Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 10

by Aileen Wuornos

  AKKK . . .

  Well I tell you. Even as much as I HATE Munster and his cohorts . . . Even I, wouldn’t want to see them strapped to the chair. Thats how hiddious this type of murder is.... They’ve got to litarally be “CR AZY” . . .

  oh by the way have you heard the latest! The Supreme Court decided . . . in “Herrera vs Collins”87 that it was not unconstitutional to execute an innocent man. . . . the law need not provide an opportunity for new evidence to be introduced, even if that evidence proves without a doubt not guilty, and have no right

  to be heard on it by a federal court, once there trials are over and they’ve been sentenced.... Bold facedly giving the finger to the public and saying, And what are you going to do about it human race? . . .

  OK! thought Id fill ya in good Buddy. Sorry if the letter was depressing.... Love ya’s. 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . check this out! At the gay march in Washington they made a banner that said “FREE AILEEN WUORNOS”. And the gal who wrote and told me about it, said the banner looked at least a block long. COOL! ... She wrote me from a flier at the march . . . askin people to write the judge or Govenor on my behalf of being rail roaded in injustice. COOL I hope a civil attorney gets one, and starts contacting me. I am ready to throw Arlene and Steve in court. Royal! . . .

  Love ya Buddy



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I received ty’s package. Aw! The sweetheart picked out a real cool lookin watch. Its got these roman numerals around the gold ring of the watches outter cover. has a gold hands one it, one for minutes movin around and its backdrop face of it is marble lookin. Green streeks like a tiger look. Cool! . . .

  Lets see. King trial and the four cops. Two were acquited 2 convicted. One was Koon GOOD . . . 53 some off people were killed in the L.A. Riot, over 1 billion in damages. All because of these racist pigs who love to be spoiled and think they can do as they wish . . . I believe if the Judges slaps there wrists on there convictions. All over U.S. hell is gonna break loose. And I dont blame em. Where all sick and tired of Crooked Cops! ...





  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy! ... Ive halted my book right now, to re-read for the 6th time the entire bible over . . . I’ve been hearin whispers royal, as a feeling of good spiritual presence came to be in the room . . . and it keeps saying. “Prepare yourself . . . Prepare yourself he’s coming soon” . . . So this is what I’m doing now . . .

  4 now Love Lee X



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . your letters really brighten up my day in here. One of your letters were on buriel. As far as buriel the prison way, Yes they can do this for someone whose been abandoned by loved ones . . . I guess some prison’s have grave yards. Unkeept and all. Like a garbage dump ...

  Anyway! This letter will be on burial procedures. To answer up all those questions ... My main concern is your having my ashes . . . And the state or anyone else not touchin any body parts to be removed. “Like my brain.88” Once Im dead. I’m no longer a convict or state property O.K.

  . . . Keep this letter where it can be grabbed when needed . . .

  Clothes – White jeans, white T-shirt. If possible get a T-shirt with Christ on it . . . If it must be a black one. Then in cranberry or stone wash light blue look jeans. Some type of belt on, with T-shirt tucked in. I’d also like to be wearing ear rings that are cross’s (my ears are pierced) and a cross necklace. Visible please. T-shirt size medium – jeans size 8.

  Laid out – Please have a smile put on my face. Hair loose and lying relaxed around pillow and shoulders. Also I’d like a cross in my hands . . . with also a bible tucked between my arm’s and rib cage . . . Please put a single rose along side my arm/bible area. I did this with Keith. OK

  Coffin – My taste is a brown wood one, with light or white satin . . . Also my body and coffin sprayed with Emerade perfume. Emm. Pine smell . . . songs can

  be played on a good sound system.... you can rent one out at rent a center or champion . . . for like 20 bucks a week.... hook it up . . . Like a cook-out . . .

  And then of-course let it rip with some of your favorites Ill be listening – Chuckle chuckle . . . I pray tyria is there. I love her like you right on into Eternity . . . . You 2 are the Only ones I know who I’ll think on as I depart.

