, for now, Veronica held back from speaking to her father about that. They all got onto the carriage and then it was time to head for the Baxter ranch. Veronica saw many other carriages starting to make their way up the street. Not all the guests from the church would have been invited. There would have been too many people. Veronica supposed the guest list would be confined to those closest to the Baxter and Munro families.

  Did that mean that she, Molly, Augusta and Dominick were now considered close friends to the families? She wondered how that could possibly be. But, for now, all that mattered was getting to the ranch. It had been a beautiful wedding ceremony. Veronica wondered if similar delights awaited her at the Baxter ranch.


  "How does it feel to have attended a genuine Inspiration wedding?" Kyle asked Veronica later that afternoon.

  Veronica glanced up at Kyle. His gaze, penetrating and steady, was awaiting her answer with obvious eagerness. "Real special, Kyle." She shook her head appreciatively. "There was a godly feeling to that ceremony in the church. Everyone just seemed so happy to be there. It touched my heart, I can tell you."

  "It did?" Kyle asked, his brows rising in a straight line. "I'm glad," he added softly.

  Veronica nodded and glanced across toward where her father and mother were sitting. They were busy chatting with Lauren's father. "I think my father found it moving, too." She glanced at Kyle. "And that is unusual, I can tell you."

  She and Kyle were both leaning against the corral fence. Away off to Veronica's right were two long tables which had been set out in the yard in front of the Baxter ranch house. On those tables, for t
he last two hours, a huge meal had been consumed by the wedding guests. Speeches had been made and congratulations offered over and over. About fifty people had come back to the ranch for the after-wedding celebration, including, Veronica had discovered, most of the Buchanan family who owned ranches to the north of town. Most of that extended family, with wives, husband and small children, were still seated on both sides of the long tables. The babble of happy voices filled the clear afternoon air. The sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky. The air felt fresh and clear. It had been a perfect afternoon, Veronica told herself. A makeshift platform made up of wooden boards had been laid out over by the corner of the ranch house. Next to it, squatting on low seats, sat a few of the ranch hands who were handy with musical instruments. The sound of fiddles and banjo drifted in the air. A few folks were dancing on the platform.

  Veronica could see Molly over by the ranch house porch, seated on the single step, alongside the young boy, who'd become her best friend in the last two hours. Ryan Munro, all of eight years old, was the son of Grace and Josh Munro. Ryan and Molly were doing their best to amuse themselves while the adults at the long tables continued to chat noisily.

  "That was quite a speech your brother gave," Veronica said to Kyle, thinking back to when Gabe had stood at the end of the table and spoken at length about his new wife as he gazed down at her with absolute love in his eyes.

  Kyle laughed quietly. "Gabe was terrified about that. He ain't the most natural when it comes to speaking in public. Especially about personal matters."

  "It doesn't get any more personal than saying beautiful words about your wife," Veronica said. "He sounded like he meant every word," Veronica admitted. As she'd listened to Gabe, she'd recalled the wonderful way Jack had embarrassed her at their own wedding. That day, Jack had spoken about Veronica with love and affection, declaring his total devotion to her. But that had been a long time ago, Veronica had reminded herself. Those words had been spoken when life was so very different.

  "He's crazy about her," Kyle admitted, glancing toward Gabe and Lauren.

  Following Kyle's gaze, Veronica saw Gabe say something to his mother and father who were sitting adjacent to himself and Lauren. Whatever it was, Miriam laughed out loud. "Your parents look like they're real happy that Gabe got married."

  "They just about did everything they could to persuade him to win Lauren's heart," Kyle said. She saw Kyle peer across at his delighted parents. "They sure look pleased. I guess they can't wait for whoever is next."

  Veronica gave Kyle a puzzled look, wondering why he sounded slightly concerned about that possibility. He'd already explained to her how, a few months ago, his parents had traveled back east to see their ailing Aunt Mabel. While there Miriam had written, just about ordering Gabe to get married, and to make sure his two brothers did the same. Seemed like the threats to sell the ranch had been their parents' way to give the three sons a gentle kick up the rear end, Kyle had explained. While he'd been telling her all about that, Veronica had tried not to think about the possibility that Kyle might just go and marry Lucille Brochard. Even though she'd seen evidence of Kyle's reluctance to court Lucille, Veronica still figured it might be possible that Kyle would be the next Baxter brother to walk down the aisle of Inspiration's church. Thankfully, Kyle hadn't mentioned any of that while he'd been explaining his parents' determined actions to marry off their sons.

