Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 5

by Red Phoenix

  I warm up her skin with several more equally challenging lashes and note when she begins to relax as she grows used to them.

  Upping the power behind the strokes, I challenge her again with a volley of lashes. She starts moaning but does not call out her safeword.

  Once I see her body growing used to the new intensity, I increase it again.

  This time, the dungeon is filled with her cries. She still does not use her safeword, although it is obvious the intensity of my strokes is pushing her body to its limits.

  Glee’s back is covered by the red stripes of my whip. So, I change things up a little, delivering a few choice strokes across her ass.

  She squeals, making several Doms around me chuckle.

  That’s when I crack the whip just behind her neck. She cries out in terror, even though I didn’t touch her.

  I smile to myself as I return to her back, delivering strokes that are guaranteed to test her.

  Glee trembles in her bonds, a stream of tears running down her face. But, rather than a look of pain, she wears a calm expression. I can tell I’ve hit a point of harmony and no longer increase the strength of my lashes.

  I keep her in that heightened state until I’ve determined she’s had enough.

  Once the whip stops flying, I hear the soft sound of her crying. Normally, a woman’s tears bring me pain. In this case, however, it is a sign of a job well done.

  Coiling the whip, I put it down before walking to her. Glee’s head is down, sweat dripping from her skin like her tears.

  I lift her chin up and smile. “Are you satisfied, darlin’?”

  At first, she nods slowly, then starts shaking her head.

  “What more do you need?”

  “You, Master. I need you…”

  Her desire increases my own, and I lean down, whispering, “Why don’t we retire to one of the back rooms so I can satisfy you fully?”

  With one arm wrapped securely around her torso, I unbuckle her wrist restraints and she falls like a rag doll into my waiting arms. Taking her hands, I wrap them around the back of my neck. “Hold onto me.”

  Hoisting her small frame up, she wraps her legs around my waist and I walk off the main area to find a secluded room for us.

  Once I have one, I lay her face down on the bed. Joining her, I examine her marks as I lightly touch them.

  She purrs in response. “I really needed that.”

  “I did, too.” I lean forward and kiss her on the cheek.

  Glee smiles at me adoringly. “I was so torn up about what happened, but now I feel like cotton candy.”

  “Cotton candy?” I chuckle.

  “Yeah…all fluffy inside.”

  “What does fluffy feel like?” I ask as I reach between her legs. Glee is impressively wet. “You really do like being challenged.”

  Gazing into my eyes, she tells me, “You found the perfect balance of pleasure and pain. I could have continued for hours.”

  I chuckle at her claim. “It’s a good thing I understand your body’s limits or you could have gotten yourself in trouble, young lady.”

  Her eyes sparkle with desire as she looks down, licking her lips seductively. “Nothing completes an intense scene better than deep penetration.”

  “So, it’s my cock you’re needing, is it?” I ask, teasing her clit with light brushes of my finger.

  She presses her pussy against my hand. “Yes…that huge cock will be my salvation.”

  I smirk to myself. Knowing she is still flying high from the session and is physically weakened by it, I adjust her position so she is kneeling beside the bed with her stomach resting against the mattress—doggie style. A preferred position of mine.

  I make quick work of my clothes, but I ask glee for her preference. “Hat on or off?”

  “Oh, definitely on. I want to be ridden by you, cowboy.”

  I kneel behind her, stroking my cock as I spread her outer lips with my fingers to get a better view of her hot pussy. “Hold on, little filly, I’m about to make your wishes come true.”

  Coating my cock with her sexual excitement, I ease my large shaft into her. Glee wiggles her hips, moaning lustfully as it slowly slips inside.

  “Wow, your pussy is ready for a pounding,” I state in admiration. Normally, I would have to spend a while warming her body up to take the girth of my shaft, but something about our session today has gotten her loose and primed.

  Grasping her hips with both hands, I watch as I sink my massive cock deep into her. It is still a challenge for her body to take it all, but she purrs in pleasure. “Fuck me, Master.”

  Oh, hell…all my restraint disappears as I pull back before thrusting deeper.

  Glee lets out a scream of pleasure, pressing her fine little ass against me, wanting to take even more.

  Both of us are riding the high of our shared scene and, as a result, my senses are heightened as I claim her body with my cock. I feel everything—the heat of her pussy, the tight constriction, and her slick inner walls inviting me to ravage her.

  Every cry from glee’s lips sends bursts of shivers down my spine. Gripping her ass, I close my eyes and stroke her deeply. When she starts making quick little gasps, I pause for a moment and feel her pussy tense.

  She’s on the brink of an orgasm and I want to feel it. “You have my permission to come.”

  I groan in satisfaction as her pussy pulses around my thick shaft. But, before her orgasm ends, I begin thrusting again.

  Glee lets out a cry of surprise but quickly matches my rhythm, encouraging me to fuck her harder.

  At this point, I need to come inside her.

  Smacking her ass, I tell her to hold on tight. Taking advantage of her insatiable need, I give her all of me and revel in the sound of glee’s passionate cries as I release my come deep inside her, filling her with my seed as I roar in primal satisfaction.

