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The Billionaire of Aspen Estates (The Concord Series #1)

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by M.D. James

  The Billionaire of Aspen Estates

  M.D. James

  Copyright Porterlance Books 2012

  All rights reserved. Except for the use in review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to the actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Books by M.D. James:

  As the Snow Falls – Volume 1 (Book 1: Muse Series)

  As the Snow Falls – Volume 2 (Book 2: Muse Series)

  After the Tears Melt – Volume 1 (Book 3: Muse Series)

  After the Tears Melt – Volume 2 (Book 4: Muse Series)

  In My Frozen Dreams – Volume 1 (Book 5: Muse Series)

  In My Frozen Dreams – Volume 2 (Book 6: Muse Series)

  The Muse Saga – (Complete Collection: Muse Series)

  Hunger: A Vampire Novella

  Ember (Forewedge Mountain Series)

  Kaelin (Forewedge Mountain Series)

  The Billionaire of Aspen Estates (Book 1: Concord Series)

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  “We’ll get it done in time. We have to do this carefully, though. If we rush, you may lose everything.”

  Martin knew it was good advice for a less than ideal situation, but he still wasn’t happy about it. Neither saw another way though to get Jonas to sign over his rights to Aspen Estates.

  Once Martin said goodbye to James and retired to his bedroom, Bruce brought him Jonas’ letter. “I told the boy to make sure to give me any letters he writes,” Bruce informed his boss.

  “Very good,” Martin praised his loyal footman. “Make sure you burn that one and any others. I won’t have him messing up my plans now that I’m so close to finally owning Aspen Estates. We cannot allow him to retain any of his old connections. He needs to trust me only, at least until he signs over all of his rights.”

  “And what then?” Bruce asked his boss with a knowing half smile.

  “Once his usefulness has expired, poor Master Jonas will have an unfortunate accident.

  The Billionaire


  Aspen Estates

  M.D. James

  Chapter 1

  “Get outside, you hoodlums! Just look at the mess ya made for me to clean up!” Ms. Pommeray yelled as she chased the children out with a broom. “Ya’ll will be the death of me, ya will!”

  Jonas stopped and wrapped his arms around Ms. Pommeray’s waist before taking his brand new, shiny red bike out to the yard. “Thank you so much. I love it.”

  “Go on, now. I’ll have none of that.” A tear fell down her pale, freckled cheek as she watched Jonas hop on his new bike and attempted to ride it.

  Ms. Pommeray was a short and plump woman who had been in charge of the orphanage for as long as she could remember. She loved all of the children, but Jonas had become extra special to her.

  “Look, I’m doing it!” he yelled back as she watched from the doorway. Although Jonas had already been in four other orphanages, Ms. Pommeray was like a mother to him. She was by far the kindest woman he had ever known. At the other orphanages, the adults were only interested in a government paycheck. The children were often abused or just completely neglected.

  At Bushton Hall, things were different. Ms. Pommeray made sure to treat each child as though they were her own. She had never been fortunate enough to find a husband and have babies of her own, but she still knew what it was to be a mother. She dedicated her entire life to Bushton and never regretted a moment of it.

  “You’re so lucky, Jonas,” Crystal told him as he rode around on his new bike. “How does it feel to be twelve years old?” Crystal was still only eleven and had lived at Bushton since she was four. She had a huge crush on Jonas and would follow him around like a little puppy dog any chance she got.

  “I don’t feel any different, you know. Do you want a turn?”

  “I don’t know how to ride a bike. I’d probably fall,” Crystal said bashfully. “Maybe you can ride me around on the handlebars.”

  “Well, I know how to ride!” Jonas turned around to see his best friend, Bartzen. Bartzen was his last name, but since he hated his first name that’s what everyone called him. He was bigger than Jonas, but that’s no surprise since he was over a year older. He was the kind of kid you knew would grow up to be a heart breaker. He had dark hair and piercing eyes and exuded confidence. Everyone looked up to him and Jonas felt very fortunate to have him as his best friend. “So, hop off and let me have a turn, will ya?”

  “Alright,” Jonas said with a smile.

  “And I don’t need a ride on no handlebars, either. I’m going solo.” Bartzen liked to tease Jonas about the crush Crystal had on him.

  As Jonas’ best friend rode off on his new bike, he promised Crystal that he would teach her how to ride a bike once Bartzen’s turn was over.

