Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series Book 2)

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Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series Book 2) Page 7

by Jennifer Sucevic

  My feet are still dangling a few inches from the ground when I grunt, “All right, you can put me down now. The deal is done. For the short term, I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend. And you’ll model for me.”

  Carefully, Brayden sets me on my heels. The smile that dances across his face somehow makes him even more handsome. My belly trembles in response and I find myself taking a hasty step in retreat in order to put some distance between us. As much as I hate to acknowledge the truth, even to myself, Brayden Kendricks is way too good looking for his own good. Mine as well. Over the years, I’ve done my best to tamp down any attraction from sparking to life between us and causing any more unwanted problems. He’s the one guy I refuse to mess with.

  You know what they say—once bitten, twice shy?

  That’s become my mantra when it comes to the hot football player.

  I wince.


  Brayden might be all kinds of sexy, but I don’t want to think of him along those lines. It’ll only mess with my head. Probably other parts of me as well.

  And that, I don’t need.

  “In order for this to work, this little agreement needs to stay between the two of us,” he says, cutting into my thoughts.

  Once every last bit of desire has been ruthlessly stomped out, I glance away and force a puff of air from my lips. “Oh, come on. Is that really necessary?”

  “You know how it is around here,” he insists. “Gossip travels at the speed of light. You tell one person a secret and suddenly everyone on this damn campus is talking about it.”

  Well, he’s not wrong about that. Although, it’s not like I’m going to broadcast it to the entire soccer team. There’s only one person I’d shared this with, and that’s Demi. Who would she tell? maybe she’d blab this little bit of ridiculousness to Rowan. I’m sure they’re at that stage of their relationship where they tell each other everything. But it’s not like he’d open his mouth to anyone else...

  All right...I see what he means.

  “Fine,” I reluctantly agree. “Can we head back downstairs now?” If I’d been craving a drink when I walked through the front door earlier, it’s even more so now. I need something that’s going to make me forget that I just signed a pact with the devil.

  More than that, I need to get away from Brayden so I can regain my equilibrium. Even if we’re pretending to be a couple, it’s not like we’ll be joined at the hip, right?

  Exactly. He can go one way, and I’ll go the other. If people question the status of our relationship, I’ll answer in the affirmative and that’ll be the end of it. Two weeks from now—three at the most—we will quietly part ways. We’ll uncouple as quietly as one of the Kardashians. It’s not like they make a big deal out of these things, right?

  If I’m lucky, Brayden’s overzealous fangirl will lose interest before then and I can go on my merry little way even sooner. Yup, it’ll all work out in the end. There’s no need to get my panties in a twist.

  “Not quite yet. Let’s give it a few more minutes.”

  I frown and reach for the handle. “Why can’t we just leave?” I’m tired of being stuck in this tiny room with him. I need out.


  With a slight frown, he glances at his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. “We’ve only been up here for ten minutes. Give it a bit more time.”

  I don’t understand what his problem is. “Brayden,” I snap, “what’s the hold up?”

  “Look, I can’t have people thinking that I pop off like a shot. It would damage my rep, if you know what I mean.”

  My mouth falls open. I really hope he’s not serious. Unfortunately, I can tell by his earnest expression that he is.

  When I fail to respond—because, really, what am I supposed to say—he points to the mini fridge situated in the corner of his room. “How about I get you a cold beverage to enjoy while we wait?”

  I blink. Holy shit, this guy is offering me a drink until an appropriate amount of time has passed for us to engage in make believe sex. That realization is all it takes for a heavy wave of regret to crash over me. Is it too late to back out of this stupid arrangement?

  “I’ve got water, Gatorade, lime La Croix, and a few Diet Cokes for the ladies.” He gives me a wink.

  “I’ll take a water,” I say through thinned lips.

  As soon as he swings around, hunkering down to peer in the fridge, I grab the handle, rip the door open, and stalk into the hallway before slamming it shut so it rattles on its hinges.

  Brayden Kendricks can shove that bottle of water up his ass for all I care.

  If fact, if he bends over, I’ll happily do it for him.

  Chapter Ten


  I really should have anticipated that last maneuver. I know Sydney well enough by now to realize that the final bit probably shoved her right over the edge. It only takes a few seconds for me to catch up as she stomps down the staircase.

  “Clearly you’re impatient to spread the good word.” I throw an arm around her shoulder and haul her close. “I can see it legend and soccer all-star crowned Western’s most adorable couple.”

  “I think Demi and Rowan have that title locked down tight,” she says, keeping her attention focused in front of her.

  Well, she’s probably right about that. Those two are so damn cute that my teeth ache just looking at them. The quarterback finally had the balls to go after the coach’s daughter. And he didn’t get killed or benched. Looks like it all turned out for Rowan.

  I snake my arm around Sydney’s waist before dragging her closer. “Oh, I think we could give them a run for their money.”

  She snorts. “Except they’re the real deal and we’re...not.”

  True, but still...

  As soon as we come into view, a loud cheer rises from the assembled crowd. It’s like they were waiting for us to make an encore appearance. Sydney stumbles. It’s a good thing my arm is wrapped around her, or she would have tripped and fallen.

