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Have a Heart 1

Page 20

by Rachel Burns

  “Please, don’t hit Brianna. I don’t want to lose her.”

  “Neither do I, believe me. I’m sure that she will never do anything to deserve one. If she does, and I can get away with it, I’ll turn a blind eye. You, however, are a whole other story. A spanking won’t kill you. I’m positive it won’t. Let’s get this over with.” He laid her back over his knees, spanked and scolded her.

  Cathy knocked on her best friend’s door. Brianna slowly opened it afraid that Scott was coming back for whatever reason. She saw Cathy’s tear-strained face and started laughing as she threw her arms around her friend.

  “That’s what you get for asking what it was like.” She pulled her into her room and continued to hug her and laugh. “I’m so sorry, but you did want to know.”

  Cathy started to laugh too. “I hate you, Brianna.”

  “No, don’t hate me. Hate him instead.” Brianna just couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. They were both giggling again.

  They stopped the second they heard a knock on the door. Brianna wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath and cleared her throat. She opened the door and saw Scott. He looked mad, but she was shaking from laughter.

  “You are being too loud.” He gave her a mean look, and then he looked over at Cathy. Brianna was taking deep breaths so she wouldn’t laugh, but she burst out again when Cathy stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Cathy, go to your room. I’ll be right there. I’ll deal with Brianna first.” He stepped completely into the room. All of a sudden, Brianna had no problem stopping.

  “Please, Scott, I’m sorry it was all my fault. Don’t hurt Brianna. She didn’t do anything. It was me.” Cathy’s begging just had him madder. “You could turn a blind eye?”

  “Excuse me, Brianna, I will be right back. This needs to be attended to first.” He grabbed Cathy by her arm and pulled her down the hall to her room. He had the chair pulled out and her over his knees in record time.

  “I thought we just talked about respect. I’m not your brother here.”

  “But I need a brother,” Cathy protested.

  Scott stopped his hand high over his head. “I know that, but you need to learn respect. You don’t have any for me, or for mom and dad. You put them through hell. And worst of all you don’t have any respect for yourself. You put yourself in a position where that jerk could hurt you. If you had been at home studying, then that would never have had to happened. You made dad cry, he was so worried about you. It broke his heart that you had been hurt that way.” He rained smacks on her bottom.

  “And now they are paying an arm and a leg for you to be safe and still continue your education, and you still aren’t studying like you should. I am so mad at you. It is time for you to grow up and take responsibility for yourself.” He spanked until she was limp over his knees and then some.

  Scott set her up when he was finished. He had hand spanked her, and he was rubbing his hand. Cathy rubbed her bottom.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I want to call home. Please, Scott, may I. I want to apologize for everything I did. I’m sorry.” She sniffled.

  He nodded, proud of her. He unlocked the door to his room and let her in. No one was in the hall so he felt safe doing that. He grabbed the hairbrush and left her alone. He heard her sobbing all the more. She at least had one redeeming quality. She was loyal to her friend.

  Scott knocked on Brianna’s door.

  Brianna opened, and all signs of laughter were gone. She let him in without saying a tone and closed the door behind him.

  The chair was already in position. He had already spent most of his energy on Cathy’s backside. He didn’t really want to hurt his little Brianna.

  Scott was even having trouble not laughing now.

  She sat on her bed like she was supposed to. Her head was hung. Scott sat on the chair and sighed. He felt happy just to be in the same room with her.

  “It was really all my fault, honestly. She came to me for consoling, and I laughed at her. It was a terribly mean thing to do, and as you know laughing is contagious, and she ended up joining in. I feel really bad that she got another punishment when it was really my fault. She never would have laughed otherwise. Do we have to call the Dean?”

  He burst out laughing then. “I think I can manage this spanking without the Dean. Come here.”

  She did. He laid an arm around her and pulled her over his lap gently. “Are you comfortable?” he asked. He didn’t make her pull her panties down or raise her dress. It just didn’t seem right to do that anymore.

  Did he want to know because this would take a long time, Brianna thought? “I’m fine.”

  He gave her a couple of smacks and lectured her about kicking people when they are down. The lecture had her in tears. She sobbed over his knees. Her face was also directly above the floor where he had saved her life.

  Brianna felt so guilty. She had hardly noticed that he was holding her and not spanking her anymore. She had her face buried in his chest, and he had laid his chin on top of her head.

  This is really comfortable, he thought. One day he would be able to hold her in his arms whenever he wanted.

  He was picturing himself coming home to her, and she would be cooking something for them to eat just like she had over Christmas vacation.

  Maybe she could make that wonderful cheesecake that he had liked?

  He felt so happy at the moment that he hated tearing himself away from that dream of her being his wife to the reality of her apologizing on his lap.

  “I really am sorry. I feel really bad about everything. I really do. Cathy deserves a better friend than me.”

  “Nonsense, you two are perfect for each other. She isn’t mad, and she was able to work through some other issues. She is talking to my parents right now and clearing up some things. It was the best thing for her.” He was truly surprised at how effective spankings were.

