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Faith (SEAL'ed Book 5)

Page 4

by AJ Alexander

  I don’t waste any time, I grab a piece of paper and write her back. I can’t wait to answer her questions and find out more about her. This small connection to the outside world is beginning to mean everything to me.


  Justin and I have been writing back and forth, just the usual mundane questions, but suddenly I want to tell him more. I start opening up about what I wanted to do before Olivia was born, more than the surface information you give to someone you aren’t too sure about.

  For some reason, I feel like I can trust Justin. I know it seems crazy; if I was to ask anyone, it would be highly out of character for me. Trusting others never comes easily for me, but with Justin, it’s been different. He seems sincere in his desire to know all about Livie and me. Little by little, the walls I keep around myself are crumbling down. I just hope that I can stop the ones from crumbling around my heart as well.

  “Momma, eck the ail!” Olivia squeals as I park the car. It has become part of our nightly routine to check the mail and see if we have a new letter from Justin. I am not sure how comfortable I am at how excited she has become to see a letter come through from him, but ...


  BBQ, beer, and bonfires on the beach? Well, buckle up buttercup, the team and their significant others do that at least once a month when we’re home. We live in the perfect place for it, right? Plus, we’re all stationed on Coronado Island and the beach is basically across the street from us. If you ever want to join us, you will be welcome.

  You’re an artist? That’s awesome! What’s your favorite thing to draw? What’s your favorite comic? Marvel or DC? If you could work with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

  I’m originally from the middle of nowhere in Iowa. I decided I wanted to be a SEAL when I was in high school. We had a guy come and talk to our school about life in the military, programs that were available to go to college, things like that. He was a Navy SEAL. I talked to him afterward, just one on one, and he told me some stories of stuff he had done. I was in love. I decided right then and there that that was what I was going to do.

  I’m not sure when I will be able to send you another letter, the team is heading out for a while. But as soon as I get back, I’ll send you one.

  I’ll talk to you soon.


  My heart plummets at the thought of him going on a mission again, but I won’t let my fears get the best of me. Justin needs a friend, a cheerleader to help him stay positive in a war zone. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, I need to write him back quickly. I hope he gets it before he leaves.



  It’s been about a month since our last mission, and things with Becca and I have become so much more. We seem to write each other almost daily, although I wish the mail came faster. She hasn’t offered to send me a picture yet, and to be honest, I am dying to know what she looks like.

  Now when it’s time for mail call I don’t have to wonder if I am going to get anything—my thoughts are interrupted by a new package being dropped on my desk. I couldn’t make it to mail call today because I had an operational report to fill out. The enemy has become a lot more active in the area, the higher-ups are going to want us to put an end to them, and soon. I can feel it.

  “Look who got a package,” Brass says with a wink before heading over to his own bunk.

  I rip the box open to find a huge container full of baked goods. As I pull out the container, I notice there is a letter at the bottom. I quickly grab the unopened envelope and toss the box to the floor. Carefully peeling it open, I see Becca’s handwriting across the page.


  I hope that you decided to share these cookies! There are more than enough in there for everyone. I know that paper letters take a long time, but I know how much you love getting things in the mail, so I combined them together! Just a little something to curb that sweet tooth of yours, I hope it brings a smile to your face.

  I’ve been drawing since before I can remember, in school I took every art class I could find to improve my skills. My grandfather is who got me into comics, so I used to try to copy the pictures from his books. I fell in love with it and never looked back.

  And I can NOT choose between Marvel and DC. I love characters from both worlds! You can’t make me choose! Batman will always be my number 1 man, always has been, but if I could choose any character to be it would be Catwoman. She is the epitome of sex and sass all rolled into one! Every man needs a Catwoman in their lives. I also would love to work with the original teams for DC and Marvel, the writers, and the illustrators, learn everything I could from them. That would be a dream come true, that and an original Batman Comic. I may die if I ever got my hands on one.

  Anyway, what have you been up to lately? Are you guys doing anything fun on your downtime? I can’t imagine much downtime while you’re in an active war zone, but you have to relax every now and then, or you’ll go crazy, right? I hope that things have calmed down some and that you won’t have to go out on another mission. I worry.

  Stay safe,


  Catwoman, huh? I never would have pegged her for a Catwoman person, but there is a first time for everything. Suddenly an idea comes to mind, but I’m going to need some help. Christmas isn’t too long from now, I’m sure that Becca and Olivia have plenty of people to send them gifts for the holidays, but hopefully a special present from me will make their holiday a little brighter.


  To say my letters with Justin are changing is an understatement. I have a feeling that things between us are going to get messy if I don’t put a stop to it soon, but every time I make up my mind to stop writing him, another letter arrives. The cycle is endless, I don’t want to desert him, but I don’t know if I can take losing someone else again.

