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Under My Boss's Authority: Office Romance Collection

Page 6

by Jamie Knight

  After giving Ana some actual work to do, I disappeared into my office to do a spot system to make sure everything was still green in the pasture. But it was hard to get her plump ass and big breasts out of my mind.

  I wished I could just take her and do what I wanted to her, and I had a feeling she’d like that, too.

  And I had come up with a plan to make it happen.

  But I told myself to calm down and focus on what I could do, which was to put in half a day of hard work before heading back home.

  Then I’d be able to put my plan in motion, and see if Ana enjoyed coming along for the ride.

  Chapter Three - Ana

  Time moved like sap in January, things always getting so much harder when there was actual work to do. To be fair, it was what I signed up for, so there was no use in complaining. Sure, it would be nice to be paid to dick around online all day, but one needed to reach the lofty heights of R&D CEO or a Twitch streamer before that could be the case.

  Eventually, Father Time moved past the point of no return and noon struck again. Bringing lunchtime with it. A sweet, universal, relief known to executives and grade schoolers alike.

  The office crew acted much like the latter, gathering their coats and heading for the nearest exit to make the most of their newfound liberation. As with all estimations, there was an exception. In this case, it was Linus, who would stay working at his ration if an earthquake hit. But now I was also an exception, not even really having the money for a fast food lunch.

  The brown bag crinkled like crisp autumn leaves as I got it out of the drawer in my desk. My mom was a master with PB and J, a skill which she passed down to me. It was like a party in my mouth and only I was invited.

  It was also all worth it to have at least three months’ worth of money in the bank, just in case things decided to go pear-shaped again. I had learned through long, hard experience to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That phrase would likely be engraved on my tombstone, at this rate.

  Just as I was getting used to being alone, aside from the persistent tinkering of Linus in the back, that is, the main office door opened, and Tucker once again reminded me of his existence.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, as I nearly jumped out of my skin for the second time that morning.

  “Yeah, you just startled me is all.”

  “Nearly out of your chair,” he observed.

  “I just wasn’t expecting you. I thought it was just Linus and me here at lunch.”

  “Let me guess, he is working.”

  “He is probably eating too. If there is one thing that he knows how to do, it’s multitasking.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “You know him, Sir? I mean Tucker.”


  He didn’t even bring up that I’d called him sir. He was really cool for a boss and I couldn’t help but wonder if we could be something more. It might have just been conceited of me, but I suspected he might have felt the same way.

  “I’ve got good news,” he said, smiling.

  “What’s that?”

  “You’ve been selected for the trip.”

  “What trip?”

  “The New Year’s Eve trip. We’ve had it planned for a while. Kind of a reward for our hard workers. But now that the pandemic has struck, I had to considerably lower the number of people coming. It’s in New Zealand, so no big trouble with Covid-19 regulations.”

  “Are we able to travel? I thought lockdown was coming and that would mean we would have to work from home.”

  “Indeed, there is, but I have a private jet and an in with the kiwi government. Basically, if we can bring doctors’ notes, signed of course, saying that we’re clear, we shouldn’t have too much of a problem getting in.”

  “I can’t afford a doctor, I-”

  “Oh, no, I’ll cover all that. It’s a vacation; there should be no out-of-pocket expense on your end. Besides which, you’ll still be getting paid.”

  “Oh, cool,” I said, brightening up considerably.

  “The doctor will be coming by later today. I hope it’s okay, but she’s going to do a house call at your place.”

  “No, that’s fine, except I didn’t know doctors even did house calls anymore.”

  “Oh, they don’t. Deena is just a wonderful friend of mine.”

  “Must be nice.”

  “Certainly makes life easier,” he agreed. “I already have my note ready to go.”

  “When does the flight leave?”

  “The day before New Year’s. I’m told they’ll be announcing the lockdown here officially on New Year’s Day, so that should give us lots of time.”

  I was overwhelmed to say the least. My mind spun as I tried to process what had suddenly happened in a few seconds.

  Was I really going to skip lockdown to get a back door into a safe country for a vacation with my lovely boss?

  And how many people were going, exactly?

  Just him and me?

  I could only hope that was true!

  It was all just too crazy, and wonderful, to be really true, though. At least that’s what my inner pessimist was shouting at me.

  But he’d already got a doctor to make a house call, which was a sign of commitment if nothing else. As my nerves settled, I started to get really excited.

  “You can go home after lunch and get ready. Have a shower and all that. She’s going to give you the once over as well as the virus test, just to make sure you are healthy to travel,” Tucker told me, coming back to my desk. “And then you can have the next couple days off until the 30th, so that you can be nice and rested for the trip.”


  My enthusiasm was getting even stronger. I wasn’t sure what the doc was planning to do to me but at least she was going to be a woman, so it would be less awkward if things got really personal.

  I also got to go home early which was awesome. It was kind of ironic, considering all I’d been through to get here, including dating the bus, where not everyone was wearing a mask, even though I was.

