Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 4

by Red Phoenix

  She squeezes my hand. “Paige lives in your memories. That makes you precious to us.”

  Tears come to my eyes. “I miss her…”

  Both of them nod solemnly.

  “That never goes away,” Paige’s father says in a grave voice.

  “I failed…” My voices catches. “…to grieve for her. I couldn’t face it.”

  Her mother smiles, a sympathetic look in her eyes. “But now you are…”

  I break down in front of them both, ashamed of my lack of control as I start sobbing uncontrollably.

  I feel the arms of both of her parents around me as I let out the shock and pain I felt as a young boy, losing my best friend.

  They surround me with their presence as we share our immense grief in silence.

  Afterward, I wipe my eyes, apologizing to them. “I came here to comfort you, not to be comforted. I’m sorry.”

  Mr. Willis says gruffly, “Knowing that you still think about Paige brings us comfort, young man. The worst feeling in the world is thinking your child is being forgotten.”

  Mrs. Willis nods in agreement. “Whether it’s healthy or not, we have taken solace in watching you grow into the man you are today. For us—selfishly—it feels like Paige lives on in you.”

  “She does,” I assure her.

  Flipping through the book again, Paige’s mother highlights events in my life with a look of pride and tenderness I find beautifully heartbreaking. But, when she gets to my failure at the bull riding championship, I look away, thoroughly embarrassed.

  “You were so brave taking on that bull. He had quite the reputation in the circuit,” Mr. Willis comments.

  “I could barely watch,” Paige’s mother admits to me. “You were so young, and he was so dangerous and massive.”

  “You two were there?” I asked, shocked to hear it.

  “We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” her father told me.

  “Although I was a nervous wreck…” Mrs. Willis confessed.

  I shake my head, feeling embarrassed. “I should have won. I just let my head get in the way.”

  “An important lesson to learn at that age,” Mr. Willis stated. “Probably more important than winning the championship itself.”

  “I don’t see how.” I still feel the sting of humiliation when Crusher tossed me off his back.

  “By not winning, you learned your limitations came from you. Not many people learn that—especially at your tender age.”

  “Still, I would have preferred winning the dang championship.”

  Mr. Willis chuckled. “Wouldn’t we all?”

  Mrs. Willis closes the album slowly with a look of distress. “Unfortunately, after you left for college, I’ve been unable to add to the book.”

  I look down at the album, feeling a new connection with Paige’s parents. “What if I promise to send you updates in a letter? Would that work?”

  “Oh…that would be wonderful!”

  I see Mrs. Willis tearing up and regret making her cry as she dabs at her eyes. “I’ll add anything you send to the album.”

  She looks at her husband and smiles.

  Pulling the bag of marbles from my pocket, I hand them over to Paige’s father. “I found them in the old tree hollow and thought you would like to have them back.”

  I’m moved by his reaction as he reverently takes them from me and opens the bag, pouring the marbles into his hand. His lips become a hard, thin line as he reigns in his emotions.

  “These were mine as a boy.” He glances over at me. “It made me happy that Paige loved playing marbles as much as I did.”

  “She was a tough cookie to beat,” I tell him.

  “She definitely took after her father,” Mrs. Willis says with a look of motherly pride.

  Even after all these years, I’m finding it hard to believe Paige is dead. I wonder if I will ever truly accept it…

  “I appreciate you bringing these to us,” her father says gruffly, swallowing hard as he stares at the marbles.

  I remember the peewee in my pocket and dig it out to give to him. “There’s one more…”

  “Oh, no, you keep that. Paige would want you to have it,” he tells me.

  Tears prick my eyes. “Thank you, Mr. Willis.”

  He puts his hand on my shoulder and grasps it tightly. “Means a lot, you visiting us today.”

  I bow my head in shame. “I know it was a long time in coming, sir.”

  “You came when you were ready. That’s all that matters,” Mrs. Willis assures me with a gentle smile.

  “I won’t be a stranger,” I promise them both as I stand to leave.

