Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 24

by Aileen Wuornos

  Until next time.

  Stay Cool.





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . The vibes are being surely felt around here that the era for Womens X-exuted is happening. And wondering whose next isnt hard to figure out. (Theres only 4 of us here.) ... One of the thoughts that cross our minds – is back to back. So all an all sis – you may want to get yourself geared up for this due separation. But When it all comes down though. Try to keep as strong as you can – and know that – life is – really but a moment in time down here. Well see one another fairly soon afterwards anyway.! . . . By the way If you can remember this too.! . . . Keiths ashes were scattered here in Florida on the pacific side. Around Stienhattache165 . . . So I drove down . . . And as I followed to the end this road, I reached an area desolate except for a small restaurant. With what looked like rocks turned into some type of shoreline wall. There I cried my eyes out and dumped his remains along that rocky wall . . . then just drove off – crying wildly out of my mind. O boy was I. EVER!

  And so what I was thinkin on the lines of here . . . if you had a rent a car – you could drive out there / take the road – or any that leads into Stinhattache and bury me beside Keith out there.

  This would make me extremely happy. 4-Shore . . . Whatta ya think? Think you could handle it. And does it bother you any, my desire to be scattered out here by Keith, and not up there.?! . . .

  I realize to good buddy, that your against the Death Penalty. But it goes like this, sis. I blew it . . . Penalties must be paid ...

  Love ya






  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Whenever Judy Virginia and I were together out at rec. on occassion our executions would come up. So as we’d talk about death and the life after, we’d state now and then to each other. / to leave a sign., First it was a joke, then we started to take it a bit serious to use. And the pac was formed that should one of us die before the other. After execution, leave a sign as to life after death by patting the others left behind on the shoulder, or back. Like – yooooo! . . . And I remember Judy laughin and said. Ill do more then pat. Ill shove ya. Hard! OK. . . . so there I was ō about a Week ago now., reading the National Geographic sitting on the bed and bent over reading – while the rag rested on the bed. And as I was in this position I suddenly felt a powerful magnified force in the room. “Really magnified.” This power didnt feel evil nor good. just there . . . I suddenly began to feel a hand on my back and it shoved me downward.

  A hard shove as it also began to rub my back, as if to say, O Sorry about that, didnt mean to shove ya so hard. And all of this happened so FAST. It was AWESOME. So.... needless to say Dawn. Theres no doubt life after death. But I still feel she died atheist. So is in limbo. Soul’s still on the planet awaiting judgment . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Ever since Judy pushed on my bunk. I’ve been suddenly energized. Like WOW.! pretty freaky!. Ha Ha Ha . . .

  Were going to be getting a new Govenor soon. And everyone thinks Itll be george bush. His brother jed is already in Texas as Govenor.166 And my dear. He executes up to 8 (in) 3 days time. The Bush’s are cold as ice, evil as hell, and only care about Political Prestieage. Will do ANYTHING for more power, money, and to feel Above everybody and the Law. So if George becomes Govenor here in Florida. Women being XD/ is definet . . . So thats why we must now start planning . . .

  Now if you asked me to do some little ditty to prove life after death. I dont think Itd work. You know why!? NO WHY – Ha Ha Ha Well because. My belief is. Christians leave this planet. Therefore couldnt. But Seculiar folk who died – unsaved – I feel – can – because their souls remain on the planet to await judgment. So . . . I wont even be around to do for anyone. I plan to fully be with Jesus. I Love him to the MAX . . .

  Well good Buddy, Ive got to close er up . . .


  X X X X X X X X




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Boy do I miss the beach. The Sand. The Sun. The Waves. The Water. Use to sit out on Flaglers with the Bible and drinkin up Soda’s all day. My favorites Mountain Dew an Mellow yellow . . .

  When I hooked – I was real natural lookin – with my natural self. Only wore mascara. And just a hair of eye brow pencil on my eye brows. Only because the Sun bleached them out so bad. And I wore basically T-Shirts, Blue jeans, and Tennis shoes. Like I did in my teens. Cut offs from blue jeans for shorts. I dont get it why these hooken broads wear., high boots, mini skirts, fish net stockens . . . an all. Man. It really cracks me up. It all looks so stupid.! And all the guys I ever went out with – havin met hookers out on the road – said those kinda gals turned them off. They look stupid an into drugs . . .