  This is all I can think off. . . . Theres maybe 2 more years for me. Who know’s though, the Rapture may occur . . . So I may not see this death on Row. But another kind in Christ’s name....

  Dawn, Keep your letters comin. “I Love you Royal!” . . . ty only writes once in a blue moon. Tears me up! Ahaw haaw haa, sniffle sniffle. . . . Take Care. 4-now Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Linda wrote!89 . . . she told me about BBC’s film, being out. My interview I had with em. says it was “Great!” So now that makes. England, Germany, Australia and thioland, I heard from someone in San Francisco Calif, that seen it . . . She says the cops corruption is being exposed, as well as Arlene and Steves Jazz . . . “Love it!” . . .

  Say Dawn, if you ever see or hear anything on a “Will Kit” will you check into it. There is a 1-800 number on it . . . For 2495 you can get one. But . . . how Valid are they. So if you have the time, check it out on geniunieness . . .

  Well, Im now in Psalms . . . It so relaxing ... I listen to a Christian station nearly all day long, as I read the bible. When I pray. I feel . . . holiness within my soul. Not that I’m holy. “No way!” But it’s the Holy presence of God . . . 4-now


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi! I’m back with some more of the latest I’ve heard on the news. “Have You?” About the guy who killed 17 prostitutes in New York.90 If not. It all happened on his bust, by havin no tag on his car. State troopers were in route to

  stop to ask why etc, when he decided, “Oh no! I’ve got my latest victim decomposing in the back of my truck!” “Better hit the medal to the pedal.” So he ran a stop sign. His glass’s that he wears must of fell and he hit a utility pole . . .

  What really pissed me off. is when channel 10(s) newscaster Art Carlson was relating this latest arrest, he smerked when he mentioned the victims were “Prostitutes.” Like havin “Sex” is such a higher crime then the rapist and murder’s was. I am so sick of them downin prostitutes as major criminals, worthy of death, just because of sex. Like I’ve said before. “We all Fuck!” . . .

  And think about it. A lover, (or) a friend, (or) your husband (or) your boss. etc, etc, etc. usually when you’ve given out that good stuff. He usually buys you something (or) give you money, (or) gifts just the same. So even though your not doing it on a regular basis, with strangers, your still – “in a sense” – being rewarded in return for letting your male buddy here, whoever he is, husband, friend, etc etc, like a prostitute is for puttin out . . . Theyre doing the same dam thing . . .

  How could anyone “Laugh” at a womens death by the hands of a viciously evil man . . . And check it out. I bet ya he gets life91 . . .

  Well, don’t let it . . . make your skin crawl to much, cause I’d hate to see you distracted from the word of God, thats full of love! ...

  4-now until next

  time. From the Silly Wabbit


  better known as – – – – – – – – – Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Yooooo! And! Happy 4th of July! Crash Boom Bang! hey what are we clebrat-ing. America’s all messed up now.! Expecially now that we have a president who’s faggot. Preverted and is a homo sexual Pro bowl, whose trying to Revolutionize all Americans to follow suit. UK! Check this out.! A Christian organization went to a gay rally in San Francisco Cal. Around 400,000 were there. And they videoed a group of stripped women bullwhipping one another. As next to come up right behind them in a cov
ertable luxury car, was clintons advisor “Harthorn” and his

  lover making out with one another in a deep french session in the back, and the following luxury vehicle, was right behind them, as one of the female “Supreme Court Judges” I believe he said was doin the same in the back seat with her lover. Jerry Farewell from P.T.L has it on Video for sale, as well as Bob Larson and his Christian Brothers and sisters who went to wit and video it, also for sale. He’s Anti Clinton now, and wants to see him empeached, trying to get Americans to vote him outta office. What a trip Ā ?