  As if on cue, as I’m checking the mail, a letter from Justin falls to the table. I’m going to do what is best for Olivia and me this time, end this before we both get hurt. I take a seat at the table, ready to write my final letter when my cell phone rings. Running to catch it before it goes to voicemail, I catch Emma’s name flashing across the screen.

  “What can I do for my favorite person?” I chirp into the phone.

  “Damn girl. You either want something, or you just got laid?” Emma responds. I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. I roll my eyes; not like she can see me or anything, but why is the idea of me having sex so amusing?

  “How can I want something? You called me.”

  “Fair enough. However, there is something up. I know things so spill the beans.” Emma waits patiently for me to start talking, but honestly, I don’t know where to start. “I don’t have all night.” Man, she can be pushy at times, but I really do need someone to talk to.

  “Fine, there is something bothering me.” I go and check to make sure Livie is occupied. This conversation is going to take a little while. Taking a deep breath, I tell Emma everything from the beginning. How I started writing to a single soldier in a war zone, how we have been getting closer in the last few months, and most importantly, how the thought of letting someone, let alone a man, into my life absolutely terrifies me.

  “Girl, that’s simple. Open the damn letter and let things happen as they will.”

  “Have you not been listening to anything that I’ve said! He could be some lunatic for all I know, and here I am feeling the need to invite him into my life. Not just my life but Olivia’s as well,” I whisper-yell into the phone.

  “Stop being so dramatic, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Some people are put on this earth at certain times just for us. If you don’t take this one chance, will you regret it?” Emma says with conviction.

  I take a breath to answer and stop. Will I regret never speaking to Justin again? Just the thought of not hearing from him sends rippling pain through my chest. I wouldn’t say that I’m in love with him, but I do care for him. I want to make sure he is alright and that he has every
thing he needs. Most importantly, I want to make sure he has a friend.

  It’s like a light bulb goes off in my head, bringing a smile to my face. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, you know that?”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. Now go open the letter from soldier boy, but let me know if things get juicy!” Emma giggles.

  “Thanks! Oh, what did you actually call for?” I ask before hanging up.

  “Actually, I was calling to see if you would want to start writing to my brother. He is overseas as well. He isn’t too keen on opening up to people, but I think he could use a friend. However, I think you may already have that place in your heart filled.”

  I shake my head before responding, “Emma, I already said we were just friends.”

  “For now,” Emma whispers before hanging up the phone.

  It’s funny that of all people to call me right now it was Emma. Ever since meeting her, I have felt like there was a specific reason I walked into her day care that day. It felt like we had finally found a place to belong, and now in reality, we have. Katie, Emma, and the twins have welcomed us with open arms.

  It’s time that I put my fears aside and do the same thing. Putting my phone on the charger, I grab Olivia. It’s time to get my little munchkin ready for bed.

  After getting Livie tucked into bed, I have a seat on the couch and open up Justin’s letter.


  I have decided that since you love Batman so much you need a call sign. Being given a call sign is a badge of honor in SEALS, it has to be earned. You, my friend, have earned this with your selfless acts of kindness toward both my team and me. With all that being said, you are now Catwoman.

  I would love to see some of your drawings if you don’t mind showing them to me. I have zero artistic ability, but I’ve always been amazed by people that do. I have to admit that I don’t know much about comic books, I’ve seen the movies over the last few years, but that’s all I’ve got. You’ll have to teach me all there is to know.

  When we go on missions, we are always as safe as we can be. Most of these OPS we could do in our sleep as long as nothing went sideways. No need to worry about me, Catwoman. I’m a lean, mean, fighting machine (did you just get my reference?)

  Keep out of trouble,


  If I would have known my choice in characters were going to become my new nickname or call sign, as Justin says, I would have chosen something else. However, I kind of like being named after one of the first femme fatale, she is a comic book icon. Folding the letter and placing it back in the envelope, I turn on the television.

  It’s nice to know that there is someone out there in the world that can deal with my crazy obsessions and still manage to be just as big of a nerd as I am. Seriously Justin, Mr. T from Rocky III? Any line from any movie and he goes with that. I can’t stifle the laugh that bubbles out of my mouth before I quickly look around to make sure I didn’t wake Olivia. I am starting to think that Justin and I have a lot more than our loneliness in common.



  It’s been a few weeks since I received a letter from Becca, and I’m starting to worry. I never thought I would be that guy, desperate to hear his name called at mail call, but after that first time, it’s become a drug to me.

  “LT, I have a letter for you,” Newb says, holding it out like a lifeline.

  “Thanks, Newb. I appreciate it.” I snatch the letter from his hand and head back toward the bunk room. Thankfully, none of the guys are around to give me shit. I have a seat on my bunk and rip open the envelope.

  GI Joe,

  I think it is only fair that I come up with a nickname for you since I have been given a call sign. I will have to talk it over with Olivia to see what she thinks the best fit would be, but right now I am leaning toward GI Joe. Yea, I know GI Joe was an army man, but hey, it’s the most I could come up with on short notice.