  Mr. Willis stops me for a moment and says solemnly, “You’ll always have a place at our table, Brad.”

  I can’t express how much that means to me and shake his hand firmly in gratitude before giving Mrs. Willis a hug.

  I can definitely feel Paige’s spirit in this place. Instead of it making me feel uncomfortable, it fills me with a sad peace, and I call out silently as I leave:

  Goodbye, Paige…

  New Possibilities

  I return to LA to begin my sophomore year with a feeling of renewed confidence. I’m more driven than ever before, but now I’m also grounded because of my family.

  Remembering my promise to my mother, I’m even entertaining the idea that this could be the year I finally experience what it feels like to fall in love.

  Stranger things could happen…

  I begin unpacking all the things I kept in storage, grateful for the extra space, as well as the private bathroom, of this bigger dorm room. I know the ladies I plan to invite over will certainly appreciate the private bath.

  After a full day of hauling crap up to the third floor, I’m definitely ready to take a break. Folding my arms behind my head, I lay on my bed, surprised that Davis hasn’t made an appearance yet.

  I haven’t heard boo from the guy since I split to head home for the summer.

  Thane doesn’t show up until late that afternoon. He’s carrying a single suitcase, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, and his collection of suits. Apparently, some things never change.

  Standing up, I grasp the hand he holds out to me.

  “Good to see you again, Anderson.”

  I give Thane a solid handshake before pulling him in for a manly hug. “Likewise, buddy.”

  Although Thane stiffens uncomfortably, he slaps me on the back before letting go.

  I look at his utter lack of furnishings. “Planning on living like a monk again this year?”

  He shrugs, glancing at my fully equipped living space with a smirk on his face. “I really don’t see the need to pamper myself like some other people I know.”

  “Hey, the ladies love a man who can pamper them,” I chuckle.

  Holding up his duffle bag, he says, “I have everything I need in here to pamper them.”

  I realize he’s assembled a toy bag for the dungeon over summer break, and it gets me thinking.

  “So, I gotta know what you did over the summer.”

  “Spent most of the summer helping to remodel my uncle’s house.”

  “Sure you did…” I tell him, not believing Thane for one second.

  “I’m serious.” He then adds with a smile, “However, I did spend several memorable weekends out at Durov’s beach house.”

  “I suspected as much.”

  “How about you? Did the quiet country life drive you batty?”

  “Not at all. In fact, it turns out cowgirls enjoy the kinkster lifestyle.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “You’re telling me you introduced that quiet town of Greeley to your perverted ways?”

  “I did. Not only that, but I told my ma all about you.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “She wanted to know,” I say with a shrug. “Naturally, she’s insisting you come up for Christmas break.”

  “Right…” Thane laughs.

  “I’m serious, buddy. My mother has already
started planning what she’ll cook when you’re there.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “Hey, any friend of mine is a part of our extended family,” I tell him with a grin. “I think she’s hoping to impress you.”

  He scoffs at my assertion. “There’s no need for her to go to all that trouble.”

  I wrap my arm around his shoulder. “My mama takes hospitality very seriously.”

  Davis chuckles, shaking his head. “Can you really imagine me fitting in with a bunch of country folk?”

  When I frown, he adds, “No offense. I just think they would find me a little ‘stiff’.”

  “Everyone finds you a little stiff, buddy. That’s part of your unique charm.”

  He laughs, setting his lone suitcase on his bed.

  “So, you’ll come, then?” I prod as he starts to unpack.


  “To visit my parents for Christmas?”

  “It’s not my thing—the whole family gathering over the holidays.”

  “Come on. You wouldn’t want to break my poor ma’s heart, would you?” I reach over and grab the tin from my desk, handing it to him. “She even made you a special batch of chocolate chip cookies to celebrate your sophomore year.”

  Davis opens the lid and takes in a whiff of the chocolaty goodness inside and smiles to himself. “I suppose not…”

  “Good, ’cause I can’t stand to see my mother cry.” I give him a nudge with my elbow.

