Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 6

by Aileen Wuornos

  Ff 42


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . So hey ’ol Buddy, “Good Mornin Gal!” Hope your doin OK! How about some real food, got any? I’m tired of cold eggs with no salt, (or) pepper, coffee that taste like mudd, Oatmeal brown that looks like dog vomit. (or) grits that look like seagull shit, leaving out green speckles, theres black ones! I think those are knatts, (or) maybe maggot eggs ha! ha! I know one thing It aint pepper! This coffee I swear, they put ex-lax in it. Then giggle there little ass’s off while we poop the deck . . .

  My neighbors are DR #2 and #3. theres also #4 and #5 . . . Theres Deidra hunt,43 shes in for killing an 18 year old (tied to a tree.) Was videoed of it. There’s Andrea Jackson44 (killed a cop) Ann Cordona45 – (killed her little boy with a

  baseball bat) and Judi Buenoano46 “the Black Widow” (she poisoned her husband with arsenic in 1971, and drowed her paralyzed son in 1980) . . . This room seems to be about 15 feet high. Theres a window that can be cranked open, no bars, except one inch and a half heavy metal strip running down the middle. I’d say its about 10 inches wide. So we do get fresh air though . . .

  Theres a T.V. stand, bolted to the wall of nicotine pink, brown, about half way positioned . . . Stranes your neck bad, just to sit, and look up to it.

  I have a metal grey foot locker, which is about 40 inches long and about 15 inches wide. This is where I sit on the floor on a blanket and pillow, and use it as a desk to do all of my letter writting (or) book writting (or) drawing’s etc. Then there also is a funky green like (lime color) clothes locker, where my state garb, and personnel P.J’s and (silk Karate lookin black robe) hangs within. Its 6 ft high, by 2 foot wide. Decorates the place a bit as well as the foot locker. Also I have a grey metal folding chair, which I drape my navy blue state jacket over to cover over its bland look. It also helps to decorate the room some.

  The bed is made of steel, which is bolted to the wall. (No legs.) . . . Theres 2 dark (grey wool) blankets that cover its drab existence.

  Then there is a stainless steel sink with commode attached to. It is Silverish grey. Very clean looking, Since its stainless. And is cause I’m “always” cleanin my quarters . . . Seemingly always given the floor a quick wipe over. With a sock. ha! ha! An old military trait. A mirror, tinted, so as you think your tan, when in all reality, you as white as a “Alaskan albino” . . . is positioned between the stainless steel sink and T.V.

  The door that holds my withering existence in, has a ten by ten by ½ inch thick window to it . . . And also there is an area, to serve food trays, that is closed at all times, except to dish out chow.

  Then I have a 10" X 12" radio for sanity with big head phones of Nova 40s – For to block out, disturbances of any kind. Such as girls going off, and trying to kick in there heavy metal + steel doors that hold (em) hostage. Which can really get noisey! . . .

  Then I also have the “Dake”47 to help me through. And lastly the room has things out here and there, to make it feel more livable, and give it a livingroom existence. Pictures, lots of yours, and books out. Cards on the clothes locker,

  Foot locker, decorated with what ever can be put out. to discard the drab look. And presto! This is D.R#1 . . .

  Well!! You can survive and keep from going (insane) by constantly keeping yourself occupied. Which I do by much letter writing, working on my life’s manuscript, for a future book. Drawing, poetry, Song writing, only lyrics, don’t know how to create a song in notes, for music form. Just the words. Book reading, Bible studying, and lots of communicating to God, is what basically I do, to keep occupied. Lots of praying as well. “Not for only myself!” But for humanity . . .

  The lunch can be so, so with vegetables. The dinners, at times good. like fried (or) baked chicken, speggitti, beef stew, chilli and rice etc. Vegetables are always plentyfull. So its not that bad of food. It would just taste a bit better, with Seasonings, (or) sauces to spice its taste up somewhat more.

  We draw out Canteen – store items – once a week. Monday list goes out, Thursdays receive, of only 30 dollars a week of. This is were your real essentials come by . . .

