Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  “Are you suggesting I skip the whole glee thing? Is that it?”

  “Nyet. You’re the only one who can possibly understand what I am going through. I’ll need any advice you can offer.”

  I finish up the last bite of my waffle, chuckling to myself. I never thought Durov would actively encourage me to pursue glee.

  As we head out, Durov stops to pay the bill. He gives the waitress a generous tip and adds an extra five. “Give this to your cook and tell him he needs to smile more.”

  I shake my head as we walk out, amused by his nerve.

  This little gathering has been quite productive for me. Now, I see no reason not to ask glee out. Unlike the poor Russian, I have no intention of diving in too deep.

  One simple date.

  That’s all I need.

  The Seduction

  Now that I have the green light, I make plans to win glee over. Grounded in my country roots, I decide to do it the old-fashioned way—with flowers and an invitation to dinner.

  It seems incongruous, given the atmosphere of the dungeon, but I’m about to stake my claim, and I want all the other Doms there to be aware.

  I hear the buzz start when I enter the dungeon with a simple bouquet of flowers in my hand.

  Some of the Doms start nudging each other as I walk in confidently. The excited twitters of several subs mix with the deep-throated snickers of my peers. I feel badly when several of the girls look up at me expectantly and then pout when I pass them by.

  I see glee talking to a Dom on the other side of the room. It must be an intense discussion, because she’s completely unaware when I come up beside her.

  “Glee, may I speak with you for a moment?”

  She turns with a smile on her face, but her eyes widen when she notices the flowers in my hand. “Of course, Master Anderson…”

  Her gaze remains focused on the bouquet as she asks innocently, “What are those for? Sensation play?”

  I chuckle, amused by the fact that her thoughts immediately turn to BDSM.

  “Actually, they’re for you.” I hold the flowers out. “I would like to formally ask you out on a date.”

  I hear little gasps from the other subs and a low growl from the Dom she was just talking to.

  She stares at the flowers for a moment before looking up at me. “A date?”

  “Yes. I would like to take you out to a nice dinner and get to know you on a more personal level.”

  A smile slowly curves her pink lips upward. “A vanilla date?”

  “Yes,” I answer with a charming grin.

  She glances around the dungeon, blushing a deep pink. The dungeon has grown so quiet, you can hear a pin drop.

  I notice the Dom who was talking to her shaking his head when she gazes over at him, and I suddenly feel sick wondering if I’m about to be shot down in front of the entire assembly.

  Oh, well…you either go big or go home.

  Tilting my head, I smile charmingly. “Totally up to you, darlin’.”

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve gone on a vanilla date?”

  I reach out and graze her cheek with my hand. “Far too long, I reckon.”

  She giggles softly.

  Glee looks around the room again as she decides my fate, but when her gaze returns to me, I read her answer in her light blue eyes and breathe a sigh of relief.

  “You’re right.” Taking the flowers from me, she brings them to her nose and takes in their scent. “Master Anderson, these smell divine! I adore the scent of freesia.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I was planning to pick you up at seven tomorrow evening, if that works for you.”


  I tilt my head. “Is that a problem?”

  She graces me with a shy smile. “No.”

  I wink. “Then I’ll see you at seven, glee.”

  As I turn to leave, she calls after me. “Master Anderson?”

  I turn back to face her, wondering if she is suddenly having second thoughts. “Yes?”

  “What should I wear?”

  “Whatever makes you happy, darlin’.” I tip my hat to her.

  She grins, looking down at her flowers again.

  I walk away, nodding to the other Doms as I leave the dungeon.

  I dress up for our date—my best jeans, a white button-down shirt, leather vest, snakeskin boots, and my favorite Stetson.

  Five minutes before seven, I arrive at the house she rents with four other girls. The instant I knock on the door, I hear a burst of giggling on the other side.

  When glee answers the door, I let out a long, appreciative whistle. I’m used to seeing her in black leather or vinyl, but tonight she’s wearing a yellow summer dress. It gives her a sweet, but flirty appearance.

  Glee looks me over with an admiring gaze. “I didn’t think you could get any more handsome, Master Anderson.”

  “You can call me, Brad,” I tell her.

  The girls behind her twitter and I glance in their direction. I recognize several of them because I have scened with them at the dungeon. The girls immediately quiet down and lower their gaze out of respect to me, as is customary in the dungeon.

  However, I notice they keep taking quick peeks, wanting to satisfy their curiosity.

  Navigating the vanilla world outside the parameters of the dungeon is proving interesting for us all.

  Glee bites her lip, looking at me nervously. “I’m not sure I can call you Brad…I’m so used to calling you Master.”

  I give her a wink. “Why don’t you give it a try?”

  “Okay, umm…Brad.” She blushes profusely after saying my given name.

  “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  She shrugs, giggling.

  I find glee’s sudden shyness charming.

  “How would you like me to address you this evening?”

  Her eyes grow wide. “I…” She looks down at her feet for a moment before meeting my gaze. “My name is Deanna.”

  I tip my hat. “Are you ready to go, Miss Deanna?”

