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Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1)

Page 10

by Elsie Charlotte

  He smiled slightly, pushing the dress away from him.

  “It’s not mine. It’ mums” he said turning around and walking out the door.

  This couldn’t be his mums. His mum wasn’t the same size as me. These clothes were about my size meaning they were clothes for a girl my age.

  The question was who?


  When I finished changing, I made my way to the kitchen. Aaron was already there, changed and showered, devouring pancakes and I wandered if anything else made up his diet. If humans were 70% water then Aaron was 70% pancake batter.

  I laughed inwardly and made my way to sit next to him. His mum put some pancakes in my plate and smiled. I smiled back at her, but blushed remembering what she had thought she had seen in the morning. I turned around to see Aaron had finished his pancakes. He got up from his seat.

  “I’ll wait for you in the car” he said before kissing me on the cheek and making his way to the door.

  I carried on eating my pancakes, but looked up when I felt eyes on me. Sure enough, Sam was standing there sending me a knowing glance.

  “So, how is everything? Are you guys happy?” She squealed, excitement twinkling in her eyes.

  I wanted to tell her the actual truth because she deserved it, but I didn’t want to deflate her good mood, so instead I smiled slightly.

  “I guess you’ll have to figure it out yourself” I said ambiguously, not wanting to tell her whether we were happy or not.

  She squealed loudly and hugged me tightly. I hugged back.

  I wonder how much time Sam had left. Did she have more or less time than me? I felt sorry for her. I could tell how she feels because it was how I felt every second day of my life. I held back the tears and pulled back. I never cry.

  “Bye” I said, giving her one last hug before making my way to the car.

  When I reached it, I threw my bag into the backseat and sat down in the passenger seat. We didn’t talk the whole car ride. He just drove and I just looked out the window. When we reached school, he got out and came to my side, opening the door for me and entwined our hands.

  We walked to my locker together.

  “What class do you have?” Aaron questioned, hugging me from behind, nuzzling his head into my neck.

  It’s funny how we could be so intimate in front of people as a facade and be so silent and awkward when it was just the two of us like in the car ride. We must be pretty good actors.

  “Biology” I answered, grabbing the books I needed and holding them with all my strength. Aaron pulled back from the hug and laughed, grabbing my books.

  “What are you doing?” I questioned.

  “Carrying my girlfriends books” He said in a ‘duh’ tone, making his way to my classroom door.

  I smiled at him and stopped walking when we reached the door which was open meaning everyone was staring at us.

  “Well, bye” I muttered. In return, he rolled his eyes and made his way to the only desk that was vacant and put my books on it. It was more of a routine now to let him walk me up all the way. I smiled at this ‘gentlemen’ act and made my way towards the desk. All eyes were on us now. He hugged me, his warmth engulfing me.

  “Bye” I whispered. He pulled back and smiled before kissing me on the cheek and walking away, talking to the other people in the classroom on the way to the door.

  I sat down and the boring lesson started.

  “Hey, Alexis” someone said. I turned around to come face to face with the black haired, green-eyed girl from yesterday at the lunch table.

  “Hey, Raven right” I said smiling timidly. She scooted closer to me and nodded before planting her books with a thump on the table right next to with a unclassy grunt.

  “So, was the party any good? I couldn’t come because my idiot of a brother had something called a ‘graduation’.” she said, a joking tone to her voice and I laughed slightly as she marvelled the band stickers I had on my notebook. We were both acting as if we knew each other and I knew we would be great friends. I felt a warmth run through me as I had never had a friend before and it was nice to have the company.

  “It was good, nothing special bit, especially because of the hangover headache I’m sporting right now, I mea-”

  “Wait, you were drunk?” She interrupted, a confused look on her face.

  My eyebrows furrowed at her line of questioning.

  “Yes, I was drunk” I clarified.

  At this, her frown lines deepened.

  “You were drunk and Aaron didn’t get angry at you?” She questioned, confusion and shock in her tone.

