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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

Page 14

by Maya Stirling

"Good morning, Kyle," Veronica replied. In contrast to his confident tone, she was dismayed to notice the way her own voice wavered.

  There was the hint of a smile at the corner of Kyle's mouth. Veronica felt her brows furrow. Why did he have to look so pleased? He'd looked at her just like that on Sunday. Before he'd kissed her. It seemed like that incident hadn't shaken Kyle's confidence in himself.

  Her father slapped Kyle forcefully on the back, snapping him out of his reverie. Kyle's eyes widened and he smiled at Dominick. "I'm glad you came today, Kyle," her father announced. "I've been doing plenty of thinking since Sunday. And I've had a chance to talk to those people you recommended. The ones who can get me the cattle I need. And the men to work the ranch."

  "That's good," Kyle said evenly. He still seemed to be reeling from the force of Dominick's pounding on his back. "How's it looking?"

  "Well, it's early days," her father replied. He glanced at Vogel. "And I've had Vogel here making some inquiries, too."

  Kyle brows shot up in a line. "Is that right?" Veronica saw Kyle fixing Vogel with a stern, penetrating look. "Who've you been talking to?" Kyle asked Vogel.

  Vogel, standing alongside he father, clasped his hands and tilted his head awkwardly. Vogel's brows furrowed and he glanced up at the towering figure of her father. "I've followed Mr Flint's instructions. Been having some conversations with the people we think might be right for the job."

  "Is that right?" Kyle snapped, taking a step toward Vogel. "And who might they be?" Kyle's voice was suddenly louder. Veronica's father peered at Kyle, clearly taken aback by Kyle's tone of voice.

  Veronica took note of the sudden change in Kyle's demeanor. A moment ago he'd seemed jovial, even happy to be here. Now, he looked positively indignant. The suddenness of the change puzzled Veronica. She saw Vogel's jaw tighten as he locked eyes with Kyle.

  Before she had a chance to say anything, her mother took a step forward. "Now, the parlor isn't the place for you men to be talking business. How many times have I told you that, Dominick Flint?"

  Veronica's father nodded slowly. "I know you have, Augusta. The parlor is our family place. And you're right. We don't want to go spoiling it with money talk."

  Augusta smiled at Veronica, visibly pleased at her little victory. Since arriving, Veronica had learned all the rules her mother had laid down for living in the house. They were designed to make sure that life here was different from the way it had been back in Chicago. As different as it could possibly be. It looked she was making progress.

  Veronica turned as she heard the pounding of rapid footsteps in the hall. Molly ran into view. "Kyle!" she exclaimed and ran toward the surprised rancher.

  Seeing the little girl running toward him, Kyle smiled broadly. "Hey, there," he called out. He bent down and stretched out his arms. Molly leaped at him and Kyle effortlessly scooped her up into his strong arms, holding her close to his chest.

  Veronica felt her throat tighten with emotion. She made her way toward Kyle and Molly. "Now, Molly. I'm sure Kyle is pleased to see you. But he's come to talk with your grandfather."

  Molly frowned and stared at Kyle. "Is that true?" she asked.

  Kyle met Veronica's gaze. Now that she was next to Kyle, Veronica could see how delighted Kyle was to be holding Molly in his arms. Veronica had to admit Molly looked real happy. She hadn't looked this pleased since coming out to Montana.

  "You mean you didn't come to teach me how to ride?" Molly asked. Her voice quivered with disappointment. Veronica swallowed back her emotion as she reached out, offering to take Molly. Kyle met Veronica's gaze and held on tight to Molly. It looked like he didn't want to let her go.

  Kyle's brow lifted. Now there was a mischievous look in his eye. "Did I say that?" he asked grinning at Molly. He peered at Veronica. "Maybe you might have a little surprise coming later," he said.

  "Really?" Molly replied, her eyes widening.

  "Yup," was all Kyle said in response.

  Wondering what Kyle could mean by that, Veronica narrowed her eyes at him. He was up to something, she told herself. But he remained tight-lipped. Kyle put Molly down.

  Molly came to Veronica's side. "Isn't it good that Kyle came, mama?" Molly asked.

  Kyle watched Veronica for a long moment, waiting for her reply. Veronica smiled and nodded. "It's good, Molly," Veronica admitted. And she meant it. She'd had plenty of time to think about that had happened on Sunday. Perhaps she'd overreacted, she told herself. She felt a natural and pleasing delight at being in Kyle's company again. There was no way she could pretend otherwise to herself.

  Kyle, her father and Vogel made their way into her father's study and closed the double doors. Molly started jumping up and down, clearly excited at Kyle's return. Augusta took Molly into the parlor. Veronica followed them and, for the next hour, busied herself keeping Molly and Augusta company. During the entire time, Veronica couldn't stop looking over at the closed doors to the study. Especially whenever she heard loud peels of her father and Kyle's laughter. Of course, she never heard Vogel laughing because the man didn't seem to possess a sense of humor. Maybe that had been useful back in Chicago, but things were different out here, Veronica reflected.

