Book Read Free

Have a Heart 1

Page 4

by Rachel Burns

  He reached around her to get the chair. She shoved in back into her desk. “I said, no,” she yelled at him.

  “This is very simple, Paris. Even you have to be a good girl and sit down, so we will discuss the week, or I will go and get another disciplinarian, and he will hold you down so I can give you a bare bottom spanking in the lounge with all the other girls watching. Which do you prefer, here just the two of us or in the lounge in front of everyone.”

  “No, to everything.” The hate in her eyes was obvious.

  “Fine, it’s your call.” He left the room and heard the door lock behind him. He knocked on Hannah’s door. “Will you please watch Paris’s door, for me? I’ll be right back.”

  Hannah nodded. She knew better than to comment.

  Scott knocked on Paris’s door again.

  “Once a year, we have to do this. It sets the example. Think about it this way, it will be one whole year before you have to do it again.” Dan mused.

  Scott had needed to help him last night too. It had been very effective too. Dan had revisited the young lady this evening, and she didn’t give him anymore problems.

  “Is she in there, Hannah?” Scott asked.

  “Yes,” Hannah ducked back into her own room. She put away her iPod and sighed deeply. She had been the one to set the example for the others last year. This would be the first time that she would see it being done. She shuddered, reliving it.

  “Everyone out. Floor meeting in the lounge,” Scott called out. They all stumbled out of their rooms.

  Brianna watched as Scott, and another man walked past her door. Scott had Paris by the ear as he pulled her along.

  Oh no, she thought. She had read about this in her handbook. She didn’t want to watch this happening. The book was clear; refusing to attend would result in a spanking for her too.

  She slowly blended in with the crowd. The older girls were forming a semicircle out of the chairs. Brianna grabbed a chair and moved it the right way too. She sat down in between Gretchen and Stephanie.

  Scott was doing a head count. “Rachel, go get Maureen.” A petite girl with shoulder length brown hair jumped to do his bidding. They all listened to her persuading her to come.

  “You have to, or you will be spanked again. Come quickly.” Rachel returned with a red faced Maureen.

  “Good evening, Ladies. Let me explain the purpose of this gathering. Paris has earned herself a spanking for not doing well in her classes this week.”

  Paris’s jaw dropped. “That is none of their business.”

  “Yes, I realize that, but you made it their business when you interrupted their evening and made them all be dragged out here.” He gave her a strict look before his eyes returned to the other girls.

  “Now, as I was saying. She refused to cooperate. There are different ways of not cooperating. Reaching back during a spanking is one and will result in a second spanking the next evening, as will trying to twist off my lap. Paris here chose not to cooperate at all. She wouldn’t even let me pull the chair out of her desk. In doing so she chose to make her punishment public. Everyone in this room is responsible for keeping her in here. If you do not, all of you will be spanked. Have I made myself clear? If she tries to run, stop her, or you will all pay for it.” He looked around meeting eyes. Brianna’s were downcast. He let her get away with it, for now.

  Brianna was thinking about being punished again for putting her hand back. She did it every time. Her father was afraid of breaking her fingers, so it had become part of the routine for her to give him her hand. She could hear her father now, ‘Brianna, give me your hand.’ He held it out of the way while he spanked. She had to do what she could to avoid a spanking here. If she ever got one, then it would be never ending.

  Scott had gone on with his speech, but it was along the same lines of what was in the handbook. Summed up, it was that Scott was a god and could punish them as he saw fit.

  He sat down on a chair, and his friend, who was holding onto a very mad looking Paris, let her go. If that had been Brianna, she would be scared out of her wits. She hated watching this. Scott was waiting for her to take her pants and panties down. He was counting.

  The other disciplinarian was getting mad too.

  Paris simply stood there with her arms folded over her chest. Brianna was certain that Paris would end up being spanked. They always get you in the end. Scott had reached one hundred.

  “You aren’t giving me a choice in the matter.” Scott jumped up and went to his room. They all watched him leave and then come back with a long bamboo cane. The whole room gasped.

  Scott went back to Paris and opened her pants and pulled them down. Her hands flew to stop him, but the other disciplinarian grabbed her hands, hindering her. Scott removed her panties.

  “I knew she wasn’t a natural blond,” Gretchen smirked.

  A nervous laugh went through the room, but it was quickly stifled.

  Scott met Gretchen’s eyes. “I will visit you in your room later to discuss your need to comment on everything, Gretchen.”

  Scott grabbed Paris and bent her over the back of the chair. The other man held onto her. Paris was screaming as if her life depended on it. Scott brought the cane down on her backside, and her whole body jumped. She fought to get away, but the man held her tightly.

  Scott whacked the cane at her again. She was reduced to tears. He gave her a couple more.

  Brianna hadn’t been counting along.

  The other disciplinarian stood Paris up. She was bawling and saying something that no one could understand.

  Scott looked so mad and so mean. He sat down on the chair and picked up the hair brush. “Come over my lap, Paris.”

  “Please, no. No more, please, no,” she begged.

