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A Little Fool for You: A Sweet Office Romance (A Little Love Book 3)

Page 18

by Emily Childs

  “Why would I be one of those?” I say, laughing when she kicks me.

  Oscar kisses Nicole on the head. “It’s going to be a good week.”

  Nicole and Oscar stay for a few hours. We help Laney fix her washing machine that hasn’t been draining, and I feel a little bit like a hero when she looks ready to cry that she won’t need to buy a new one. I stay with her all day. Even through grocery shopping, then I teach her how to make Danish cream puffs, the only thing I really mastered as a kid.

  When the sun fades and it’s quiet, I hold her close to me on her couch, soon becoming my favorite place. I once hated this thing. I love it now. Her head rests over my heart.

  She presses one hand to my cheek, urging me to look at her through the dark. “I’m glad you came up with your dating idea, Bastien.”

  I smile and kiss her, slowly, desperately. I kiss her until she understands. The day she agreed to my proposition, undoubtedly changed everything in my life.

  Chapter 24


  Monday morning I arrive to work in heels. I hate heels. My ankle is achy, as if protesting such fiendish shoes after the near disaster over the weekend.

  I can forget the shoes, though. Better to focus on the way my hands won’t stop trembling and how my pulse has been pounding in my head since I woke up. The only relief to my at-the-edge terror is when I find Bastien waiting for me outside of the conference room on the fifth floor.

  It’s the dreaded, anticipated interview.

  “Hey,” he says, smiling as he pecks my lips. “Ready?”

  “I think this is a bad idea,” I say, wiping my sweaty palms down my skirt, then I check to make sure no wet streaks are curving down the shape of my hips. Thank goodness for black.

  Bastien chuckles, clearly not understanding how I might turn myself inside out any second. “You’re going to do great,” he says. “You’ve got the experience, the skill set, the rapport with Olive. You’re perfect for this.”

  “It’s still kind of weird when you talk like that,” I tell him. “Sometimes I miss your little jabs.”

  “Brooks,” he says, sounding a lot like the boss I used to know. “Stop stressing or you’re not going to be focused when you arrange all the weekly spreadsheets for me.”

  “Ah, there he is,” I say, feeling a little calmer. “When is your interview? Aren’t you freaking out a little?”

  “I never freak out. There’s no way I’m not getting the job.”

  I slug his arm. “Even if you’re horribly full of yourself, I agree.”

  He draws me to him. “Mine will be after the wedding. The entire board will be in on it.”

  “I want to throw up for you.”

  He laughs and kisses my head. “You’ll do awesome. See you right after?”

  “Unless I’m crying in the bathroom.”

  Bastien rolls his eyes. “Brooks, you’ve got this, and just so you know, part of me hates saying that. I like staring at you from my office.”

  “Sounds creepy,” I say.

  “It is, and I’m going to miss it.”

  Holly’s door opens and I debate for half a second if I should dart down the hall and out the door. She beams at me, catches sight of Bastien standing next to me, and winks at him. I feel calmer all at once. Perhaps this began strangely, an arranged relationship, but there is nothing arranged about the way I squeeze his hand for good luck before I follow Holly. Nothing arranged about the way he keeps his eyes on me until the door is closed.

  She’s not alone inside. Amelia is there, staring at me over her cat-eyed glasses. I take the seat directly across from Holly’s desk, and clutch the folder with a copy of my resume and portfolio of campaigns I’ve worked on with the analysts.

  “Laney, I’m so glad you’re here,” Holly says when she takes a seat behind her desk. “As you know, we’re looking for a few new marketers to add to our team, but also a new head of digital marketing. What do you think about a management position?”

  Only my dream. “I am interested. Absolutely.” I hand over my folder. “I actually did my senior capstone on proper targeting on social media.”