  Out here folks were happier than in the city. They were more willing to help others. They were more friendly. And, of course, back in the city there were no ranchers. No men with the strength of character of someone like Kyle Baxter and his brothers. No real godly men who held themselves to high standards of honesty and integrity. In the short time since she'd arrived in Inspiration, Veronica's hope in people had been reawakened. And with it her faith in God. Yesterday at the pastor's home, she'd listened to her father pour out his heart. She'd felt humbled by the experience. She'd discovered a great many things about her father. And now, she understood why he'd come out to Montana. Now she understood his fervent need to start a new life for himself and for his family. It was all beginning to make sense.

  And now that Kyle Baxter had walked back into her life, Veronica admitted to herself that the future held promise.


  When the doors to the study finally reopened almost two hours later, Veronica could tell by Kyle's grin and her father's smiling face that things had gone well. Veronica stood and started toward the hallway. As she did so she heard the sound of a horse from out front of the house. Glancing through the window, she saw Curt from the livery. He was on horseback and, behind him, attached to his mount by a rope, Veronica saw the small pinto pony which Molly had ridden the week before during the riding lesson. Veronica lifted a hand to her chest, surprised at the appearance of Curt and the horse.

  Veronica saw Kyle looking at her. He smiled and went to the door, pulling it open. "I think I know who that is," he declared. Looking outside, Kyle nodded and then called out: "Molly. Come see who's here."

  Molly jumped out of her seat where she had been playing with a doll. She ran to Kyle's side and peered out through the open door. Molly squealed with with delight. "Mama. Come look. It's the pony I rode."

  Veronica went to Molly's side and led her out onto the porch. Kyle followed alongside her and Molly. Curt had halted his mount and had stepped down. He was untying the pinto pony, loosening the rope from his own taller mount.

  Molly sprinted to the pony. "It is my pony," she yelled.

  Veronica looked up into Kyle's eyes. "Did you arrange this?"

  "I had a word with Curt, this morning before I rode out. We came to an arrangement," Kyle explained.

  For a moment, Veronica was lost for words. She looked across at Molly. Her daughter was fussing with the pony, talking quietly to it, while Curt kept a careful eye on them.

  From behind her, Veronica heard her mother's voice. "Is that pony for Molly?" she asked.

  Kyle turned and smiled. "You can call it my gift to Molly," he stated.

  Veronica whirled at Kyle. "We can't possibly accept that," she objected. "We've got some horses of our own."

  Kyle shook his head. "But none
of them are like that pinto. Not to Molly, anyway."

  Veronica glanced over at the pretty white and brown patches on the small animal's body. She had to admit it was a lovely-looking horse. And just the right size for Molly. During the ride last week, the pony had shown no sign of being antsy or difficult. It was a calm horse. Just right for Molly to use for learning. Molly was busy stroking the pony's back. The animal shook its head once and then cast a querying look at Molly. Veronica felt her heart warm as she saw her daughter's broad smile.

  Her father addressed Kyle: "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

  "Positive," Kyle replied.

  Dominick nodded and then shrugged, apparently happy to accept the gift. That alone was enough to convince Veronica that her father had undergone a change of heart. There had been a time, not that long ago, when Dominick Flint would have been too proud to accept a gift. Back in those days he would have accused anyone who made such an offer as trying to bribe him. But not anymore, Veronica reflected. It seemed those days were fading fast.

  "Thank you," her father said. At the same instant, Veronica caught Vogel's momentary expression of incredulity. That was the only way she could describe the way the dark-haired man had squinted disbelievingly at her father.

  Kyle glanced at Veronica. Maybe he was waiting for her to thank him, too, she told herself. Veronica smiled at him. "Molly really likes it," she said. "That's all that matters. Thank you, Kyle," she added.

  Veronica saw Kyle's broad chest swell with delight as he dragged in a deep, satisfied breath. He looked like someone who knew he'd done a good thing. She went across to Molly. "What a beautiful pony."

  Molly nodded. "Is he mine?" she asked.

  Veronica nodded. "Kyle brought the pony here just for you," Veronica explained. "You know what I think you should do?"

  Molly nodded, her brows furrowing thoughtfully. Then she strode across to Kyle. "Thank you for the pony, Kyle."

  Kyle grinned broadly. "It's my pleasure. When do you want to start learning how to ride that pony?"

  "Now!" Molly squealed.

  "Well, okay then," Kyle said smiling at Augusta and Dominick. "Do you mind if I take some time out from our business meeting to help your grand-daughter to get to know her new pony?"

  Veronica's father smiled. "Of course not. Go ahead. We can talk later."

  "I think I saw some saddles I can use in the stable," Kyle said. He turned to Veronica. "Do you want to come help me choose one for Molly and this here pinto?"

