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One Night Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 3)

Page 3

by Victoria Snow

  Maybe it was just because I had been having such a good time – it was the first wedding I’d attended as an adult, and certainly the only time I’d ever been asked to be a member of the wedding party. I hadn’t been nervous about giving my speech, but it had gone over better than I could have possibly imagined, and I was riding high and feeling amazing.

  The champagne didn’t hurt, either. I’d always known that Darla had come from money, but her family and Greg’s had spared no expense. Dinner had been tender and delicious and the champagne tasted sweet and subtle.

  It wasn’t even my wedding, but I felt like I was easily having one of the best nights of my life.

  And now, this gorgeous stranger was standing in front of me, with my hand in his, about to lead me onto the dance floor.

  “I’m Andy,” he said as he pulled me into his arms and held me close. The song wasn’t a particularly fast one, and our bodies didn’t take long to adapt to a sensual rhythm. My hip bumped against his body and I felt another hot spark leap from him to me.

  It felt like something out of a fairy tale. Hormones and excitement were swimming through my body, and the way that Andy was looking at me was making me wet. I bit my lip and smiled coyly at him.

  “Sasha,” I said. “So, are you a friend of the bride or the groom?”

  Andy laughed, showing off that crooked smile that I was already falling in love with.

  “I’m Darla’s cousin,” he explained as we twirled and moved around the dance floor. “I hadn’t seen her in years, but we were so close when we were growing up.”

  “I bet you were a cute kid,” I said as I raised an eyebrow at Andy.

  He smirked at me. “Yeah, well, if you ask me, it’s pretty unfair that you’re here today,” he replied.

  I blinked at him, confused. Was he trying to offend me?

  Maybe my speech hadn’t gone over as well as I’d thought it had.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” I said slowly.

  Andy grinned his crooked smile at me once more. “I’ve always heard that the bride shouldn’t be outshone on her special day,” he said. “And no offense, but you’re doing just that.”

  It took a lot to make me blush – like, I could probably count the times I’d done so in the last five years on one hand, but his compliment made my cheeks sting and redden.

  “You’re good,” I told him a moment later. “You had me going for a moment.”

  Andy chuckled. “At least you think so,” he said.

  It seemed like we had just gone onto the dance floor together, but the song was already ending. Andy was so charming – during our dance, I’d noticed several other women looking at him with interest – and I wasn’t ready to stop getting to know him.

  “More champagne?” Andy asked when the song shifted to another. I nodded, and he put his hand on the small of my back as he guided me across the room and over to the bar. I liked that – it was a strangely possessive and protective gesture, like I was his, even though we’d just met.

  Andy took my glass and ordered both of our drinks. I noticed – and liked – that he tipped the bartender in cash despite it being an open bar. When he handed me my refilled flute of champagne, he was smirking at me. But before I had a chance to ask him what was on his mind, Darla appeared.

  “Oh my gosh,” Darla panted. She was slightly red in the face and smiling widely. I’d never seen my best friend look more beautiful – in all of the years that she and I had been close, I couldn’t have imagined seeing her look any happier. She and Greg had always been the perfect match: serious and sweet and studious, and even though we were on the younger side, I knew their marriage would go the distance. They were the kind of people who already looked forward to being grandparents despite being in their twenties, and I loved that about them.

  Probably because I had always been so different: outgoing and quirky, brash and loud. Darla and I had met in elementary school, when she had been the new girl in class and my friends had been making fun of her. She’d run off crying to the bathroom and when I saw how sweet and sensitive she was, my heart had broken for her. I’d gone after her and comforted her, then abandoned my former friends and stuck with Darla. We’d gone through everything together – we’d even been roommates at Iowa State – and seeing her move onto this next part of her life without me was both sweet and poignant in a way that I’d never experienced before.

  “Having fun?” I teased her.

  Darla gave me a slightly confused expression, then turned to Andy. “Whoa,” she said. “Are you actually drinking champagne?”

  Andy frowned.