  So there you have it. I basically watch T.V. only when a real good (or) cool movies on, (or) when wheel of fortune (or) jeopardys on. And always watch the afternoon and evening news. oh! I cant forget! My favorite morning game show. “Price is Right.” Then the rest of my hours are spent on what ever to keep occupied, until I get tired and get a chance to leave this existence behind with. “Sweet Dreams” The most blissful part of reality, from a slow dying one in a 6 X 10. Well last page – more to follow . . . Take good good care – Love Always – 4-now – Love Aileen



  Humiliating photo

  News clippings 2 of on

  Death times 3 for Wuornos

  Dear Dawn,

  What do you mean by sittin there nearly fallin on the floor, over hysterical uncontrollable laughter! That’s OK!” Cause “Shit!” so am I . . . . . Matter of fact I’m loosin it man! I’m bent over grippin the cramps I’m creatin over it in my stomach. Look at that face!48 “Did I get Suddenly demon possessed (or) what?!” . . .

  At least I brought my humor into the courtroom even. Oh! Lord! can you

  imagine how many “homo-Saphiens” died laughin, over this front page photo! . . . Anyway! Dawn, ... Dawn! Quit Laughin! Listen! . . . I called the Judge a motherfucker and gave him the finger. Reason is, is because I just finished a 23 page proclamation, which was written on both sides. Basically every thing I wrote to you – for sound off – on all the crookedness that went on . . . And also read the deal I sent out to you, from the “Dake” about were God is so different from men and there sin, lustfilled ways.... I did this to show Society there ignorant behavior towards things. Did all this. And the judge came back, with nothing but Super cut down crude remarks. Like you killed in cold blood, and didn’t seem to appreciate, the best defense lawyers in Marion county you could recieve . . . He Just was so “cold” . . . . A down right I don’t give a shit attitude. And I believe again it was for re-election purposes.... So he wanted to satisfy the public. To the crueliest sentence, regardless that maybe she’s tellin the truth, or even somewhat. Nothing mattered.... He had his mind set, before Mallorys trial was even over . . .

  But at least I got the “Dake” message out. I also did this because I knew T.V. Court would air it. They air the whole of any court appearances of mine. Leaving nothing out. So this made me feel real good.

  When I told the Asst state Attorney. (That!) I couldn’t help myself! Because after all the “Self defense” overly stated by me, and explaining it in the 23 page proclamation, plus the Jury hearing the 3 ½ hour tape on nothing but, but still voted something like 10 to 2 death. And no one wanting to listen.... then the judge sentencing me. . . I flew off the handle, and just had enough! Started to “Go off” bad! . . . I’m gonna go practice in the mirror for my next court appearance. To see how ugly a demenor I can dish out! ha ha! Laugh Laugh I thought I’d DIE!! 4-now. Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  Enclosed is a Xerox of “Mercy plea” 2 pages . . . Comments by psychologist Elizabeth McMahon49 . . . How can she say if I was raped and sodomized (its irrelevant) and that my reaction . . . retaliating back by such violence was

  permissible (or) unpermissable . . . all I can say is “What about the fucker Mallory!” His behavior was illegal, and irrelevant to me wheather he should live (or) die . . . Let me tell you what can happen in a rape. Your hair gets pulled out, he shoves his penis fully erected down your throat and bruises your esopa-gus, as well as the roof and sides of the (inside cheeks) of your mouth . . . Also telling you, if you scratch my cock with your teeth, your dead. Then he pulls your pussy hairs out, for additional pain, grabbs your ass real hard like (kneading dough) as he’s cramming his cock in you, same thing in anal screwing. Bites nipples, to also, nearly cutting em off . . . as he’s screwing you viciously, poundi
ng as fast and as hard as he can . . . And also while all this is going on, threats are being made, and dirty talk at the most provockativist provanity you could imagine.

  So rape is not just get on and get off.! Stupid fuckers. Society apparently doesnt understand this, nor cares to, exspecially if you’re a hooker. There allowed to treat you like this, and also kill you . . .

