Faith (SEAL'ed Book 5)

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Faith (SEAL'ed Book 5) Page 7

by AJ Alexander

  GI Joe,

  I hope that you decided to share the brownies! There are more than enough in there for everyone. I know that paper letters take a long time, but I know how much you love getting things in the mail. I also sent you an email in case you get back and this hasn’t arrived yet. Livie insisted that I send you pictures of her room. Excuse the mess, but she wouldn’t stop playing, and I needed to get the pictures taken to send the box off. She said she promises to clean up, so you can see it clean next time.

  My favorite thing to draw is kind of strange, I love to draw kissing. I love drawing kissing because the intimacy is beautiful. There’s so much that goes into it, body language, facial expressions, is it sweet or is it rough? Is it a first kiss or a good luck kiss before one of them goes into battle? Platonic or passion filled?

  I hope this package finds you home safe and sound!

  Stay safe,


  Just as I thought, she sent me an email as well. “Shows over, go find something constructive to do,” I grumble as I open my laptop and wait impatiently for it to boot up, then I log into my email. To my excitement, I have not one but two emails from Becca!

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  GI Joe,

  How are you? I feel so lame asking that every time we email, but I can’t help but worry about you. I hope that you got the package I sent you, but if not, I scanned the pictures and attached them to this email. Olivia didn’t want you to have to wait for the mailman to bring them to you (her words, not mine). Hopefully, the quality is alright. It seems that she got her love of art from me.

  Thank you for the picture. Even though it has other people other than you in it, I had to print it out and place it in a frame next to my bed. Olivia has taken to saying good night to you and Trent every night.

  I hope that you like the sketch of the team I did. You asked to see some of my work, so there you go. I would like a picture of just you if it isn’t too much trouble. In return, I sent a picture of the two of us. I wouldn’t normally send a picture of myself or my child to a stranger, but there’s something that makes me feel comfortable doing it. Probably has something to do with you being in the military.

  I hope you’re safe and your time out of comms was successful. Olivia has been sick with the flu for a few days, so it hasn’t been real fun around here. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about fevers and vomiting, but that’s all I’ve got to talk about. Email me back when you get this, so I know you’re okay.


  I set their picture as my background and set the laptop next to my bunk. I will have to respond to her second email later. I have an idea of how to thank her for such an amazing gift, but I’m going to need the rest of the guys’ help.

  I try to block out the sounds that make up this country; gunfire, explosions, constant foot, and vehicle traffic. To focus on anything besides how pathetic I seem right now, staring at a picture as if my life depends on it. Becca and Olivia are starting to mean everything to me, a thought that should terrify me, but instead fills me with hope. Hope that there is something out there for me beyond the military, a family of my own.

  Looking back at my computer, I notice that it’s close to midnight. This base never sleeps, not really, so the idea of time eludes me most days. I hear the guys quietly breathing as they sleep soundly. More than likely dreaming of the women in their lives, the people they have to go home to.

  I close my eyes and picture Becca, her image now burned into my memory. She’s absolutely beautiful, smooth, creamy skin that my fingers itch to explore. Dark curly hair that will tangle around my fingers while I kiss her pouty lips.

  Damn it. My eyes fly open as my dick becomes hard enough to pound nails with just from the thought of her. Checking to make sure the guys are all far away in dreamland, I slide my hand into my boxer briefs and squeeze my cock. Biting my fist to keep quiet, the groan that wants to be released grumbles in my chest. Closing my eyes again, I picture Becca’s beautiful face peering up at me. Her luscious curves pressed against me, my lips meeting hers.

  My strokes get faster, and my grip tightens, picturing her glistening lips surrounding my cock. The hot, wet suction of her mouth pulling me deep into her throat. My hips jerk, thrusting into my fist erratically. My balls become heavy before pulling tight as my orgasm threatens to overtake me. Becca looking up at me from her knees, swirling her tongue around the head of my dick before swallowing around me pulls the cum from my balls. My hips lift off the mattress as hot cum covers my hand and stomach. “Fuck,” I grumble as I reach for a discarded sock to clean up with. Wiping up and tossing the sock back on the ground, I finally feel relaxed for the first time in a long time.