  “I can’t believe this,” Darla said seriously. She turned to me and then I saw a glint of humor in her eyes. “Andy never drinks,” she said. “He’s too serious for fun. Right, Andy?”

  “That hasn’t been my experience,” I said coyly, meeting Andy’s eyes over the top of Darla’s head. “He seems like a guy who really knows how to let loose.”

  Darla burst out laughing. “Yeah, maybe if you want to talk about your 401k,” she said, still giggling as she took a sip of champagne. “I mean, Andy, I love you to death. You know that, right? But I think the only thing I’ve ever seen you drink was Grandma’s eggnog, and that was because she lied and said she made it virgin.”

  I couldn’t help it – I laughed. For a moment, I expected Andy to be upset with me. But then his trademark crooked smile appeared and I felt another wave of powerful attraction. God, he was so sexy that just looking at him almost made my stomach hurt. I wanted to be alone with him, his sly, understated humor and that gorgeous smile. And the way his hands had moved over my body while we were dancing had turned me on so much that now, my panties were wet. It felt borderline inappropriate to be so horny at my best friend’s wedding, but then again, I hadn’t counted on meeting any guys like Andy.

  “Andy’s always been the best,” Darla continued. She raised an eyebrow and blushed. “Especially if you like, want help with your taxes.”

  I giggled again and Andy rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

  “Which, Sash, you might actually want to take him up on,” Darla continued. I could tell by the way her voice sounded that she was more than a little tipsy at this point. Turning to Andy, she continued: “Sasha’s amazing, but not exactly great with serious stuff. I mean, look – you give good advice about how to get a tax refund ... and Sash gives great advice about how to blow that refund on a killer pair of heels.”

  Andy raised an eyebrow at me and I flushed – again! – and laughed.

  “It’s true,” I admitted. “I might not be all that straight-laced, but I always have great shoes.”

  To my surprise, Andy laughed. He clinked his champagne glass against mine and met my gaze. When our eyes locked, I felt a shiver run down my spine. God, why do I want him so much, I thought as my heart pounded in my chest. It’s like we’ve known each other for our entire lives!

  Darla looked from Andy to me and shook her head. “You guys are a dangerous pair,” she said. “Take it from me.”

  Before I could ask her what she meant, Greg appeared and swept his new wife back onto the dance floor, leaving me alone with Andy. The champagne and the arousal I felt was going straight to my head, and I had a feeling that dangerous didn’t even begin to cover what was going to happen over the course of the night.

  Andy leaned closer and over the aroma of the floral arrangements, I caught a whiff of his musky cologne. It smelled dark and masculine and rich, and I had to stop myself from throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face against him just to get more of the scent. Being around him was making me feel like a cat in heat, and I blushed hotly at the sudden thought of Andy tangling his hand in my hair, bending my head back, and kissing me with dark passion.

  “So, you’re the one who got my little cousin to loosen up,” Andy teased. Despite his light words, his voice was laced with an undercurrent of arousal and I had the strangest feeling that he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

It’s not always about loosening up,” I replied, aware that we were talking about much more than my friendship with Darla. “She’s always been the one who kept me in line.”

  Andy’s hazel eyes sparkled. “And do you need that? To be kept in line, I mean?”

  I let the question hang in the air. Just looking at him made me feel like the two of us were the only people in the room, like we were alone together. His chiseled jaw, the way his eyes moved over my body with intense interest, it was all making me so unbelievably horny that I couldn’t stand it.

  “Maybe,” I said coyly. Andy’s eyes were glued to me and I pushed my arms to the sides of my breasts, enhancing my already-deep cleavage. I was practically panting as Andy took me in his arms again and pulled me onto the dance floor just as a slow song began. I put my arms around him and he held me close, twirled me in leisurely circles around the floor.

  “Well I’m very good at keeping people in line,” Andy said quietly into my hair. I could feel his warm breath tickling my neck and ear and another shiver of potent lust ran down my spine. Through my thin silk dress, I felt the warmth of his hands and it was nearly enough to make me moan with want.

