Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 17

by G. K. DeRosa

  I gasped, unable to contain the sound from escaping. Holy shift! “Whose account is it and where was the money coming from if it wasn’t from Tyrien?”

  “The account that was receiving the funds was registered to a Blake Thornpaw. Now deceased.”

  My mind whirled back to the night Hunter had saved me from the two rogue wolves. “The russet wolf?” Hunter and I shouted in unison.

  “Most likely.”

  “And the account sending the funds?” Hunter asked.

  “That’s what I’m waiting on for confirmation.” He refreshed his computer screen, then switched back to his email provider. “Still waiting.”

  Hunter scooted to the edge of the couch and steepled his fingers. “So someone hired a pair of rogue wolves to follow Sierra back when she was still at the academy, obviously well before anyone knew who she was. But why?”

  Vander shook his head. “That’s what I can’t figure out. Someone must have been following her from before, but what would make her stand out? She was a half-blood witch at a magic school.”

  “Unless it was…” Hunter’s words trailed off, and a swell of unease sped through the bond. “Can you pull up this Blake’s bank account again?”

  “Sure.” Vander punched a few buttons, and the rogue wolf’s information filled the screen.

  I stood over Hunter’s shoulder as he scrolled through the man’s transactions. He muttered a curse and slammed his fist into the coffee table. A crack raced across the worn top, and he cursed again.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Vander was wrong. The first payment wasn’t the night your wolf emerged. It went back farther than that. It was almost seven months ago when I went to see you in Maginaria. The one time I went that wasn’t for the initiation ceremony.”

  My brows knitted. “That time that you thought you saw me on the date with Tristan and never approached me?”

  He nodded, jaw clenched so tight I was sure his tendon would snap. “They were following me and stumbled upon you as a result.”

  My heart sank as memories flooded my mind. All those times that Hunter had warned me how dangerous it was for him to come see me, and I’d thought it was only an excuse.

  “The one time I went when I wasn’t supposed to…” His words trailed off as he dragged his hands over his face.

  I squeezed his shoulder, sinking down beside him. “This wasn’t your fault.”

  “Yes, it was. Whoever was following me must have seen my reaction when I saw you with that warlock. He must have put two and two together and realized you were important to me. If I hadn’t been so rash, no one would’ve been trailing you and would’ve never seen you shift and your glowing wolf. This is all my fault.”

  “Stop saying that,” I hissed. “Even if you hadn’t come that day, once I shifted I would’ve ended up in Moon Valley. Someone would’ve figured out the truth eventually.”

  “She’s right,” said Vander. “It was inevitable.”

  A sharp ding sent our attentions to the computer screen. Vander scrolled through his messages, and his brows furrowed.

  “What?” I blurted.

  “The money came from Lucien De La Sangue.”

  A boulder sank to the bottom of my gut, confusion shredding my insides. “Ransom’s dad?”

  “I told you not to trust him.” Hunter shot up and stormed toward the door. His golden wings snapped out, stretching the length of my apartment.

  I jumped up behind him. “Where are you going?”

  “To confront Lucien and find out where his men are holding your mom.”

  “Hunter, wait,” Vander called out. “We could try going the official route. I can put a call in to the SIA, file a missing person’s report.”

  “It’ll take too long, and you know it. I’ll deal with Lucien,” he snarled and barreled out the door.

  I glanced at Vander as fear bubbled up inside. “I’m going with him. If we’re not back in an hour send back up.”

  He huffed out a breath and raked his hands through his hair. “Fine but be careful. Lucien is a tricky bastard. Despite the pack bond, he has zero loyalty to anyone. Don’t trust a word out of his mouth. And Sierra, don’t forget, he’s a Royal. The only way to kill him is decapitation.”

  I gulped. “Okay,” I called out over my shoulder as I darted toward the door.

  Hunter’s massive reptilian wings retracted into his shoulder blades, and he lowered me to the ground. De La Sangue Lair loomed over us, a hulking rocky fortress second in creepiness factor only to my mate’s home.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Hunter as he stared up at the hill, his chest rising and falling quickly.