  “We can’t have you taking the bus home,” Tucker said next, as if reading my mind. “I’ll give you a lift if you’d like.”

  “In your Aston-Martin?”

  “In the Aston, yes,” Tucker confirmed.

  It was all I could do not to squeal, my inner school girl just bursting to come out. Instead, I did pretty much the opposite and let my inner Bogan come out.

  “Crikey! That would be bronzer, pommie.”

  I’ve never wanted to die more in my short life than I did in that moment. Tucker, on the other hand, seemed quite tickled. Maybe he didn’t know what it meant.

  To be fair, he had been stateside for a while, but I was pretty sure I could smell the toffee-nose on him from when we first meant. The British import luxury car and bespoke tweed suits were only the first clues into Tucker’s inner poshness.

  “Sorry,” I said, just in case.

  “No, no, I like it. It’s nice to hear you be yourself.”

  “And here I’ve been trying to fit in.”

  “Oh, you probably shouldn’t do that. Trying to fit in when it just isn’t working is like trying to jam a puzzle piece into place with sheer force alone. It won’t make things any better, and you’ll just end up frustrated.”

  I was a bit surprised to hear such sage advice coming from him, but he’d also had another decade to try and figure things out than I had. I hadn’t even reached my quarter life crisis, which I’d heard could be a real doozy.

  The Aston pulled up in front of my building and I could have sworn I felt Tucker’s gaze on my ass as I got out.

  Not that I minded at all and to be fair, I was wearing pretty tight jeans. Not painted on but near enough. They were the closest thing to office-appropriate attire I had after missing laundry day the week before. Odd how such a simple thing could pile up like that. Both literally and in the metaphorical.

  Following Tucker’s suggestion, I stripped down to zilch as soon as I was safely at my place, the door firmly locked behind me, and marched for the bathroom. The cool air feeling was weird on my bare skin. I’d never really noticed how cold it was usually.

  Getting the spray to a medium, I got under it and started soaping. I considered doing my hair but that would mean untwisting it and that would use be too much trouble. Especially when it was highly unlikely the doc was going to be checking over my hair.

  I would just have to let it be a slightly damp rope hanging down my back. Maybe not even that though, if I was able to keep it out of the spray. Staying as close to the back wall as I could, I continued soaping until I got down to my pussy.

  I always did that last because it took some special attention and gentleness. I wanted to be clean down there just in case the doctor did a full physical. As my fingers moved over my tender lips, filling me with all sorts of pleasures, I thought about Tucker and what it might be like to spend New Year’s Eve with him. Not only that but what we might get up to if the mood struck just right.

  Gliding my hand gently over my pink pussy lips, something I wasn’t able to do at the office even though I’d wanted to, I imagined him picking me up and carrying me to the bed. I figured the size difference was enough that this would be fairly easy for him.

  Carrying me over to the bed at the hotel we were going to, I imagined him gently removing all my clothes, leaving me naked before him. Leaning down to close the gap, I imagined him kissing me all over. Starting at my mouth, which only seemed logical, and moving down my neck to my breasts.

  Then, when he was finished there, leaving my nipples hard, moist and cool in the room-temperature air, he’d move down, along my belly and then over my pelvis, arriving, invariably, at my pussy. Laying a hand lightly on my pelvis, he stroked me tenderly as he ran his tongue along my wet, virgin lips.

  A moan came up out of me, slow and low and sweet. It would be my first time feeling any such thing with a man and I wanted to experience every bit of it.

  After a few preliminary licks, he started going in hard, really pressing into my lips and between them to my clit.

  He did things just right and at no point was I confused or scared about what was going on.

  All I could feel was the most exquisite pleasure. I moaned, but in my head, as he licked me, and in the shower as I stroked myself, pretending my fingers were his tongue. I wanted him so badly I could taste it. The only problem was that I wasn’t sure if he felt the same.

  He sure did in my fantasy though, using his talented tongue to lick me completely clean, flicking his tongue against my sensitive little clit for good measure, nearly launching me into space.

  I came hard and fast, wishing I could be with him in real life, then remembering that very soon, I would be.

  Drying off quickly, I got some clothes on that could be easily taken off again just in case and made sure the living room was reasonably clean.

  I wasn’t looking forward to stripping down for a stranger, even if she was a doctor and I knew it would serve an important purpose.

  I’d always been pretty shy, really, but I knew it was needed and I wanted the whole thing to go as smoothly as possible.

  I had some time to watch T.V. before she arrived.

  Getting up slowly, I went to get the door, ready to face my density.

  Chapter Four - Tucker

  I was giddy. To a silly degree, like a kid on Christmas Eve during a sugar high. I’d never been to New Zealand before and was very much looking forward to it.

  I planned on seeing a kiwi bird if I could, and to go island hopping. That Ana was likely coming with me just made everything even more exciting.