  That’s what I had questioned Aaron on yesterday! Why did he get so angry about that?

  I leaned in closer, pulling her by her arm and she dipped closer as I spoke to her in a stern whisper.

  “Yes, he did, but can you tell me why?” I pleaded.

  She hesitated, deciding whether she should tell me or not. I decided to pull out the big guns, but felt really guilty in doing so.

  “Listen, I’m his girlfriend. I have the right to know” I said firmly.

  She stopped hesitating and sighed, looking around to check if anyone was listening.

  “I guess” she muttered, hesitantly. She then came closer, and pulled me down harshly.

  “I don’t know if he’s ever mentioned the name, but Aaron used to have a girlfriend called Avalon. He was smitten, Alexis. He was so different before when he was with her. They were just so in love, you know? I remember teasing them all the time, but they were the couple that everyone aspired to be like. They both were gorgeous and so amazing together.” She explained, her gestures exaggerated and I nodded my head and she raced through the story.

  I don’t know why, but my heart broke when I heard that he loved someone else, but I carried on listening.

  “One day, there was this party at Danny’s house. Aaron was with his friends and Avalon was with her friends. After a while, Avalon was really drunk. She didn’t normally get this drunk. Maybe that’s what caused her to do what she did.” She said

  “What did she do?” I questioned, wanting to hear the answer.

  Raven sighed and moved closer.

  “Aaron caught her sleeping with a guy. It broke him. He loved her so much and when he saw them together, you should’ve seen him Alexis. It was horrible.”

  My heart shattered at the thought of Aaron no longer being his arrogant and cocky self. I couldn’t imagine him like that. I turned towards Raven, curiosity, of what happened next, dripping from my voice.

  “What did he do?”

  She stared out the window a little while longer before turning back to me.

  “He broke up with her and beat the guy up. Turns out, the guy wasn’t drunk, so he knew he was sleeping with Aaron’s girlfriend”

  I gasped. How did I not know this happened. It was, as Danny said, like I was a new girl to the school. Or, maybe I never got too invested into the social side of school to learn the drama and it wasn’t as though I could hear the drama from anyone else.

  “Then?” I asked, shocked. Raven sat back a little, more relaxed with me.

  “The girl transferred schools out of sadness and humiliation and the boy left the school, afraid he’d get beaten up by Aaron again. After that, Aaron stopped believing in love. He just had a relationship for sex and didn’t try to form a bond with the girls” she said sadly.

  Wow. No wonder, he got angry when I was drunk. I looked down at my clothes. They were definitely not his moms. So they belonged to..


  24- My Chips

  It was lunchtime now, but I was still thinking about what Raven told me about Aaron and Avalon. I wanted to speak to him about it, but he would get angry.

  “Alex” someone chirped. I turned around to see Elliot, smiling at me.

  “Eli” I chirped back. He laughed at me.

  “What is a fair maiden like you doing all alone in these hallways?” He said in a deep posh v
oice and I laughed at his goofy nature. He could always make me laugh, even in the most troubling times.

  “I am going to lunch. Care to accompany me?” I said, hoping he would. I really needed to see a friendly face.

  He smiled sadly.

  “Wish I could, but I promised Miss Edwards that I’d help her set up the equipment for her after school session, but next time I’ll accompany you” he promised, smiling earnestly.

  I smiled back, liking him a bit more knowing that he was so helpful to the teachers.

  “Sure” I said before hugging him casually and making my way towards the lunch hall.

  When I reached the lunch hall, I took a deep breath. Please, let everyone’s attention be elsewhere. I opened the doors and made my way to Aaron’s table. Most people were doing their own thing now, but some people were looking. I ignored them and looked at the table.

  Aaron was sitting and talking to this guy I didn’t know. I didn’t want to interrupt so I sat near Justin instead.

  “Hi” I said, trying to be friendly.

