Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series Book 2)

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Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series Book 2) Page 6

by Jennifer Sucevic


  It could happen.

  Kira continues to watch us like a hawk as I lock lips with Sydney. Her arms are folded across her ample chest and her eyes are narrowed in speculation. She doesn’t look the least bit convinced.

  Which is a problem, because I’m not sure how much longer I can keep the blonde subdued. Any moment, she’s going to break loose, and then I’ll probably be sporting a black eye as a party favor. Just a little reminder not to tangle with this chick ever again.

  Sydney’s steely palms slap against my chest before she gives me a hard shove, attempting to fight her way free of my embrace. Left without further recourse, I break contact. Her wide gaze searches mine in confusion.

  “I need you to go with this,” I mutter under my breath.

  Before I can explain the situation, a perturbed voice interrupts. “So, you two really are a thing?”


  Damn. I was kind of hoping she would have taken off by now.

  I clear my throat as my gaze stays fastened onto the feisty female in my arms. “Yup, it’s official. We’re together.”

  Sydney’s eyes widen. “What—”

  “Are you being serious, dude?” Asher’s deep voice booms over the crowd and cuts her off. “Like you’re legit seeing someone? When did you decide to be monotonous?” That guy always seems to appear exactly when I don’t need him to.

  “I think you meant to say monogamous,” I mutter.

  “Same damn thing,” he says with a snort.

  I glance reluctantly at him. Given the fact that we’re a few hours into this party, he looks surprisingly clear-eyed. He has a chick tucked beneath each brawny arm. Their hands are pressed against his chest as they stare up at me owlishly, as if even they can’t believe I’ve decided to get serious about someone.

  For fuck’s sake. Is it really that difficult to believe I might be interested in settling down?

  Sydney tries again. “I think—”

  I crush her stiff body against mine before dropping a kiss against the top of her head. “That it’s time for everyone to know the truth? I couldn’t agree more, babe.”

  With a huffed-out breath, she tilts her head to meet my gaze before narrowing her eyes.

  Asher shakes his head as if he’s still having a hard time wrapping his brain around this new development. “I never thought I’d see the day. First Michaels and now you. One by one, we’re all falling to the wayside. It’s like an epidemic. When the hell did this happen? Why all the secrecy?”

  With each added question, more people take interest and gather around like we’re a circus sideshow act. For fuck’s sake, my dating life isn’t that interesting.

  Go back to your lives, people. There’s nothing to see here.

  Someone needs to give Asher a beer. He’s entirely too sober if he’s bombarding me with this many questions. It’s a real shocker that he can remain so focused.

  “That’s exactly what I was wondering,” Kira pipes up. “Why keep it a secret?”

  I glare at the tawny-haired girl, hoping she’ll shut her pie hole. I’ve had about as much as I can take from her. She’s the reason I’m in this mess to begin with. Now she’s just adding to it for shits and giggles.

  “Looks like congratulations are in order, dude. If you’re looking to be tied down, then I’m happy for you. I guess that means more chicks for me. See? Sometimes you gotta look at the bright side of things.” There’s a pause. “Although, I don’t think I’d mind being strapped down and restrained by that one.” He winks at Sydney. “Hey, beautiful.”

  A growl rumbles up from my chest. I would be more than happy to knock those thoughts from Asher’s head. I don’t give a damn if he’s joking around or not.

  Just as I’m about to break up the growing crowd, Elle pushes her way through the throng.

  Her wide gaze bounces from me to Sydney and then back again. “I knew it!” she crows. “I knew something was going on with you and this girl! Project my butt!”

  I glance at Carson, who has sidled up behind her. His shoulders shake with silent laughter. He’s the one who put this cockamamie idea in my head. If there’s anyone to blame for this mess, it’s him.

  “We need to talk,” Sydney hisses, “in private.”

  “How about I get you a drink and we talk after?” More like a few drinks to dull the anger burning brightly in her eyes. Although, I’m not even sure alcohol will douse those flames.

  “Now, Brayden.”

  Well, damn.

  Chapter Nine


  Holy shit, did that actually happen?

  My fingers brush across my lips where the faint taste of him continues to linger. I’ll admit— albeit privately— that I’ve secretly wondered what it would be like to kiss Brayden. That being said, I never imagined I’d actually find out.

  This feels more like a dream.

  Or maybe a nightmare.

  All I know is that I need to get to the bottom of what’s going on before it can spiral any further out of control.

  Like it hasn’t already?

  I almost groan.

  The moment his fingers wrap around mine, a little sizzle of electricity dances down my spine. Before I can blast him into next week, he’s dragging me through clumps of people toward the staircase. A few brave—or drunk—ones clap him on the back and congratulate him. Most aren’t interested in being run over by two hundred pounds of muscled man barreling through. I have to hasten my steps to keep pace with him as we head to the second floor. My head spins. I can’t believe this is happening. I throw a furtive glance over my shoulder at the gathered crowd. A good number of them continue to watch us with ardent interest. A few hold up their phones to snap photos.

  Do you know what these people are probably thinking?

  That we’re going upstairs to have sex.


