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Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1)

Page 13

by Elsie Charlotte

  “Let me explain this simple concept to you, love.”

  I nodded, urging him to continue. He smiled in return and pointed at me.

  “Girlfriend.” He said simply.

  He then pointed towards himself.


  He pointed at the food.

  “Out to eat.” He said, laughing.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s what a date constitutes of. Don’t you, doll face?”

  I fake smiled, knowing he was joking about it being a date.

  “Fine, this is a date. Happy, angel-puss?” I said, feigning enthusiasm.

  “Extremely happy, buttercup.” He said, sharing my enthusiasm.

  “Not as happy as me, sugar muffin.” I said competitively.

  “I beg to differ, gum drop.” He said, a spark of competitiveness in his eyes. Oh, it’s on!

  “Do you wanna bet, cuddle bear?!”

  I shouted.

  “I’ll bet that and then some, lamb chop!” He shouted back.

  “Then it’s on, pussy cakes!”

  Aaron paused, raising an eyebrow.

  “Pussy cakes?”

  I faltered slightly, embarrassed to say the least.

  “Shut up.” I said finally, when I couldn’t think of another comeback.

  I tensed, noticing the silence and looked around to find people giving us strange looks. Upon seeing my gaze, Aaron followed suit, looking at everyone.

  I didn’t like the attention we were getting. I hated attention. It was unnerving and very unsettling. I squirmed uncomfortably in my spot, avoiding eye contact.

  Aaron seemed to notice my displeasure and scowled at them.

  “Never seen a couple fight before?.” He spoke coldly, his voice monotone and pulled me to the exit.

  Everyone immediately turned back to their food, probably scared by his bitter demeanour.

  We were now outside, the cold hitting me like a newly found love; caressing my skin roughly with it’s frosty touch.

  “Aaron! Slow down!” I said to the boy who was dragging me at the speed of light.

  He turned towards me as if about to argue, but stopped. Instead he looked me up and down.

  “You look cold.” He said

  “How can you tell?” I questioned, wandering how he read my mind.

  He pointed towards my mouth.

  “Your lips are quivering.” He stated simply.

  I blushed. Why was he looking at my lips in the first place?

  “It’s nothing.” I reassured, hugging myself in a futile attempt to keep warm.

  Aaron rolled his eyes. He started undoing the buttons of his dress shirt.

  “What are you doing?” I questioned, confused by his actions.

  He sighed in annoyance.

  “You’re just full of questions, aren’t you?” He asked sarcastically.

  I tutted. I didn’t ask that much questions.

  He pulled the dress shirt off his arms, leaving him in a thin vest top that showed the texture and colour of his hot, supple skin underneath.

  His arms were not muscled, but toned and undeniably taught- flexing every time he moved them.

  He then put the dress shirt on me. I resisted, moving away.

  “No, it’s okay. You’re gonna get cold.” I reasoned.

  He smiled in return.

  “I’m not cold. I’m hot, babe.” He said and with that he slipped it onto my arms.

  I rolled my eyes at the underlying meaning, resisting the blush that arose from the word ‘babe’.

  He slowly buttoned it from bottom to top. I think it was only in my head, but it was seemingly more sexual than button closing was intended to be.

  I could feel the warmth of his hands through my thin shirt and the way he fluently shut the buttons, I could tell, he knew how to work those fingers.

  He bent down to do the buttons at my stomach. I blushed. His face was near my lower regions and every time he breathed heavily I could feel it. And to say it did not bring me the slightest bit of a tingle was a lie. It felt good.

  He moved up my body, until he came to the last button where he stood straight and stared at me dead in the eyes. I stared back.

  “There.” He whispered. “All done.”

  I smiled slightly.

  “Thanks.” I whispered back.

  We just stared at each other, showing no interests to our surrounding. Aaron suddenly smiled widely.

  “I wanna take you somewhere.” He stated.

  I laughed. Aaron couldn’t concentrate on just one thing, could he?