  “I see,” I said, pulling my head back and meeting his eyes with my own. A powerful spark jumped between our bodies and I swallowed hard as a sinister idea entered my head.

  I was never going to see Andy again. If he was any other guy, any guy who I knew I’d encounter in the future, I wouldn’t have even entertained the idea ... but he wasn’t. And the connection between us was powerfully hot.

  I wanted him, even if only for one night.

  The song ended and I took Andy’s hand and led him off the floor, to the side of the room.

  “What is it?” Andy asked. “Is something wrong?”

  Smiling seductively at him, I ran a finger along the low neckline of my silk dress.

  “I was thinking it would be fun if you were my boyfriend for the night,” I said. “You know – my one-night boyfriend.”

  Andy smiled his wicked, crooked smile at me. “I’m unfamiliar with the term,” he replied.

  Before I could even think about how slutty I was acting, I licked my lips and pouted at him before winking.

  “It would be a favor, really,” I teased in a low voice.

  “Oh? And why is that?”

  “Well, ...” I trailed off, pausing and biting my lip as we locked eyes. “It’s just, there’s something I was hoping you could help relieve me of.”

  “And what’s that?” Andy asked in a low growl. His eyes were filled with intense lust as he stared at me, and my heart was beating faster than it had ever beat in my life. He took a long sip of champagne as his eyes moved over my body, and I felt my clit and nipples tingle and throb.

  Taking a deep breath, I said the thing I’d wanted to confess to him since the moment we met.

  “My virginity.”


  Andy – Saturday

  I couldn’t help it – I spat expensive champagne out of my mouth and stared at Sasha in surprise. She burst out laughing and after a second, I joined in. She’s hilarious, I thought. Sasha was the perfect blend of walking sex and hysterical jokes: she was still vamping in front of me and swaying her hips to the music, but her blue eyes were filled with laughter and her lush mouth was giggling.

  Still, she had to be kidding, right? There was no way someone I barely knew would make such a risqué proposition: all of the champagne had clearly gone to her head.

  And to mine, I thought. Because for just a split fucking second, I believed that she was being serious.

  “I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t have much experience being anyone’s boyfriend, one night or otherwise.”

  Sasha’s laughter faded into a warm, inviting smile that made me want to kiss her. She shrugged and licked her lips.

  “You look like a man who has experience where it counts,” she replied. Then, she stepped closer and ran a single finger down my arm. Even through my shirt, I felt a scorching trail of fire in the wake of her touch.

  It was clear that she was coming on to me, champagne or otherwise. I knew that I should resist: if nothing else, because she was my baby cousin’s best friend.

  But my baby cousin is all married and grown up now, I thought as I looked over Sasha’s head and saw Darla and Greg whirling around on the dance floor. It was true: Darla wasn’t the same little kid in pigtails and Winnie the Pooh playsets anymore. She was a bride, an adult woman.

  And her best friend was, too. Her curves were stunning mature and even though I could tell she was enjoying herself with the champagne, she was clearly still in her right mind and not drunk.

  God, I didn’t want to resist. I wanted to take her, right then and there.

  Would that be so wrong?

  Sasha was hot, fun, and chomping at the bit to have a good time. I could just picture her stripping out of that silk dress now, shaking her curves at me.

  How on earth was it possible that she was a virgin? That, at least, had to be a joke even if Sasha had been serious about the rest of her proposition. There was no way that someone as stunningly gorgeous, sexy, and funny as she hadn’t had a lot of experience in the bedroom.

  “Well?” Sasha asked. Her blue eyes twinkled at me. “What do you say?”

  Yes, god, yes, I thought. Just as I was about to reply, Darla appeared at Sasha’s side.

  “Come with me,” Darla begged. “We’re doing another round of photos – the photographer wants us all outside, by the sunset. It’s so beautiful,” she added. “It won’t take long, I promise.”

  Sasha threw me one last lusty gaze and let Darla drag her off without saying a word. Just watching the way the cheeks of her ass moved beneath that silk dress was enough to give me a hard-on. As soon as Darla and Sasha had disappeared, I left the ballroom and walked over to the concierge.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  “I’d like a room for the night,” I said as I pulled out my wallet and handed over my credit card.