  The sooner this situation is cleared up, the better. There’s no way I can deal with everyone on campus thinking we’re a couple.

  Brayden moves steadily up the staircase until we hit the second-floor landing and turn to the right before walking down the hallway. We pass by two doors before he reaches for a handle and pushes it open. When I stutter to a halt over the threshold, he huffs out a breath and yanks me into the room. Once sealed inside, the music and noise from downstairs fades. It’s a relief when he releases my fingers and my hand can drift back to my side. I stare at him and wait for a rational explanation as to why he would tell people we were together.

  Seconds creep by. When he remains silent, I throw my arms wide and explode. “Oh my god! What the hell was that about?”

  He winces before plowing a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry. It got a little out of control.”

  “A little out of control?” I echo with disbelief. Is this guy for real? “That scene was totally out of control!”

  “You do realize,” he says mildly, “that none of this would have happened if you had returned my calls.”

  My eyes widen until they feel like they might fall right out of my head. I jab a finger at him. “Are you actually trying to blame me for your lies?”

  The nerve of this guy!

  He sucks in a deep breath before gradually releasing it. As he does, his broad shoulders collapse. “No, I’m not. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry that I dragged you into this mess. I didn’t expect everything to go down like that.”

  “Like what? What didn’t you expect?”

  Instead of answering the question, he asks one of his own. “You know the girl you were talking to downstairs? The one from our accounting class?”

  I jerk my head in a nod.

  “Her name is Kira, and she’s been after me for a while. I’ve told her a thousand times that I have zero interest in doing anything with her, but she refuses to take no for an answer. The chick is relentless.”

  Uh-huh. I still don’t understand how this affects me.

  When I remain silent, he blurts, “She won’t leave me alone.
It’s turned out to be a real problem.”

  “Seriously? One of your fangirls has become a little overzealous and suddenly this is an issue?”

  “I found her in my bed the other night.” When I fail to react, he snaps, “Naked.”

  “Awww...that sounds terrible. Girls are literally falling onto their backs and spreading their legs wide for you.” I cock my head to the side. “However do you deal with it?”

  His lips flatten into a tight line as he narrows his eyes. “That’s the issue, Sydney. I don’t want to deal with strange girls sneaking into my room and lying in wait. Wouldn’t you be unsettled if you found a naked guy in your bed?”

  “I don’t know,” I say with a shrug. “I guess it would depend on who the guy was.”

  If it’s possible, his lips smash together even more. When he continues to glare, I shift my stance, uncomfortable under his relentless scrutiny.

  “Fine, I would be upset,” I grumble reluctantly. “There. Are you happy now?” Although, I’m still confused as to how I got dragged into this mess.

  “I’d hoped after I kicked her out of my room that she would finally get it through her head that nothing was ever going to happen, but she was back at my place the other night, confessing her love for me and wanting to know why I won’t give her a chance.”

  All right, so maybe I can understand his concern. Those are definitely stalker vibes I’m beginning to feel.

  “So,” I say carefully, piecing everything together, “you told her you were dating someone.”


  Brayden told this girl that he was dating me.

  As bad as I’m starting to feel for him—because clearly that girl is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs—there is no way I’m getting sucked into a situation that has nothing to do with me. “Forget it.” When he opens his mouth to argue, I shake my head. “I just got out of a relationship. I’m not interested in having people think that I’m delving headfirst into another. And even if I was,” I add, wanting to make sure we’re both on the same page, “it wouldn’t be with someone like you.”

  “Excuse me?” His brows shoot up. “Did you just say someone like me?”

  Do I really need to explain this to him?

  By the pinched expression on his face, apparently so.

  “Come on,’re not the kind of guy I would ever go for. You’re a manwhore.” I hold up my hands and quickly add, “That’s not judgment on my part, it’s just the unvarnished truth. You’re free to sleep with as many girls as you want. Have sex with the entire university, for all I care. But do us both a favor and don’t pretend you’re something that you’re not, all right? You don’t do serious.”

  “I am not a manwhore,” he says in halting tones as if I’ve truly offended him, which is rich.

  Laughter bubbles up from my lips.

  Brayden folds his arms across his chest and glares. “All the girls I’ve slept with knew the score up front. And they were cool with it. Don’t act like I’m out there, taking advantage of these chicks.”

  He’s missing the point entirely.

  “I never said you were taking advantage of anyone. I simply pointed out that you like to sleep around and share the love. Maybe it shouldn’t be so surprising when some psycho chick gets obsessed.”

  “For your information,” he grits out, “I never slept with Kira.”

  “Maybe it would help if you did,” I snicker. “She’d probably lose interest by the third thrust.”

  “Hardy-har-har. You’re hilarious, you know that?”

  Now that I’ve made my position perfectly clear, I inch toward the bedroom door. “You seem to have gotten yourself into a real quandary, and I don’t want any part of it. So...I’m just gonna—”

  As I reach for the handle, he blurts, “Wait!”

  I glance over my shoulder, impatient to get the hell out of here. “What?”

  “Please,” he swallows, desperation flashing across his face. “I really need your help. It would only be for a couple of weeks. That’s it.”

