Violet Ends

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Violet Ends Page 5

by Jisa Dean

  "And I would like to thank you for checking on my wife. If it had been a bad situation I would hope someone like you would speak up and stop something from happening."

  "Awe, it wasn't nothing. Any responsible man would do it." Now the stranger is blushing again and we say our good-byes. As soon as he is far enough away I feel the sting of a needle in my neck. Fuck! He is a quick fucker with those damned things.

  "You son of a bitch. I...don't want...I..." I don't finish my sentence before a wave of darkness drags me down.



  Flying internationally with a sleeping woman is not as hard as you might think it is. If you have money and act like you have power people will generally let you get away with anything. We hit southern Europe about three hours ago and checked in to the hotel room. Now, I just have to be patient enough to let her wake up.

  I should have expected Natasha to run from me. I did kill a man almost right in front of her. Even if she hates the man I killed she's the type to not think that's cool. That's one of the parts of her that I love. It's the thing that makes her so different from me, different is good. I'm more of a bottom line kinda guy and she's thinking about everything around the line. If I had plans to stay in the business after this me and her would have made a great partners. Completing each other where the other has weaknesses or flaws. Allowing the other person to have those idiosyncrasies is something not to be taken for granted.

  So, yeah, I should have known that she would have run from a monster like me but it still hurt when she did. It also scared the shit out of me. What would have happened if Kronos hadn't contacted me when he did telling me she was running? These people are not the kind of people to play around with. You can't do the shit we are going to have to do to find her answers half-assed. I'll have to show her how dangerous it is to play at being a badass around people who would sooner kill than talk.

  I need to teach her not to put herself in the way of danger just as badly. I'm still not fucking happy about the fact she put herself in a position to be taken too at such a young age. I could forgive it on the age issue alone except nothing has changed for her. She would still put herself in the line of fire to have to what she wants. It is going to make her a wonderful mother if I can temper it with caution and intent. She isn't going to like how I am going to teach her either. I can already tell that.

  Her head moving from side to side is my first clue the drug is wearing off. Seeing her wake up so many times over the last few days has become one of the highlights of my day. She wakes up like she does everything else. She doesn't let sleep go easily, holding on to the last moments of it with everything she has but at the same time she wakes cautiously, never just opening her eyes but lying and listening for signs around her that might tell her how she needs to react once she is awake. What the hell do you do with a woman who is a bit of both worlds?

  When she opens her eyes all I can do is stare into them and hope she doesn't mind the man I have been as long as I can prove to her I'll be better for her every day she allows me to be around her. She sits up slowly never taking her eyes off of me. I didn't bind her or tie her to the bed in hopes that it would go a long way towards showing her that she doesn't have to run from me.

  "What's your name?" sleep fogged and still cautious; her voice sends tremors through my well-constructed world.

  "Tired of calling me Psycho?" She pulls her lips inward to bite on them. It's a nervous gesture she does that she's unaware of being so damned sexy. I take pity on her and tell her before she bites through lips that I plan to be using soon for other activities. "My codename is Zeus. But you can call me Zander."

  "Zeus. Not shy on ego are you?"

  I cock an eyebrow but don't give her anything beyond that. I have no plans of letting this little bit of a woman control where our game is going. In the world me and my brother's play in, it's referred to as topping from the bottom. It happens when a submissive unconsciously tests the Dominate to find weakness. A litmus test to see if the Dominate can really carry the control the sub needs them to carry for them. I could almost be persuaded that it was bratting, something that is conscious and happens a lot in Daddy/little play, but I don't think she's doing it for attention. God knows she has all of mine on her right now.

  Her dark hair pulled over her shoulder is giving me dreams of being behind her and pulling her back by it. The t-shirt she's in is one of mine and I know she smells like a mixture of both of us, the same as when I fuck her leaving both of us on her at a much more intimate level. What can I say? I'm an animal.

  Thick dark lashes ring the gold of her eyes and show her intelligence behind them, not hidden at all. And the curves! I've always been a man who prefers the dangers of a curvy road to one more pedestrian and women are no different. I've found the curvier they are the more dangerous they can be. Thank God.

  "Says the woman who took Nyx as her codename. Primordial goddess of the night." I move closer to her so I can whisper in her ear. "The only goddess to ever make Zeus say he's sorry."

  I draw back enough that I can see her face when she gasps at my reminder of the myths concerning Nyx and Zeus. Our lips are so close that we can feel the others breathe on us. "You chose well, Natasha." I lightly drag my mouth over hers in nothing more than a light graze of lips. "You and only you will ever hear an apology from me...if one is needed."

  "And you don't think one is needed for kidnapping me? Or keeping me drugged for who knows how long? Or taking me to Canada without even asking?"

  She's going to really trip out when she finds out we're in Barcelona now. The thought has my lips curling in a smile that I couldn't stop if I tried.

  "You think this is funny? You think what you have done is something to laugh at?" she's really on a roll this time. She's so worked up that she comes up on her knees. It makes her more beautiful, all flustered and pink-cheeked.