  Scott saw Brianna wipe a tear out of her eye. She was politely looking away even if her head was pointed in the right direction. He felt embarrassed having to do this in front of her.

  He gave himself a mental shake. She should watch and make sure the same didn’t happen to her.

  “Do you need a few more with the cane before we can continue?” he asked Paris.

  She moved to lay herself over his lap, practically jumping at him.

  His arm shot up to help her. He looked at the girls assembled here. “We can now begin with her punishment, a ten minute hair brushing.” He started right in on her, whacking at her already red bottom.

  Her hand shot back.

  Scott stopped. “Remove your hand.” He looked at the clock. This break didn’t count as part of her ten minute hair brushing.

  Her hand slowly moved away from her backside. Scott started in again, delivering blows with all of his strength.

  A minute later, her hand went back again, and she pleaded with him to stop.

  Tears were dripping from Brianna’s eyes. She felt so sorry for the girl. That hand thing could happen to her too. She had to be very very careful that she never did anything wrong.

  The spanking went on for what seemed forever. Paris’s hand moved back again and again.

  Brianna felt like she would be sick. Unfortunately she had taken her pills right before this meeting had been called. They weren’t doing well in her stomach anymore.

  She looked at the clock a couple more times. Ten minutes were over, but he still had to do the hand breaks. She was crying so very softly over his knees. He might as well have been beating on a sack of flour. She tried to think about something else.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad if she had siblings. At her house, when someone got in trouble, it was always her. Her parents had decided to only have one child. They were afraid that any other child they had would be born sick too. Her parents had wanted to be able to concentrate on keeping her alive. They had placed all their hopes and dreams in her. She didn’t want to disappoint them.

  Scott set Paris on her feet again. “We will have a talk in your room now. Straighten yourself out.” He looked at Paris. He was still mad.

  “The rest of you can g
o back to your rooms and study, and I am sure you will if you don’t want to end up in the same position as Paris was this evening. Thank you all for coming.”

  Brianna jumped up to her feet and hurried to her room. She changed into her pajamas, braided her hair and went right to bed. She closed her eyes, but she could still hear spanking noises.

  Brianna was sure that after what had just happened that no one would refuse him again. She turned on her laptop and listened to music to drown out the terrible sounds.

  She just couldn’t fall asleep. Her stomach wouldn’t settle down. She had to run now.

  Brianna made it, but it was close. She lingered in the bathroom just in case. Should she retake her evening medicine, or had it been in long enough?

  “Please come out.”

  That was Scott’s voice. She was surprised that he would care about something like this. If she had the choice, she would stay as far away from someone who was throwing up as she could.

  She forced herself to stand and go out to him. Maybe the bathroom was completely closed after ten.

  “You?” He gave her a confused look.

  “Perhaps I had too much candy,” she shrugged. Just thinking about candy made her run again.

  Scott was surprised to see her. When he heard the throwing up, he figured that it would be Paris, and if not her, then one of the other girls who had gotten a spanking tonight. “Should I call the nurse?”

  “But it’s the middle of the night. Besides, I’m fine,” she called back to him.

  He could hear her at the sink. She appeared again. Her face was wet, and she was pressing a paper towel to her forehead.

  “This is why we have a school nurse. When someone is really sick, we call her.” He was speaking so mean to her again. She couldn’t understand why.

  “I think if I just go to bed now, then I will be fine in the morning. Good evening, sir.”

  “Brianna, I’ll bring you.” He opened the door to her room. Her desk light was on but nothing else. Her room looked very peaceful. He noticed that she hadn’t done anymore homework. All the candy was still there. He picked up the blankets. They were very warm. “In you go, Brianna.”

  She obeyed him immediately, as always, he thought. He laid his hand on her forehead. “You have a fever.”

  “Really? I feel like I’m freezing.” She snuggled into the pillow. Her eyes were drooping shut. She was shivering.

  He noticed a tiny light at the head of her bed. She saw him looking at it. “Is that an electrical blanket?”

  “Umm – Yes. They aren’t forbidden, are they?”

  “No, but don’t leave it on too long. We don’t need a fire in here.”

  “It turns itself off after a couple of hours. Safety first, you know.” She was almost asleep.

  “Yes, I know. Your parents sure do worry about you.”

  “I always give them reason to.” She fell asleep then.

  Scott shut her computer off and moved it so it couldn’t fall. He looked at the candy and then back at her. He would have to check on her again in an hour or so.

  Scott was so tired himself, but now he had to be up a while. He decided to read her report. He left the door to his room open so he could hear if she needed him.

  Scott looked at the clock. Brianna’s report had been very interesting. It was especially good. More like a doctorate than a 101 class report. She had gone into so much detail.

  He had to wonder if she had gotten it out of the net. He started to research and looked up all of her sources. Scott corrected her mistakes.

  He made a copy of it. It was just way too good. He would talk to her professor about it. He truthfully hoped that she wrote it herself. If not, she would be in a lot of trouble. It just seemed so unlikely. She had quoted doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. But she spoke with a southern accent. She sounded like she was from around where he came from.