  He looked up from his food and just stared at me blankly, making me squirm uncomfortably, before turning to talk to a guy on his left.

  I felt anger at his rudeness but, nevertheless, I cleared my throat and started up conversation again.

  “So, Justin, how has your day been?” I questioned politely.

  He looked from the guy to me.

  “Fine” he said shortly before looking down at his food and I felt like I was being an intrusive parent.

  “So, Justin, what’s your favourite colour?” I asked, smiling at him. It was a pathetic question, but it spilt out and I had no control over it.

  He looked at me again, no emotion showing on his face as usual.

  “I have none” he said before turning back to his food. I smiled, glad I had got a sentence out of him. I carried on, trying to start conversation.

  “So, Justin, what do yo-” I was cut off by Justin who was looking at me blankly.

  “You know you remind me a lot of my sister” he said, looking back down to his food.

  I smiled brightly, feeling accomplished for wringing a response out of him.

  “It’s nice to know you think of me in that sense” I smiled, bashfully.

  He looked at me again blankly.

  “My sister ran away with her boyfriend. I hate my sister.” He said, turning around to talk to someone else.

  I felt my cheeks redden and my anger rise, so I just clenched my teeth as he turned. I stopped trying to talk to him and pulled my food out from my bag, chewing it angrily.

  “Woah, make sure you don’t break your teeth there, Lexi.” someone taunted. I turned around to see Aaron sitting beside me.

  He grinned and took one of my chips.

  “What’s wrong?” He questioned.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You taking my food is what’s wrong, loser.” I said, pulling my food out of his reach.

  He laughed.

  “Someone hasn’t learned the concept of sharing” he tutted, trying to reach for the food.

  I sighed dramatically.

  “Why can’t you get your own?” I asked.

  He smiled at me.

  “Already ate mine. Now, can you pass me a chip, Lexi?” He said in an exhausted tone, reaching out again to grab a chip.

  I gasped and swatted his arm.

  “Pig” I shouted, but couldn’t help my lips curl up into a smile. He was so cute sometimes.

  He shrugged at me.

  “Fine, don’t give me a chip, but don’t blame me when your boyfriend withers away into nothing.” he said sadly.

  I laughed and looked at his body before I could stop myself.

  “Trust me, that won’t happen anytime soon” I said, my eyes checking out his body, and I pursed my lips when I realised what I said.

  The simple black v-neck clung to his skin. He wore simple black jeans that outlined his long toned legs. A necklace hung from his neck. A neck that I remembered touching last night.

  “Thanks for the chips” Aaron said, taking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. He was grinning and eating my chips. He must have got them while I was thinking about him and I whined loudly reaching for my chips.

  “Give me back my chips” I shouted.

  He swatted my hand away easily and carried on eating.

  “Trust me, you can live without these chips.” He then looked me up and down smirking.

  “You won’t starve anytime soon” He said playfully, repeating my words.

  I gasped.

  “Did you just imply that I’m fat?” I questioned, getting ready to hit him.

  A shocked expression covered his face.

  “No, of course not.” he said, sounding appalled.

  He then smirked and put his face closer to mine.

  “I implied that you’re one chip away from breaking your chair” he said and with that he finished my chips. I repeatedly hit his chest while he laughed.

  “Aww” someone cooed. I turned around to see Raven behind us, smiling.

  I smiled back.

  “Hey, short stuff” Aaron said, reaching out to ruffle Ravens hair.

  She grunted in distaste, sorting out her hair.

  “Hey, tall stuff” she muttered, ruffling his hair in response, but with a closed fist instead.

  He frowned and swatted her hand away, sorting his hair out. I laughed and so did Raven. She then turned to me.

  “Hey gorgeous” she said, smiling and I laughed at her words before smiling back.

  “Hi, Raven” I said.

  She winked at me exaggeratedly before linking an arm through my own and pulling me a little to the side.

  “So, how you lovebirds doing?” She asked in a suggestive way.