  I lay back and shut my eyes. The guys did always say jerking off is the best way to get to sleep. My entire body is exhausted, sagging into my cot as I roll back onto my side. I catch a glimpse of Becca and Olivia’s smiling faces as my eyes begin to close. I should feel guilty for thinking this way about her, but I don’t. I plan to have her and Olivia around for the long haul, I just need to convince them both that I am worthy. With thoughts of my girls, I stop fighting the urge to stay awake. Joining the two of them in the only place we can be together for now - my dreams.

  I wake up with a jolt. I look around the bunk room and notice it empty. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I grab my camera and head outside in search of everyone. I find them playing volleyball sans shirts. With a shake of my head, I grab a quick picture for Katie, Amber, and Avery. They do it more than you would think, I asked them why once and they said something about it feeling like home. All I know is that the girls love it, and if they knew I didn’t take a picture, they would have my ass.

  I watch them for a few minutes, using the training they’ve all been through to make the game look more like a choreographed dance. Most of us have been together long enough now to anticipate everyone’s next move. Cowboy finally notices me standing here, camera in hand, when they all stop to take a water break.

  “Hey LT, what’s up, man?” Cowboy asks when he sees me.

  “Just taking some pictures for the girls. I figured since it was Newb’s first deployment and we won’t be together forever we could take some pictures.”

  Hard-On and Cowboy exchange a look before crossing their arms over their chests. “Bullshit,” they say in unison.

  “Fine, don’t send pictures home to the girls. I’m sure they wouldn’t want some anyway. I took pictures of you guys playing volleyball. I won’t get into trouble.” I shrug my shoulders and walk back toward the bunkhouse.

  “Well, hang on a minute,” Hard-On calls out. Got him.

  Setting down my camera, I reach behind my head to pull my T-shirt. When I look back at the guys, they’re all looking at me weird.


  “She’s more than just a pen pal, huh?” Hard-On asks.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You come out here to suggest we take a picture, feigning to help us, then take your shirt off for said picture without us ragging on you. There’s someone you’re trying to impress.” Arms once again crossed, Cowboy and Brass chuckling because they know they got me.

  “Shut up.”

  Grabbing a passing soldier, we group together; some with arms crossed, some with an arm slung over a shoulder, but it’s all of us. We take some together and separate, I even take the time to play a game of volleyball. Now, these are some real pictures I can send to Becca and Olivia.



  Placing a kiss on Olivia’s forehead that lays peacefully on our hero’s shoulder, I lead the way to the apartment and unlock the door. Stepping aside, I hold the door open and watch as he heads down the hall to her room. Justin waits patiently to pull the blankets down before he gently places her into the bed. He kisses her forehead and tucks the blanket around her before whispering, “I love you, baby girl. Sleep sweet Robin, Batman will keep you safe.”

  I watch the interaction with tears once again running down my cheeks. I still don’t understand how Justin managed to break the walls around my heart. Once our eyes meet, he prowls toward me. One hand grips my hair, keeping my face turned up to him, as his other grips my waist, anchoring my body to his. He keeps his eyes open when he takes my lips this time. Not letting me hide from him.

  “I’m not letting you go,” he says against my lips. “You’re mine.” Looking deep into my eyes, it feels as if he is staring into my soul. “Say it. Tell me you’re mine.”

  Closing my eyes I say, “I’m yours.”

  The scratch of his five o’clock shadow has goosebumps pimpling my flesh and my nipples tightening. “Bedroom,” he breathes into my ear, and threading our hands together, he pulls me toward my bedroom. The desire to hide my body from his probing eyes is ever present. Stress, childbirth, and long working hours have ravaged my body. Backing up to the bed, I pull him to me, lifting my lips to his.