  Veronica knew she couldn't say no. Her mother smiled at her as Kyle came to take the horse's rope. Kyle and Curt exchanged some quiet words. Veronica could tell that both men were good friends. Veronica made sure Molly thanked Curt for taking the trouble to bring the pony out to the house. And then Kyle started to lead the pinto toward the stable. Veronica took Molly's hand and they followed behind Kyle. Reaching the stable, Kyle opened the door and started rummaging around amongst the various saddles which were stacked on a long table. Eventually he found one to his liking and spent some time fixing the saddle onto the pinto. Veronica watched Kyle carefully as he attended to the task. He knew exactly what he was doing. There was a care and precision about the way he handled everything. Last week he'd told her there had been a time, not that long ago, when he'd had mixed feelings about his life on the ranch. Well, all of that doubt had been left behind. The man Veronica was watching looked confident and assured. She liked watching him. It made her feel good that a man like this was taking an interest in her. And that he thought enough of Molly that he had been willing to buy her a pony.

  "All finished," he declared looking over at Veronica who was standing with her hand on Molly's shoulder. "Come on over," Kyle added, smiling at Molly.

  Molly sped over to him. Kyle lifted her up and placed her carefully on the saddle. He handed Molly the reins. "What do you think?"

  Molly grinned broadly and looked at Veronica. "How do I look, mama?" she asked.

  Veronica smiled at her daughter, feeling pride swell her heart. "You look like a regular expert rider," she told Molly.

  Kyle lifted a brow. "Now hold on there," he said. "We still got some work to do before we can say you're as good a rider as your mother," he said. Kyle glanced at Veronica. She didn't say anything in response to his obvious attempt at teasing her. She knew she wasn't the best rider in the world. But, right now, today was all about Molly.

  Holding onto the rope, Kyle led Molly and the pinto out of the stable and into the nearby corral. The surface of the corral was made of soft, deep earth. Veronica's boots sank into the dirt as she turned and closed the corral gate behind her. She hadn't seen the corral being used for much since she and Molly had arrived and commented on that to Kyle.

  "We'll soon get this place running like a regular ranch," he declared as he started to lead Molly and the pinto around the inside of the corral fence. The corral was about fifty paces wide, circular and ringed by a high wooden fence. Veronica walked slowly alongside Molly, trying not to slip on the loose-packed earth. By contrast, Kyle's stride was steady and assured. He looked he belonged in the corral. She was sure he'd spent plenty of hours taming and training horses.

  "I suppose this makes you a wrangler," she said to him.

  Kyle lifted a brow. "How do you know about wrangling?" he asked brightly.

  She laughed quietly. "I read about it in a magazine."

  Kyle nodded. "I see. So you're the one who's the expert now." He smiled at her and she lowered her head, glad that he was paying her so much attention. "Maybe you can tell me what I should do next." He laughed at his own joke. That just made her like him even more. He was a man who was comfortable in his own skin. Being able to make fun of himself told her a lot about him.

  Walking on a few more steps, she looked up at Molly. Her daughter's hands gripped the reins tightly. Molly looked thrilled and delighted to be sitting on the pinto. Her very own pinto, Veronica corrected herself. "Are you going to show Molly how to look after the pinto," she asked Kyle.

  He nodded. "All part of the service, ma'am," he replied.

  "Did you hear that, Molly?" Veronica said to her daughter. "You're going to learn how to look after the pinto."

  Molly straightened in the saddle. "I can do that," she declared boldly.

  "I'm sure you can," Kyle added.

  They spent another hour inside the corral. Kyle showed Molly the basics of how to sit on the horse; how to use her legs and heels to control the animal; how to use the reins properly. Veronica watched as Molly's brows furrowed with each one of Kyle's lessons. She saw the familiar determined spirit she knew her daughter possessed. Augusta had told Veronica that Molly took after her. As far as Veronica was concerned, Molly had inherited her fighting spirit from her father, Jack. He'd always been willing to work hard and take the tough road no matter what problems he faced. It looked like his daughter had those same qualities. All of that just made Veronica feel even more proud of Molly.

  Finally, Kyle let Molly dismount from the pinto. Then he led the horse from the corral and settled it in one of the empty stalls in the stable.

  Standing at the stable doors, watching Kyle laying the saddle on the long table, Veronica leaned down and gazed into Molly's eyes. "Did you enjoy that?"

  Molly nodded enthusiastically. "It was wonderful. When can we do it again?"

  "You'll have to ask Kyle that," Veronica told Molly.

  Obviously overhearing what she'd said, Kyle spoke: "I can come as often as you want, Molly. Though I reckon you're going to pick this up pretty quick." Kyle lifted a brow. "Did I tell you you're a natural?"

  Veronica heard Molly gasp. "You think so?"

  Kyle nodded and then winked at Veronica. She smiled back at him, realizing just how hard he was working to do good for her daughter. There was no way she could hold anything against Kyle, she told herself. Not when he was prepared to do all this for her and Molly.


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