  “Yeah, like you could teach anyone anything, Jon-ass.” Billy had been eaves-dropping on Jonas and Crystal’s conversation. He had always been jealous of Jonas because he liked Crystal too, but she only had eyes for Jonas. He took every opportunity to try to make Jonas’ life miserable, but Bartzen was always there if he went too far.

  As if on cue, Bartzen sped towards them and came to a screeching halt…making the dirt and rocks left Billy’s feet and legs. “Everything okay here?”

  Billy stormed off, but returned later that night when he thought Bartzen wasn’t around. “So, you think you’re special because it was your Birthday today, Jon-ass?”

  “No. Everyone has a birthday….that’s stupid.”

  Billy’s face reddened and his eyes ignited with fire. Nobody called him stupid, especially not Jonas. “You’re gonna pay for that…” he started.

  “Pay for what?” Bartzen asked from behind, grasping firmly to Billy’s shoulder.

  “You know, he’s not always going to be around to protect you, Jon-ass. One of these days…” Billy’s threat was left open as he turned and stormed off to his own room.

  Jonas told Bartzen that he was just making Billy madder and madder and that one day Billy would take it all out on him. Bartzen just laughed and told Jonas that even Crystal could kick Billy’s ass. They both cracked up at the thought of that before turning in for the night. Since the orphanage was small, there were only two children per room. Jonas and Bartzen shared a room since Jonas’ first day at Bushton.

  After a few minutes, Bartzen leaned over the top bunk. “Hey…you still awake?”

  “Yeah. You know it takes me longer than that to fall asleep.”

  “I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, Jonas.” The two made eye contact which spoke more than words ever could. In their hearts, they were brothers…they were family. The only family either knew.

  Jonas was the first to lighten things up by saying, “So, what? You getting sweet on me now?”

  Bartzen laughed and said, “You wish!” Both boys turned over and fell asleep.

  As the sun rose, the sounds of train whistles could be heard in the distance.


  “You’d think we could sleep in
on the weekends,” Jonas complained as he woke to the sounds of the breakfast bell.

  “You can,” Bartzen told him as he put on his shirt, “if you don’t want breakfast, that is. More for me.”

  “Yeah, you eat enough already,” Jonas yelled to his friend as Bartzen headed down the hallway. Jonas groggily threw off his covers and got dressed. He knew if he didn’t hurry, Bartzen would’ve finished off all the food. No matter how much he ate, Bartzen never gained any weight. He claimed it was because of all the pushups he did every morning and night. Jonas had to admit, his best friend was in really good shape. He was always getting love notes and winks from the older girls at Bushton on account of his bulging biceps and muscular chest.

  After Bartzen ate his third helping of oatmeal and Jonas barely finished his first, the two boys ran outside to play. They hadn’t been out long before Ms. Pommeray called Jonas back in.

  “What is it, Ms. P?”

  “You need to go pack, Jonas,” she told him with a sad look on her face and tear streaks across her plump, round cheeks.

  “What did I do?” Jonas asked, worried. “Why do I have to pack?”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Jonas. Your Uncle has called for you.”

  Jonas wasn’t sure what Ms. Pommeray was talking about. As far as he knew, he didn’t have an Uncle or any living relatives for that matter. His Mom died giving birth to him and no one knew anything of his father. A few years ago, he snuck into the orphanage’s office and read his file. It stated that his mother was an only child, and that her parents were deceased.

  “Well I just received a call from your Uncle Martin. He claims to have records proving he’s your mother’s brother and that he has been granted custody of you by the courts.”

  Jonas’ head was spinning. He thought to himself, “If he’s my Uncle, where has he been for the last nine years?”

  Before he could head to his room to pack, the door chime rang. He watched as Ms. Pommeray opened the door and greeted a tall, thin man. He assumed the man was his Uncle Martin.

  “So, you must be Jonas. I’d recognize you anywhere,” his Uncle said. “You are the spitting image of your dear mother.” Jonas always wondered what his mother looked like and if he had her eyes or chin.

  “Well, say hello, Jonas” Ms. Pommeray urged when she saw he was frozen still. She felt sorry for the boy. It would be hard for him to leave his friends and school behind. And, she knew she would miss him dearly. She fought back her tears, though, and tried to be strong for young Jonas. It took everything in here, but she just kept reminding herself that he was going to finally have a family he was related to…something that most orphans always dreamed of having.

  “I’ve been searching everywhere for you,” Jonas’ Uncle told him.