  Sliding his hands under my shirt, he pulls it over my head. He then makes easy work of unclasping my bra, freeing my tits that aren’t nearly as perky as they used to be. He’s standing to his full height and begins inspecting me, taking in every inch of my skin. I reach up to cover myself, the feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment of the stretch marks that cover my skin. Catching my hands in between his, he steps closer to me. “Don’t hide from me, you’re beautiful. I want to devour every sexy inch of you.”

  Reaching behind his head, he pulls his shirt off, adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. “Have you seen yourself? It’s hard for a girl not to feel self-conscious when you have all that going on.” I can’t stop myself from sucking in my stomach in as I grip the sheets, fighting the desire to cross my arms over my chest again.

  He watches me for a minute, then takes a step back and flips the light on. Embarrassment reddens my face, crawling down my neck to my chest. I close my eyes. Feeling his lips on my stomach, I open my eyes to see him kneeling before me, his eyes on my face.

  “What are you scared of me seeing? These marks?” The tip of his nose follows a stretch mark from the waistband of my jeans to my belly button. “This is proof of your ultimate femininity. Your body grew, nurtured, and protected a baby.” Unbuttoning my jeans, he slides them down my dimpled thighs and helps me step out of them, leaving me standing in lacy pink panties.

  His hands glide up my legs to my hips, twisting me to spin around in a circle for him. When my back is to him, a growl emanates from his chest. “Fuck, your ass is amazing. The perfect heart shape.” Holding my hips in his hands, he pulls my ass into his groin, forcing a whimper from me. “Do you feel that? How hard I am for you? My cock doesn’t lie, baby, it wants you. It needs you.”

  I peak at him over my shoulder and pull his head down to me. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  With a deep groan, he leans me over the bed, ditching his pants and boxers in the process. I feel featherlight kisses going up my spine, as he slowly drags my panties down my legs. “Step out and spread your legs for me.” My pussy clenches at his dirty command, as its still on display for him. The cool air on my heated flesh makes me shiver, but a second later, his finger is dragging through my lower lips. Collecting my arousal to glide over my clit, he licks a wet line at the crease where butt becomes thigh. His thumb circles my clit over and over, his pace steady and controlled, never entering me. His slow and calculated movements are driving me insane with the need to be filled. I’m a moaning, panting, wiggling mess of need but the pressure and pace stay the same, just enough to push me over the edge.

  “Please,” I whisper, my face on the bed and hands clutching at the blankets.

  I can feel the smile on his lips as he kisses one cheek, he’s enjoying my suffering. I feel him use another finger to apply just enough pressure to my pussy, the anticipation of its insertion has me holding still, but all he does is gather more wetness and move it to my ass. No one has ever touched me there before, such a taboo place but just the thought of him breaching my puckered hole brings a moan from my lips. His finger circles the sensitive hole, gathers more wetness, then slowly pushes against it.

  “Oh, God.” It feels wrong but so good. My body is trembling with the desire for release.

  I jolt away and sit straight up in a panic, my heart racing. My body is still trembling with the need for release. If I can get that much pleasure from a dream, I can only imagine what it will be like when we are finally able to come together. Wait, what am I saying? Justin and I are nothing more than friends, although if he can give me orgasms like that, I may have to revisit the idea of us being friends with benefits.

  As I look around the room, the events of the previous night comes back to me. After calling out of work, I sat down and explained to the ladies what had been going on between Justin and I. The connection I felt to him, how I feared that connection, and how there was no way in hell it was going to turn into anything romantic. Emma, Avery, and Amber all disagreed, but I was adamant on that point. I have a little girl to worry about, I can’t let her get attached to him, and then have him decided a ready-made family was not for him. We are friends, that’s it, nothing more.

