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Confessions of a Hollywood Agent

Page 3

by William Louis Gardner

  “You’re driving my favorite car, gal,” said Clint as he checked its white interior. “What color is she? I can’t tell in the dark.”

  “Turquoise. That old bag had you as a prisoner, huh?”

  “I never seen no bars, but I sorta felt I was. It’s a crazy place.” Gale handed him a bottle. “Here, have a drink.”

  “What is it?”


  “Tequila. I heard about this stuff, but I ain’t never touched it before,” he said as he swigged a gulp from the open bottle. “Hot damn!

  This stuff got a kick to it.”

  “It’s supposed to. Where are we off to?”

  “My place on Franklin.”

  They moved onto Sunset Boulevard toward Hollywood. Lights from the oncoming cars allowed Clint to check out Gale. Her long blonde hair fell down around her shoulders in a pageboy cut. Her mouth was wide with full lips and even, white teeth. He liked when she smiled; two deep dimples appeared on her cheeks.

  “Whatcha do for money?”

  “I’m an actress. I work as an extra, but I have big plans for myself.”

  “An actress! I was right. I knew ya was. I’m an actor. Can you give me some pointers?”

  “Have you done anything?” Clint was puzzled.

  “Have you ever acted before?”

  “Nah. Just in my imagination. I ain’t got no parts yet. I see myself doing a lot of good parts, though.”

  Gale smiled. “Don’t count on it. First you’ve got to stop saying “I ain’t got no.” That’s no class, sweetheart. You got to learn how to talk if you want to act. I’ll turn you on to a voice elocution coach. She’s got a girlfriend of mine from Mississippi talking like she’s Katherine Hepburn.”

  “You think I talk bad? Hell, gal, I talk ordinary-like where I come from. Can you get me to be an extra, like you?”

  “It’s a shitty way to start. You never get out of it. I don’t recommend it.

  I like being around the set to see what goes on and get some experience, but it doesn’t count when it comes to getting a speaking part. You get no respect, and every producer thinks you’re his for a bed partner.”

  “Hey, gal, you got the looks to be a star.”

  “That’s a sweet thing to say. You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy.”

  Gale pulled off of Sunset Boulevard and drove up a winding road into the Hollywood Hills.

  “Where we goin? This ain’t the way to my apartment.”

  “I have to stop to see a girlfriend and pick up a dress.” They continued to wind around the narrow road toward the top of the mountain. At the top of the hill Gale stopped and parked next to an empty car. They sat in the Thunderbird for a minute and stared out onto the flickering lights of Los Angeles below. A large house sat on the cliff above them.

  Clint figured Gale came up to neck but, when he put his arm around her, she jumped from the car and ran to the cliff’s edge.

  “Come! Check out at this view!” she yelled. Clint got out of the car.

  The wind blew toward him as he walked up next to her on the edge of the cliff. He stared out at the bright flickering colored lights of the expansive view and then down at a black drop-off below.

  “Steep, isn’t it?” asked Gale.


  “Let’s push that car next to mine off the cliff.” She left Clint’s side.

  Clint watched her as she opened the car door of a nineteen fifty-two Chevy and got in. He saw her release the hand brake and then get out and move to the back of the car. Clint stood in wonder, not believing what she was doing.

  “Hey, are you nuts?”

  “Sure, help me give it a shove.” Gale started to push the car forward.

  “Come on, sweetheart, push. Don’t just stand there looking like a dummy, help me.”

  Clint walked to the car. He stood for a minute watching her shove the car forward. The car went nowhere. He shook his head. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He put his hands on the trunk of the car and pushed. The car started to roll forward to the edge of the cliff and over it went, down with a loud crash into the ravine below.

  “Come on! Let’s get out of here,” said Gale as she grabbed Clint’s arm and pulled him toward her car. She jumped into her seat and Clint slid in next to her. Off they went down the hill.

  They sat silent until Clint said, “‘Why’? I asked myself. I could have stopped you.”

  Gale kept glancing at him as she drove. “I know why, because you dig it. Got you excited didn’t it?”