  Holly scans the folder for a long moment while Amelia digs into her questions as the department head. We discuss how the marketing office is set up, she asks what I like about Bastien’s setup, and if I have suggestions for hers. Because managers have suggestions, right? As awkward as it is, I do offer a few ideas. More collaboration, as one. The good thing about Bastien’s leadership is the man realizes the value of a team. He makes sure the analysts are in contact constantly. If there is a problem, they will find a solution together. Creative collaboration is crucial in marketing, I tell Amelia a few times. Obviously, as the department head she’d know that. I pinch my mouth together when Holly passes my portfolio to Amelia to review.

  For forty minutes I’m pummeled with questions, but funny enough, by the end it doesn’t feel so much like a pummeling. More like I’m being consulted and giving my guidance.

  Holly leans back in her seat and laces her fingers over her body. At least she’s smiling. “You are an asset to this company, Miss Brooks. I’ve had my eye on you since you started here.”

  Honestly, I didn’t know she knew my name.

  “But how could I not keep my eye on you, what with Mr. Olsen’s first glowing recommendation.”

  My cheeks heat. “I hope you know Mr. Olsen sent my reference for this position before our relationship changed.”

  She glances at me, one brow raised. “Oh, I’m not talking about his most recent recommendation, which is something that ought to be framed for you in my opinion, but the first one. Before you were ever hired.”

  I don’t know what she’s talking about.

  Holly seems to understand and chuckles. “I rarely hire freshly graduated employees without a graduate degree for anything with an administrative title in it. Even assistants, Miss Brooks. But I had to give you a chance when Mr. Olsen sent a letter of reference regarding your collegiate accomplishments and natural talent. I know it certainly spoke of your potential for growth in the company. Then when I learned you were connected to Oscar too, well, I had to hire you.”

  I’m speechless. Long, long before this weird coupling Bastien had my back. Doubtless, he never anticipated we’d join forces the way we have, so he must’ve believed in me, even months ago. I’ve discovered the man keeps his feelings inside, but after what I know, how can I blame him? When I thought he was terse, maybe he was nervous. When I thought he was cold and obsessed with work, maybe he was avoiding his own heartache.

  I swallow to keep the rise of hot emotion from brimming in my eyes and smile at Holly. “I’m grateful to have his confidence even back then. Everett is the sort of place new grads dream of working. Thank you for giving me the chance.”

  Holly seems happy with that response. “No, I’m simply pleased I listened to his advice. You are an employee we hope will stay with us for the long haul. With Bastien’s recent recommendation, a glowing review from Miss Cutler regarding your meeting, then followed by Mr. Cutler himself, Laney, we’d be foolish not to hire you into marketing now.”

  My eyes widen. My breath catches in the back of my throat. “Really?”

  Holly chuckles. “Welcome to marketing.”

  I cover my mouth, heart racing. “Really? Thank you. Thank you, so much.”

  Amelia grins and shakes my hand.

  Holly stands and does the same. “I would formally like to offer a probationary position as the Director of Digital Marketing. Three months to see if it’s something you’d enjoy. Either way you have a place on the marketing team.”

  “Yes!” I say. “Yes, Ms. Everett, I would love to be considered for digital marketing. Thank you.”

  Holly goes on to explain how the transition will be over the next month, giving the analytics department time to find a new administrative assistant, and marketing time to readjust and find space for my office. My office! I hear bits and pieces, hope I nod and agree at appropri
ate moments, and practically burst through my skin when I’m excused.

  I lean against the wall outside the conference room, catching my breath. This happened. I’m in. I’m a department leader!

  My instinct is to run, but I am keenly aware my shoe of choice is a disaster waiting to happen. Dumb.

  I don’t reach for my phone to call Nicole. Strange when I really think too hard on it, and speed walk as swiftly as my awkward high-heel gait will allow. I don’t wait for the elevator, I’m determined to keep moving, and take the stairs.

  “Hey Laney,” Janna greets when I burst back into the analytics office.

  “Hi!” I say with a quick wave, my eyes trained on the glass doors ahead of me.

  Inside I pray he’s alone, or this is about to get weird. A breath of relief escapes my throat when I drag back his heavy glass door, and Bastien is hovered, alone, over a stack of paper.

  He lifts his gaze. Those breathtaking eyes drawing me in. He stands, a hesitant smile on his face. “How did it go?”