  Emma then told me to write her brother back, and Olivia demanded I send him the pictures she colored as well. I told them all I needed time to think about what I was going to say to him. After a while, they allowed me to change the subject, so we put Olivia to bed, and they proceeded to get me drunk. I can’t remember much of anything else that happened after that, other than Avery and Amber making me drink enough for the two of them and them leaving to go home at some point. I woke up in a bed, so I assume that I somehow made it to the guest room and passed out next to Olivia.

  Stretching my arms up above my head, I look over to my right and see the clock flashing eleven a.m. “FUCK!” I look to my left and see I’m also missing a little girl. Before I have a chance to panic any further, the door swings open and Emma comes in carrying a breakfast tray.

  “Stop all that screaming. It’s too damn early for that nonsense. Before you panic, I texted your boss and said Livie was still sick, but you would be in tomorrow morning. She is in the kitchen with the old man. I promise he won’t bite, now sit here and enjoy your breakfast. I’m sure this is the first time you’ve slept past seven a.m. since Olivia was born.”

  She promptly sets the tray down on my lap and spins on her heels to leave the room, closing the door behind her. Now that I know everything has been taken care of, I sit back and enjoy my breakfast. Emma is right, I haven’t slept past seven a.m. in years. I am going to enjoy this while I can, plus I finish where that dream left off and get the orgasm I was so desperately waiting for. .

  After I finish my breakfast and coffee, I decide to go in search of Olivia. I follow the voices down the hall and find Emma standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “Why are you standing in the doorway?” I ask.

  “Shh! Don’t ruin this,” she says as she continues to aim her camera into the kitchen.

  I turn toward the kitchen and find Jimmy and Olivia sitting at the table, eating breakfast. Olivia is sitting there coloring, while Jimmy is drinking his coffee and eating breakfast. Suddenly, Olivia puts her crayons down and slides the pictures over toward Jimmy.

  “‘ake it. For you,” she says with a smile.

  Jimmy picks up the paper and looks at it. I can tell from the look on his face that he is trying desperately to make out what is exactly in this picture but doesn’t want to hurt her feelings.

  “This is the prettiest picture I have ever seen. Can I hang it up downstairs?’

  Olivia raises her hand to her chin and begins to tap, pretending to think about it. I look at Emma, my little one is up to something. “She has been trying to get him to let her call him Grandpa all morning, and he refuses. He says he isn’t old enough to be a grandpa to anyone, but according to her, he is old. I think she has finally backed him into a corner.”

  I cover my mouth to stop my laught
er from escaping. “I call you Gampa,” Livie says with a smile. The look on Jimmy’s face is priceless, but he takes it all in stride. He holds out his hand to Olivia.

  “You have a deal, princess.”

  Olivia grips his hand with hers and gives him a shake. “I no pincess. I wobin, ‘Mma broder is Ba’man. Ba’man be my new daddy.”

  Emma and I both gasp, alerting the two to our presence. I don’t even know how to respond to her. She hasn’t even met Justin. Olivia has talked to him once through a Skype call, but Emma said that they only exchanged a few words. How can she be so attached to him already, I need to do something to nip this in the bud before she gets hurt.

  “Livie, just because Justin is Emma’s brother and we are all friends doesn’t mean him and Momma are going to fall in love and get married.”

  “I know,” she responds as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Daddy told me. No worry, Momma. We be otay. Gampa, can we go put the ‘icture up?”

  Jimmy looks in my direction, and I nod my head. “Sure thing, let’s go find the perfect spot for it.” He holds his hand out to her, and they both head down the stairs to the bar. Once they are out of sight, Emma screeches.

  “Where the hell did that come from! She thinks you are going to marry my brother?”

  “Emma, you heard the same thing I did. You are not helping my panic level right now. She said her daddy told her. Her dad is dead, and I am supposed to be okay with all of this.” I walk over to the closest seat and try to even out my breathing. At this point, I want to grab Olivia and pack up everything we own and move back to Texas.


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