  “Hell, lady, you’re crazy. You took me from the frying pan into the fire. What else do you do for kicks?”

  “I work for the Los Angeles Police Department.”

  “Yah don’t say.”

  “I got a thing about cops. I guess it goes back to my childhood.

  Someone told me once my father kept beating up my mother, and the cops would come. I felt the cops were protecting me.”

  “What you said about being an actress is a doggone lie?”

  “No. I’m a part-time actress, and you wait, I’m going to be a star.”

  They were back on Sunset Boulevard and the traffic had stalled. Up ahead Clint could see a half a block of backed-up cars.

  “It must be an accident,” said Clint.

  Gale pulled out around the stalled cars and drove up the street in the wrong lane.

  “Hey, what the … you’re nuts, lady,” yelled Clint. “Look, it’s a cop.

  He’ll throw our stupid ass in jail, you fruitcake.”

  Gale pulled the car up to a policeman who, signaled her to pull into the curb. Gale stopped and swiftly got out and ran to the policeman and started talking to him. Clint slid down in the seat, hoping he wouldn’t be seen. He watched as Gale kept talking to the policeman. He was smiling at her. What the hell, should I run? He started to open the door to get out, but Gale was back and slid in next to him. She waved to the policeman who smiled back and said, “I’ll see ya around.” Gale started the car and they sped off.

  “How did you? Whatdya say to the cop?” asked Clint with amazement.

  “I threw around a few captain and lieutenant names on the force in Hollywood. No problem, sweetheart, what time is it?” Clint checked his wristwatch. “Ten-thirty.”

  “I have to stop at my place. A couple of friends are coming over. I couldn’t get in touch with them after you called.”

  “I’ll get a cab.”

  “Sweetheart, I thought you liked me.”

  “I do, but you scare me. I can’t take it”.

  “Sure you can. I know a hustler when I see one. Staying in that old bag’s house … cowboy … you can take anything.”

  Gale turned her car off Fountain Avenue and drove into an underground garage of a Spanish Colonial apartment house and parked. Clint followed her onto a patio and up a small staircase. Gale opened the apartment door with her key and Clint followed her inside. The room was two stories with a staircase that came down from the second floor.

  The place reminded him of a second-hand furniture store, thought Clint. Paintings, appliances, television sets, pieces of antique furniture were scattered and stacked around the living room. “You got a lot of stuff in this place. It wouldn’t be hot, would it?” asked Clint with a straight face.

  “You mean stolen? Does it look stolen? Really! I like going to rummage sales. I can’t resist a good buy. Sit down, sweetheart. Can I fix you a drink?”


  “Make yourself comfortable. My friends should be here any minute. Excuse me.” Gale went up the staircase to the second floor.

  Clint examined the objects closely. She’s a liar, this stuff is hot, he thought, as he put down a small French antique painting. This chick is dangerous.

  He heard a knock at the door. He looked up to the second floor and yelled nervously to Gale, “Someone’s at the door.”

  “Well, let them in,” Gale yelled back from above.


o else, sweetheart?” Gale yelled back.

  Clint went to the front door and pulled it ajar. He peered out. A young pretty blonde, wearing a tight black dress and a lot of make-up stood in the doorway with a long haired young man dressed in a black turtle-neck sweater and black pants.

  “Is Gale in?” asked the girl.

  “Yeah, come in.”

  “I’m Candy and this is Norm.”

  “Hi,” said Norm as he walked by Clint and sat on the sofa.

  “Where’s Gale?”


  Candy walked past Clint and up to Gale’s room. Gale had changed into a pair of black slacks and black sweater.

  “Who’s your friend?” asked Candy.

  “He’s the one I told you about. I met him at Billie Rodgers’s house.

  I sorta dig him. He’s square, but that’s what interests me. Besides he’s strong, we’ll take him with us tonight and break him in. He can carry the heavy stuff.”

  “You haven’t told him anything?”

  “No, but he’s been asking questions about the loot in the living room. He’s suspicious, but cool.” Gale picked up her purse.

  “Let’s go, it’s getting late.”