  I turned to look at Aaron to answer, but he was talking to the guy that Raven had come with.

  “We’re doing fine” I laughed nervously.

  “Oh, really?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

  She then came closer.

  “Fine as in making out 24/7 or fine as in fine?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in genuine curiosity.

  “Er..” I stuttered. “Fine as in fine?” I said, sounding more like I was asking a question than giving an answer.

  Raven rolled her eyes.

  “Boring.” She drawled. I laughed in response.

  “Well, I’m gonna go to my locker. Come on Drake” she said, pulling a brown haired kid with her.

  I turned around and looked at Aaron. He was laughing. I smiled at this. The kid who had his heart broken by the girl he loved was happy now and that made me happy.

  With that, I smiled through the rest of lunch.

  25- Call Anticipation

  I lay on my bed thinking deeply about how cruel life could be. Why was I destined to such a life? I didn’t want this for myself, but I felt helpless. My life was as bland as it was short. I willed myself not to cry and clenched my eyes shut. Why did I want to cry?

  Just a month ago, I didn’t give much thought to dying. In fact, after I had decided to stop looking for a treatment, I felt less restless. I had finally been able to sleep. I was perfectly unfazed by leaving

  That was, until Aaron came into my life.

  I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. I had to stop thinking about him. He was bad for me. He gave me desires and wishes to live and that was a bad thing to wish for. Especially, when I didn’t have enough money or a definitive cure.

  I sighed in frustration at my stupid desires and pulled myself off the bed. Maybe some food would take my mind off of it.

  I skipped into the kitchen, humming and looked through the fridge.

  “How can you be so happy?” Someone called out from behind me.

  “Warghh!” I screamed and whirled around, clutching my heart.

  My mom stood a few feet away from me, her face curious and upset.

  “W-what?” I choked out.

  My mum pursed her lips and breathed out heavily.<
br />
  “How can you skip and hum so nonchalantly as if there’s no risk of you dying tomorrow?” She questioned, her voice trembling.

  I closed my eyes and turned away from my mom. I wouldn’t cry.

  “Don’t I have the right to make this decision, mom?” I shot back, trying to keep my voice strong.

  She grabbed my shoulders and twisted me around, hitting my back on the fridge.

  “You have the right to live as well!” She screamed, glaring at me with so much love.

  “I also have the right to make my own choices, mom! I have no other choice” I screamed back, grabbing her hands and pushing them off of me.

  “Why?!” She questioned. She looked at my face, trying to read me. She fell to her knees, staring at the ground sadly.

  “Why?” She questioned, more softly this time.

  She looked up at me, guilt-ridden. The look nearly made me snap.

  “Am I not a good mother, Alexis? Do you hate your life here with me?” She questioned, crying.

  “No” I reassured, kneeling on the ground beside her.

  “You’re the best mother in the world and I love being here with you” I said, hugging her.

  She hugged me back.

  “Then why? Why would you want to die?” She questioned, sniffing after every word.

  I wiped her tears.

  “Because there is nothing else I can do.” I said simply and with that I walked out the kitchen and ran upstairs to my room.

  I shut the door, sliding down it. My mom wouldn’t understand my reasoning. After I go, she would have nothing to worry about. She would be lifted from a huge burden.

  I sighed deeply, making my way to the bed. I stared up at the ceiling, bored like hell. I pulled out my phone, debating on whether I should call Aaron or not.

  He gave me his number when we were getting to know each other because he thought it would be more realistic if both boyfriend and girlfriend had each others numbers.

  I bit my lip in thought. Should I call him?

  I stared at the number. I was feeling down from my encounter with mom and talking with Aaron would help lift my mood, but what if he was busy? Me calling him would just annoy him.

  I rolled my eyes. I sounded like those teenage girls who don’t know how to text their crush. I frowned after that thought. Sometimes, I wish I had a normal life like those teenager girls.


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