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Master’s Fate

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  She nods even as her head bounces with every stroke of my cock.

  Taking her head in both hands, Durov gazes down at her with a ravenous look as he begins fucking her mouth in rhythm with my strokes. Then he suddenly stops, holding her head still as I continue to thrust into her.

  She stiffens for a moment before her body relaxes, goosebumps covering her skin.

  Pulling his shaft out, glee takes a deep breath of air. When she’s ready for more, she opens her mouth wide for him.

  Durov forces his cock down her throat, claiming it. When he stops again with his shaft deep in her throat, glee completely relaxes.

  I stop thrusting and feel her pussy tightening rhythmically as she’s gripped by an intense orgasm. The sound of her pleasure is muffled by the Russian’s cock, and it almost sends me over the edge.

  I ramp back up, following Durov’s lead as we fuck glee from both ends. When he makes a low, guttural cry, climaxing into her throat, I close my eyes.

  Savoring the wet constriction of her pussy, I pump my seed into her.

  Glee’s body shudders with one final orgasm, milking my spent cock. I groan in satisfaction as I slowly pull out and watch my come spill from her thoroughly fucked pussy.

  Rytsar pulls away, leaving glee gasping for breath, but there’s no denying the smile playing on those sexy lips. Her small frame trembles afterward, her skin drenched in sweat.

  I undo her blindfold and kiss glee’s glistening forehead. She looks up at me with a look of pure adoration, too weak from her multiple orgasms to even speak.

  I glance over at Durov and nod. Not only do I feel satisfied with the scene we’ve just played out, but now I have no doubt I can handle sharing glee with other Doms.

  Lifting glee into my arms, I cradle her against my chest. Looking down at her, I wonder again if she might be the one.

  No Escape

  I’ve been struggling for days with an equation in Applied Calculus, the class Thane insisted I take because of that little bet we had during our freshman year. This problem is a special test the professor handed out during the first class—and it’s ridiculously hard.

  I’m frustrated to the point that I finally decide to confront Thane about the damn math problem. I find him in the library, and I huff loudly as I sit down beside him.

  He slowly looks up from his textbook and smirks. “What’s wrong?”

  I slap the paper containing all my scribbles on the table. “There’s no possible way to solve this equation.”

  He picks up my paper and studies it, nodding his head several times. Looking up, he slides it back over to me. “You’ve made good headway.”

  “That doesn’t help me!”

  Thane smiles. “Personally, I find solving a complicated equation is similar to figuring out how to please a woman.”

  “How so?”

  “When I finally solve it, it’s as if I’m experiencing a mental orgasm.”

  “That still doesn’t help me solve it, buddy.”

  Thane chuckles as he starts gathering his books and stuffing them into his backpack. “I wrote down the hint the professor gave which finally helped me solve it. Let me get that for you.”

  His eyes shine with excitement as he slings his backpack onto his shoulder. “She’s brilliant, the way she teaches this class. By doling out seemingly random bits of information during each lecture, she prepares you for situations you’ll come across in business. The fact is, life doesn’t hand you simple equations that can be easily solved.”

  I growl under my breath. At the moment, I’m having trouble appreciating the professor’s brilliance.

  He slaps me on the back as we exit the library. “To tell you the truth, I’m impressed with the direction you’re taking with the equation. You’re farther along than I was at that point.”

  “Really? Good to know,” I answer, my frustration lessening after Thane’s rare confession.

  As we head back to the dorm, a girl in a pink bikini walks past. I naturally turn my head to admire her fine, curvy ass in its bright pink thong, loving the craziness that is college life in LA.

  Thane murmurs angrily under his breath, “Fuck…”

  I look over at him, wondering what his problem is, and am surprised to find him frowning. Following the direction of his focus, I notice a crowd forming around our dorm building. “What the hell?”

  Thane lowers his head as he walks straight toward the mob. As we draw near, I’m shocked to see it’s a group of reporters. As soon as they spot Thane, they start shouting like a flock of parrots.