  Afterward, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her against me. “Satisfied, darlin’?” I murmur.

  “Yes…I don’t think I’ll be able to walk for a week.”

  I chuckle into her hair. “I do like a girl with a bow-legged walk.”

  Picking her up, I lay her back on the bed and curl up beside her.

  “Master Anderson,” she says, a hint of hesitancy in her tone. “I wasn’t sure I’d made the right decision to stay until now. I wouldn’t have missed this experience for the world.”

  I run my thumb against her soft cheek as I look at her tenderly. “I wouldn’t have either, glee.”

  The genuine smile she gives me lightens my heart.

  Squeezing her tight, I sigh in contentment. Glee is one of a kind. I could almost envision a future with her.

  I know she has several Doms at the dungeon she’s extremely close to, including the Russian, but maybe she’s worth causing a few waves…

  Testing the Waters

  Thane and I meet the Russian for lunch at my favorite off-campus diner. The two of us arrive there a few minutes early and stand outside, waiting for Durov to show up.

  After fifteen minutes, I give up and go inside to sit at the counter, telling Thane, “This stomach waits for no man.”

  He chuckles. “Well, I can’t blame you. I’m starving, too.”

  As I’m looking over the menu, trying to decide what sides I’m adding to my chicken and waffles, I suddenly find myself in a chokehold.

  I growl as I grab the man’s muscular arm and wrestle with him until I break free. When I turn to face my attacker, I see Durov is standing there, wearing a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Good to see you again, cattle man.”

  “What’s with the choke hold, Durov?” I grumble, grabbing the glass of water in front of me to calm my need to punch him in front of all the other diners.

  “Being late to lunch is considered rude where I come from.” Durov points to a table in the corner. “I have been over there for fifteen minutes, waiting for my rude American friends to arrive.”

  “We were at least ten minutes
early,” I correct him. “But we were waiting outside for some pompous Russian guy.”

  “We were,” Thane agrees with a smirk.

  A waitress rushes up with a worried look. “Is everything okay here, gentlemen?”

  Durov turns to her and smiles, amping up his Russian charm. “Da. As you can see, my delinquent friends have finally arrived so I’d like to order some food.”

  She blushes as she pulls out her pad. “Of course! What would you like, Mr. Rytsar?”

  “Just Rytsar to you,” he says intimately, giving her a little wink.

  If he hasn’t already brought her over to the dark side, I have no doubt he soon will.

  After we sit down at the table and she’s taken each of our orders and left, I chastise him. “Have you no shame? That poor woman has no idea that behind that Russian accent lays a wicked soul.”

  He smirks. “You’d be surprised how many women prefer wicked souls.”

  The waitress quickly returns with drinks for all of us and complementary fries for Durov. “Since your friends were late, I thought these might tide you over until your meal arrives.”

  “You are far too generous,” he states, grabbing a French fry and taking a bite as he stares at her intently.

  Thane nudges him in the ribs, whispering in a low voice, “It’s a family restaurant, so cool it before you get us kicked out.” He nods toward the cook, who is standing with his arms crossed, spatula in one hand, his eyes glued on Durov.

  The Russian nods at the cook as if they are longtime friends.

  Wanting to end the staring match between Durov and the cook, I ask him, “So, I hear good times were had at the beach house over the summer.”

  “Indeed, they were,” he replies with a mysterious grin. “However, I am not at liberty to go into detail.” He leans toward me and asks in a lowered voice, “I am curious about how the country girls in Colorado reacted to your newfound talent.”

  I smile with a sense of pride as I lean back in my chair. “Let’s just say a good time was had by all.”

  He looks at me with admiration. “If anyone can tame a vanilla girl, it’s you.”

  I’m not sure if his comment is meant as an insult or an actual compliment. So, I look to Thane.

  He nods in agreement. “You do have a knack for winning a person over to your side. I’ve experienced it myself.”

  I snatch a handful of Durov’s fries and stuff them in my mouth. Still chewing, I mumble at him, “So, I noticed glee is no longer collared.”

  He gazes at me intently. “No, she is not.”

  “Just wondering if you have set your sights on her.”

  Durov gives me a knowing smile. “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m simply curious.”

  “Of course, you are…” he says, winking at Thane before he answers my question. “I have no designs on the girl.”

  I turn to Thane. “Are you continuing your lessons with Samantha now that the new school year is starting?”

  He gives me the same knowing smile. “I am.”

  “And I take it glee will be involved?”

  “That’s been the plan.”

  “Good…” I reply nonchalantly, taking a sip of my soda.

  Our food arrives, and for the next several minutes, we focus on satisfying our empty stomachs, chowing down on our meals in silence.

  I glance at the table across the diner. “Hey, buddy. Remember that family who sat there the last time we ate here?”

  “Oh, yeah. That father kept staring at me with daggers in his eyes.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, the guy seemed to have serious issues, but the kid was cute—”

  Durov interrupts, blurting, “Out with it, cattle man. Are you seeking to claim glee for yourself?”

  I actually blush, hearing him state it so bluntly. “Not exactly.”

  “What, then?” Thane asks, clearly interested.