  “Yeah, I just need a minute.”

  I internally scolded myself for letting him fly us here. He should’ve been in bed resting not flying me across Moon Valley. Confronting Lucien De La Sangue in his current condition was not going to turn out well. “Maybe we should wait…”

  “For what, Sierra?” he growled.

  “For you to not look like you’ve got one foot in the grave!”

  His eyes narrowed on me, and a stream of regret flowed through the bond. “I have to fix this. I have to find your mom before it’s too late.”

  My chest tightened, and thoughts of her bubbled to the surface. I’d been keeping them buried deep and the dam was about to burst. But I couldn’t lose them both. “What if Lucien strikes when you corner him? What if he comes after me too? What if he compels you with his vampire powers? Can you honestly tell me you’re well enough to deal with him right now?”

  “I’ll do what I have to do,” he hissed. “And he can’t compel me. As supreme beta, I’m stronger than he is.”

  I opened my mouth to object when a wolf and fully naked man appeared at the mouth of the hill. They dipped their heads to Hunter for barely a second before straightening.

  “I’m here to see Lucien,” he said to the guard in human form. I kept my eyes at his, refusing to let them wander down his bare body.

  “The Royal alpha is otherwise engaged at the moment. You’ll have to come back another day, Aristaeus.”

  “I’m here on an official matter and that’s supreme beta Aristaeus, wolf.” Hunter’s power slammed into the guards, and the pair took a step back.

  The man dipped his head, lowering his gaze to the floor. “My apologies, supreme beta. I am only following direct orders.”

  “Tell Lucien I’m here, or I will.”

  The man nodded, and his eyes glazed over. I now recognized the blank stare shifters got when they were communicating through the pack link. After a long pause, his hazel eyes finally refocused on Hunter. “The alpha will see you shortly. He asks that you wait in the grand hall until his arrival.”


  The guard spun on his heel with his wolf partner right behind him, and we followed. This wasn’t my first time in the tunnels of De La Sangue Lair. Ransom and I had scoured every inch of the place the other night, but something felt different today. The eerie stillness was thicker, more all-encompassing.

  When we reached the grand hall, the sentinels ushered us to the sitting area and turned tail. My gaze settled on the tapestry hung from the earthen wall as I folded onto the leather couch beside Hunter. The Royal Pack crest was embroidered into the fabric, the growling wolf head with elongated fangs and blood dripping from its maw on the shield. I’d hate to run into one of those bloodsuckers in a dark alley. I couldn’t help my thoughts from drifting to Ransom. My fingers itched to text him, but Hunter had forbidden it. I couldn’t believe he knew anything about this, and I wouldn’t until I had proof otherwise.

  What are you going to say? I shot through our mental connection.

  I’m going to tell him exactly what we discovered and ask him to explain himself.

  And you think he’s just going to admit to it?

  He’ll have to. He knows I can get into his head and any threats to the supreme beta is considered treason. He was having me followed and I will find out why.

>   Too bad you can’t compel him.

  He snorted. Though Ransom had explained that his powers of compulsion didn’t work on wolves above him in the hierarchy I was wary of the Royal alpha.

  I still couldn’t help but think Tyrien was involved somehow. Why else would he have the rogue wolf’s bank account number in his study? If I were Lucien, I’d be more afraid of the supreme alpha than his son.

  Approaching footsteps sent Hunter’s head whirling toward the archway. The guards were back, both in wolf form now, escorting the Royal alpha and his mate. Another male was with them but when Lucien marched toward us, the lanky guy retreated into the shadows. As Lucien grew closer, his sharp features were accentuated by the scowl carved into his face. He sketched a bow, highlighted by a mocking grin. “How can I be of service to the supreme beta today?”

  Sonia remained by his side, a sneer curling her crimson lips.

  Hunter’s expression was an icy mask of calm as he rose, but unbridled fury surged through our connection. “I had asked to have this conversation in private.” He eyed the lady of the lair.