  “Mr. Davis, do you have a statement in regards to your mother’s accusations against you?”

  “Is it true you tried to have her killed?”

  “Did you really send your own mother to jail?”

  “Thane, look over here…”

  I stick by his side as he plows through them like a bull in a china shop. The reporters push against me, trying to get closer to my friend, but I won’t let them. It isn’t until we make it to the entrance of the building and shut the doors forcibly behind us that we finally find ourselves alone.

  “What the hell was that?” I yell.

  Thane says nothing.

  One of the guys in the dorm comes up to us and demands, “Is what they say true?”

  Thane says nothing and turns abruptly, heading straight for the stairs.

  I immediately follow him, the empty stairwell echoing with our hurried footsteps. Thane takes the stairs two at a time up to the third floor. In the hallway, several more guys stop us wanting to know what’s going on.

  I push them out of the way before unlocking the door to our room so Thane can disappear inside.

  “Holy shit…” I mutter once we are safe inside.

  Thane doesn’t even look at me, grabbing his earphones and retreating to his bed.

  I stand there, stunned, shocked by the lingering feeling of defilement left by the throng of reporters. I can’t imagine what Thane must be feeling, knowing all the reporters are here because of him.

  Someone starts banging on the door, and I tell them to knock it off before I’m forced to punch them in the face. Once the banging stops, I sit down on my bed and stare at Thane, feeling only sympathy for the guy.

  He lays there, eyes closed, music cranked up, trying to come to grips with what’s happening outside. It felt so violent and invasive…

  The poor guy still isn’t free of his insane mother, even after everything we did to get her into the hands of the authorities. Understanding that Thane needs space to wrap his head around this sneak attack, I start back on that problem, determined to figure it out on my own.

  After midnight, I finally call it quits and glance over at him. Thane hasn’t changed position, but the expression on his face unnerves me. It’s as if he’s given up.

  Thane can’t quit now—I won’t let him.

  I get up and give Thane a nudge, but he keeps his eyes closed, only shaking his head.

  Respecting his need for more time, I turn off the lights and slip into bed, trusting he will see things in a different light by the morning.

  Unfortunately, Thane wakes me up just as the sun is rising. It’s obvious by his bloodshot eyes that he hasn’t gotten a wink of sleep. With a sober expression, he announces, “I’m leaving college.”

  I bolt out of bed. “Like hell you are!”

  “This is only the beginning of the harassment. The Beast won’t let up until I’m kicked out of here. You’ve already experienced her unrelenting tenacity.” He shakes his head. “I thought I’d beaten her at her own game, but all I did was change the location of her attacks.”

  Grabbing Thane by the shoulders, I give him a rough shake. “I’m not going to let you quit. Do you hear me?”

  He growls angrily, gesturing outside. “We can’t fight this. I’ve tried. Once the press gets involved, there’s no escape.”

  “You’re wrong,” I insist.

  Thane turns his anger on me. “You have no idea what I’ve
been through! I fought tooth and nail when the press attacked me as a child—a fucking child, for God’s sake—and I still came out the loser.”

  “But you were alone.” Folding my arms across my chest, I tell him, “You are not alone anymore.”

  “It’s not enough. She’ll break you, too.”

  My lips curl into a smile. “I’d like to see her try.”

  Thane won’t budge. “This isn’t your battle, Anderson. I guarantee your name will be dragged through the mud. Even if you don’t care, your family doesn’t deserve the humiliation they’ll be subjected to.”

  I snort. “My family can handle it. They’ve never been afraid of what others think.”

  “Damn it!” he snarls, getting frustrated with me. “Think about your sisters. As their brother, it’s your duty to protect them.”

  “You don’t understand, buddy. Our town is a tight-knit group. They know who we are, so lies don’t hold power over us.”

  “Damn…” Thane stands back for a moment, muttering, “I wish I knew that kind of family loyalty.”

