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The Billionaire of Aspen Estates (The Concord Series #1)

Page 4

by M.D. James

  Chapter 4

  Martin spent the next week answering Jonas’ questions about his mother. He even shared pictures of her that were filed away in the library. It wasn’t that he liked the boy…he just wanted to keep Jonas happy until he could get what was needed from his nephew.

  “Mom sure was beautiful,” Jonas told his Uncle as he looked through the photo albums.

  Martin always hated his sister but fought his utter distaste for her and instead put on an act about how much he missed her since she passed away.

  He could tell he was gaining his nephew’s trust. Soon Aspen Estates would be all his, like it rightfully should have been all along. He always felt that he was the rightful heir, but his father left everything to Ophelia. She was always the favorite child, and that made Martin hate her. It would be so satisfying to him to be the legitimate owner in spite of his father’s wishes.

  As the weeks went by, Jonas started feeling like Aspen Estates was truly his home, and that he finally belonged. Knowing his mother grew up there made him feel closer to her. He also was growing closer to his Uncle…and of course, there was Elias, who was becoming more like an older brother to him that a servant.

  School was even bearable with his friends Timothy and Rachelle there. There was a party coming up for Rachelle and Rebecca’s birthday, and Jonas intended to ask his Uncle if he could go.

  “That’ll be fine,” his Uncle told him over breakfast without taking his eyes off his morning newspaper. Martin didn’t really care about the boy’s happiness, but anything that got his nephew out of his hair was fine with him. It was one day he didn’t have to feign love for his dead sister. “I’ll instruct Charles to take you into town so you can pick up some presents for your friends.”

  Jonas wasn’t especially fond of Charles. He saw how Charles treated Elias, and thought it extremely unkind and unfair. He wanted to tell his Uncle, but Elias asked him not to say anything. If it was up to Jonas, he would never go near Charles. Unfortunately, since Charles was the chauffer, it was unavoidable.

  That night, Charles and Kathy went on their date. Charles made sure to flaunt it in Elias’ face as they headed out. As jealous as he was, Elias couldn’t help but stare at Kathy as she told everyone goodbye for the evening. She looked gorgeous in her green dress. Her red locks were curled and styled. Elias knew it was all for Charles, but he enjoyed fantasizing that she got all dolled up for him instead.

  “You guys have a good night,” Madeline said as the two headed out.

  “Don’t you worry,” Charles said with a devilish grin aimed at Elias, “We will!”

  “Now, now….don’t let him bother ya!” Charlotte told Elias as he looked at the door yearningly. “Let me fix you something to eat. A full belly will do ya good.”

  After he ate, Elias waited up all night for Kathy and Charles to return from their date. He heard the car pull up just as he was about to turn in for the night. He looked out his window and saw Kathy slam the door of the car before running inside and going straight to her room. He wanted to find out what was wrong, but the men weren’t allowed in the women’s quarters. Instead he waited by the door for Charles to come inside.

  As soon as Charles stepped a foot inside, Elias grabbed his jacket and pushed him against the wall. “What did you do to her?!” he yelled.

  “Hey,” Charles answered with his usual smirk, “a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” It was obvious that he was implying he and Kathy did more than just kiss.

  Elias’ face reddened. “If you hurt her…,” he started to say.

  “You’ll what?!” Charles pushed Elias away. “I can’t help it if she gives me the go ahead and then tries to pretend she doesn’t want it.”

  Without even thinking, Elias punched Charles in the jaw. Charles wiped the blood from the corner of his lip before retaliating. Soon, they were in an all-out brawl. It only took a few moments for the rest of the servants to hear the scuffle and come out to see what was going on.

  “Knock it off!” Bruce said, separating the two fighting men. “This is not the place!” He ordered everyone to go back to their rooms before they were all fired. Soon the servant’s quarters were again as quiet as it was upstairs.

  When Jonas awoke the next morning, Elias was again absent. Bruce attended to him instead.

  “Bruce, I know I ask you everyday, but have I received any mail yet?” It had been a couple weeks since he sent Bartzen a letter, and thought he would’ve heard back from him by now.

  “No, Master Jonas,” Bruce answered. “You probably shouldn’t expect a reply from your old friend. People have a way of moving on with their lives, and if you care for them you should let them. You want your friend to be happy, don’t you?”

  Jonas did want Bartzen to be happy, but didn’t understand how writing his friend could affect that happiness. He knew Bruce’s advice was to forget about Bartzen, but he just couldn’t do that. The friendship and their past together meant too much for him to just give up.

