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Master’s Fate

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  “It is,” I answer, biting her neck with more intensity.

  “Oh, Brad…”

  I put my finger to her lips and say in a low, gravelly tone, “Tonight, you will call me Master.”

  I feel her stiffen in my arms and her eyes pop open. “Master? I don’t think so.”

  I know she has a strong spirit, which is why I chose her for my first. So I continue with my seduction, willingly risking her rejection.

  “This is my kink, Sofia. Do you think you’re woman enough to handle it?”

  She stares into my eyes and then glances down at the whip. “It scares me.”

  I unfurl it so she can see its full length. “I will only take you as far as you’re willing to go. I promise it will be like nothing you have ever experienced before.”

  For emphasis, I snap my whip and the crack of it echoes in the air, causing her to jump.

  Sofia shakes her head. “No, this is too much—I can’t.”

  My heart constricts, knowing she’s turning me down, but I hide my disappointment from her. Coiling the bullwhip back up, I realize I’ve come on too strong. Being used to the subs at the dungeon, I’ve lost perspective on how strange my offer would seem in the vanilla world.

  Still…I’m convinced she would enjoy it.

  Lifting her chin, I kiss her on the lips and say confidently, “When you’re ready, Sofia, I’ll be waiting to show you a whole new world of pleasure.”

  I put my whip back in the duffle bag and smile at her, wanting her to know it’s cool between us. Taking her hand, I start walking her out.

  “Brad…” she says haltingly.


  “Maybe I do want to take a little peek into that world with you.”


  She nods slowly.

  I can tell she’s still scared, but that makes her willingness all the more exciting. “I can’t wait to kiss your body with my whip. But first, I must undress you.”

  I slowly lift her t-shirt up over her head and let it fall to the barn floor. I then undo her bra and let it join the shirt on the ground. Her brown nipples are rock hard and difficult to resist.

  Moving her hair forward, I “accidently” brush against them as I expose her back. I smile when I hear her soft gasp.

  With gentle hands, I guide her to an empty stall at the back of the barn and tell her to grasp the door with her arms spread.

  “It’s important you do not move.”

  “Yes,” she answers breathlessly.

  “Yes, what?” I challenge with a husky growl.

  She glances back at me, blushing when she says, “Yes, Master.”

  My cock swells with desire when I hear Sofia call me by that title. “Good girl,” I murmur, lifting her chin and kissing her deeply.

  When I pull away, she stares back at me with fear and longing. I have to fight not to come in my jeans.

  Damn…I’m still such a greenhorn when it comes to self-control as a Dom. But, in my defense, I am about to introduce a country girl to the world of BDSM—and there’s nothing hotter than that.

  I unfurl my whip and begin warming up my muscles, being careful not to crack it. I understand now that I need to go slowly as I acclimate Sofia to the idea of being lashed by it.

  I start by telling her about the hours I’ve spent perfecting my skill. I hope to assure Sofia that her trust in me is not misplaced.

  “Why do you want to whip me?” she asks as she watches the whip fly through the air.

  “I want to unleash my passion on your body.”

  She moans softly.

  Before we begin, I explain, “During our session, I’ll be asking your color. You must answer with the word ‘green’ if you are enjoying it, ‘yellow’ if it’s becoming challenging, and ‘red’ if you want me to stop.”

  I stop warming up and move back over to her, whispering huskily, “You are in control, Sofia. Even if I am Master over your body.”

  She shivers in pleasure, nodding her head in understanding.

  Kissing her on the neck, I tell her, “I’m about to introduce you to a new level of pleasure.”

  Stepping back, I take my stance behind her. Sofia looks so tempting with her exposed back, those sexy jean shorts, and her sassy red cowboy boots.

  “Whip me,” she whispers.

  I smile to myself as I deliver the first stroke, licking her with my whip.

  “Wow!” she says with a gasp.

  “You like?” I growl knowingly.

  “I…I never thought it could feel like a whisper.”

  “Would you like another?”

  “Yes, please…Master.”

  I smile as I give her several more lashes with the same light touch.

  She moans in delight.



  “Would you like to experience what else it can do?”

  She hesitates for a moment before answering. “Yes.”

  I up the pressure of the whip on her back and she responds with louder, more passionate, moans.


  “Green. I need more.”

  I have been waiting for this moment. “I will slowly increase the strength of the lashes. Call out ‘yellow’ when I have reached your limit. I’m counting on you to be vocal.”

  She turns her head toward me and smiles wickedly. “Oh, I plan to be very vocal.”

  With that seductive promise ramping up my lust, I begin the erotic task of finding where Sofia’s limit lies. I proceed slowly, wanting to build her confidence as I acclimate her body to the bite of my whip.

  Soon, her back is a crisscross of light red lashes as she moans with pleasure, unconsciously spreading her legs apart as she begs for more.

  It’s time to up the ante and see if she is truly a lover of my bullwhip. I let it fly with a lash meant to challenge her.

  She gasps and becomes still.

  “Color?” I ask.

  “I’m excited and scared…” she answers bluntly.

  “Another, then?”

  “Please, Master.”