  She bites her lip again and turns toward her friends. “Bye, you guys,” she squeaks, quickly shutting the door behind her.

  She’s obviously nervous, which I find amusing. Who knew a vanilla date could unbalance an experienced sub like glee?

  I hold out my arm to her. When she takes it, she smiles up at me bashfully with those beautiful pale eyes of hers.

  It surprises me that this attractive woman seems unused to having a man take her out purely for the pleasure of her company.

  The fact that we initially met in the dungeon is making this first date slightly awkward.

  When I notice glee averting her gaze, I realize I need to address what my expectations are for the evening. “Deanna…”

  Her head pops up as if she’s surprised to hear her name from my lips. “Yes, Mast—Brad?”

  “I want you to pretend we’ve just met. Forget protocol. I want you to treat me like you would any man you met outside the BDSM community.”

  Her eyes grow wide. “But I’m afraid I might accidently offend you.”

  “The only way I’ll be offended is if you treat me as your Master and not your date.”

  “Now the pressure’s really on…” she giggles.

  “You do realize how crazy this sounds? You, the sweet little masochist, intimidated by a vanilla date?”

  She laughs, nodding her agreement. “It’s like the opposite of the rest of the world.”

  “It is.” I grin. “Tonight, I’m looking for a simple night out. I want to enjoy a good meal and meaningful conversation. I have no other expectations.”

  She shakes her head, laughing. “Why are you doing all this?”

  “I was sincere when I said I wanted to connect with you on a different level—to get to know the Deanna behind the glee, so to speak.”

  Her eyes sparkle when she says, “I find that…refreshing.”

  “I do, too,” I admit as I start the car. There’s a feeling
of inner excitement I’ve never experienced before on a date.

  It definitely bodes well for the night ahead.

  I take her to a highly rated steakhouse, and watch with satisfaction as she takes me up on my offer to order anything she wants off the menu. When the lobster comes out with her filet mignon, she giggles.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She places her napkin in her lap and looks at me sheepishly. “I think I may have ordered way too much. I’m sorry.”

  “Darlin’, as long as you ordered what you want, that’s all that matters. How much you eat is irrelevant.”

  Picking up her fork and knife, she looks at her plate hungrily. “I definitely did, and these leftovers are going to make my girlfriends super jealous.”

  I chuckle to myself when I hear her moan when she takes her first bite. I personally like watching a woman enjoy her food. It gives me a thrill I can’t explain. Although this restaurant is a good one, I look forward to the day when I have my own place and will be able to cook for myself.

  Our dinner conversation starts off light, but I soon delve into what makes this woman tick. “What’s something you’re passionate about?”

  “Besides BDSM?”


  “Travel. Someday, I hope to travel the world. And not with a tour guide, mind you. No, I want to fully experience each place I visit. I want to eat where the locals eat and immerse myself in their music and culture.”

  I find her answer intriguing. “Where have you been so far?”

  Glee blushes. “Nowhere, actually. I don’t have the money yet, but that’s my dream.”

  “Travel is a worthy endeavor.”

  “How about you, Brad? What’s a passion of yours?”


  She giggles. “Really?” She studies my face as if she doesn’t believe me. “I never imagined you were the gardening type.”

  My lips twitch. “I prefer to garden naked.”

  Her jaw drops momentarily, then her eyes sparkle with amusement. “Well, now.”

  “It’s very freeing.”

  “I bet,” she says with a knowing grin. “I’ve never been much into plants, but thinking of you gardening naked sounds like a lot of fun to me.”

  “I did notice your house is seriously lacking garden beds. I’m not opposed to remedying that situation for you.”

  “Oh, all of us girls would be happy to help, I’m sure! I’ll talk to our landlord.”

  I grin at her, imagining all the fun we could have. She’s is definitely an easy girl to like. “So, Deanna, we seem compatible. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “I do?”

  “Just like any couple dating, I figure we’ll just have to see where this leads.”

  “But…” She hesitates. “I really liked the arrangement I had with my previous Master. He took pride in sharing me with Dominants he respected, and I loved all the attention and new experiences that came from that.” She sighs nervously before adding, “I don’t want to give that up.”

  I nod. “I suspected as much.”

  She bites her lip. “To be brutally honest, I don’t see you being able to handle such an open relationship.”

  I frown slightly. “To be equally blunt, I’m unsure, as well. However, I like you, Deanna, and would be willing to try.”

  She looks at me with compassion. “The last thing I want is to ever hurt you.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry about that.”

  Reaching over to take my hand, she tells me, “I’d hate to risk ruining what we have.”

  “But I want to explore a deeper connection with you,” I say, squeezing her hand. “I understand your hesitancy but, if that is the only reason for it, let’s head over to the dungeon after we’re done here and I’ll test it out.”

  She crinkles her brow. “How?”

  “I’ll share you with another Dom and see how I feel about it.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “How can I know unless I put myself in the situation? The real question is…are you willing?”

  “Are you kidding? The idea of scening with two Doms gets my heart racing.”

  “Good.” I look down at my plate. “I think I’m done here. How about you?”