  "You can stop smiling like the cat that ate the canary. I have no idea why you think this is some sort of game, why you would choose this to get your perverted kicks, but I won't be a part of whatever game you're playing. I'm leaving and nothing you say or do can stop me. You can't stop me!"

  This is the first time I am going to have to discipline her. I understand fully how important the next moves I make are for our relationship. Too much force and her spirit stands a good chance of breaking and that is something I do not want. Too little and the little brat will think she can push anything over on me and I will lose the chance to be her Dominate, which is something she needs.

  Natasha needs someone to look after her, to take care of her and keep her safe from herself, and to smack her ass when she does something that could cause her harm. It doesn't mean I'm not going to cause her pain but it will be pain she asks me for. She can sense something changing. I watch as she backs up putting more and more space between us. Or so she thinks. I stand up from the bed so that I am taller than she is. She needs an alpha just as strong as she is and I intend to take the position.

  "I'm not playing a 'game' where you are concerned. With you, everything I do is drop. Dead. Serious." Her eyes grow wider at my use of the word dead. "I have no intention of ever letting you go so you'll just have to make peace with that and I can assure you that when I introduce you to my 'preferred kinks' you will not only be a participant but will also be the tool and the product of every dirty, filthy fantasy that goes through my head. I will break you down and build you back more times than you will be able to count and you will come back to me and ask me for more because it is what you need. And I will always give you what you need, my precious Cherry."

  She stands up on the bed like she's going to jump on it and if I was into the Daddy kink I would be down for seeing her jumping around on a bed in nothing but frilly underwear. And I just found out something about myself that I did not know about me. Apparently, I am down for any kink as long as Natasha is at the heart of it, the one woman I am playing with. Thinking about her bouncing hard enough to pop her bre
asts out of a pretty pink lacy bra has my dick hard enough it's going to need its own hotel room.

  "You...I will not be a part of anything concerning your fucked up sex life. I will fight you tooth and nail until I can't fight you anymore. I made a promise..."

  "Yes," I interrupt her little temper tantrum, "I am well aware of your promise."

  She sucks in a breath, "You know about the promise?" I can see her mind working on just when I might have found the information out.

  "That is why we are where we are and why I am tracking down men who would much rather gut someone than lose a simple game of cards. These men don't put up with bull shit or suffer fools. I will help you find what you need to fulfill your promise and in return, you will give me everything."

  Silence is the only response back for many quiet minutes, until finally, she speaks to me, "Everything?"

  She's finally realizing the deal she’s made with the devil. Her friend in exchange for her everything; her consent, her cherries, and her submission, I want it all. And even if she didn't understand what she was doing when she pulled the trigger, killing a man to save me, the deal has already been sealed. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will make me give her up.

  Her eyes shut and a painful look crosses her face. When she opens her eyes so much sadness leaks out that I can physically feel her hurt, "I don't have anything." She looks away from my eyes and I want to demand that she bring them back to me. "I've been so consumed with this for so long that I don't..." She closes her eyes again.

  "I don't know how to be normal. I don't know how to just be alright being normal. I don't know what having fun is like or having friends that aren't associated with my work which wraps right back around to...this. I don't have anything outside of this. I'm nothing outside of this. And if this is what you want, you have bigger issues than a kinky side."

  I move so fast she's under me before she knows what is happening. I have her by the ankle and pulled to me, covering her, before she can fight me. I lean close to her and whisper/breath into her ear while holding her chin in my hand so she can't move away from me.

  "I won't allow you to push me away or run from me. You may not have been anything before but now you are mine. So if you want to know what you are, that's your answer. As far as what I want from you, I'll make this as clear and precise as I can for you. I will have your submission, your tight little body, your sweet hidden cherries that you've saved just for me, and when everything is said and done I'll have your heart and soul." I lick her cheek so that I can taste her skin. I feel her heartbeat in the veins of her neck under my hand.

  "I won't allow you to give up and just die when you've found your answers. You belong to me and I'll make sure you have plenty to keep you busy from now until I take my last breath. Now, nod your head and tell me I own you."

  God her skin is so fucking soft and the thud of her pulse under my fingers is like a mating dance thrumming in my blood. I see her clench her jaw and push her chin out. I can tell she is going to defy me. It's that defiance that makes my dick leak precum. "I will never say that to you."

  I take my time looking at her. Studying her face and running my eyes over all of her features before I allow the smile to pull my lips up. It's not a smile of amusement or frivolity. This is the smile a hunter gives its prey right before it launches itself at them. I hum low in my chest, savoring the chase. I have missed chasing after my meals. The desperation I used to feel on the street when I ran away. The uncertainty of the outcome on any given day when I didn't have food to eat or know if I was going to wake up in the morning. And make no mistake I plan to consume Natasha in every sense of the word.

  She is perfect for me. She makes me feel young again. I lean down and run my tongue across her closed lips in another lick that causes her to gasp. When she does I run my tongue deep in her mouth. I'm not stupid; I use my grip on her jaw to keep her mouth open so I don't get bitten by my hellcat. I stick the muscle so far back that it will mimic what my dick will be doing when I shove it in her mouth. I want her to understand if I wanted I could take the air she breaths from her.