  Oh fuck, she has no idea how hard she’s just made my cock. I grit my teeth, maintaining my control over my libido so I can apply the same intensity. I lash her back again and listen to her cry of pleasure.

  It stirs the fire inside me, and I suddenly have a desire to kiss her. Giving into the urge, I move over to Sofia, wrapping one arm around her chest just under the swell of her breasts. “Does the bite of the whip excite you?”

  “Yes…” she whispers, sounding surprised.

  I press the coiled whip against her skin, caressing her round ass with it as my other hand slips underneath her shorts. I smile to myself when I feel how wet her pussy is.

  I nuzzle her neck, biting lightly. “I knew we were kindred spirits, you and I.”

  She looks back at me, her lips begging to be kissed. I claim her lips, kissing her roughly. I won’t last much longer and pull away to deliver the last volley of strokes.

  I’ve never felt as turned on as I do now, knowing I have awakened something new inside her.

  “Close your eyes and grasp the wood tightly.”

  I let the whip fly with a more challenging stroke, knowing we have almost reached her limit. The girl does me in when she murmurs, “Yellow, but I need more.”

  I take in a couple of deep breaths to maintain the precision I need as I deliver the last set of strokes. Sofia lets out a scream of passion that stirs not only me, but the horses as well.

  I have no more control left, and I drop my whip as I advance on her. I turn her head, kissing her deeply. “Are you as turned on as I am?”

  “Yes,” she whimpers in desperation, rubbing her ass against my erection. I unzip her shorts and pull them down before releasing my aching shaft from the confines of my jeans. Reaching between her legs, I find she is incredibly slick, so I coat the large head of my cock with her excitement.

  She grasps my cock, guiding it into her, moaning, “Oh, God, I forgot how
huge you are.”

  “Really?” I ask in a low, seductive tone. “Then let me reintroduce you…”

  Knowing now that Sofia has a masochist streak, I challenge her with the length of my cock. After the recent whipping, she seems much more relaxed and is able to take my cock deeper than she ever has before.

  Her vocal screams of satisfaction spur me on and I begin thrusting into her. It feels too good, and I suddenly stop and pull out.

  “No,” she whimpers.

  “Shh…” I wrap my arm around her front and begin teasing her clit. “You are going to come as I slip that huge cock back inside you.”

  She nods her head, giving in to the pleasure of my manual stimulation. I keep the head of my cock pressed against her opening, teasing her but not advancing farther as I increase the speed of my fingers.

  When I have her squirming and on the edge of orgasm, I thrust into her. Her cry of passion fills the barn, her pussy pulsing around my shaft as she comes.

  Having been patient long enough, I give in to my own need and stroke her wet pussy with my massive cock. Edging deeper into her depths, I’m pleased to find her body more receptive to the girth of my shaft after our bullwhip session together.

  My balls ache with intense pleasure as I come deep inside her, growling in satisfaction with every thrust. Oh, hell, orgasming has never felt this good…

  Afterward, we walk back to the house, my bullwhip in one hand and my other arm wrapped around her to help support her. Sofia can’t stop looking at me.

  “What?” I ask with a grin.

  “You definitely live up to the title. I’d be willing to call you Master every night.”


  One of the ranch hands lets Pop know a young calf went missing, so he and I head out on our horses early in the morning to see if we can find her before a predator does. It’s an unfortunate aspect of ranching—the loss of cattle to wildlife—but it’s to be expected.

  Can’t blame a hungry animal for going after well-fed stock, which is the reason Pop has several Kuvasz herding dogs on the ranch.

  The dog breed is known for its mad skills as livestock guardians. They are highly intelligent dogs that remind me of a cross between a golden retriever and a polar bear. Although they are handsome animals to look at, what makes them ideal for our ranch is that the breed is well known for its unique sense of humor—the perfect fit.

  Knowing that Bandit and Kiah are excellent at protecting our herds, I suspect our calf was not attacked in the night, but has instead wandered off. But time is of the essence if we are going to find her before a mountain lion or a bear comes across her.

  Once Pop and I reach the herd, we split up, making ever-growing concentric circles around them, hoping to stumble across her. After fruitless hours of searching, it seems the calf has vanished into thin air.

  Pop shakes his head. “It doesn’t make sense. There’s no sign of any blood.”

  “I know. That’s got to mean she’s still alive.”

  He shakes his head. “But look how far we’ve gone out, son. There’s no way that calf has wandered this far.”

  I sigh, not willing to give up on her just yet. Closing my eyes, I still my thoughts as I listen to the breeze rustling through the brush. I feel a call to go west and tell Pop, “Let me look a little longer before we call it quits.”

  “By all means.”

  He follows behind me as I head westward. There’s nothing logical about the decision, other than a hunch. As we approach an outcropping of rocks, I dismount and head over to it.

  After climbing over several boulders, I find her—a light brown calf the color of a toasted marshmallow. She looks up at me with those sorrowful big brown eyes of hers and cries out, her bloody hind leg wedged in a crack between two rocks.

  “It’s okay, girl. We’re going to get you out…”

  I motion to my pop, who dismounts and joins me.

  “Her hoof is wedged and she can’t move,” I inform him.

  “Do you want me to head back and get the sledge hammer?”