  I get the attention of our waiter and ask him to box up our meals.

  I watch in satisfaction as she squirms in her seat under my lustful gaze. I bet she’s already wet just thinking about what’s ahead.

  “I know exactly who I want to ask…” I explain as we head out, but before she can ask who it is, I put my finger to her lips. “No questions.”

  It makes the drive to the dungeon at lot more entertaining. My sweet, innocent date in her bright yellow dress is about to have the night of her life.

  I can feel the weight of everyone’s gaze as the two of us enter the dungeon.

  Then the whispering starts…

  People don’t know what to make of us coming to the dungeon in our street clothes after a vanilla date.

  “Cattle man!” Durov calls to me from beside the St. Andrew’s cross. I was hoping he would be here, even though I knew Thane had locked himself away in his room to finish a research paper.

  After entering the dungeon, one must always adhere to protocol, so I command glee to kneel where she is and keep her gaze glued to the floor.

  I leave her there, walking over to speak with the Russian. I see his brow is covered in sweat as he finishes wiping down the St. Andrew’s cross. “Just finished with a session?”

  “Da. A satisfying one, at that.” He swipes the back if his hand against his brow.

  Durov nods to where glee is kneeling. “I see glee is with you.” He leans in closer and whispers, “Did she respond positively to your proposal?”

  “Yes, but I will be testing our perimeters tonight.”

  “How so?”

  “I know you just finished a scene, but would you consider scening with the two of us?”

  He raises an eyebrow. “A threesome? Two Doms and one sub?”


  “That is highly unusual.”

  “It may be, but I think the challenge of it would help me assess whether I will be able to provide glee with what she needs.” I figure if I am going to have any feelings of jealousy, watching Durov pleasure her while I pleasure her would certainly instigate it.

  I know how fond she is of the Russian…

  Durov says nothing as he puts the cleaning supplies away. “You never cease to surprise me, cattle man.” He glances at glee. “To do such a thing will raise eyebrows and even invite possible ridicule.”

  I fully expect him to say no and am surprised when he adds, “But I enjoy stirring the pot.”

  “So, you’ll do it?”

  He flexes his throwing arm. “I’m not sure I have another session in me so soon.”

  “There’s no need to use the ’nines. I was thinking more along the lines of a little breath play while she pleasures you with her mouth.”

  Durov smiles, his gaze returning to glee. “Da, that would do.”

  “I’m going to surprise her with my choice of Dom by blindfolding her.”

  His lips curl into a wicked grin. “Excellent.”

  I pick up a blindfold before walking back over to her. “Glee.”

  She immediately looks up. Gone is the shy girl I took out to dinner. In her place is the confident sub I’ve come to know. “Yes, Master.”

  “Stand and turn away from me.”

  Glee rises to her feet and turns, holding her breath as I place the blindfold over her eyes and secure it tightly.


  Glee bites her bottom lip as she shimmies out of her yellow dress. She looks so innocent, standing there in her little white panties and bra. Those quickly fall to the floor, as well.

  “Take my hand,” I tell her. Rather than retreat to a private room, which would only incite speculation, I decide to perform our scene in the open. I
guide her to the spanking bench.

  After helping her onto it, I give her tempting ass a hard smack and grin as the sound of her squeal fills the dungeon.

  “Glee, tonight you will pleasure two of us.”

  “Yes, Master,” she answers breathlessly.

  I move behind her, taking my time as I rid myself of my clothes. My shaft is already hard just looking at her glistening pussy. I reach down to play with her clit.

  Pressing my rigid cock against her, I ask, “Would you like to know who your other Master is tonight?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Durov moves up to her, his hard dick ready to penetrate those pretty lips.

  I tease her pussy with the head of my shaft and command, “Open your mouth.”

  Glee dutifully parts her lips, moaning softly as she waits.

  Taking a fistful of her hair, Durov slowly guides his cock into her mouth. “Deeper,” he growls in his thick Russian accent as he forces it down her throat.

  Glee moans in pleasure as soon as she hears his voice, and she unconsciously arches her back in reaction to his presence.

  I stay still, observing them both while I watch glee deep throat him. Even though it’s apparent they’re both thoroughly enjoying themselves, I feel no hint of jealousy—yet. And I’m encouraged by it.

  Taking her sexy little ass in both hands, I press my cock against her opening and groan in satisfaction as it slips inside her wet pussy millimeter by sensual millimeter. She moans loudly from the challenge the girth of my cock provides.

  That’s when Durov reaches around to pinch her nipples. She squirms against me, obviously loving the dual attention. The Russian chuckles sadistically as he continues to play with her nipples, making her squirm more.

  I spank her ass hard and demand she take all of me.

  Glee pulls her mouth away from Durov’s cock long enough to answer, “Yes, Master. Fuck me with that huge cock.”

  Damn, she turns me on…

  I give a hard thrust and glee moans around Durov’s shaft. I love the power of that and begin pounding into her.

  Soon, I hear glee’s muffled screams as her tight pussy takes all of my substantial cock. I look at Rytsar, who pulls out of her mouth and leans down to whisper something to her.


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