  They drove up the alley in a residential neighborhood in West Los Angeles. Clint was having second thoughts. Why? He had joined a ring of burglars. Gale had turned him out. He followed her as if she were leading him to a jail cell. She was right. He did like the danger. The rush. He was feeling a rush and it excited him. He knew she was trouble and dangerous, but he still stayed with her. She could be right about me. I might be like her.

  Gale pulled the car in front of a garage. She reached under the front seat and pulled out a pair of black leather gloves and put them on. She reached back down under the seat and pulled out a crowbar and got out of the car; she glanced around the property and then used the crowbar to pry off the lock and open the garage door. She got back into her car and drove it in and parked. Clint sat in the car and watched her.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” Clint hesitated. “Get out! There’s nobody here. We cased the place. They’re out of town.”

  She waited to close the garage door until Clint exited the car. Candy and Norm parked their car in the back alley and came around to the back door as Gale ripped the lock off and the door opened with her crowbar.

  “Check the hall closet for furs,” she said to Candy.

  “Norm, see if there’s silver. Remember if it says sterling on the back, take it.” Norm nodded and went on the dining room.

  “Clint, you come with me.” They walked down the hallway to the bedroom.

  “Look in the closet, see if there’s furs.” Clint moved to the closet and Gale went to the dresser and pulled open the drawers. She picked up a sparkling necklace in her gloved hand and examined it.

  “Bunch of junk. I was told these people have good stuff.” She looked at Clint, who had the closet door open.

  “What’s in the closet? Is there a suitcase?. If you find one, bring it here.” Clint spotted a suitcase and pulled it out. He grabbed three fulllength fur coats and a stole and brought them over to Gale. She opened the case and threw the jewelry inside. She grabbed the furs from Clint and examined them.

  “I might get a few bucks out of these in Las Vegas.” She glanced at Clint, who was nervous.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” she said as she got into an Autumn Haze full-length mink coat and walked to the mirror. She posed. Clint watched Gale as she admired her long reflection, turning around to look at herself from the back and then again from the front.

  “It matches my hair, doesn’t it? I think I’ll keep it. Do you like it on me?”

  “The coat gives yah class,” said Clint.

  “Aren’t you sweet, dearheart. I thought I already had class. Come here. I want to feel that strong body of yours.” Gale moved to Clint and put her arms around his neck, and stared into his gray-green eyes giving him a long kiss. She pulled him over to the bed and fell backward on the mattress, her mouth still on his, his body on top of her. She whispered in his ear. “When I steal I get so excited and horny. I hope you’re as good a fuck as you look.”

  Clint felt his hardness and the excitement as he moved to give this chick a fuck she’d never forget. He smiled as he gazed down at her. A strange thought came to him. It was like Eve had given Adam the apple.


  Gale stood on the set of a Bob Hope picture, when Bob’s agent, Mel, a little man with a pear-shaped body, small sloping shoulders, and a large waist, walked on wearing elevator shoes. “Look what’s left over from the “House of Wax,” Bob cracked when he saw Mel. Everyone laughed, but the remark didn’t seem to bother Mel. A few jokes were exchanged, then Mel spotted Gale. She wore a long gown that gave her the vision of a New York society girl. The set was decorated like the New York nightclub, El Morocco, complete with zebra-skin covered-booths.

  Mel walked over to Gale, who kept adjusting the front of her dress, showing her large breasts, while giving him a flirtatious smile. As Mel approached he tipped his small brimmed fedora, which he never removed from his baldhead. “Hello, I’m Mel Cantor.”

  “Pleased to meet you Mr. Cantor, I’m Gale Lawrence.”

  “Have you considered getting out of extra work and going for speaking parts?”

  “All the time, Mr. Cantor, but as an agent you know it’s not easy. I studied acting and have tried to find work as an actress, but it takes a good agent to get you in the right doors,” she said, giving him a sexy smile.

  “I have a script in my office. It’s a new feature that starts in a month. Come by tonight after you finish here and we can discuss a part for you. Here’s my card.”