  Little does Davis know he’s just fallen headfirst into my trap…

  “I’m heading to the dungeon in a few. You coming with me?” Davis asks me later that afternoon.

  I glance up from my textbook, looking at him strangely. “Wait. Didn’t you spend the entire first week going over every textbook you had so you were prepared for the semester?”

  He shrugs. “Seems like a waste of time, since most of my professors failed to utilize the course textbooks last year.”

  I stare at him—open-mouthed. “Who are you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I came back wanting to emulate you this semester, and you want to go play at the dungeon instead? Seriously, man, were you abducted by aliens while I was gone?”

  He smirks, amused by the accusation. “I’m still on a path to graduate a year early. However, I’m determined to be more efficient about it this year.”

  I slam my book closed. “Well, hell, that sounds like a solid plan to me.”

  I quickly change into my dungeon gear and grab my bullwhip. “I’ve got to admit, as entertaining as it was, introducing the ladies to my bullwhip, I’ve been hankering to get back to the dungeon for some serious fun.”

  “You might notice some changes there.”

  Now he’s got my attention. “Like what?”

  “There was a bit of a shakeup over the summer. Egos got involved and people left.”

  “Don’t tell me Durov shot his mouth off and got himself banned?”

  “No, but several of his friends are no longer there.”

  “Damn…” I shake my head, surprised by the news. “What the hell happened?”

  “Some prominent members wanted to expand the dungeon, but the majority insisted on keeping it intimate.”

  “And you?”

  “Hey, I’m still a newbie there, so I didn’t voice an opinion. Which turned out to be wise, because the discussion got pretty heated. Unfortunately, things were said that couldn’t be taken back and lines were drawn.”

  “How many members did the dungeon lose?”

  “Five Doms and three subs.”

  “That’s a huge hit for the group.”

  “It is, and you can feel it in the dungeon. It’s made the place feel a lot more subdued.”

  I shake my head sadly. “Damn.”

  “But, now that you’re back, I’m sure you’ll liven up the place.” He smacks me on the back. “You have that effect on people.”

  “Hey, whatever I can do to help,” I tell him with a grin.

  Thane wasn’t kidding about the change in the dungeon. When we arrive, the Doms look at me with suspicion. They still consider me a newcomer and possible threat to the secrecy of the group, but I meet each of their gazes with a confident tip of my hat.

  I’m not about to get dragged into the drama that ripped the group apart. As far as I’m concerned, by keeping the dungeon small, the powers that be are ensuring no riffraff get in and spoil all our fun.

  All it would take is one person saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and the entire dungeon could disappear. I’ve heard it’s happened to other groups.

  The authorities clearly don’t understand the dynamics of a D/s relationship, mistaking it for abuse rather than consensual play. There is real risk in being a Dom.

  I glance around, looking for familiar faces, and am relieved when I spy glee, the little pixie with ash brown hair and those sparkling doe eyes. But, she doesn’t seem her usual spunky self, so I head over to find out why.

  “Been too long, little lady,” I tell her as I approach.

  Glee looks up and smiles, but her eyes are ripe with sorrow. I don’t even need to ask why when I notice she’s no longer wearing a collar around her neck.

  Rather than question her on it, I sit down beside her. “I must say I’m glad to see you’re still here. The dungeon would be bleak without you.”

  Her eyes soften as she looks at me gratefully. “You are kind to say so.”

  I’ve always had an interest in glee, but I have also always respected the collar she wore. Now that it’s gone, all bets are off.

  However, she is obviously hurting and doesn’t need some fool sweeping her off her feet at the moment.

  Sighing deeply, she looks around the dungeon. “I love this place, but now I feel out of place here.”

  I shake my head. “Nope, you’re exactly where you belong. Why would you even question that?”

  “My Master ordered me to leave with him, but I couldn’t go…” Her chin trembles. “He said it was either Him or the dungeon.” She looks at me with tearful eyes. “But this is the only place I feel safe and accepted.”