  “Sonia and I don’t have any secrets from each other. Whatever you have to say, you can speak freely in front of my mate.”

  Hunter grunted and threw Sonia a sidelong glance before returning his attention to Lucien. “Why did you hire a rogue wolf to have me followed and Sierra harassed?”

  The alpha’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second, highlighting the ring of crimson around his pitch pupils. “I’m sorry?”

  “Don’t bullshit me, Lucien. I have bank records. I know you paid a Blake Thornpaw over ten thousand dollars in the last year. The first payment was made when he was following me into Maginaria. I want to know why.”

  He shifted uncomfortably, and his wolf sentinels bristled, their hackles rising. I searched my core for any hint of magic in case things took a turn, but not even a flicker remained. My wolf, however, was ready. She paced my insides like a caged lion.

  “Please, sit. Let’s chat.” Lucien motioned to the couch I was still perched on. I sat on the edge of the cushion, balancing on the balls of my feet ready to strike.

  “I’m not here to chat,” Hunter spat. “Explain yourself or I’ll be forced to bring my charges before the High Council.”

  “Relax, Aristaeus,” Sonia crooned.

  Lucien’s lips curled into a snarl, revealing pointy incisors. “I was merely looking out for the welfare of our supreme alpha heir.”


  A low rumble echoed through the tense room, but Hunter shot the alpha’s guards a scathing glare and the pair quieted.

  “It’s true. You’re frequently followed, Aristaeus. You should do well to pay closer attention. If it’s not one of my men, it’s one of your father’s or one of the other high alphas. It’s part of protocol.”

  Hunter’s face remained impassive, but I could feel the shock echoing through his body. “Let’s assume I believe you, then why was Blake following Sierra?”

  “The lovely little she-wolf had caught your interest and therefore my own. I’m sure you are well aware that before the Silverstalkers came to power, the Royals had long held the title. It’s only smart politics to be conscious of the ruling pack’s state of affairs.”

  Hunter had been right. This really had all started because of him. He’d set the ball rolling without ever having realized. I could already feel the guilt crushing him, and I wished I could ease his mind. This had been destined to happen either way.

  “So you knew Sierra was a Mystic before we did?”

  Lucien arched a dark brow and exchanged a glance with his mate. “I had a feeling, yes. There had long been rumors that a small number of Mystics had escaped persecution, but no one ever knew for certain.”

  “There is?” The words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them. The Royal alpha barely spared me a nod. More Mystics? Could it be true? That could change everything.

  “And once you found out it was true, you took it upon yourself to kill her?” Hunter’s tone was sharper than the ritual bloodletting dagger.

  “I thought I was doing what was best for my wolves.” He moved toward a small recess in the wall, and the clinking of glass and ice caught my attention. From over his shoulder, he asked, “May I offer either of you a drink?”

  Seriously? He’s talking about how he tried to kill me and now wants to toast to a botched job?

  “What about Sierra’s mother?” Hunter snarled, ignoring his question. “Was taking her part of doing what was best for your wolves?”

  Lucien spun around, his obsidian eyes twinkling. “Now that, I had nothing to do with.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Lucien!” Hunter’s beta power exploded from his tense shoulders, filling the room. The wolf guards flattened down to the floor, their eyes cast down.

  The Royal alpha’s mouth puckered and he lowered his drink, taking a few steps back. Hunter closed the space between them and his wings snapped out, the sharp talons looming over his head, poised a few inches from Lucien’s skull. “I’m not lying. I said I had nothing to do with her capture, not that I didn’t know anything about it.”

  “He’s telling the truth, Aristaeus,” Sonia added, a flash of concern for her mate stealing across her onyx irises.

  “Then tell us what you know,” I cried as emotion clogged my throat.

  Lucien turned to Hunter, and a wolfish smile spread his lips. “You’ll have to speak to your father, Aristaeus. He’s been obsessed with the Mystics for so long that when I told him about you, he needed to know everything. With Sierra in the trials, her mother was the next best option.”