  “So, you see, there’s no need for you to waste your energy worrying about us. What you need is to come up with a plan to combat her newest attack.”

  He sighs heavily. “It’s pointless. The attacks will never end. It’s better for everyone if I just disappear.”

  I put an arm around him. “You really want to give the Beast that satisfaction?”


  “Well, lucky for you, you don’t have to.” I slap my thigh. “’Cause I’m feeling the same buzz I had when I mounted Crusher. But, this time, I’m staying on the bull till the buzzer sounds and the Beast is conquered.”

  Thane stares at me thoughtfully for several moments before stating, “I never appreciated how much your risk-taking behavior shapes your choices. Was there a catalyst that got you started down that path?”

  Paige’s face instantly comes to mind.

  It’s almost as if Thane can read the pain behind my silence, because he immediately replies, “No need to answer that.”

  The kid is spooky that way—his uncanny ability to read people.

  “If we’re going to miss those reporters, we’d better get you out of here now, before they return,” I tell him.

  Thane nods and starts throwing his notes and textbooks into his backpack, then stops and looks at me.

  “Thank you, Brad.”

  I’m taken aback and joke, “Wow, calling me by my given name…what’s the occasion?”

  “I think you’re crazy for sticking by me.”

  “Well, I live for a good challenge, and your beast of a mother is the ultimate.”

  Thane’s chuckle is tainted with sarcasm as he finishes gathering his supplies. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and walks to me.

  Laying a hand on my shoulder, he says somberly, “You can bail when you start having second thoughts.”

  I burst out laughing. “Are you kidding? Once I have the rope in my grip and my knees clenched around the bull, there’s nothing stopping me from the ride.”

  Thane slips out the back of the building while I head out the front. I’m shocked to see one young reporter perk up as soon as I open the door. When he sees me, however, he can’t hide his frown. “Hey, do you know Thane Davis?”

  I shake my head as I turn and go in the opposite direction.

  He starts following me. “Would you be willing to go on record? I don’t need specifics, just your general impressions of the guy.”

  I walk faster and growl behind me, “Why don’t you get a real job instead of harassing college students?”

  “Asshole…” he mutters, heading back to the entrance of the dorm.

  I have to hand it to Thane. I gave him no end of shit for keeping to himself like a recluse his freshman year, but now I understand the wisdom behind it. The most reporters are going to get from his fellow classmates is that he’s often seen at the library and pretty much keeps to himself.

  No one on campus other than Durov, Clark, and I know about his alternative lifestyle, or that he often frequents the dungeon. Thankfully, Thane can trust everyone there—silence in that small BDSM community is a given.

  I suspect the reporters are going to have a difficult time getting information on him, and they’ll have to move on after a few days.

  I catch up with Thane at the small coffee shop just off campus. “You already had one of those reporters waiting for you,” I tell him as I settle down in the seat beside him.

  “Why am I not surprised?” he growls.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I ask after ordering two cinnamon rolls.

  “I’d have to stay hidden if I remain on campus, but I still need to attend my classes. I have too much riding on finishing early to let even one class slip.”

  “I know you want to graduate early, and it’s” important you stick to that plan. That’s why I’m determined to help you.”

  The waitress hands me two dishes with large cinnamon rolls. I slide one toward Thane.

  He looks down at it. “I’d prefer to skip breakfast. Besides, Durov should be here any second.”

  “You need sustenance after the kind of night you’ve just had,” I insist.

  “I’d rather not,” he states, staring at the ooey gooey perfection.

  “Live a little, buddy.” I take a bite of my roll and groan in pleasure as the warm bread melts in my mouth and the sweet cinnamon plays on my tongue. “Nothing tastes better in the morning. Trust me.”

  He gives me a side glance, but grins slightly. “I can think of one thing I’d rather taste.”

  Even in the face of adversity, Thane still has a dirty mind.

  I like that.