  “I personally don’t understand why he left, but putting that on you wasn’t fair.”

  “I couldn’t handle the idea of never being here with my friends, including you, Master Anderson.” She looks around sadly. “But now, I feel lost…”

  “While I can appreciate the pain of losing that partnership, I assure you that you will be taken care of here. I, for one, am glad you chose to stay.”

  She gives me a slight smile, but the sadness remains.

  My heart goes out to her. “This may seem a little forward, but would you care for a little scene with my bullwhip?”

  Her eyes flash with relief. “That would be deeply appreciated. In fact, I would love it if you would challenge me. I’m in need of a serious challenge right now.”

  I hold my hand out to glee and walk her to the center area. I want everyone to admire this girl who has given up her collar to stay here among us.

  Pulling at the chains above, I secure her wrists in the cuffs, making the bonds taut so her movement is limited.

  Glee has stated she wants to be challenged, and I’m familiar with her level of experience. After a summer of introducing vanilla girls to my whip, I can now let my whip fly the way it’s meant to.

  I lean forward and whisper in glee’s ear, “I will not be interrupting the scene to check in, so call out your safeword if I push you too hard.”

  The look she gives me is not one of fear but gratitude. I can tell this isn’t just a pleasure session for glee; she needs the power behind the exchange.

  Wanting a dramatic start to our scene, I pull a butterfly knife from my bag and approach her with hungry eyes. Flicking it open, I grab her t-shirt and cut into it with my knife.

  She gasps as I rip down, exposing her smooth skin. I make short work of her shirt and then go for her bra next, leaving her chest completely exposed to me. Her nipples
are hard and her breathing shallow. It tells me she finds my rough treatment exciting.

  But, I’m not done yet.

  Closing the butterfly knife with a flourish, I slip it into my pocket. Needing more of her skin exposed, I go down on one knee to pull her mini skirt and panties off in one swift motion. As I look up at her, I slowly trail my fingers up her inner thigh, barely brushing them against her pussy.

  She bites her lip, looking at me longingly.

  Before I stand back up, I lean forward and press my lips against the peach fuzz of her trimmed mound, listening with satisfaction when she lets out a soft moan.

  I like to start out tenderly whenever a sub is about to experience the true intensity of my whip—I enjoy building the anticipation as she waits for that first real bite.

  Standing up, I hover over glee’s tiny frame.

  Tilting her chin up, I give glee a slow, sensual kiss—drawing it out so every fiber of her being is focused on me. She sighs when I break the embrace.

  I savor this moment between a Dom and sub. Glee’s complete surrender to my bullwhip has an erotic power that acts much like an aphrodisiac for me.

  My cock stirs with desire at the thought of lashing her with my bullwhip. Ignoring my growing hard-on, I move behind her with purposeful steps, noting that several subs are now watching our exchange.

  Reaching into my bag, I pull out my beloved bullwhip. Unlike Myrtle, this one has no name because it’s an extension of myself.

  I let it unfurl, smiling to myself as I send it flying through the air to warm up. The subs who were watching from a distance now move in a little closer. Apparently, they have been missing my brand of kink.

  While I certainly don’t mind having an audience, I won’t allow it to become a distraction. The sub before me comes first.

  “Glee, I am honoring your request to be challenged. Are you ready?”

  “Oh, yes, Master. Please…” she begs breathlessly.

  Like the kiss, I begin by giving her a gentle caress from my whip. She giggles under her breath in surprise.

  As her Master for this session, I exude confidence in my skill and the ability to bring her what she’s requested. Inside, I am full of desire, hungry to provide her with the challenge she is begging me for.

  I crack my whip several times to alert the entire dungeon of my intention, then I stare at glee’s naked body, the sensual curve of her back calling to me. With cold precision, I deliver the first challenging stroke. The skin on her back ripples from the impact, her loud gasp filling the air.


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