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Gateway To Heaven

Page 13

by Maggy Diak


  P: Let's repeat: The first trinity are Abraham, Lot and Sarah; the second trinity are Jesus, Pilates and Iscariot; the third trinity are Mephiboseth, Solomon (Jedidja), Queen of Sheba. The fourth …

  S: But, Sir, you said that the first adequate was Miphiboseth. Shouldn’t it be David. He was the King.

  P: You are right, young man, however, I discovered that David in fact belonged to another trinity. The Merovingian trinity, for he was the one chosen by God. Therefore, his place had to be occupied by somebody else and that is Miphiboseth. But be patient. We'll come to that later.

  First we'll have a closer look at the time of Attila. At the fourth trinity. The trinity of this period are Kriemhild, Bleda and Hagen.

  Those who know the German Nibelungenlied know who I am talking about. For those who don't know, here is a short summary: “The Song of the Nibelungs, is an epic poem in Middle High German. The story tells of dragon-slayer Siegfried at the court of the Burgundians, how he was murdered, and of his wife Kriemhild's revenge. (Wikipedia)

  But let me start at the beginning. Siegfried became the owner of the Nibelung treasure after having killed the dragon who protected it. Then he bathed in its blood, which rendered him invulnerable. Unfortunately for Siegfried, a leaf fell onto his back from a linden tree, and the small patch of skin that the leaf covered did not come into contact with the dragon's blood, leaving Siegfried vulnerable in that single spot. Nobody knew that except his wife Kriemhild who he married years later. Without being aware, Krimhild revealed the secret to her uncle Hagen von Tronje who later, together with Günther, killed Siegfried. Kriemhild decided to revenge. To do that she married Atila, who, thanks to his sword Tiew, was invulnerable as well. Kriemhild married him because she hoped to get hold of the sword somehow. For Tiew was the God of war. With it in your hands you could not be defeated. She, in fact, got hold of it and killed both, Günther and Hangen, but unfortunately, she was killed too – by a sword.

  Kriemhild is therefore Abraham's adequate …

  S: Sir, I do not see any similarities between the two!

  P: How can you not see it? It’s obvious! Both of Krimhild's husbands, Siegfried and Attila were in fact immortal. Human beings are mortal, gods are immortal. They were gods in fact. Or half gods, for there was a vulnerable spot on their bodies. Yet immortality is god's power and Kriemhild, being their wife, was in touch with it. She was exposed to it. She communicated with the god in them. Abraham and Jesus also communicated with God. And, as I had told before, the communication with God is one of the proofs that a person is the first adequate in a trinity. Both, if we mention only the two trinities, Abraham and Jesus, communicated with God and that is what connects them with Kriemhild.

  Now let's move to their connection with the second in the trinities. Lot, Iscariot, Bleda. I have already explained the role of Lot and Iscariot. As for Bleda, he was Attila's elder brother. As nephews to Rugila, Attila and his elder brother Bleda succeeded him to the throne. Bleda's reign lasted eleven years. Then he was killed by his brother Attila. And how are Kriemhild and Bleda connected? Bleda was the king and Kriemhild should be married to him. She by law belonged to the king. But he was killed. They were separated as were Abraham and Lot, and Jesus and Pilates, Mephiboseth and Solomon. The third in the trinities are Sarah in the time of Abraham, Iscariot in the time of Jesus, Queen of Sheba in the time of Solomon, Hagen in the time of Kriemhild. All of them betrayed their first adequate, each in his/her own way.

  S: Sir, you told us before that trinity of today, or the last one you completed, were Bush, Blair/Laden, the English Queen. I'm surprised you think Blair and Laden are connected. Blair cannot be compared to Laden …;

  P: Easy, easy, young man. I never said they were connected or they can be compared. I said, each of them are, have been or were connected to the first adequate Bush and each of them play or played an important role in the world, different, contrary to each other, yet important. I had to exclude them from being the first adequate, because they never communicated with God. Besides, their names connect them to the second pre-adequate Lot. Etymologically and arrhetonically.

  S: Arrhetonically? What is that?

  P: Well arrhetons are a sort of children of the root word. Of the original word. Some words have them, some don't. Let's take the word Christmas, for example. It is an arrhetone of Christ. So is the word Christians and so on. We might say that arrhetons carry a DNA of the original word. They may be very similar to the original word, they may be quite different, but if you find the DNA you might trace them down to the original. It often happens that it is not etymology that brings you to the root word, but the arrhetons.

  Let me now explain the word Blair. By letters and arrhetons it also means Lear. Irish word for Lear is Lud, which means Lot. However, Lot means Laden as well. They are the same words. As is known, Lot was connected with salt. And so was Lear. His daughter told him she loved him as salt. Salt is a strong bond between Blair (Lear) and Lot.

  Laden is linked to salt indirectly. Symbolically. In the past salt used to be the most valuable goods on the Earth. And which is today? Oil! Oil is the salt of today's world and Laden was strongly connected to it.

  S: Does it mean, that the trinity of today contains two second adequates?

  P: “No. It is either Laden or Blair. But I'd like to draw your attention to their names again. All of them Bush, Blair and Laden are connected to the word water. Bush is the name of the sacred spring under the Most Holy Place, also called the Inner House in Solomon's temple. Its floor and walls were overlaid with gold. It had no windows and was considered the dwelling-place of the “name “of God.

  Solomon's Temple was built on the spot where Abraham tried to sacrifice his son Isaac to God.

  In addition, etymology brings us to an interesting discovery. London and Lutetia (Paris) mean Lot. Being places and not persons, they cannot be Lot's adequates, yet they are connected with his adequates. In a way, both cities are Lot's cities, that is, Laden's and Blair's cities that they have to fight for. What I want to say is, that the Abraham and the Lot of today will have a lot to do to protect both cities from the irruption of dirty water.

  S: Sir, why is Queen of England Sarah's adequate?

  P: Her relationship with Princess Diana was similar to Sara's relationship with Hagar.

  S: I don't agree! The English Queen did not drive Diana away!

  S: Why do you call The Queen of England the Popess?

  P: Because she is the Popess of the state religion. You know, don't you, that England does not acknowledge the Pope of Rome. The King or the Queen of England is the Pope of their country.

  S: What is the connection with Sarah? She was not the Popess.

  P: Sarah was everything in her home!

  S: I read in one of your books that the fate of the Pope in liquid manure might befall the Queen of England. What does that mean?

  P: The Pope in liquid manure is the Pope from the time of French revolution. After Napoleon's army had occupied Rome, the soldiers threw the Pope into a pool of liquid manure. O yes, something like that might befall her but because it has not till now, I am sure it will not in the future. Somehow, she escaped it.

  S: What makes you think that America will disintegrate?


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