  Hope you had a real good time at your mom’s . . . Everything is ok with me . . . So Dont worry. No warrents have been signed yet, and I’m doing fine otherwise . . . Love ya Buddy,

  4-now / Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  The Road is Long – in which there is no return. This songs runnin through my head buddy as I solemly sit here wondering without sounding to heavy in this letter../ that I could care less about any interviews done on me. Past or present. And my friend – how I’ve told you I killed in 1st degree 7 times. And not in self defense many times Dawn. So therefore should I ever grant a new trial allowing them to have one for another rake in – if they wanted to give me one ever again purely for..! This you my friend would have to be subpoenaed to the prosecutors table / and not onto the defenses side. For you KNOW by NOW it wasn’t self defense. From Visits and etc. OK. So as kindly as I can put it – I will – as to say to you that. Please., dont screw around with the truth. As I could give a liveing dam about the chair. This Biz about you saying – She has it down packed in all you were trying to say. How John Tanner Blah Blah, Blah, and the Cops., Doh, Doh, Doh . . . then you’ve got here – and the jurors were withheld from viewing the confessional tapes with self defense in it. All of which you’ve been trying to tell everybody all along. Yeah. Dawn. The first year of my arrest – I was . . . until I saw the Light of Day in all the Evil of “Everything” with everybody on my case’s and myself even in “Lieing”. I then said it was time to quit playin with all of it and God. Tell the truth and let the rest of the liars on all this face their own charges against – With God. Im fadeing out clean. Cleansed of my crimes an my old life by the hand of God’s forgiveness ...

  OK. Well Buddy. Its that time again. Got to wrap er up here. I understand how your feeling on all this. How you wish there was hope and I’d cover up area’s myself just to keep my butt from the chair. But in order for me to be with the Lord – under my consequences. I must do it all in – truth . . .

  Gotta Go

  See ya This Weekend





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . O MAN . . . By the way! . . . As I was trying to tell you in short while sending the Mars article to you. Is that our wonderful Lord and Savior is So Smart! God is he ever! When He created us!.. He put within us a built in satellite, by putting the very material substances that are used for T.V.s/ Radios/ and Computers/ etc. Such as Copper and then other earthly substance within our very flesh. So – it is that apparently when we do “PRAY” we are being heard. By angels and our Lord! . . .

  When I did read the article way back when I instantly thought of “Star Trek” and the “Next Generation.” The Bridge aboard the starship. Switching it around to “The Throne”, and instead of Kirk or Picard in Control . . . Its Jesus. And we are all constantly being watched and evaluated from the bridge or “The Throne” . . .

  Love Ai


  Back in the Saddle

  Chuckle Chuckle


  ——7:00 A.M.

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I can tell you got mad. I’m really Sorry. Yoooo! But I’m back.! So scrub the grudge, and be Understanding. Prison is Very Stressful. OK! . . . Can take awhile to get yourself back together.

  I pray your all doing well up there! . . . I myself am doing fine after some rest. My ear is so messed up. There isnt a bit of protective wax in it.! So its wide open. And certain sounds can kill it royal. And the eardrum . . . tends to giggle around . . . Its a bummer. Thats why my handwrittens off. I lose balance because of this “no wax in the ear gig.” All of which Medical rigged ... they handed me these ear drops claiming the stuffs Antibiotic med . . . All over the Box it said “ear wax remover.”. From that Day on. I knew., as well as with the dental dept. I’d be negatively mistreated. So I now have to watch my back in most everything.

  OK/ So now you know the problem I’ve been under. An why I went to space for awhile . . .

  Wouldnt the Supreme Court love to hear this stuff.! In big black + white bold letters concerning death row inmates in America . . . The laws are in the book I sent back to ya in 93-94 . . . And need I tell you. None of those laws are being followed here. I can clearly see they do think there above it. “The Law” . . .

  And so I’ve been haveing some problems – but nothing I cant overcome . . . Ya gotta roll with the thunder. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I’m rollin. I’m Rollin. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. KABOOM! . . .

  4 now / Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  And as I said I’d do, I’m here to get back with you on the rest of my beliefs in Christ. The personnel “what ifs” . . . in wonder. Through mixing the studies together of archeology and theology – with a bit of science also.

  As you know by Now . . . that there was a flood on earth before Noah’s. Havin taken place even before Adam and Eve. And took place with Lucifer on Earth with a 3rd of the Angels falling with him. Em Em Em Pretty Stupid! The CREATED trying to take over the CREATOR.