  “Where? So late at night? How would I know you’re not taking me to a quiet place to kill me?” I said, curiosity in my tone.

  And for a second time in the night, he jutted his hand out towards me, questioning my trust for him. And, once again, I replied yes for however idiotic and clueless the blue-eyed boy could be- I did trust him.

  He smiled widely, a child-like innocence on his face.

  “You won’t regret it.”

  I smiled in return. I hope not.


  “Can I open my eyes now?” I asked, my impatience getting the better of me.

  “No. We’re almost there.” He whispered.

  His hand was tangled with mine, guiding me to this unknown place. His hand was warm, befitting my much colder one.

  “Open.” He said, removing his hand from mine. An action I wasn’t particularly happy with.

  Nevertheless, I opened my eyes, gasping at the sight.

  The view was incredible. Beautiful, bright green trees towered over us. Animals and birds sang their songs, giving life to the woods. The moon shined luminously above us, creating a shimmering reflection on the lake that stretched across the outskirts of the green eden.

  “Its beautiful!” I exclaimed, trying to take the sight in. I turned to Aaron, who was looking at the view.

  “How did you find this place?” I questioned.

  Aaron smiled faintly.

  “I didn’t find it.”

  “Who did?” I asked, curious to know a little more about Aaron Walker.

  He sat down, patting the spot next to him. I smiled, sitting down.

  “My mum.” He answered. “She found this place when she was a little kid. She would come here everyday and just lie down. It helped her think. No one else knew about the place, so she thought she was the only one who came here. She wasn’t.”

  Aaron looked to the lake. His face calm as he talked. His voice was gentle, almost like a whisper. He drew his long legs into his chest.

  “She wasn’t?” I questioned, moving closer.

  He shook his head slowly.

  “Dad.” Was his reply.

  Dad? Come to think of it, I’ve never heard or seen Aaron’s dad. He wasn’t at the house and Aaron or his mom have never mentioned him.

  Was he...?

  “He’s not dead, Lexi.” Aaron spoke, reading my mind once again. I turned around.

  “Then where is he?” I said, moving closer. I was scared to break the connection. Aaron was finally talking to me seriously. About his family, about himself. I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to know what happened with his dad.

  Aaron stood up and turned his face away from me.

  “Mom and Dad first met here. This place was so important to them. They had their first kiss here, their first date.” He explained, his voice barely a whisper now.

  I stood up.

  “Where is he now?” I questioned, moving towards him. His back still faced me.

  No answer.

  “Where is he now?” I questioned again, trying to get through to him. My patience was wearing thin.

  No answer.

  “Where is he, Aaron?!” I shouted, pulling him to face me. He immediately grabbed hold of my hands and pushed me, my back hitting the tree. He held my hands above my head. His features were sharp and dark as he looked at me. His jaw was clenched tightly.

  “I don’t know.” He said,
his voice dangerously low.

  With that, he moved away. I broke away from the tree and rubbed my wrists that had been held so tightly.

  “How can you not know?” I asked, pushing my luck. He could’ve hurt me before. I was lucky enough he didn’t.

  I knew I was sailing on treacherous waters, but my curiosity was much greater than my fear.

  He turned to me, his face unreadable. He was no longer angry. He looked normal.

  “Divorce.” He said, with a casual shrug, but I had a feeling there was more to the story.

  I was about to ask, but Aaron spoke.

  “I was shown this place when I was 12.” He said, changing the subject.

  I decided to let it be. It was clear he didn’t want to talk about it. I should just ask another time,

  I smiled.

  “Thanks for showing me, Aaron.”

  He smiled in return, glad that I dropped the subject. He then patted his stomach.

  “I’m starving.”

  I gaped at him! He had just eaten!

  “Are you kidding me, Aaron?!”

  He looked at me, confused.

  “What?” He questioned.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “How do you not put on weight? I’m seriously jealous.” I said, genuinely curious.