  The concierge raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you with the Howze wedding, sir? They have a block of discounted rooms.”

  “No,” I lied. “I’m not.”

  As the concierge processed my card for the room – a king-sized suite on the top floor – I leaned against the counter and prayed that Sasha hadn’t been kidding, that she wouldn’t be offended if I walked up and dangled the room key under her nose. Maybe this whole thing had just been a prank, and she would slap me across the face if she thought I was implying that she was easy.

  But no, she wouldn’t do that – she couldn’t do that. She was clearly up for whatever, and she was oozing lust like a little minx. Besides, funny as she was, I didn’t think that she could have faked that excited look in her blue eyes.

  Times like this made me wish that I had more experience with women. At least I’d had the foresight to get the room: while in town, I was staying with my parents. And even though some people might get off on the idea of sneaking a luscious girl like Sasha into their childhood bedroom, that wasn’t doing it for me. I had a feeling that Sasha in the bedroom was going to be very much like Sasha in the real world: loud and passionate and sensual.

  I finished paying for the room, pocketed the key, and went back into the ballroom. The wedding party had rejoined everyone else and Sasha was dancing by herself, twirling on the floor with her arms over her head and her eyes closed. Her sensuously curvy body was undulating to the beat of the song and just watching her was almost enough to make me come in my pants.

  When she opened her eyes, I walked up to her and grinned, pulling the room key out of my pocket and holding it up. This is it, I thought. This is where I’m going to learn just how serious she really was.

  To my relief, she smiled – a slightly shy, excited smile. I couldn’t tell if she was blushing or if the vigorous dancing had brought pink circles to her cheeks, but the sight made my heart flip-flop in my chest. Sasha licked her lips and gestured to the exit o
f the ballroom. I reached for her hand, but she pulled away and grinned at me.

  “Wait,” Sasha said. With a sly smile on her face, she crept behind the bar and took an unopened bottle of champagne. The sight of her sneaking around made me burst out laughing and after a second, Sasha joined in. Hand in hand, we left the ballroom and went into the lobby.

  The quiet of the lobby was almost disconcerting after the loud music in the ballroom. We waited for the elevator in silence, then rode up to the top floor and I unlocked the room. Sasha looked around with a smirk on her face.

  “Oh, honey,” she teased me. “The penthouse suite? You shouldn’t have!”

  I grinned at her. “Only the best for my one-night girlfriend,” I teased back.

  Sasha flushed slightly. She kicked off her heels and moaned softly, arching her feet and digging her toes into the plush carpet. The way she moved was so uninhibited, so sexual that watching her made me feel frenzied and more alive than I’d ever felt. Sasha crossed the room and poured two flutes of champagne. With a coy little smile on her strawberry-pink lips, she handed me one of the glasses. I was sitting on the bed and Sasha perched next to me with her knees pressed demurely together and her body angled towards mine.

  “To my first time,” she said, clinking her glass against mine and taking a sip.

  I downed my flute in one gulp, then grabbed her and kissed her. Her lips were soft and sweet and tasted like champagne and promises and she moaned as my tongue slipped between her lips and began to dance inside of her mouth. Sasha practically flowed into my arms, gasping and whimpering with pleasure as I ran my hands all over her obscenely curvy body. Her silk dress was so thin that she felt practically naked in my arms and she moaned again, breaking the kiss and throwing her head back and exposing her deliciously pale neck.

  I had no choice – I had to kiss every inch of her, taste every inch of her or I felt that I would explode with lust. I’d never felt this frantic about a woman before – something about her was making me feel a little crazy and insanely excited. Sasha climbed on my lap and straddled me, pressing her huge tits against my chest. She was breathing hard as she kissed me and rubbed her body against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck and running her hands through my hair. Lust and passion flared in my body and I kissed her wetly, tasting her sweetness through the champagne and sucking on her lower lip until she cried out with pleasure.


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