  I’m across the room, hands on him before he finishes the question. I kiss him. Hard. Bastien chuckles his surprise against my mouth, but wastes no time wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me tight.

  “Went well?” he asks once we come up for a breath.

  “I got the job,” I whisper, as if saying it any louder will jinx everything. “The big one! The director position.”

  “Laney,” he says with a sincere grin. “Congratulations.” Bastien hugs me and kisses the side of my head. “I hate to say I told you so.”

  “I really don’t think you hate it.”

  He laughs and hugs me tightly. My fingertips play with his hair, run across the back of his neck, his collar. I rest my forehead to his. “Holly told me about the first letter of recommendation you wrote. The one before I was hired as your assistant.”

  His thumb outlines my bottom lip. “I’d forgotten about that.”

  “I owe all this to you, Bastien.”

  At that he traps my face between his hands and shakes his head. “No, Brooks. Not even close. You earned this because of you. I just wrote a few letters.”

  I could love this man.

  I do love this man.

  And I’m about to put everything out there, feeling bold and brave, but Bastien takes my hand and drags me out of the office. “And because of all that,” he says, “we’re going to celebrate.”

  “We’re at work.”

  I don’t even care that Janna waggles her eyebrows when we blaze past. Everyone knows I’m with the boss. Nobody cares.

  Bastien smirks over his shoulder. “I spoke with your boss. He’s cool with it.”

  I lean against him, urging him into the elevator, kiss him when the doors are closed. Then hold him tightly as we leave the building. I don’t care what we do. If we’re going to celebrate, all that matters is Bastien is with me, and I’ll be set forever.


  Bastien: I think you should come back to work.

  I snort and shake my head, sitting forward in the bulky pedicure chair.

  Laney: You’ve that said for the last three days. What did I tell you yesterday?

  Bastien: Should I be offended you don’t want to see me?

  Laney: Are you being clingy?

  Bastien: Yes.

  I grin, but nearly lose my phone in the foot tub when the pedicurist starts buffing the bottoms of my feet.

  Laney: When the guys work all day, the girls play. And my door is always open tonight.

  Bastien: That makes it a little better.

  Laney: And you get to spend all day with me tomorrow. You + a tux =

  Bastien: My hands will be wandering tomorrow, Brooks.

  Laney: Not part of the agreement.

  Bastien: I’m changing the terms.

  Bastien: Dan is here to ruin my life. See you tonight?

  Laney: After the raunchy bachelor party?

  Bastien: About as raunchy as your bachelorette party.

  I laugh and rest against the massaging chair while the lady at my feet puts the finishing touches on my toes. Nicole is getting the queen’s treatment. Warm towels on her face, her hands, leg massages. On the other side of me Brita and Elle are practically salivating as the rotating balls knead their necks. Then on the other side of Nicole, Agnes squeals and squirms professing ticklish feet. What was supposed to be dinner and dessert turned into an all day adventure with the women closest with Oscar. That happens to involve Bastien’s family. Across the room Inez and Sigrid finish their manicures.

  All week it’s been Nicole and me. Chick flicks at night, popcorn, diet sodas. Hair appointments yesterday, sleepovers in her king-sized bed, laughing until two in the morning. Perhaps the time off had been selfishly motivated at first, but I’ve told Bastien how much this has meant to me at least a hundred times over the last few days. And I wouldn’t mind if he did stop by tonight, though, I’m sure he’ll be dragged to Lindström by his brothers. Festivities begin early, so it makes sense.

  I’ve loved each moment of today, absorbing the feeling of family and belonging. There were moments when I missed my mother, but I’ve a feeling she’s not far in all this, and is probably rolling her eyes that I picked purple nail polish.

  “That was amazing,” Brita sighs once we’ve paid and huddle outside in a large circle.

  “We might need to hustle if we want to hit our reservation,” I say, glancing at my phone.