  Aaron laughed, looking up to the sky.

  “You think you put on weight?” He said, pointing at my body.

  I rolled my eyes yet again.

  “I seriously do. I could literally crush an elephant.” I exaggerated, poking my belly fat.

  Aaron cocked his head sideways. He then came towards me and, in one motion, swooped me up bridal style.

  “You weigh nothing at all.” He said, his face centimetres apart. His breath mingled with mine.

  I stared back. His eyes resembled the sea:- beautiful yet dangerous. I laughed inside myself. That was a perfect description for Aaron.

  “Put me down.” I said, gently. He smiled which pulled my attention to his lips. Those full; luscious lips begging me to kiss them.

  “Put you down? Ok.” Aaron said, walking towards the lake.

  He wouldn’t.

  “Don’t, Aaron.” I said. My voice was calm but commanding.

  “Don’t what?” Aaron said, acting oblivious to what he was going to do. He reached the lake.

  “Don’t, Aaron!” I screamed, holding on to his shirt.

  He smiled wider.

  “Come on! Loosen up a little.” He suggested and with that he tossed me into the lake with a resounding splash.

  Oh, he just did.

  I shuddered at the cold water that engulfed my body. He was going to pay!

  I laughed as an idea formulated in my head.

  “Help!” I screamed.

  Aaron laughed.

  “It’s just water, love.” He said, laughter still bubbling in his voice.

  “I can’t swim!” I lied, splashing helplessly in the water.

  Aaron’s smile slowly disappeared, a look of realisation and worry slowly replacing it.


  And in one fluent motion, he dived deep into the water.

  He swam towards me, grabbing me with one hand and swimming with the other. His strokes were fast and powerful. Something I found being strangely yet utterly hot. He finally reached land, lying me on the grass.

  I closed my eyes, waiting to see how he would respond. Hopefully he would do ‘mouth-to-mouth resuscitation’, I thought to myself, but I immediately disregarded the thought. He would never kiss me.

  Silence descended upon the forests. I was tempted to open my eyes. What was he doing?

  I suddenly felt someone poke my stomach. Then came another poke and another...

  Suddenly Aaron spoke.

  “Shit.” He muttered. “I killed her.”

  Seriously, that’s all he was going to say? I knew he didn’t care for me, but he could at least be nice to me when I was dead!

  I heard Aaron groan in frustration.

  “Moms gonna flip. You’re not supposed to kill your fucking girlfriend.”

  I gaped, my eyes snapping open.

  “Is that all you care about?!” I said, folding my arms.

  Aaron looked up in shock, his mouth hung open.

  “You’re alive?” He said, surprised.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Yes, genius.” I spat out, irritation evident in my voice.

  He stared for a little longer. He then suddenly pulled me into a hug.

  “Thank god! I was so worried!” He said, holding me tightly.

  I relaxed into the hug, smiling.

  “Liar. You were just worried about what your mum would say.” I said, thinking about how idiotic Aaron could sometimes be.

  Aaron pulled back, grinning widely.

  “Of course I was worried for you, cupcake. You’re the apple of my eye.” He joked yet the endearments sounded sweeter than drops of honey dripping from his tongue.

  “Yeah yeah yeah. Help me up, Casanova.” I said, throwing my hand towards him.

  He caught it, laughing as he did so.

  “I prefer the term Romantic-American.” He said, pulling me up easily from the ground.

  Huh. Maybe I was light.

  “So you can actually swim?” Aaron questioned me.

  “Yes.” I confirmed. I had learnt to swim at the age of five and went frequently so I would not forget it. Well, I used to go frequently, but now I don’t. I think because of the illness. It has restricted me from a lot of things I love to do.

  I looked up to see Aaron smiling. I must have zoned out on what he was saying.

  “I’ll take your silence as a yes.” Aaron said, his smile getting wider.

  I furrowed my eyebrows.

  “A yes for what?” I asked, curious to know what he was doing.