  “I’m not trying to mess with your plans or anything. I understand she likes to scene with other Doms and has a working relationship with you. I just…like glee a lot.”

  The Russian breaks out in laughter.

  A surge of anger flows through me and I scowl at him. “That’s nothing to laugh about.”

  “I am not laughing at you. I am laughing at us.”


  When Durov doesn’t answer immediately, Thane speaks up. “Durov is struggling with his growing feelings for Samantha.”

  Holy hell…

  I’d totally forgotten about the instant attraction he’d had for her that first meeting just before I left for the summer.

  “Do tell,” I encourage Thane.


  Durov interrupts him, stating, “If you explain your feelings toward glee, I will share mine.”

  The Russian is normally very aloof, and my roommate seems to be the only person who can break through his tough exterior, so this is an unexpected offer.

  Before I begin, I tell them both, “This stays between us.”

  “Of course,” Durov answers, hitting himself on the chest three times in a gesture of solidarity.

  “I pledge my silence,” Thane agrees amiably.

  Assured of their loyalty, I decide to be completely open with them. “I’ve liked glee for a while. I mean, who doesn’t? But seeing her without the collar did something to me.”

  “Are you falling in love?” Durov asks.

  “No, but…I feel there is the potential, and I haven’t felt that way before. To be honest, it scares me.”

  “Go on,” Durov states, obviously intrigued. I suspect it’s for personal reasons, though.

  “I’ve never been one to fall for a girl. But something my Ma said this summer has been playing in my head, and it got me thinking differently when I saw glee was no longer wearing a collar.”

  “If you pursue her, will you expect exclusivity?” Thane asks.

  I shake my head. “I couldn’t imagine glee going for that. I’m not sure how it would work, really.”

  “It would be an important thing to iron out with her,” Thane states. “I never fully understood the dynamic glee had with her former Master, and I wonder…seeing how you and I are friends, are you sure you’d be okay with me scening with your collared sub, even if it’s for educational purposes?”

  “It seems premature for me to answer that,” I chuckle. “I haven’t even asked the poor girl out yet.”

  “I believe you should think about it,” he urges. “It’s imperative you understand your own hard limits before approaching her.”

  “Wise counsel,” Durov states, I nod to the Russian and that garners an unamused look from Thane. I chuckle, knowing Thane dislikes being called wise, but the kid really is a fountain of uncommon wisdom.

  The Russian gazes into my eyes. “I’m far more interested in your feelings toward the girl. You stated that it scared you.”

  “Yeah, you know…” I begin, smiling nervously. “It’s unsettling to feel overly attracted to someone.”

  “I do know,” he states.

  With that opening, I decide to dig deeper. “So, things are getting serious between you and Samantha?”

  “Nyet,” he states vehemently.

  Thane smirks. “Let’s just say that Durov isn’t sure what he’s feeling about her.”

  I nod to the Russian. “Whatever it is, it’s got you feeling uneasy.”

  “Da!” he says, pointing at me as if I’m a genius or something.

  “What do you plan to do about it?”

  He raises his hands in the air and shouts, “I don’t know!” His yell draws the attention of all the tables around us.

  While Thane pats him on the shoulder to calm him down, I smile at a table near ours full of construction workers who are staring at us. “Woman troubles,” I explain.

  They all nod, chuckling amongst themselves as they go back to their meal.

  “It’s a universal problem,” I say to Durov. Looking at Thane with a raised eyebrow, I add, “Except for cert
ain people.”

  My roommate only smiles. “Take my advice. It’s far less complicated than simply enjoying the company of women. Emotions invite too many variables.”

  “Sometimes you do not have a choice, comrade,” Durov growls.

  Thane seems amused by his statement. “Can’t get Samantha out of your mind?”

  “I cannot. It makes no sense to me. When we are apart, I drive myself crazy thinking about her, and when we are together…my only thought is to possess her.” He looks at us. “But she is not a woman to be possessed. What sorcery is this?”

  “Sounds like love to me,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head. “Nyet. This cannot be love but, if it is not, I don’t know what it is. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. To hear your own experience and compare it with mine.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not in as deep as you are.”

  He leans close and says confidently. “But, you will be.”

  I snort in amusement. “How can you be so sure?”

  “You are easy to read. It’s the reason vanillas trust you so completely.”

  “You say that as if it is a bad thing.”

  “Not at all. But is does make it easy for me to understand now you tick.”

  I turn to Thane, not liking the Russian’s assertion. “Is he full of crap or what?”

  He answers amiably, “You are a genuine soul. It’s a rarity.”

  “So, you are agreeing with him—I am an open book?”

  Thane looks at me with compassion. “I personally think it’s an asset few people possess.”

  “Asset my ass.” I look around apologetically at the families eating around us.

  I silently vow, then and there, to start working on it. I have no issues with women, but I don’t like the idea that other Doms can read me so damn easily.

  “So, Anderson, you have a chance to walk away from glee right now, before things get muddy. Will you?” Durov asks me.

  I huff. “Why would I do that?”

  “Exactly! That’s what I thought, going in. I ignored my fears and walked in blindly.”


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