  “Hey, that was quick!” some asshole yells.

  “What was that? Like two seconds, Kendricks?” another guy shouts.

  Ha-ha. Very funny, fuckers.

  “See? I told you,” I grumble near her ear. “Now you’ve done irreparable damage to my reputation by not waiting five damn minutes.”

  Sydney narrows her eyes and gives me a well-honed death stare. If I’m smart, I’ll tread lightly. She’s liable to get so pissed that she blows our cover to smithereens. But I can’t help myself. For some perverse reason, I enjoy riling her up. It’s a challenge to see just how far I can push her before she snaps. It would seem like tonight, her patience is stretched thinner than usual.

  “Aww, poor baby,” she says with a faux pout. “Would you like to end this now? I’d be more than happy to part ways before it ever starts,” she grits through clenched teeth and points. “Oh look, there’s your friendly neighborhood stalker. Should I inform her that it was all a joke to make her jelly?”

  My eyes narrow. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  What am I saying?

  Of course she would.

  I wouldn’t put anything past Sydney when she gets fired up. Strangely enough, it’s one of the things that attracts me. The girl is a real firecracker. You never know what she’s going to do.

  “Try me,” she growls.

  “Fine,” I mutter, backing down. I’m afraid of what her reaction will be if I call her bluff. “I’ll just tell them that you drive me crazy, and I can’t control myself around you. Happy?”


  Funny...she doesn’t sound it.

  As soon as we step off the last tread, people gather around the staircase, bombarding us with questions.

  My sister shoves her way through the mass of bodies before throwing her arms around Sydney and pulling her in for a quick hug.

  “OMG, this is so exciting! I can’t believe my brother is actually dating someone! He never said a word!
Our mom is forever trying to fix Bray up with her friends’ daughters.” Elle pulls back enough to search Sydney’s dazed expression. “Maybe you can meet her next weekend? Does that work for you?”

  I have to bite back a groan.

  Sydney looks completely shell-shocked. Like she doesn’t know what to make of the girl who now has her in a death grip. It’s amusing in a not-so-funny kind of way. There is no doubt in my mind that she would probably punch me in the face if I started laughing.

  “Ummm,” she says, looking like a deer trapped in the bright glare of oncoming headlights.

  “You know what, squirt,” I cut into the conversation, “how about we hold off on that for the time being?”

  “Why?” She frowns. “Mom is dying to meet her.”

  “How can Mom be dying to meet someone she doesn’t even know about?” My eyes narrow. “Unless you already opened your big mouth?”

  An innocent smile curls around the edges of my sister’s lips as she lifts a shoulder. “Does it really matter how she found out?”

  “Please tell me you didn’t call her.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake. Could this get any worse?

  “Of course I didn’t!” she shoots back, as if offended. “I texted. She’s thrilled, by the way.”

  Sydney makes a choking sound deep in her throat.

  Elle blinks, excited gaze bouncing between us. “Let’s not talk about how Mom found out. I’d rather discuss how you two lovebirds got together.”

  Sydney’s wide green eyes flicker to mine in alarm. I suppose that’s something we should have discussed before trekking downstairs. And we probably would have if Sydney hadn’t been in such an all-fire rush to escape my evil clutches.

  I shoot her a look that says—See? It would have been far safer to remain upstairs.

  Before either of us can respond, Elle says, “I can’t remember the last time Brayden was in a relationship.” She scrunches her face as if deep in thought. “Maybe junior year of high school? Wasn’t it Clarissa Hodges?”

  I drag a hand over my face. This situation is careening further out of control by the second, and it’s my own damn flesh and blood leading the charge. How’s that for a kick in the ass?

  “I can’t remember,” I mutter. “Maybe.”

  Dropping the subject of my spotty dating history, Elle claps her hands together with unrestrained enthusiasm. “This is so amazing!”

  Every time Elle explodes with another burst of excitement, Sydney flinches, her face draining of more color. She looks pale as a ghost. If she wasn’t regretting her impromptu decision to go along with this charade before—and I know damn well that she was—she sure as hell is now. I should probably hustle her ass out of this party before she decides this is way more hassle than it’s worth. Although, by the hunted look on her face, we flew by regret about five minutes ago going ninety down the freeway.

  From the corner of my eye, I catch Kira in the crowd, watching us with a frown and watery eyes. If this doesn’t put an end to her single-minded obsession, I don’t know what will. Maybe I’ll have to forget about the NFL and go into hiding for the rest of my life.

  “You better believe that we’re going to talk about this later,” Sydney mutters under her breath so only I can hear.

  “Smile, love muffin. Act like you couldn’t be more blitzed out of your mind.”

  The way her lips lift looks forced and painful. Like she’s constipated.

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  “It’s the best you’re going to get,” she growls.

  I raise my voice, knowing we need to get the hell out of here. “So, we’re gonna—”

  “What? You can’t leave yet!” my sister chirps in protest. “I haven’t had a chance to talk with Sydney and get to know her!”

  Before I can manufacture an excuse, Elle loops her arm through the blonde’s. “Come on. Let’s grab something to drink and then we can chat. I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends.”