  We pile into Elle’s SUV, me squeezed between Nicole and Sigrid. I never thought I’d be here. Next to the mother of my boyfriend and feeling wholly comfortable. My stomach tightens at the thought: Bastien is my boyfriend. Completely mine. That word again. Mine. And I love the notion of these people coming with him. Like a loud, loving packaged deal.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Inez says once we’re halfway through the meal. I set my fork down, still tangled in linguini, and listen. Inez takes time to smile at all of us as she lifts her glass. “To Nicole and Oscar, and the beautiful life you’re about to build together. We love you.” She squeezes Nicole’s hand, but then glances at me. “You and Laney are officially part of this family.”

  A knot builds in the back of my throat. I hold back, and let Nicole be the one to tear up as she hugs Inez. To be included in all this is amazing. When Nicole first got engaged, there were moments I wondered if I’d be forgotten, or be the third wheel to her new family. It’s a little beautiful that they’ve included me. True, I’m connected now through Bastien, but we’re not married. Still, I’m one of them.

  “So, Bastien mentioned your promotion,” Elle says to me once we’re back to shoveling food in our mouths.

  “Did he?” I ask shyly.

  “Oh, brag a little, Lane. You’re a bigtime boss,” Nicole says across the table.

  “Not yet. It’ll be a transition.”

  “What’s Bass going to do without you keeping his days straight?” Sigrid teases.

  “Oh, she’ll be busy taking care of his evenings,” Brita says, and immediately pinches her lips together until her cheeks turn pink. Then the entire table bursts into laughter.

  Me, I bury my face in my hands, but I’m smiling. I only laugh when Agnes presses me on how many times I’ve kissed Bastien, where, when, and how long. Inez finally intervenes and tells her to quit prying.

  Over dessert we talk about everything. About Jonas and Brita putting their house on the market to buy one in a new subdivision. About Kaz and Bodie’s newest preschool disaster involving playdough and glitter glue. Inez tells funny stories about Oscar as a little boy, some include Bastien once senior year in high school stories are told. Then all that leads to hearing more about Brita and Jonas’s romance that healed the fracture between families, so they could be here together for this wedding.

  “I love telling people my relationship was the biggest scandal of the year. Makes it risqué,” she says.

  “I like it,” I tell her. “I love that you were friends first too.”

nbsp; “I’m not sure what was sneakier. Hiding that we were friends, or dating. Inez do you remember when you and Farfar found out I—gasp—drove to school with Jonas.”

  Her aunt flushes. “Don’t remind me. Sounds so petty now.”

  “Oh, I remember when Jonas told us too,” Sigrid says. “I don’t think Elias and I said anything, just stared off into space. Now, I couldn’t be happier. My boys pick the best girls.” She beams at her daughters-in-law, but then to me. Instead of shrinking, a sort of thrill rushes through my gut.

  “It’s kind of funny,” Elle says softly while Nicole and Inez talk about the morning and hair appointments and pictures. Elle glances to Brita and me. “I was thinking how all of us knew the guys for a long time before becoming a couple.”

  “You dated Ax in high school, so technically you were together before getting together for round two,” Brita says.

  “True, but there was a marriage and divorce between that sort of made it like a reunion not a continuation.”

  “You’ve been married before?” I didn’t mean to blurt it out, but I didn’t know.

  Elle nods. “He caused some drama after Axel and I started dating. Sometimes he’ll pop up, to remind me he exists, I guess. He called me right after the boys were born. Yeah, much to his surprise, Axel answered. As goofy as Ax can be, you don’t want to see him in in papa bear mode. Well, I do, because it’s kind of hot. Anyway, haven’t heard from the ex since.”

  “What a skeezah,” I mutter. I don’t know Elle’s ex-husband but he doesn’t sound pleasant.

  “Whatever that means,” she says, “I agree.”

  “You’ve known Bass forever too,” Brita says. “What made you finally take the plunge?”

  My stomach twists, but surprisingly bits of the truth spill without much thought. “Honestly, our boss thought we were a couple, so we both decided hanging out more would be a good professional move. I didn’t realize the second I started seeing him outside of work that I’d fall for him.”

  “I did!” Nicole interjects. “I totally called it.”


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