  As though the fates were listening, a knock came upon the door, light and familiar. There was only one person it could be. Well, maybe two, because I had an annoying neighbor who liked to stop by, but I knew which one I hoped it was.

  “Dr. Deena, how are you this fine morning?”

  “As well as can be expected, got any coffee?”

  “Freshly brewed in the German contraption.”


  After I had poured us out each a cup, we sat at the dining table as Deena brought up her stylish, yet still practical, briefcase.

  “Okay,” Deena began, after a sweet, nourishing sip of coffee, “I looked Ana over, and I’m happy to say she doesn’t have Covid-19. She is a very healthy young woman with all her shots, though there is something I think I should mention.”


  “It’s more of a personal note.”


  “I asked her if she’s had a pelvic exam because she is 21. She hadn’t so I did her first and, keep in mind that I say this as a friend as well as a doctor and someone who knows you very well.”


  “Ana is a virgin. If you are going to do what we both know full well you are planning on doing with her, you will have to be very gentle with her. She is healthy and strong but inexperienced. I don’t think you would be rough on purpose, but I thought you should know, so you don’t try anything too crazy, at least not at first.”

  “Of course, thank you, Ana, I will certainly bear that in mind.”

  “Please do, if I can be honest, I like the kid and I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “I’m glad we agree.”

  Deena gave me the doctor’s note resulting from my own clear Covid-19 test and also Ana’s. It was all really happening. I was going to New Zealand and Ana was going to be coming with me. The news that she was a virgin came as a bit of a bombshell, but nothing that couldn’t be worked around. In fact, I loved thinking that I would be the one to deflower her.

  On the 30th, I was more excited than ever to go on the trip and especially to see Ana.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I went back up to my room to pack, before driving down to the airfield later that morning. I called a car for Ana to take her down to the plane, giving the driver direct and stern instructions to bring her straight to the plane and to wear a mask whenever he was around her.

  Going solo, I hauled my bags down from the bedroom and into the back of the Aston in record time. I didn’t want to take any risk of still being in the city when the lockdown was announced, and I knew the driver wouldn’t dawdle either. His pay depended on it.

  My plan went better than it had the last time I went into the office, the roads today basically free of any obstacles. There was no scheduled time for the flight. Basically, we left whenever I said we did. One of the many perks of having a private jet.

  The jet was waiting for me when I walked up, leaving my car securely parked in the member’s lot. I instinctively looked to see if Ana was coming as I got out of the car, my excitement at near fatal levels.

  She wasn’t there, of course, though it also wasn’t long before I saw a very familiar, electric white stretched limo come right up along the tarmac. I had told the driver to bring Ana right there but that wasn’t quite what I had meant, though I also wasn’t about to complain.

  Quick as you please, mask securely around her face, the driver hopped out and opened the door for Ana, staying as far away as possible while still holding the door handle. Ana looked a little shocked when she saw the plane. She was wearing a mask, but her eyes bulged just the same.

  “Impressive, no?”

  “Yes, I mean, it is very impressive. I didn’t even know you could get private jets this big.”

  “It helps if you know a few airline CEOs,” I said.

  Ana was a light packer like me. I stowed her two bags in the overhead as she settled down into the seat of her choice, by the window of course. The latch closed with a click and I took my place next to her.

  “Probably don’t need this anymore,” I said, gently removing her mask, “at least not until we land.”

  It was just before noon. We had lo
ts of time before the lockdown was predicted to be announced, and I was already beginning to relax. Taking the two sides of her seatbelt, gently brushing up against her sweet ass as I did so, I buckled her in, getting so close I could smell her hair.

  “Lavender?” she asked, obviously getting a whiff of me as well.

  “My favorite,” I said with a smile.

  It was subtle but I could still feel it. The little quiver as I go close to her. Not a quiver of fear but one of desire.

  My cock was already hard in my pants, so I had some idea of how she felt.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she replied, but it was a bit too quickly and came out as a whisper.

  “Am I too close?” I asked.

  “No, no, I-I like it,” she said with another sweet little quiver.

  “How about this?” I asked, gently rubbing her back.

  Her back arched but just for a moment. Soon she was easing into my soft caress and humming contentedly.

  “I like that too,” she said. “I wasn’t sure who all would be here and going on the trip but it looks like just the two of us?”

  “That’s right. Is there anywhere else you’d like me to stroke?” I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

  I could tell by the hue of pink that suddenly came to her pretty face that she had a very clear idea where she wanted me to touch.

  “Yes,” she said, blushing even more.

  “Where? Show me.”

  She opened her legs wide and lay a hand on her crotch. I could tell she was already wet by her scent.

  “Here,” she said, almost with a gasp from the pressure of her hand.

  I knew it. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her. And now we were both about to get our wish.

  Chapter Five - Tucker

  “You’re wet for me, aren’t you?”

  She nodded, the power of speech seeming to have escaped her, washed away on a tide of desire.


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