  Kyle tilted his head in the direction of the barn. "Would you care to take a walk with me?" he asked.

  Veronica paused, wondering how it would look if she wandered off with Kyle. Glancing back at the continuing celebration at the two long tables, she figured no-one would think anything of her being sociable with her host. She followed Kyle along past the corral, walking slowly beside him. Moving so closely with him, she was suddenly and very acutely aware of just how tall he was and how wide his shoulders were. He looked fine in his suit and held himself proudly as he walked alongside her. She wondered what he was thinking. Taking a step away from the corral fence, Veronica felt a slight remainder of the pain she'd felt in her ankle. She did her best to mask her discomfort.

  As if he could read her mind, Kyle's gaze dropped down to her feet. "How's your ankle now?" he asked.

  "Fine," she replied, probably too quickly, she thought. "No problem at all."

  Kyle lifted a brow. "You sure about that?" He didn't seem convinced.

  Veronica shrugged. "Just the occasional twinge. Nothing I can't handle."

  Kyle nodded. "I guess there isn't much you can't handle. Especially after all you've been through these past few years."

  It was a bold remark and, for a long moment, she felt taken aback by the abruptness of it. Of course, she knew he was probably right. The last few years had been hard. Bringing up Molly almost on her own since Jack had passed had been difficult. But, she thought she'd already seen off the worst of it. Glancing back toward the tables, she saw her father watching her carefully. Even from this distance, his gaze burned steady from beneath his craggy brows. Maybe he wouldn't approve of her wandering off with Kyle like this, she thought to herself. But, immediately she dismissed that thought. Surely her father trusted her to make Kyle's acquaintance. After all, she and Kyle were just good friends, weren't they?

  Reaching the barn, Kyle guided Veronica around its side and along past the fence of the corral until they reached a flat area behind the barn. From this vantage point there was a clear view out across the broad rangeland to a distant forest. Over to the left she saw two bunkhouses and a cookhouse. She had to admit the view all the way out to the forest was beautiful. From behind the barn Veronica heard the roaring laughter of the wedding guests. Here, alongside Kyle, she suddenly felt as if all the celebrations were taking place in another world.

  They stood next to each other for a short while. There was a narrow, well-worn pathway leading down from the vantage point and across toward a stable by one of the bunkhouses. "You feeling adventurous?" Kyle asked grinning at her. "I can show you some of our best horses."

  She knew he was probably teasing her. "I'm not a ranch girl, remember," she told him. "I don't know my way around this place." She met his gaze. "This is your world. Not mine."

  As if sensing the challenge in her words, Kyle held his gaze upon her. She could see he was trying to come up with some kind of smart reply to what she knew had been a defiant statement on her part. "Maybe we can do something to change all that," he murmured.

  Veronica felt her heart quicken. There had been some new quality in his voice when he'd said those words. Something that sounded almost like a determined, pre-planned move. One that maybe he'd considered carefully before, she told herself. She could see a sincerity in his gaze. He'd looked at her like that when they'd been out riding the other day. It was a look that warned her Kyle Baxter was perfectly capable of breaking down any barrier she might put up. The warm feeling in her middle just wouldn't go away.

  "Let's go," she said quickly and walked ahead of him, lifting her chin and drawing her shoulders back. She heard his footsteps thudding on the path as he caught up with her. Determined not to look him in the eye in case he saw her uncertainty, she stared ahead at the path, fixing her gaze on the stable up ahead. She heard some voices coming from inside the bunkhouse.

  They reached the stable and Kyle drew open the wooden double doors. Inside she saw two rows of stalls inside which were horses. "No-one working today?" she asked Kyle.

  He shook his head. "Everyone got the day off."

  She nodded thoughtfully. "Its not every day one of the bosses gets married."

  Kyle grunted and looked suddenly thoughtful. "Gabe might not be the last this year," he said abruptly.

  Feeling her face pale suddenly, she forced herself to examine the inside of the stable, faking an interest in the rack of saddles and bridles. She didn't want him to see how that abrupt remark had affected her. Was he so determined to remind her of his own situation? That he might well be the next Baxter bridegroom? She asked herself why sh
e was even bothered by that thought. She'd barely known Kyle Baxter a week and yet, here she was speculating about his future.

  "I mean Landon is the next oldest after Gabe," Kyle said quickly, as if trying to explain what he'd meant. "And I heard him telling pa that there was someone he's friendly with in town." Kyle frowned. "I don't really believe him, though. Landon likes to keep himself busy around the ranch. Work is everything to him."


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