  An invisible fist tightened around my lungs, jagged claws tearing into my flesh. I sucked in a breath as all the air siphoned from my chest. “Where is she?” I growled.

  He picked up his glass and swirling the caramel-colored liquid, slowly took a sip. “Again, I do not know. Tyrien asked for my contact’s information, and I gave it to him. More than that, I cannot tell you.”

  “What’s the gray wolf’s name?” Hunter barked. “Blake is dead so who was he working with?”

  Lucien waved a nonchalant hand as the infinitesimal lines across his forehead creased. “Hmm, I believe he runs with a few rogues. Perhaps Baron or maybe Barto. Something like that.”

  Flames danced across Hunter’s fingertips, and a high-pitched growl, more dragon than wolf, vibrated the air. He closed his hand around Lucien’s neck, and the flames were smothered against his skin. Lucien’s jaw tightened but he didn’t utter a squeak as angry scorch marks marred his flesh. “Stay away from Sierra,” he growled, his blazing eyes darting between the two Royals. “If you or anyone you know comes near her again, I’ll slowly flay you from head to toe with my talon and allow you to watch every excruciating moment, then do the same to your mate and your children before taking your head.”

  A chill raced up my spine at Hunter’s deadly tone. No emotion, only chilling ice laced his threat.

  Lucien’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but his face remained expressionless. After a tense moment of silence with Hunter’s threat lingering in the thick air, a smirk twisted his lips. “Good for you, Aristaeus. It was about time you found a mate, despite that bothersome curse.” His dark eyes bounced back and forth between us, and thousands of spiders crept across my skin inciting a swell of goose bumps. “It’s too bad your father won’t allow her to live long enough to complete the bond.”

  A flash of golden fire lit up Hunter’s irises, and he pulled his arm back. I blinked and the crack of bones scent a wave of nausea up my throat. Lucien was on the floor, his hand covering his face and blood seeping through his fingers.

  Hunter’s hand closed around mine, and he tugged me toward the door as Sonia crouched down beside her mate. “Stay away from her, Lucien, and don’t breathe a word of this to my father,” he growled over his shoulder before slamming the thick timber behind us.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I stripped out of my violet body suit in the My
stic changing room of the Lunar Lounge, my eyes glued to the pack crest on the door. Lucien’s words still echoed in my mind. What if there were more Mystics somewhere? I had to add it to my never-ending to do list. Find Mom. Break Hunter’s curse. Get revenge on Tyrien. Find more members of my pack.

  At least today’s trials had been easy ones. Hunter had guessed as much thanks to his father’s intercession. Hunter had sent word that he wasn’t feeling well and would show up for the games but wouldn’t be in full fighting form. He had let his father believe he would remain in the infirmary over night, but instead had spent the night guarding me.

  I’d woken up a few times and caught him pacing my living room. I had tried to entice him into bed but had been brutally rebuffed. I tried not to take it personally, but I would’ve much rather had his warm arms around me all night. Plus, he needed to rest.

  I quickly tugged my shirt over my head and stepped into my jeans as anxiety rippled through my insides. Vander had been keeping an eye on Tyrien all day, but it had led nowhere. Now that the events of the day were finished, Hunter and I were taking over. If the supreme alpha-hole had my mom, it was only a matter of time until he led us to her. Or at least that was what I hoped.

  Grams had been scrying for her daily, but always came up empty. Tyrien must have had a powerful witch in his pocket to evade my grandma. I hadn’t told her what we’d discovered from Lucien because I was scared she’d take matters into her own hands. Grams hadn’t been practicing in years, and I couldn’t risk her too. Losing Mom was bad enough, but if I lost both I wouldn’t survive.

  A quick knock on the door drew me from my grisly internal musings. “Just a sec,” I called out as I ran a hand through my damp hair and snuck a peek at my reflection. Long nights of unease had darkened the soft skin beneath my eyes, and worry lines were carved across my forehead. The sparkle in my unusual violet irises was missing. Where are you, Mom?


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