  Not to control her, none of this with her is about control, it's so she will always look to me to supply her with things she needs. This goes deeper than any control someone could have over another person. I want her to need me on a primal level so if she doesn't get me she thinks she will die. Because that is how I feel about her already.



  I'm not supposed to feel this. Any of this. Feeling these emotions and...little fireworks he sets off in me is not going to help me keep my promise to Noel. But I can't deny he does make fireworks go off inside of me. His kiss is so hard and forceful it's going to bruise. Doing things like this with someone like him is bound to leave bruises, whether ones you can see or ones you feel on the inside for years to come, both are going to hurt.

  I lose track of how long I lie there and let him explore my mouth but eventually, he pulls back and I dread what he is going to say. I hate that I care so much but I do. I don't want him to say something about how cold I was, or how I didn't do anything back for him, or he can tell I've only been kissed a handful of times and all of those didn't go very far before I was too disgusted or too scared to go any farther. How I just don't have a clue what I'm doing.

  "I love how you lie there and give yourself to me like you already know who owns you. You tell me you belong to me without saying a word." That was not what I thought he was going to say. He must be able to see the shock I'm not good at hiding. "Did you think I was going to say something negative, Cherry? Do you think I don't love the fact I'm going to be the first man to make you lose control? Do you think I am not over the moon about having the only cock your pretty little pussy molds to?"

  He has a way of rubbing his lips over mine, not in a kiss exactly but in something more, like sharing breaths on a more personal level than just a kiss. Zander is a man who takes his time if his kisses are anything to go by.

  "So beautiful. You are everything I refused to wish for so many times in my life."

  My brow furrows at his comment, said in a whisper like he's too afraid someone will overhear him. I can't tell if what he said is a good thing or a bad thing.

  "There you go again; making everything darker than it has to be. Baby, I am going to love bringing your little ass into the light after all this time." His smile is shocking. I can tell he doesn't smile a lot and the fact he is doing it with me makes me feel special even though I am trying not to let it show. "I never wished for you because I knew I didn't deserve something as good and pure as you. I didn't want something so innocent brought into my world, it wouldn't be right. But then out of the blue someone goes and shoots someone for me and I realize I can keep you all to myself. I didn't bring you down to this level of hell, someone else did. Someone who is going to pay dearly when I find them, but also someone who has my gratitude for bringing you to me, so I'll probably kill them quickly." Like killing a person is no big deal. Just got to figure out what level you want it at. He talks about killing like some people talk about nuking dinner. Just got to leave it in for a few more minutes and it should be good, and oh, turn up the heat and get it good and hot.

  "I might not have brought you down, baby, but I damn sure am going to be the man to bring you out of it. And that is what makes you so perfect for me. You give me purpose. A reason for staying alive I didn't have before you. You saved me in more ways than one."

  We spend a couple of more seconds just looking at one another, lightly touching. "Now when I sit up you are going to crawl over to me and lie across my lap so I can spank that sweet ass for even thinking of giving up. Then I'm going to smack it for putting yourself in danger, long ago when I couldn't save you and recently when you saved me. Then, I am going to make you cum for ever thinking about leaving me. After that, we have a meeting we have to be ready for."

  I don't know where to even start to address the issues with what he just said. "My promise...
br />   "Is to not have sex before you find out what happened to Noel. You never said anything about cumming."

  Oh my God. He just found a way around the one big defense I use to keep myself safe from getting hurt again. Maybe I made the promise because I wanted that to stay my top priority but over time it became my excuse for distancing myself from having to love someone again and risk losing them. It became my safe place I went to when I was too scared to live fully.

  He's already sitting up and giving me a look like he honestly expects me to do what he says.

  "No." He doesn't get to control me. I control me. I keep myself safe, not someone else. I choose when and if I put myself in the path of danger. Not him.

  His brow arches in what can only be called a look of mild irritation from someone beneath him. Well, he can look that way all he wants. It isn't going to make me change my mind.

  "Come. Here." His voice is low and dark, the depth almost deadly. A part of me wants to do what he tells me to do. A part of me feels the tug deep inside at his hot glare and his intense words. It's a bad part of me that needs to listen to the more sensible part.

  "No." What is he going to do to me if I don't? The longer I'm with him the more I realize he's not going to kill me. The way he talks and how gentle he is when he touches tells me I mean something to him. Damn him for that too. It makes it twice as hard trying to keep myself distanced from him.

  If his eyes become any colder he's going to make the place ice over. I swear the temperature drops when I tell him no again.

  I also forgot how fast he is. He grabs me by the wrist and has me in position over his knees before I even realize I moved. He lays the first smack on my bottom, which is bare underneath his shirt before I can start to form a plan to get myself out of this. After two more pops on the bare bottom, one on each of my cheeks, the only thing I can think to do is to scream and hope someone will hear me. But when I open my mouth he switches our position where we are lying across the bed with my legs still over his but his arm is over me holding my hands to the small of my back. This position pushes my ass up in the air and pushes my face down into the comforter of the bed until no matter how much I scream it just comes out muffled and makes me struggle for air.


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