  Gale took Mel’s card and put in down the front of her dress. Mel’s eyes followed the card lustfully as it disappeared into depths of her bosom. He cleared his throat.

  “I’ll see you about seven,” said Gale as Mel again tipped his hat and walked off the set.

  Gale was excited about the fortunate encounter. This could be the break I’ve been waiting for, she thought. Mel Cantor can get me in any studio in town. He knows everybody.

  “I’m thrilled,” said Gale into the phone. “I’m going to see Mel Cantor tonight. You know who he is? The big Hollywood agent. I’ve been thinking all afternoon how to get you to meet him. Call Candy, and have her call Jean. She’s a showgirl at the Sands, in Las Vegas.

  She’s been a customer for my hot furs and is in town looking to get in the movies. I’m going to get Mel to take me to the Brown Derby. You be there with the girls and I’ll introduce you.”

  “I don’t get it,” said Clint. “What does you seeing Mel have to do with me?”

  “Mel Cantor is an notorious lady’s man. I’ll tell him you have a string of gorgeous girls that would do almost anything for you. I won’t come right out and tell him you’re a pimp. He’ll know that when he sees you with the girls. This is a perfect way of getting into his confidence. If I read him right, and I know I do, he’d do almost anything for some new nooky. You can book it for him, and if I’m right he’ll be booking you and me.”

  “So now I’m a pimp?”

  “Darling. You want to be in the movies, don’t you?”



  “What time do you want me there?”

  “Between eight and eight-thirty. Make sure you wear a suit. Leave everything to me, and sweetheart, be nice to me. I love you.” Gale hung up the phone.

  At eight o’ clock, Clint, dressed in a suit and tie, sat in a booth at the Hollywood Brown Derby with Candy, who was heavily made up and dressed in a tight body-clinging black sheath dress with spaghetti straps. The low neckline revealed her ample breasts. Her eyes darted around the room as she fidgeted with a cigarette holder.

  “Don’t you get any ideas about me going to bed with this agent we’re meeting. I’m a lot of things, but I’m no whore. I’m here only as a favor to you and Gale,” said Candy.

Clint placed Candy’s hand in his and said. “Just tease, let him think you could be available. I’ll handle everything.”

  They sat up as a tall striking brunette who looked like a showgirl arrived at their table. Clint checked her out. Her lips were painted scarlet over a non-existent lip line. Dark eye shadow applied over her gray eyes made them look enormous, and her skin was made up to look whiter than it actually was. She wore a long black diamond mink coat that she dropped off her shoulders when she sat down, revealing a low cut strapless red dress. All eyes in the restaurant were on her as she adjusted herself, getting comfortable. Clint was sure she hadn’t seen the sunlight in months.

  Jean pushed her long hair back from her eyes and said to Clint.

  “Hi, I’m Jean.”

  “The name’s Clint. Pleased to meetcha. I’m not the agent.”

  “Honey, I wish you were,” said Jean, giving Clint a full smile that show off her capped teeth.

  “Mel’s this little guy that looks like a turtle, and he keeps a mink coat in his office he lends out to the starlets he takes out.”

  “You can see I don’t need a mink coat,” said Jean as she adjusted the coat around her shoulders.

  The maitre d’ escorted Gale, wearing a blonde mink coat down below her calves, to a booth near them, with Mel following her, looking a foot shorter. Clint, Candy and Jean gave each other knowing smiles and laughed. Gale spotted them, walked over to their booth and waved to Mel to join her. “Mel, let’s sit with my friends. This is Jean, Candy and Clint. Can we join you?” asked Gale.

  Clint got up and said, “Please do.”

  Mel was impressed and nodded his head. Jean pulled Mel down next to her as Gale sat on his other side. Mel tipped his fedora, but didn’t remove it.

  “Mel, darling,” said Gale, “My girl friends are actresses. Aren’t they gorgeous?” looking at Mel, then to Clint, smiling. “What brings you to the Brown Derby?” asked Gale.

  It’s Jean’s birthday, we’re having a party,” said Clint

  “Let’s get the waiter. I want to buy champagne,” said Mel.


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