  Well Gotta Go . . .

  Love Lee

  P.S. All rapes are different in Actions but this gives you an idea.



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I hope I never see these Xerox’s50 again! ha ha! This is the last one! Comment on the gurgle jazz . . . This was Antonio.51 See they cant even get the victim right. The ballastics experts during Williams Ruling at the Mallory. Even admitted Humprey was never shot in the head. He was shot in the neck, and the bullet traveled into his brain. This was what happened while we struggled with the weapon. See they lie like hell . . .

  OK! I just checked The last paragraph were it says He got back up, and ending put him out of his misery, is not in the transcripts52 . . . Theres nothing about gurgling and put him out of his misery, except munster putting words in my mouth . . . He said it. I didnt . . .

  Well, last of the New’s, Thanks for taking it off my hands, cause all it does is upset me. Bad.

  Hope I hear from ya soon, Dawn

  Take Super good care, and Stay Cool . . .

  Love always




  one letter by Arlene

  called comedy


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . You lucky babe! You got to see Dateline.53 But not I. Boy! was I pissed. About me, and couldn’t even see it. So I have no idea, what it had. Was anything edited, did they chop, distort . . . I hope your right, that I did O.K. Knowing me, I’m not very photogetic, so I probably was pretty funky lookin . . . How did tyria look. Dorky! She’s not a good looker. But oh did we ever party, and do most everything together ... I still love her. Can’t let her go! . . . She could shoot me, and if I survived it . . . I woulda had open arms, still, with lots of love to give. That’s Just the way I am. I Love to give Love . . . I know I’ve hurt, myself over being this away. But the pain, doesn’t feel, so bad, when you know your struggling to give love, for a cause that really pays off . . . I know for a fact. Ty and I wouldve stayed together for life. If this Shit hadda never of happened. She told me on the phone, in one of the recorded phone calls at VCBJ . . . Lord did I cry on that phone ... Cut me up like a machette attack to the heart. Arlene, wants to keep her away from my funneral . . . I want Tyria at my funeral more then Anything. Ill die thinking of her, as well as you. I don’t believe much thought of anyone else will come to mind . . .

  Well Gotta Close. Through. Love always Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi there Gal! Well Steve write amazingly to tell me 21st in Pasco54. And also if I’d like 4 you to be at the trial. And of-course I wrote back. “YES.” . . . Since

  I feel they’re getting money up there ass . . . Let em pay your way through with “flying colors, and 1st class.” nic, nic . . . we’ll get the glimspe of a life time of each other. WOW! nearly 18 years or more. I can’t wait! Although we won’t be able to talk to one another we will at least get this blessing . . .

  4-now Good Buddy Love Lee. AW.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I still bet [Arlene] sent you 6 Xerox’s of the least interesting drawings. Are there any cabin ones. There the best. Or how about the one of a girl on the beach . . .

  Well let me get back to answerin some more of your letters. Dawn, Dawn, Dawn! who in the hell is feeding you this bull, that I “dont want to see you” Man no fuckin way! ... Ill be wearin non waterproof mascara, and I know lll cry. Look like Alice Cooper, but itll be Well Worth it . . . Your so well Loved, you could punch me in the face, and I’d “still” Love you. Toni, did, and I “Still” Loved her . . . As for her seeing me the next day (Arlene.) Hell no! No way!

  “FUCK Arlene!”

  As for why I pleaded “no contest”, Ill explain it all to you, the day you can come on down. Then you’ll get a clear cut understanding. Which you’ll say. Oh I get it now, and be satisfied (as) I am. Grant you I’d rather be on death Row then in population here for life . . . I’d rather end a long suffering then endure it out there in that hell, for years. Theres some real evil women who live in this prison. They’d kill in spite.