  O man, guess what I just heard. Your just gonna fall out Dawn. Like totally, this bitch Arlene Pralle is unbelievable! She attended Virginia Largaleree’s92 trial. Can you believe it! Talk about wantin in the spot light. Virginia’s was a highly publized one in Daytona beach. And she’s now here on death row. She was accussed of killing her husband by a hit deal for the multimillion dollar insurance policy he had put up for himself for his family. Anyway, Virginia just told me, she attended her trial. She recognized her, sitting in, when she’s seen her over and over on T.V.


  More stuff I just recently heard by Virginia and Judy here. I never knew about. That Steve Glazer received [money] from Jeraldo. That it was in a news article. Which they so assuredly made sure “Steve and Arlene” I’d never obtain to see and learn of this, under the table deception. Another thing I learned of as well. Is the courts found me incompetent at my first trial. So, no one told me this one! Wōōō I’ve got to put this letter aside. Gettin pissed and cant even write right. I am furious! Shit before I do hear one more 4 weeks ago I just as well learned and didnt know about. Steve glazer did not file in the last 4 trials (or) 5 purhaps any appeal papers like all attorneys do . . . Well I guess I’m gonna carry on, as mad as I am, and tell you more . . .

  Virginia just told me about a big write up they had in the papers on the bucks the cops obtained for their “overkill bullshit flick” That they had to hand the money back over to charity. Ya a charity.! The reason they were railroading me “their excuse was”, to build a fund raiser for the family victims. Well there first thought for charity was to the police Benevolence Association. Then they wouldnt go for this one. Another one they tried. And it was no go. Finally the money was shared to the family victims, with get this. 25% of for the cops to keep.

  I am so fuckin discusted and mad. UK! These low life whale shit masses of puke, just make me shit! I mean sick! To my ever living – – – – – – – – – stomach! UGGG! I am Furious. Look how evil.! Swear there day in hell is just around the corner. No – doubt.!

  Judy said, as well as Virginia, when they where reading about the large sums, Steve was obtaining for the interviews, which “I had no knowledge of”, and Arlene as well from overkill and other deals the papers were picking up on and sending to the public eye, was all for futher legal assistance for me. As I never knew at all of, and Judy and Virginia were going to themselves Aww! how nice. They really care about her, and are trying to help her out. Good people, and all that jazz. Dam Dawn. I just received all this info – minutes ago. It is making me sick. I am furious! So this weekend I’m written to the florida Bar on Steve, and all his bullshit.

  Now I’m takin a Big Stand.

  I’ve had it!

  OK! Are ya proud of me. AKKK No! don’t kiss me! Yikes! AW come on Aili, just a peck on the cheek. Ō OK. go ahead. are ya done. Time to fly! Thanks, heres a hug and a kiss’y poo back! EmmmmmmmmMmMmMmMMph! X . . . . . ha ha,

  OK!, Take Care


  Got ta Cool off





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Arlene . . . wrote back and wants to keep in touch . . . So . . . I ask questions once in a while, hopin she’ll answer. And any she asks me. Ill avoid. Ha Ha! . . . Gonna remain on a defensive line, so no-more conniving occurs . . . Plus Ill be needin money later on when my funds run out. So she can reimberse me on [the money] she obtained altogether from me . .

  There sure building up on these support committers for my behalf. From New York to San Fran. But what gets me, is not a penny has been funded to me . . . What else is a support committee for. You have any idea? . . . Why all these people write me, saying they’ve joined this support jazz, yet for, what. Just to wear a pin and say. I support what A.W. did. Give me a break. Any way. I enclosed . . . fliers at a gay march in Frisco, so people would come to . . . watch Nick Broomfields 2 hour documentary on me . . . It exposes Arlene and Steve royal. But not much has been spoken of on cop corruption . . . I need more answers on what all was shown in this documentary . . .

  Well let me cut out . . . I’ve got to work on Tyria’s birthday drawings . . .