  At the party at Rachelle’s and Rebecca’s house, Jonas focused on the new friendships he had made. As Charles dropped him off, he saw that the twins’ house was very big and luxurious as well. It, of course, was not in the same class as Aspen Estates but it was still very beautiful.

  “Jonas!” Rachelle said as made his way to the main entrance. “I’m glad you could make it.” Her sister, Rebecca, just glared at Jonas…not even attempting to hide her distain.

  “Here,” Jonas said, presenting the presents he brought for each sister.

  “Thank you. Wasn’t that nice of Jonas to bring us each a present, Rebecca?” Rachelle asked her sister, hoping she’d at least be polite enough to thank Jonas as well.

  “Well, it’d be pretty rude to attend a party without bringing gifts,” was all Rebecca had to say. She put her nose in the air and greeted her other guests with a fake, sugary smile.

  “Don’t mind her, Jonas. Go inside and make yourself at home. There’s a refreshments table and Timothy is in there somewhere.” Jonas gave Rachelle a quick peck on the cheek before heading inside to look for Timothy.

  Most of the party, Rachelle was tied up with family and the many friends she had to greet and thank. Jonas was able to occupy his time with Timothy, though, and still had a very good time.

  He and Timothy had become close at school and it was nice to get to spend time with him outside of classes.

  “What did you get them?” Timothy asked Jonas as they found a quiet place to talk without yelling to be heard.

  “I didn’t know what to get, so I just got them perfume. What girl doesn’t like perfume, after all?” Jonas went on to explain that he gave Rachelle the one that smelled the best. He thought about getting them the same perfume since they were twins, but didn’t want to associate such a nice smelling perfume with a stuck up brat like Rebecca.

  “I know what you mean,” Timothy said. “I didn’t even want to get her a gift at all, but me Mum made me.” Timothy had an interesting accent and way of talking. To Jonas, he reminded him of a rebel he had seen in the movies he had seen at Bushton Hall. Only the rebels in those films were always dark haired guys, and Timothy had blonde hair.

  The two boys entertained themselves by people watching and playing guessing games. Towards the end of the evening, Timothy told Jonas how happy he was that he was there. “This party would have been unbearable if it weren’t for you, Jonas.”

  “I feel the same way. Rachelle is great, but she’s so busy. You’re the only other one here that I like.” Timothy’s heart warmed to hear Jonas say those words. He couldn’t express what he truly felt, but he was forming quite the crush on Jonas. Even if those feelings could never be returned, he considered himself very lucky to be friends.

  “I like you, too….a lot.” Jonas noticed that Timothy blushed as he said it, and just figured he was shy and uncomfortable expressing his feelings. After all,
guys their age didn’t regularly talk of such things with each other.

  When the party ended, Jonas found Rachelle to tell her ‘Happy Birthday’ once again, and say ‘goodbye’. As he did, Rachelle told him that she opened his present as loved the perfume. Jonas lowered his head and blushed. He wasn’t really very worldly when it came to the fairer sex, and Rachelle made him nervous. She lifted his chin and kissed him softly on the cheek. His hands were sweating profusely and his entire body was tingling so much that he didn’t see Timothy standing nearby with a hear-broken expression on his face.

  He told everyone he would see them at school and then went outside to meet Charles, who was already waiting.

  That night, Jonas replayed the party in his mind and how good he felt when Rachelle kissed him. She was perfect to him and if he wasn’t so inexperienced or nervous, he would ask her on a date. The only way for her to be any more perfect would be for her not to have Rebecca as a twin sister.

  He remembered the jokes Timothy told him about Rebecca, and was reminded of the jokes he shared with Bartzen only a short time ago. Before he got too tired, he decided to write another letter to his distant friend.


  I’ve been waiting to get a letter from you, but I don’t guess you’ve written yet. I hope you got my letter.

  How are you? How’s Ms. P? Good, I hope.

  Things here are doing better. I have bonded more with my Uncle and even learned a lot about my mother. Her name was Ophelia, and she was a very pretty woman. Being in this house, where she carried me in her belly for nine months makes me feel somehow closer to her. I feel like I know her finally.

  Don’t tell Crystal, but there’s a girl here I like. Her name is Rachelle, and she has a twin sister, Rebecca. They are both beautiful, but Rebecca is a spoiled brat. Today was their birthday party. I spent most of it with my other friend, Timothy. You’d like him.

  I’m starting to think that you’ve forgotten about me, and it saddens me. Even though I’m forming a life here, I’ll never forget you. If I don’t hear back from you though, I won’t bother you again.

  I do wish you all the happiness if that’s the case.

  Still Forever Yours,



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