  He was wondering to himself if he would spank Brianna after they were married too. Where he came from, most men did. They even had a church group for it. His parents didn’t attend it regularly, but they went now and then. He wondered about Brianna’s parents.

  Is that where their parents met each other? Was that why his father had felt safe spanking Brianna? It made sense if you looked at it from that angle.

  It sure hadn’t that day. He had been so shocked that his father had laid a hand on one of their friends. He had never spanked any of his friends, and he had pulled lots of crap as a kid. The other kid just had to go home right away.

  He moved his hand to the back of Brianna’s head. He petted her hair as he thought a couple of things through.

  She was being so still. Oh shit, he thought. He went perfectly still and listened. He could hear her breathing. She was sleeping on his lap. She had fallen asleep in his arms.

  He was melting as he thought about how much she must trust him to do that. He held her for about half an hour and then he put her to bed. She didn’t even wake up for that. He kissed her on the forehead and left.

  Soon, he thought, he would be able to lie down next to her in bed. He left locking her door.

  Chapter 18 – The One You Will Never Forget

  It seemed the only time Scott ever had to punish Brianna was when Cathy was also involved. He looked at his watch. They were already a half an hour late. He had given them permission to go into town. He was really worried that something had gone wrong.

  Maybe he should call the hospital. He started walking down the hall to his room when he heard the floor door open. He hurried back and saw two very red faced girls standing there.

  Scott sighed relieved.

  The girls both saw that and exchanged looks. It was obvious that he had worried.

  “It was all my fault. I can imagine what you were thinking, but Cathy really wasn’t in any danger. I just overestimated how far I could walk. We had to stop and take a break. I tried to get her to go on without me, but she refused to leave me.”

  “Did she also refu
se to call?” Scott looked fit to be tied. He had given Cathy his cell in case anything happened.

  Brianna took a step away from him. She looked at Cathy who was mouthing the word ‘shit’.

  “That’s what I thought. If you can’t make it there and back in time, then you can’t go. I was just about to call the hospital.” He laid his fingers on his forehead and took a deep breath. “Go to your rooms, both of you,” he yelled.

  Usually, Scott never yelled.

  The few girls who were in the hallway hid in their own rooms before he could get mad at them too. Brianna and Cathy went with their heads hung.

  Scott was so mad that he figured it would be best to cool down before he paid them a visit. He held his sister responsible for her own actions, but he believed Brianna when she said it was her fault too. Brianna was actually probably even guiltier than Cathy. Brianna knew perfectly well how far she could walk and what she wasn’t capable of.

  He even had to wonder if they weren’t playing the whole heart sick card, hoping to get out of trouble. He had worried about them so much. But he really didn’t want to have to go through that ever again.

  He had been truly worried. He had pictured Brianna laying somewhere, and the others just walked by, and no one stopping to help her. What if she had needed him? It had been so easy to picture her dead. He had seen her that way before.

  Scott jumped up and grabbed the paddle and the hairbrush. He went to Brianna’s room first. This was a lesson that he wanted her to learn. He knocked. Well, he pounded on her door.

  She opened the door at looked so shocked that he almost laughed, but he was still too mad for that. Her eyes widened as she saw the paddle.

  Would he really?

  She looked in his eyes. He would. She gulped and stepped aside. She didn’t want to make him so mad that he felt the need to make this public. A spanking in her room was bad enough.

  He went right for her chair and pulled it out. “Remove your skirt and panties.” He stood off to the side and waited. She just stood there with her mouth open.

  “Brianna do you want to make this public?”

  “No,” she practically screamed at him eager to stop him from thinking anything along those lines. “It’s just that – I have a dress on.”

  “I’ve already seen you before. Get on with it.”

  She burst into tears. She buried her face in her hands and cried.

  “Brianna,” he said as he laid his hands on her shoulders. He liked that she was so shy and innocent. He couldn’t hold it against her. “I’ll step out for a minute, but when I come back in, your bottom better be bared. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

  “Just hurry before I have to explain what I’m doing in the hall.” He left, and she quickly removed her dress and panties and threw on a t-shirt on over her bra.

  She opened the door to let him know that she was finished.

  He came back in and sighed. “That was it, I hope. No more games?”

  “No more games, sir.” she repeated.

  “Come behind the chair.” He had done this before, and he could do this again. Her father also punished her very harshly. Her father didn’t worry about it being too much for her heart so he shouldn’t worry either.

  Brianna slowly lifted her feet and moved where he had said. Her feet and legs were so heavy. She stopped where she had the last time he had to do this. She reached forward with her hands and grabbed onto the chair. Her knuckles turned all white. A cold chill went up and down her back.

  He landed the first smack, and she moved forward with it. The chair scraped along the floor. “I was serious about phoning the hospital.” Smack. “I was very worried.” Smack.

  Brianna sobbed loudly.

  “Yes, you should feel guilty.” Smack. “I was already imagining the phone call to your parents.” Smack. “I’m responsible for you.” Smack. “I take that very seriously.” Smack.