  10 - 5¢ stamps

  and 6 - 1¢ stamps93

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Dawn, I am utterly bummed your possibly loosin your house! But prayer is, “PowerFull” and if you ask God for help . . . he will. Maybe help you find, a cheaper place to live . . . Have you’ve ever considered a mobil home, rental (or) Option to buy? Single wides are fairly nice to live in today. The Modern ones. Around any where from 8 to 14,000. The double wides have sunk in living rooms . . . and kitchens with modern utilities, ranging from 20 to 30,000. I once back in 76 almost put 1,000 bucks down on one like this . . . But it would be cheaper to catch up and one day own. Then once you owned it, you could go for another one, and rent out your old. Making a little retirement investment . . . O.K. Letter #2 on the way. See ya then Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi thar . . . Bycycle Ridin. How cool! I use to do it all the time . . . Use to ride 29 miles to flagler from Daytona and back, like every other day. Im glad ta hear your gettin into some real exercise . . . in my early 20s on days off from work . . . Id pack 4 mellow yellows on it within a beachtowel, wrapped around the handle bars with bungie cord and a Bible . . . That was it. Excedpt for me, dressed in Ts and shorts with a bathin suit underneath. Eventually I’d strip down to just my bathin suit, and cruise out to flagler. Then once out there at a beach area so deserted from any walkin life. I’d hang out and read the Bible, as the beautifull oceans shore of waves crashed in, makin the most sublime tranquil sounds ... Just reading and layin out, God, and the heavenlies with Christ was always on my mind . . . Ty went with me once. Had a ball. Most of the time she was workin though ... And alot of times I cruised out there on a 12 speed just ta ditch my bike out in the woods and hit the freeway for the day, hookin around, then dropped off near where my bike was, and cruise back. It was relaxin to my nerves. “Before I went,” and after I’d be done for the day trickin around . . . And check this out. Never bought any new tires for it. And never had a flat ... I knew God was holdin those tires together. And I was glad . . . Ding Ding Ding! . . . Look out I’m comin through ... Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  I received 7 letters by ya this week. Whew! Sad stuff. I’ve been through it all like you. So I know. “Exactly” how you feel! When you go through stuff like this. You learn to understand yourself needing to except a more provery stricken way of living, in order for your future to become “prosperous again.” Like I say. Today to dream of nice things, to have and hold for years ahead is, fruitless to do. Because of the way our World conditions are. There’s to much chaos, and economic downfalls, to have one hope for bigger and better things, on an income tight and cannot be played with. “hoping it will all fall in place,” to be afforded. But cant be. That’s why! myself, if I were free, I’d be seeking a place, that may be a dive to live in, and searching more into saving all extra funds after rent. Which would be dirt cheap in order to “Later” start all over again ...

  From all my roller coaster rides. Ive learned that, if you except proverty, humble yourself, and not let it hurt you
r pride. Pocket it. You’ll go a much longer way . . . As you know I turned to hooken to beat the warrents . . . I learned also, that I could survive like normal middle class peoples wages. Instead of like tyria’s, which was $300 every 2 weeks. $600 a month. Give me a break! Our rent alone was $385 a month. Electric was around $90 a month in the summer and $190 a month in the winter. Plus food $70 to $100 a week. How in the hell do they expect anyone to live off of 425 an hour . . .

  Eventually people get pissed off . . . No wonder they have crime, and of the ugliest kind today. Peoples heads are getting messed up . . .

  Im really Sorry to hear you lost your house Dawn. But if you look at all Ive said . . . You later in the future may be glad you have. For you may own out right . . . use your head. Dont let yourself go through this again. Please. 4-now




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . The way I see it. Ill be lifted by the Rapture. So no burial problems to work out. (or) Just linger on now until 2,000 when Christ will touch down for good anyway. So! Again! No buriel problems . . . But all in all. I dont see my DEATH SOON . . . The reason, is. my belief, !, #1 Christ is coming soon . . . #2 I’m in OK shape so, no death near yet. #3 appeals take years to clear before the chair. #4 Christ by then will be on the planet beginning to reign. I know you chuckling away. But. ha ha hay hay hay, its true . . . So I just felt to let you know a future feeling on all this . . .


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