  I have had some of the best things happen to me recently, and I have no one else to tell. Sounds kind of pathetic, doesn’t it?

  Let me backtrack slightly, as you know I’m a single mother. With that, it doesn’t leave much time to make many friends. I have people I associate with at work, but all my time is spent with Olivia.

  Well, I finally made friends! Four of them. They don’t pry and ask questions about Olivia’s father or why we decided to move somewhere we have no family. They just accept Olivia and me. Even in the few short weeks we have known them, they feel more like family than just people who watch her on occasion and help me out. They invite us to barbeques, play dates, shopping trips, birthday parties, all the things that you usually do for holidays.

  Just the thought of finding somewhere for us to belong is amazing! Not just being the widow with a little girl.

  Sorry again for dumping my baggage on you. I just wanted to share my excitement with someone. I promise I won’t write you again unless I get a letter from you. Oh, I also remember how long mail takes. If you would like my email address, it is Feel free to email me there.



  Becca and I are more similar than I originally thought, surrounded by people but completely alone. I can’t help but feel like something brought the two of us together. She is possibly just the person I have been searching for, not in the romantic sense, but a friend who will understand how I have been feeling. An outcast in my once perfect life.

  I put the letter with the first one she sent in my laptop bag as I pull my laptop out to write her an email. As I’m waiting for it to fire up, Brass walks in. “What’s shaking, LT?”

  “Nothing much. How was patrol? Any issues or concerns you need to report?” I ask, still looking at my laptop.

  “Nope. Sand and more sand,” he responds, close this time. I turn slightly to my right to find him looking over my shoulder.

  “Can I help you with something?” I raise my eyebrow in hopes that he gets the point I don’t want to be disturbed.

  “You got a girl, LT? You never check your email. As a matter of fact, you never get letters either.”

  “None of your business. Now go find something to do!” I growl before turning back to my laptop.

  “Okay. Yea, LT’s got a girl, you just don’t know it yet,” he says as he scurries away before I can throw something at him.

  I shake my head before beginning my email to Becca. I don’t have a girl, but what I do have is finally someone that understands.



  “Good evening, Robin. Did you have a good day today?” I bend down and give Olivia a hug and kiss.

  “I did! TeTe ‘Tatie made cookies with us! Here Momma,” she says as she thrusts a small plastic bag at me. “Tees for you.” The bright smile on her face is just the thing I need to see after a long day at work.

  “Thank you, baby! We can have these for dessert after dinner.” I stand to my full height and grab her hand. “Thanks again guys for taking care of her.” Katie and Emma both shake their head at me, just like they do every day.

  “Shut up! She is our niece, after all,” Katie says with a wink. Every time one of them claims her as their own, I want to cry.

  “I know. I know. I’m just not used to having help, let alone friends,” I say, choking back the tears I know are coming.

  “Well get used to it because you aren’t getting rid of us. We are a fungus!” Emma says, and we all start to laugh. “Now, get out of here so I can go home and snuggle with my grumpy old man.”

  “When do I get to meet this grumpy old man? I’m starting to believe that he doesn’t exist,” I say as I put on Livie’s coat and wait for Katie to turn off all the lights.

  “Oh, Jimmy exists alright. He owns The Mission, but he doesn’t like to socialize much,” Katie says with a smile.

  “Plus, he likes to sleep all day because he works all night,” Emma chimes in as we all head out the door.

  “Well, maybe he can decide to grac
e us with his presence one of these weekends?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t be that scary?”

  “It’s not you, it’s Avery and Amber. Those two pregnant scares any man. Hell, those two not pregnant scares me,” Katie says with a wave as she heads toward her car.

  “They aren’t that bad,” I say as I open the door, and Olivia climbs in.

  “No, they aren’t. But to Jimmy, we all scare him, too much estrogen.” Emma laughs as she hops in her car to head home.

  I can’t help but shake my head and think of all the men that wrangled these ladies’ hearts. They must be one hell of a bunch.

  By the time I get home, Livie is passed out in her seat. If I let her stay asleep, she is never going to sleep through the night.

  “Livie it's time to wake up,” I whisper as I gently shake her awake.

  “Home Momma,” she asks as she stretches and blinks here bright blue eyes.

  “Yes, we are home now. Want to help me check the mail before we head inside? I think I will make spaghetti for dinner.”

  “Yea sghetti!” she cheers. I hop out of the car and quickly open the back door and unbuckle her. She practically pulls me toward our building to get to the mailbox. I put the key in our box and unlock it before reaching down to pick her up.

  “Up you go, sweetie.” She reaches in and pulls all the mail out of the box, then I place both her tiny feet on the ground, and I remove the keys from the box after locking it. We continue our trek to our home.


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