  Aaron folded his arms, a look of devious innocence on his face.

  “We’re going swimming.”

  29- Wounding The Player

  “Come on! I won’t look while you undress.” Aaron reasoned, pulling me to look at him.

  I sighed, folding my arms, feeling suddenly self conscious.

  “It’s not just that. I’ll feel... uncomfortable.”

  Aaron’s eyebrows furrowed at this.

  “Why?” He questioned.

  I shook my head, dismissing him.

  “You won’t understand.” I said, walking away.

  He walked after me.

  “Understand what?”

  “Nothing.” I huffed, walking faster.

  Aaron sighed heavily.

  “Why do all girls say ‘nothing’? It’s obviously something.” He groaned.

  He walked faster, grabbing my arm.

  “What is it?”

  I stopped in my movements. His stubbornness was really affecting me.

  “I said nothing.” I murmured quietly.

  “Please.” Aaron spoke with a gentle tone.

  I turned to face him

  “You won’t understand how it is to feel ugly- how it feels when your body is just not good enough.” I spoke truthfully, every word said from experience. It was a thought that ran through my head everyday.

  Aaron looked shocked from my words. He probably wasn’t expecting me to say that. He reached his hand out towards me, resting it gently on my shoulder.

  “Lexi.” He muttered, sending me a warm smile.

  “What?” I huffed, looking at the ground.

  He tutted, using his forefinger to lift my chin.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  I gasped at his words. I didn’t mean to, but the sheer sincerity from his voice shocked me. It really did.

  He removed his hand from my chin. His face serious, but warm.

  “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He said, putting his hands in his jeans.

  I blushed, but immediately scolded myself for it. He didn’t mean it. He’s Aaron Walker- the boy with the charm to make any girl or boy fall hard for him. He wasn’t bein
g honest. And I wouldn’t fall for it.

  No- I wouldn’t fall for him.

  I brushed my hair behind my ears.

  “You wouldn’t understand.” I repeated, my voice emotionless. I turned to walk away.

  “I do understand.” Aaron spoke, holding my arm. He was relentless to let me go.

  I scoffed.

  “Oh, please, Aaron! You’re naked most of the time. Do you really expect me to believe that you understand how it feels to be ashamed of your body?!” I shouted, without thought or empathy.

  I felt him let go of my arm and then pure silence descended upon the woods.

  A cold and deadly silence.

  I half expected him to turn me around and give me a huge whack across the face. What I didn’t expect, when I turned around, was to see him looking sadly at the ground. I didn’t say anything, but just stared.

  He smiled slightly, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “That’s a funny joke.”

  I sighed. I’m not a mind reader, but it was blatantly obvious that I had hurt him. I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out and after seeing the look on his face I immediately regretted it.

  I just didn’t think it would hurt him that much. I mean, he must know that he sleeps with a lot of girls. Everyone knows it. And if he was hurt by it, why doesn’t he just stop sleeping around? I thought hard about the look of hurt in Aaron’s eyes.

  There must be something I’m missing out. Something Aaron hasn’t told me. A deeper reason to whys he’s upset.

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and to concentrate on the sad blue-eyed boy in front of me, who also seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

  “Aaron.” I sighed.

  “I didn’t mean to-”

  “No, it’s fine. Really.” Aaron interrupted my apology. He smiled yet again and turned away from me, moving towards the lake.

  I didn’t want to be the reason for his sadness. I wanted him to be happy. I was going out with him to make him and his mom happy, but instead I’ve hurt him. I needed to show him I was sorry and I needed to make him smile.

  I just needed to.

  I followed him to where he sat in front of the lake and sat beside him.

  “Hey, gumdrop” I taunted, copying his endearment from the restaurant.

  He smiled slightly, but turned to look at the lake. He wasn’t going to give in that easily. That’s cool because neither was I.

  I sat closer.

  “What made you upset? My good looks or my good looks?” I mimicked his words again, trying to make my voice deeper like his.


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