  “Ummm...” Sydney’s pleading gaze locks on mine before she’s dragged away by my younger sibling.

  “Hey, make sure to bring her back in one piece, squirt!” I yell after them.

  Sydney throws one last confused look over her shoulder as she disappears from the room.

  “Well,” Carson says with a snicker, “looks like you jumped from one frying pan straight into another.”

  Fuck. He’s right about that.

  At this point, all I can do is hope that Sydney doesn’t kick my ass for what I’ve set in motion. We’ve been a couple for less than twenty minutes and our fake relationship has already taken on a life of its own.

  Chapter Eleven


  There’s a light knock on the bedroom door before it creaks open. Unwilling to surface from this state of slumber just yet, I burrow deeper into my blankets. My subconscious is telling me to stay blissfully ignorant for as long as possible. Over the years, I’ve grown to rely on my instincts. They rarely steer me wrong. Unless it has to do with guys. Then all bets are off.

  “Syd?” Demi whispers. “Are you awake?”


  “No,” I grumble, flipping onto my side so that my back is turned toward her. Hopefully, Demi will take the hint and leave. I love this girl like a sister, but not at the butt crack of dawn. “Go away.”

  Instead of doing exactly that, she settles on the edge of the mattress. “So...last night was pretty crazy, huh?”

  Last night?

  What’s she talking about?

  My brain is barely functioning at the moment.

  “Whatdoyoumean?” My words come out all slurred together.

  There’s a pause before she says carefully, “You and Brayden.”

  Is it possible that Demi consumed more than I thought she did and is still smashed from the party last night? Although that’s unlikely. My roommate doesn’t really drink. A beer or two at the most. She likes to stay in control. Plus, her father is Nick Richards, head football coach for the Western Wildcats. She doesn’t want any unsavory gossip making its way back to him. Can’t say I blame her for it. Demi has been the topic of the rumor mill here at Western enough times to know how damaging it can be.

  If she’s not drunk, then maybe I’m the one who got a little too crazy. Wouldn’t be the first time and probably won’t be the last.

  Wait a minute...did she just utter my name with Brayden’s in the same sentence?

  Why would—

  Oh, shit.

  That’s when everything from last night crashes back into my brain at warp speed.


  The crazy fangirl who won’t leave him alone.

  Me rather stupidly agreeing to fake date the guy. wasn’t a bizarre dream. It actually happened. I drag the pillow over my face and smash it down, attempting to smother myself. It doesn’t work. Demi gently pries the fabric from my white-knuckled grip until she can meet my gaze.

  “Exactly how long has this been going on for?” she asks.

  “What?” It takes effort to blink away the last remnants of sleep.

  Demi rolls her eyes impatiently as if I’m too dense for words. “How long have you and Brayden been secretly seeing each other?”


  Me and Brayden.

  Seeing each other in secret.


  That’s an excellent question. Unfortunately, at the moment, I don’t have an excellent answer. We’ll have to get our stories straight if this has any chance of working. Otherwise, there’ll be more holes in this fabrication than Swiss cheese. Barely do I recall his sister—I can’t remember her name—grilling me for information. “Umm, it hasn’t been very long,” I say vaguely, hoping we can move on from this line of questioning.

  One of her dark brows slants upward. “Well, that’s not evasive at all.”

  I huff out a breath. Ambiguous is exactly what I was going for. I’m not a good liar under the best of circumstances, and certainly not
when I’m staring my bestie in the face at the crack of dawn, and I’m still hung over. I drag myself up to a seated position. I really wish we’d hit a different party last night. Maybe then none of this would have transpired.

  Is it too late to tell Brayden to forget it?

  It’s not like Leo ever got back to me. I should probably make a last-ditch effort to reach out. If he’s willing to model, then I don’t need Brayden. And if I don’t need him...

  Then I can back out of this stupid arrangement. He can find another girl to fake date for the next week or two.

  Less than twelve short hours later, I’m chock-full of regrets and could kick my own ass for agreeing to this. I should have known better. If I remember correctly, news of our faux relationship spread through the party like wildfire. By the time I took off, everyone was talking about it. I think people were discussing possible ship names.

  A groan slides from my lips. Even if it’s possible to extract myself from this unpleasant situation, it’s going to be a mess. What am I talking about? It’s already a disaster and it hasn’t even been a full day.

  “I don’t understand how this happened,” Demi says. “You hate Brayden with the passion of a thousand burning suns.”

  She’s not exaggerating. I really do. But I can’t agree openly with her spot-on assessment, now can I?

  “Hate is such a strong word,” I mumble weakly.

  Her eyes narrow as she frowns. “Is it?” Clearly, given my past aversions toward Brayden, Demi is skeptical.


  “You know what they say...” my voice trails off. When her brows rise, I force myself to continue. “There’s a thin line between love and hate.”

  She snorts as a smile trembles around the corners of her lips. “It must be a barely perceptible one.”

  “Oh, trust me, it is.” I run my hand through my hair. It feels like it’s standing on end. Much like my life, it’s a complete mess. Before I can say anything else, my phone dings with an incoming message. I practically pounce on it, swiping it from my nightstand and glancing at the screen.

  It’s from Leo.


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