  . . . Dawn! ... I also wrote Steve and told him I wanted you at my trial, I don’t know about how they’ll get the plane fare. But they better! . . . Must go. 4-now Love Lee

  9-1 1-92

  Dear Dawn,

  what a time to inform you such. “on Pasco.” I mean they had ½ of year. And no they did not ask me if I wanted you on the stand. Marion. I believe they told me, they couldnt find the funds to get you down. So I Just had to agree of course. Like shit, and I wanted her down here. I may of disliked the idea of the Jail to stay. But when I was there., the second time. Low and behold I was given a royal “Red Carpet” treatment, because I was going to help them locate Siems body. The Search was a drag, because the cops and Tilley from Marion County refused half the places I asked them to check, and refused my overnight stay in Jail to look more tomorrow. They were not interested. This is what lead me to believe, they just wanted a report to check, that they did, but no find. Because they already did, but covered it up. To keep the Georgia Boys out from discovering about the well hid movie overkill, in which if it wasnt for Jackie and had heard a leak about there doing a movie the cops. We never would of known about it either. After we learned. They started even life threats on people, Arlene, Trisha, and Jackie are three I remember others I can’t remember names. Yep! For real the cops were, doing this . . .

  Dawn, do me a favor, dont allow yourself to be interviewed with Inside Edition, with Arlene., I believe this is another profit scam, by “Steve and her.” . . . There not letting you know its for money. Trust me, I know there getting paid ... Michelle Gellen from dateline wrote. She wants another interview.. I’m allowing one . . . Please dont do Geraldo if anything. He’s a snake in the grass. Remember Sound off and what I wrote about . . . He’s only out for bucks, and will do Vile negative, Slanderous, false, and lieing crap, to reap from his evil. Dam so much to say. Last stamp to.... 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Arlene hasn’t written yet. Boy! . . . She know’s we figured her and Steve out . . . N.B.C. Dateline hired a private investigator. . . . There finding alot of proof alright . . . And guess whose being all nose up, and so disagreeable . . . (To N.B.C.) Steve and Arlene . . . They won’t answer any questions nothing to help thee investigation ... Check this one out. C.B.S. wanted to interview me. First of all. 2 reasons why I will not. Could be cops strategy . . . To discredit my character in honesty over Dateline. (2) could be Geraldo . . . There badgering me to be interviewed by them, so bad. Its as if they (Geraldo) already gave Steve and Arlene some Jack for this interview . . . (Steve + Arlene) probably said. oh! she’ll except an interview trust me . . . But I won’t. So anyway. Isn’t that some sneaky shit . . .

  Arlene, played a fast one . . . Remember when I told you. Steve said, Theres no such thing as (wills) in Florida. Which I told him he full of shit . . . Arlene wrote and said. By the way. I’ve got a date with Steve next tuesday, to get a will made out . . . So if I die, you’ll be well takin care of . . . Thats O.K. N.B.C. interview is where I start to blow open, all the scandals. Everythings comin out. Everyone and Everybody ... One way or another, the world is gonna hear this. Wheather they believe me or not . . .

  I Love ya Gal! Take super Care!

  for now!




  If you become confussed at any point in this letter, re-read

  it over 10 times, and then you wont be!! ha ha

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Guess what.! Tyria wrote me. Yep. Told me! Jackie is involved with the movie Overkill. (The cops) and that Jackie handed Tyria the script ... If this is true . . . the P.D.(s) were diffinately working in conspiracy with thee investigators with the movie overkill before my arrest ... Now lets bring Arlene in this! Arlene . . . told me. Jackies movie was gonna be titled “Angel of Death” Suddenly today I find out Delores Kennedy55 titled her book that. Which now makes me feel Delores Kennedy is working for Jackie, as well . . . So, now if Arlene has been in this (constant) communication with Jackie, that means she’s workin with the state. And so is Steve, and that is why?!!!, they coarsed, and manipulated me, and connived me, to waive off the trials. which not anymore! I’m taken Pasco + Dixon to court. So also this is why both Arlene + Steve are trying to convince me to, “Waive off appeals,” and except thee electric chair, as soon as possible ... Dawn, I am as sane as God is, and do know what I’m talking about . . . The World would be totally shocked, at the crookedness that has carried on here . . .


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