  He was from Alabama. His parents had sent him to college for the regular four years, but he wanted to become a lawyer. He couldn’t ask his parents for more money for school. He was the oldest of four. Two of his younger sisters were in college.

  His oldest sister had just graduated this spring. She got married then too. His parents had paid for a big wedding.

  His youngest sister had just started college this year. He was glad that she went to a good college and not here, but then again their parents couldn’t have afforded this place.

  This school was just for very rich spoiled girls whose parents had let them get away with murder the first eighteen years of their lives.

  Scott got up and checked on Brianna. He heard sobbing behind Paris’s door as he passed by. He knocked. She answered with fear in her eyes. “May I come in?”

  He noticed her shaking and added, “Only for a talk.”

  She nodded and ran very meekly back to her bed. He pulled out the chair.

  They talked for over an hour. She told him about her parents. Both were lawyers, but they had never had any time for her. She was blaming them for her predicament. He talked to her about her being responsible for her own actions. She promised to do better.

  He left and moved on to Brianna’s room, thinking to himself that he would always have time for his kids one day. He wanted a stay at home wife.

  Would a woman nowadays go for that? Probably not.

  He knocked very softly. When she didn’t answer, he unlocked it and went in. He left the door open. He approached the bed very quietly. It wouldn’t do for her to wake up, see him and start screaming.

  He laid his hand on her forehead. She turned a little and stuck her arm out to him. He wasn’t sure what to make of that. She still had a fever but not as high as before.

  He checked that her blanket was off. He would check on her in the morning again. Scott gently picked her arm up and laid it back on the bed.

  She rolled away from him again and snuggled into her pillow.

  He left, locking her door again. He hoped that she wrote it herself. The idea of having to punish her was getting harder and harder.

  Scott checked on Brianna the next morning. She was gone. He couldn’t hear anyone in the showers.

  Scott started to worry. He left her room and locked it. He was going to call the nurse’s office. Perhaps she had just walked over there.

  He turned, and she was standing behind him. She was clenching her robe closed again. “I was looking for you.” His hand shot up to her forehead. “You are still warm. Come on it’s Saturday morning, you can sleep in today.”

  “I feel fine. Really, I do. I was going to get started in on the homework I missed last night.”

  She watched him pull out his master key and unlock her room. He shooed her in. “I’ll have a tray sent up with your breakfast. Once you have eaten something and it has stayed in, you can get up and study anything you want but right now you should be sleeping.”

  He lifted up her blankets for her so she could crawl in. He felt like he was bringing one of his sisters to bed. Brianna reminded him of his youngest sister, his favorite.

  Brianna could see that this was a no discussion thing. It hadn’t been in the handbook, but he had been clear when he had said that he would decide when she was sick or not. She climbed in, and he walked to the door.

  “Your tray will arrive around eight. You can have breakfast in bed then. I recommend that you sleep until that time. Oh and another thing. When you have a fever, you don’t wash your hair.” He left then.

  Brianna smiled to herself. He had certainly told her off.

  Brianna threw up after breakfast. Scott stuck her back into bed. He checked on her often.

  Brianna had braided her hair into two long braids. When he came by, she hid whichever schoolbook she was reading under her blankets. He let her get up after supper.

  Lunch and supper had stayed in, so she went to the music room for an hour. She made it back just in time.

  Scott raised an eyebrow when he saw her coming in.

  She smiled and started o
n her homework. Well, the sit down written kind. Her reading homework was finished.

  Scott had laid her corrected paper on her desk.

  She took one of her Post-its and wrote thank you on it. She grabbed a handful of candy and laid it down on his desk while he was talking in the lounge to one of the girls who was homesick.

  He could be nice too.

  Scott went to his room to get his hairbrush. He saw the candy right away. It was clear who it was from. She had put him in a good mood. The other girls would appreciate that.

  He sure hoped that the paper was her own work. The best thing he could do, would be to talk to the teacher. She would know what to do. Monday after class he would go and talk to her.

  Sunday morning came, and Brianna felt safe getting up and dressed. She decided not to wash her hair this morning to keep Scott off her back.

  Nobody else was at breakfast. She walked to the campus chapel afterwards. She had read that church was at nine, but no one seemed to be around. The rule at her house was that if she was healthy enough to go, they went.

  She hovered by the door unsure what to do. She couldn’t be the only one who was going to church this morning, could she? The Pastor came out and greeted her. She shook his hand, and he told her to go in. She moved forward and sat down in the second row of pews.

  An older man came in and sat down by her. He had left room as if two people were sitting in between them.

  The pastor started the sermon. They just pretended that the church was full and continued on with the service. Brianna sang softly when it was time to sing, but the older man sang out loudly, and then she did too.

  After church, she shook the Pastor’s hand and went to play the piano until lunch.

  She had a feeling that mealtimes were the constant here, the anchor that kept everything else in place.

  Brianna noticed a few girls studying in the lounge and decided to join them. She had been so cooped up yesterday. Jennifer from her German class was there too. She started to hum. Brianna wondered if she even knew that she was doing it.


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