  “No. I think I can free her if you can hold her still for me.”

  While my pop positions himself, I take my shirt off and wrap it around the calf’s bloody leg hoping it will provide some extra protection while I work her hoof out of the crack.

  She’s frightened and struggles in my father’s arms, rubbing her hoof against the jagged rocks, making the situation even worse. Needing to do something to calm her down, I hum a calming melody. When I feel her start to relax, I slowly wrestle her hoof from the jagged rocks.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when the calf’s leg is finally free. My pop releases her, but she immediately stumbles and falls onto the rocks, too exhausted by the ordeal to stand up on her own.

  I heft her into my arms and, with my father’s strong arm steadying me, I make it out of the rock pile and carry her to my mare. I lift the calf up and over my saddle then retie my shirt around her leg so the pressure will stop the bleeding.

  The poor animal doesn’t stir, as I climb on and sit behind her. I guess she’s grateful she doesn’t have to make the long trek back to the ranch house on her own.

  The hot Colorado sun beats down on my naked skin as we head back to the ranch. I’ve missed the heat of it.

  On the ride back, Pop mentions casually, “I’ve noticed how all the girls seem to flock around you.”

  I turn toward him and smirk.

  “While it does a father’s heart good to see how well liked you are, it concerns me.”

  I furrow my brow. “How so, Pop?”

  He readjusts his position in the saddle before telling me, “At your age I, too, was on the lookout for a young lass who could encompass the girth of my…substantial need.”

  A small smile curls the corner of my lip, aware of the meaning behind his carefully worded statement. “Then you understand the struggle.”

  “I do, son. But I settled down as soon as I found her. The number of young ladies visiting the horse barn since your return has not gone unnoticed by your mother.”

  I chuckle. “What can I say? You raised a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady right.”

  “It is one thing to test the waters, and quite another to keep stirring the pot.”

  I hear a serious undertone in his voice. “Meaning?”

  He stops his horse to look me directly in the eye. “There comes a point when you have to open up your heart, son.”

  Shrugging, I assure him, “I care about each and every one.”

  “But surely, in all of Greeley, you’ve come across at least one who meets your unique need.”

  I nudge Hot Chocolate, and she starts up again, heading home. “I’m only nineteen, Pop.”

  “Your mother and I got married right out of high school.”

  “I know…”

  “And we had you a year later.”

  I tip my hat to him. “Grateful for it, too.”

  “I’m not suggesting you marry now. Naturally, we want you to graduate from college, but…”

  I could hear his heartfelt concern. “But what, Pop?”

  “I worry that playing the field as enthusiastically as you are, you’ll forget the whole point of sex.”

  I chuckle. “Which is?”

  “To express your love for the other person.”

  I keep my expression calm, but his words actually stab at my self-confidence. I’ve never told a soul, but it concerns me that all my girlfriends are just that, friends—with benefits. Although I thoroughly enjoy their company, I have never been in love with a single one. Heck, all my high school buddies have had at least one crush.

  It’s made me wonder if I am capable of the kind of relationship my parents have.

  My father continues, interrupting my thoughts. “Some men only think with their dicks and miss out on the best thing this world has to offer—the love of a good woman.”

  “Don’t you think this talk is a bit premature? I just finished my freshman year in college. There�
�s plenty of time before I need to seriously think about settling down.”

  “If I were talking to anyone else, I might agree. But I know you, son. The playboy lifestyle you’re leading right now will only end in heartache for you.”

  I huff with amusement. “I’ve never felt as satisfied with life as I do right now. I’m expanding my knowledge in college and enjoying the ladies at the same time. I’d say I’m at the top of my game.”

  “It’s that kind of attitude that concerns your mother and I. We don’t want this LA lifestyle to go to your head.”

  “No worries,” I chuckle. “I’ll always keep my cowboy roots.”

  He looks at me skeptically. “I can already see the changes in you.”

  My stubborn streak rears its head on hearing his declaration. Even though I know Pop means well, I’m not about to give up this new world I’m enjoying. I can’t imagine my life without the exhilaration of BDSM or the countless subs I have the pleasure of scening with.

  No way am I ready to give that all up.

  Still…I do respect my father, and I want to set his mind at ease so he knows I’m on the right track. “No need to worry, Pop. I’m planning to take my studies even more seriously from here on out. I’ll make something of myself so I can provide for a wife when I’m ready to settle down.”

  He shakes his head as if my answer displeases him.

  It’s frustrating. While I connect with the simple way of life here, I’m enjoying my life in California—and I won’t give it up, no matter what my pop thinks.

  I ride on in silence, but when we finally make it back to the ranch and dismount, I turn to meet his gaze. “Change is inevitable, Pop.”

  He places his hand on my shoulder. “I don’t want you to lose the core of who you are.”

  I roll my eyes. “That will never happen.”

  I lower the calf to the ground and Hot Chocolate nudges her lightly in encouragement. I stand back and chuckle to myself.

  Would you look at that? It’s Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow…

  From out of nowhere, Bandit and Kiah race up, barking excitedly as they approach the calf, their tails wagging. It’s clear the two are pleased to see the calf safe and sound.


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