  It’s official—Brayden has gone off the deep end. We’re not even friends; why would I entertain the idea of helping him out for even a minute?

  If anything, he’s dragged me into a mess I want no part of. And if he won’t clear up the situation, I will. And then I’ll do what I should have from the very beginning and block his damn ass on my phone. From here on out, we can work solo on our project. It’s not like there’s a ton left to do.

  “Sorry, this sounds more like a you problem than a me problem. But don’t worry, you’re a resourceful guy. I have total faith that you’ll figure something out.”

  For a second time, I reach for the handle. Before I can make a clean getaway, Brayden springs forward and wraps his fingers around my shoulders before swinging me around. My eyes widen and I stifle a yelp of surprise at the way he’s manhandling me.

  “I’ve already told Kira that we’re dating. If you go downstairs and say differently, she’ll never leave me alone.” His grip tightens. “Would you really do that to me?”

  “Yes.” It’s not even a question.

  His jaw locks, but he still doesn’t set me free. “I can help you.”

  Other than staying out of my way, there’s nothing I need Brayden’s assistance with.

  Just as I’m about to demand that he remove his hands or risk losing digits, he asks, “Were you able to find a model for your art project?”

  My brows shoot up into my hairline.

  How the hell did he—

  Oh. Right. Lunch. He overheard me on the phone. More like he was listening intently.

  “Not yet, but I’ve got plenty of feelers out,” I say airily as if I’m not concerned in the slightest. “I’m just waiting for the responses to roll in.” The truth of the matter is that I’m waiting on one more call. The fact that Leo hasn’t bothered to get back to me isn’t a good sign. For obvious reasons, I won’t be sharing that information with Brayden.

  He drags me closer. “I’ll model for you.”

  “You?” I scoff. My belly hollows out at the thought of seeing him naked. “Model?” I shake my head, unwilling to entertain the idea.

  “Sure, why not?”

  I twist out of his arms and break his hold before blowing out a long breath. “Have you forgotten that I need someone who’s willing to sit for me in the nude?” I allow that bit of information to sink in before adding, “The best pieces from the portfolio will be displayed at the art gallery on campus at the end of the year.”

  Indecision flickers over his expression before he straightens to his full height. “Is that supposed to be a deterrent? FYI, there’s no shame in my game.”

  I’m sure there’s not, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants hundreds of people to see naked sketches of him. That’s one of the reasons the fine art students use professional models.

  Who don’t attend Western University.

  And certainly aren’t high-profile football players looking to turn pro.

  Unconsciously, my gaze drifts over the length of him, starting with his handsome face. Brayden has high, chiseled cheekbones and thick eyelashes. His mouth is full and his chin strong. As if that wasn’t the most arresting part of him, there’s his muscular body. Broad shoulders, a wide chest and tapered waist. My hunch is that there’s not an ounce of fat on him.

  Fine. Speaking strictly from an artistic perspective, the guy would be an absolute pleasure to draw.

  No doubt about it.


  That would mean spending more time alone with him. When he tugs me close enough to feel the heat of his body, I snap out of the dangerous thoughts attempting to take root inside my brain.

  “You’re contemplating it,” he says, eyes sharpening on me.

  “No,” I lie, “I’m not.”

  With a tilt of his head, he squints as if he’s able to pick through my innermost thoughts. It’s a disconcerting sensation. “Yeah, you are. Just remember that this situation can be beneficial f
or both of us.”

  I’m startled to realize that he’s right—I’m actually giving serious consideration to his proposal. Bottom line, I need a model. My project is due in less than a month. Not only am I running out of time, I’m running out of options. Brayden needs someone to be his girlfriend.

  His fake girlfriend.

  The solution neatly solves both of our issues.

  “What’s the problem?” he asks. “Not sure I’ll measure up in that department? Need a little proof that you’ll have more than enough to draw? Maybe a preview will tip the scales in my favor.” His fingers settle on his waistband.

  I throw up a hand and shake my head. “No, that’s not necessary.”

  There’s no way I can tell Brayden that I don’t want to spend time with him because deep down, I’m attracted to him. I don’t even want this guy to know that I like him as a human being, much less find him good looking. It would only feed his already massive ego, and that’s the last thing I want to do. There are already enough females on campus fangirling over him. It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll be thrown in with that lot.

  What I need to do is decline his offer. If I agree to this, it won’t end well. I’ll end up strangling him or—

  “What’s it going to be?” he asks, voice turning gravelly.

  Tell him no.

  Do it now.

  Tell him—

  “Okay.” The word pops out of my mouth before I can rein it back in. “I’ll do it.”

  A wide grin breaks out across Brayden’s face. Before I can second guess the spontaneous decision, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against the hard lines of his body before swinging me around in a tight circle.

  “But only for a couple of weeks!” I wheeze as he forces all of the air from my lungs. “That’s it.”

  “Not a problem. It’ll be more than enough time for Kira to see that I’m involved with someone else and back off.”

  For his sake, I hope he’s right. I refuse to get sucked into anything more long term.


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