  Brianna’s arms buckled, and she laid her head on her hands. “You will too once we are finished.” Smack. She was crying loudly now. Smack, smack.

  One foot raised and stomped into the floor twice.

  “You may not leave campus again this year.” Smack.

  “Stand up.”

  Her throat was burning in pain. And she got the hiccups, but still, she pushed herself up. First, she forced her arms to straighten out, and then she forced herself to let go of the chair.

  She stood, but her head was hung, and she was only breathing in sharp little gasps. He was right her father would have spanked her for the same reason. He wouldn’t have let her being tired on the way back count as an excuse either.

  Scott moved the chair back to where he wanted it. He was still so mad. Normally, the punishment would be over after ten or eleven with the paddle, but his anger wasn’t even close to being satisfied. He hadn’t counted along he just paddled in between words. He picked up the hairbrush.

  “Come over my knees, Brianna.”

  She gave herself a quick hug by wrapping her arms around herself and squeezing as she moved to his right side. She slowly let go and leaned over his knees. He guided her and pulled her close. Her cute little bottom was already crimson.

  “This spanking is for getting Cathy in trouble too.” He brought the hair brush down three times before her hand shot up. He grabbed it and moved it to her lower back so it was out of the way. Scott was spanking her machine gun style.

  Her feet started to kick, and she was crying loud enough for anyone passing by to hear what was going on in here.

  He got her on the back of her thighs again. “Because of you I have to paddle Cathy too. You knew that you needed more time to get back, and you should have calculated a break in. Of course, Cathy would wait for you. You should have been honest with her from the beginning. You are responsible for your actions. You and you alone.” He stopped talking and spanked until she was a mess of incoherent tears over his knees. He laid the brush down on her desk and picked up the paddle again.

  “This last one is so you will never forget that people worry about you especially because of your heart problems. Not to let others know where you are, and that you are okay is a cruelness on your part that I hope I have beaten out of you today.” He laid the heavy wooden paddle down on her bottom, and he felt her shaking in fear.

  He had the same way of thinking as her father did, she thought. No wonder they got along so well.

  “You will also write lines for me. I want you to write ‘I will never be unaccountable for again’ 1000 times for me. You may not play piano until that task is finished. Take your time, but keep in mind that I will be looking it over for accuracy. Every mistake will result in a swat with my paddle. I will give you until next Friday at the latest.”

  She gasped.

  “I hope that will make you think twice about ever making anyone worry about you again.”

  He raised the paddle up and brought it down with all of his might. She howled in pain, and her hand tugged, trying to get away from his.

  He turned her to his chest again. This was already a routine with her. He patted her back and even said, there, there.

  “I know you think that I was being overly harsh, but you have to learn this lesson and the sooner the better. I don’t want to ever have to worry about you again. You can’t imagine what all went through my head. I was so worried about you.” He held her until she settled down.

  He stood up with her still in his arms, pulled her covers back and laid her gently in the bed. “Sleep, Brianna.” He was sad that she wasn’t sleeping. He could have kissed her if she was.

  Scott collected his things and was about to leave when she said something he couldn’t understand. He laid the things down and went back to her.

  “What’s wrong? Do you need your medicine?” He was already opening the right drawer and pulling it out. He had her weekly pill dispenser in his hand. Her pills from this afternoon were still in there. He sighed loudly.

  “Brianna, if I ha
dn’t just – then I would take you over my knee again. How often does this happen?”

  She just sobbed and didn’t answer him.

  He grabbed her water bottle and slipped an arm under her and forced her up to sitting.

  “No, please, it hurts.” She pushed her fists into the mattress to take the pressure off her behind.

  “Good. Now answer me. How often have you been forgetting your pills?”

  “Never. Today was the first time. I swear it was, Scott.”

  He opened the pills and poured them into his hand. He held his hand out to her.

  She had to let her bottom fall into the mattress to take a pill from his hand. She quickly took her four pills one after the other, alternating between pills and the water he held ready for her.

  He laid her gently down and tucked the blankets in tightly around her. He was finally able to understand why her father had spanked her so harshly back in fall. Her putting herself in dangers way also had the same effect on him.

  Scott closed and locked her door as he left with his things. He moved on to Cathy’s room. He knocked, and then she opened door.

  She smiled at him. “I think it was a good idea that you took the time to cool down before you showed up for my spanking.” She removed the earphones that she had in her ears.

  He laughed as he stepped inside and looked at his little sister. “All cooled down and tired out.”

  She gave him an odd look.

  “The punishment for coming back late is ten with the paddle. It is going to hurt like hell, darling. I’m really sorry, but I have to do it; everyone saw you two come in late. Even if your excuse is sound, you have Brianna to thank for these.”

  Cathy paled as she looked at her brother. “Paddle?”

  “Yes, on the bare. Go on, get ready. I’ll be gentle, but the other girls need something to see in the shower. Sorry, it would be too obvious otherwise.” He was already surprised that the others hadn’t been suspicious yet. Of all of his sisters Cathy looked the most like him. They had the same chestnut brown hair and blue eyes.

  “So I have to take off my jeans and stuff?”


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