  “Why was I told that my Mom was an only child?” Jonas asked with a suspicious tone. He had no reason to doubt the story this man was telling him, but he badly wanted it all to be a lie or misunderstanding. He wanted to stay with Ms. Pommeray and Bartzen. It was even worth putting up with Billy to get to stay.

  The question and tone clearly agitated Jonas’ Uncle, but instead of reacting visibly he just smiled at Ms. Pommeray and explained to them that he had been away in the war when Jonas’ mother got pregnant and went into labor. “The hospital wasn’t able to reach anyone upon her death, so they just assumed there was no living family.”

  When Jonas asked why it’s taken twelve years to find him, his Uncle explained that the records of children placed in orphanages are sealed. “Even when I was able to track you down, you had already been moved to another orphanage, Jonas. Believe me, I never stopped looking for you,” his Uncle added before apologizing to Ms. Pommeray for their rush. “We do need to get on the road if we’ll make it home by sundown.”

  Jonas looked scared and met Ms. Pommeray’s eyes…hoping that she would tell him and his Uncle that he didn’t have to go. Instead, she told the boy she came to think of as a son that he needed to go pack quickly.

  Once Jonas reached his room, the floodgates opened and tears came rolling out from behind his eyes. He turned as his bedroom door burst open and saw that it was Bartzen.

  “What are you doing?” his best friend asked before noticing the tears. “Are you alright?”

  Jonas told him everything and how he was leaving in just a few minutes to start a new life, far away from Bushton Hall.

  “We can run away….we’ll take care of each other. You don’t have to go.”

  Both boys knew they couldn’t run away, though. Once everything was packed up, Jonas held his hand out to Bartzen. “I want you to have my bike,” he told his best friend.

  “No,” Bartzen told him. “That’s your bike…your birthday present.”

  “There’s no room for it in the car, and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have it.”

  Bartzen pulled Jonas in for a hug, and the two boys tightly embraced each other. Jonas could feel Bartzen’s heart beat against his own chest. As they separated, he saw that his best friend had tears in his eyes as well.

  “I love you, Jonas.” It wasn’t something guys normally said, and Bartzen could only remember one other time he had truly uttered those words, but Jonas was more than a friend to him…he was a brother. He didn’t want to let this last moment together at Bushton go by without letting Jonas know how he felt.

  “I love you too, Bartzen,” Jonas replied. “I’ll miss you, brother.”

  The two vowed to keep in touch and write and Jonas made his friend promise to watch over Crystal and not let her end up dating Billy. They shook on it before returning to Ms. Pommeray and Jonas’ Uncle.

  As they all went outside with Jonas’ suitcase, Bartzen ran back inside.

  “My, my!” Ms. Pommeray exclaimed when she saw the shiny black car and the young chauffer standing beside it.

  “Yes it is a beauty, isn’t it?” Jonas’ Uncle replied. “Just hand your bag to Charles.” Charles was the chauffer. He was very tall, with slicked back black hair and dark green eyes. His skin was tanned and without a single blemish. He looked more like a movie star than a chauffer. He said nothing as he took the bag from Jonas.

  “Well, I guess this is it,” Ms. Pommeray said with a catch in her voice. She hugged Jonas tightly, telling him that he was always welcome to come back for a visit any time he was in the area. Jonas held on tightly and didn’t want the hug to end.

  His Uncle signaled that they needed to leave by clearing his throat. From the look of the car and chauffer, Jonas could conclude that his Uncle wasn’t used to waiting on anyone, but he didn’t care. He was being ripped away from the life he knew and loved without even getting a say. By letting go of Ms. Pommeray, he was letting go of his life, and it was something he just wasn’t ready to do.

  Although she didn’t want to, Ms. Pommeray pulled away and kissed Jonas on the forehead before telling him that he had to go start his new and wonderful life.

  “I’m going to miss you, Ms. P” Jonas cried in just above a whisper.

  “And I will miss you. I’m here if you ever need me, but right now you need to go be with your Uncle. He’s looked for you for years and he deserves to get to know you.”

  Jonas reluctantly agreed mainly just to make Ms. Pommeray proud.

  Just before he was about to get in the car, Bartzen came running outside. “Wait!”

  He gave Jonas an envelope and the instructions to open it only once he was settled in his new home. They shook hands once again, even though both boys really wanted to embrace. They were afraid of looking unmanly, though, since everyone was watching.

  Bartzen watched as the car door closed and slowly drove away. He and Ms. Pommeray embraced to comfort each other until the car turned out of sight.


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