  I watch in satisfaction as he finally takes that first bite. Thane knows I’m watching and chews it without any expression, but there’s no hiding how good it is, and he eventually smiles.

  “Do I know my way around food or what?” I boast. “I will never steer you wrong.”

  Durov bursts into the café and immediately waltzes over to us. “Okay, who needs to get roughed up?”

  “Hold your horses,” I tell him. “You can’t go disturbing the cinnamon roll experience.” I hold up my hand and instruct our waitress to get us another one.

  Durov sits down opposite Thane, exuding malevolence. The guy could be dangerous if left to his own devices.

  Before he has a chance to pump Thane for more information, the lovely waitress sets a cinnamon roll in front of him.

  “We need to talk—” he insists, pushing it away.

  “Eh, eh…no talking.” I push the plate back and hand him a fork before taking another bite of my roll.

  With a huff, Durov stabs at the cinnamon roll. He takes a bite and looks surprised, flashing me a rare grin. “This is similar to plushka. My mother makes the best.”

  “I would like to see a showdown between your mama and mine,” I tell him, certain my mother would win.

  “No offense, cattle man, but my mamulya would decimate your sweet mother in the kitchen.”

  I laugh good-heartedly. “I doubt that very much.”

  “How about a bet, then?” he states with a mischievous smile. “I’ll pay for your mother to fly to Russia so you can put your claim to the test.”

  I don’t know if he’s joking, but I immediately take him up on it. “Anytime, anywhere. I’m confident my mama will outcook yours.”

  “Huh,” he snorts, taking another bite of his roll.

  I notice Thane silently watching our exchange and suddenly realize it must be hard for him to hear us go on and on about our mothers when his is such a royal bitch.

  “Any ideas on how to thwart the reporters?” I ask, wanting to change the subject.

  Thane holds up his hand while he finishes chewing. “Before I say anything more, I want to give Samantha a chance to get here.”

  I instantly see Durov perk up. “What? She’s coming here?”

  “Yes. I felt it was necessary, considering the Beast c
ontacted the three of you personally last time. I’m afraid that however this plays out, you may all suffer because of her.”

  Durov quickly finishes his cinnamon roll, looking at his hands in irritation. “Unlike my mother’s plushka, this is a sticky mess.”

  “It makes eating it all the more fun,” I tell him, licking my fingers with relish.

  He huffs as he stands up and excuses himself to go wash his hands.

  Once he’s out of earshot, I mutter to Thane, “I never thought the Russian would be susceptible to the wiles of a woman. It’s kind of cute.”

  He chuckles in agreement. “I do find it curious myself.”

  Samantha walks through the door, sounding breathless, and unknowingly takes Durov’s seat. “I got here as soon as I could…”

  “I appreciate it,” Thane tells her. “I’d prefer we were meeting under better circumstances—”

  Durov clears his throat behind Samantha and says in his thick Russian accent, “You have taken my seat.”

  She glances up, ready to challenge him. Then—for no apparent reason—she suddenly becomes mute when their eyes meet.

  Durov holds out his hand to her. Without a moment’s hesitation, she takes it and he directs her to the chair beside him, giving her hand a lingering kiss before letting go.

  Samantha blushes as she sits down.

  Although Thane is watching them intently, he lets their little exchange pass without comment. “Now that you are all here, I want to explain what happened last night.” He glances over at me. “As I mentioned on the phone, Anderson and I were accosted by a mob of reporters outside the dorm.”

  “I’d be happy to smash each and every one of their faces in, comrade,” Durov asserts, grinding his fist into his palm.

  “As much as I might enjoy it, that would definitely not help the situation,” Thane says with a smirk.

  He continues, his voice growing angry, “Apparently, my mother is throwing around accusations that I planned to kill her for her money, and then added that when she discovered my plans, I hid my own guilt by claiming she was crazy and getting her locked up.”

  “Nobody is going to believe her,” Samantha scoffs.

  Thane looks at her somberly. “The Beast already has several lawyers offering to represent her.”


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