  And as you know by Now – By many of the Space Missions and their Scientific Findings on, from our high tech probe of various planets such as our Moon and Mars, “that they may of once held water. And as well had at one time experienced a major flood.” . . .

  Therefore! Between the “RECORDED” word and this Science in itself we “Now” have to think twice here from the literal discoveries founded by the Missions. And so I’m wondering if then that the planets surrounding ours – was no other than the fallen angels. And that when God in Scripture Speaks of a 3rd havin fallin with Lucifer – if he’s not referring to – not only earth that Lucifer governed. “But the Planets as well Around Earth.” As being the ⅓ that fell with Lucifer in) the Universe as a whole. That – if earth wasnt merely – The Governmental Headquarters of the Surrounding Planets. And that purhaps “Paradize” (is) Heaven – And that the “Garden” (is) the ring of the planets within the universe. And that “Earth” purhaps was better known to the Angels and Lucifer as “Eden.”. . .

  Well just incase you cant Picture what Im trying to say then let me give you an idea of what I mean through a star trek scene. OK!

  There we are on the Bridge of the Star Fleet Command. I’m Kirk and your Piccard. And were studying “A MAP” of the———Universe there above the screen on deck. As were looking over the Universe – there in the far northern corner of the map lies a cluster of planets and its sun. Our thoughts are on finding the Kingdom of Lucifer’s within the Galaxy. As we float aboard craft in the twilight of paradise searching.

  His headquarters are located within the “Gardens” realm known by the title Eden. All the while being an otmost perfect spot for his headquarters. Spaced within the very middle – within the ring of the realm—the planets (or) better yet known as kingdom. Our Mission! To seek and Destroy. Why!? Because it has become known to us that Lucifer and his Kingdom has agreed to war against God. So God Has sent us to flood them out. They’ll be left entirely desolate eternal. Until further notice. What will be felt eternally desolate!? The Planets my Dear. The Planets! Although I have heard between the grapevine Piccard that our Lord may use the middle seat of the cluster eden as some sort of mercy seat for the 1/3rd fallen. Some type of 2nd chance I overheard. But how he plans to go about it I don’t know. All I’ve heard is that 1st offenders will be given a one chance shot at it in this 2nd chance he has planned. And if the fruit proves itself worthy to be saved from this fall (that the very govenor of the plains enticed them to fall under) That then he or she shall be saved. All I know is that I’d love to see this plan. When we haven’t even flooded them out yet.!

  OK. Anywayyyy! Thats one of my wonders. Here – with Lucifer and the Flood. Since we’ve now discovered other planets around as may have been under alot of water as well. And Soooo. What’d ya think.? Sound to strange to crazy to wild – or. is. it Hey! Maybe you Got Somethin there. Ha Ha. Gotta Go 4th Page and My inks Runnin out.

  CATCH YA in the

  NEXT Kite

  Love ya Sis

  Stay Cool, Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . My Gosh.! I HAD NO IDEA it was DAVIDs BiRTHDAY! . . . With the party you guys rigged up – I’m sure you had a blast . . . Havent Been to a party like that since my ol’ teen Days. Went to Some with 50 too 100. And Some with NEAR 300 there. This one I was at in Denver Colorado. Actually outskirts of. Was the one with near 300. God Girl this Guy throwin the party had these gas barrel drums cut in 1/2 and then with Bull Dozer’s – Dug out Pits and stationed them in the pits as such for grilling, as grill plate’s were made to be put over . . . There were at least 20 different Bar B-Q sauces lined accross a table to pic and choose from. Em. Em. And Of-Course. I went ahead and dipped pig meat in them all. Dam pig was so Juicey! EMMMMM. I can taste it still – Today! EM. EM. EM. .Gōōōōōōōd!

  . . . Good Buddy – we do think A-like . . . By January I could as well turn out as Judy. I must say Fly By Hints have been thrown at me left and right. The 2 major ones stated to me the most (are) / Hang in There and / Bye . Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. For real. But it doesn’t Bother me in the least. Why!? Because . . . of us possibly being Angels that fell with Lucifer and given purhaps a 2nd chance . . . Anyway. I’ll do the same and send to you my very love for you in writ. So should I ever depart – And ya Get to Missin Me. Open the Kite. OK! . . .




  2nd Chance Angels


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi And as I promised – I said to Copy down what Ive been writting to your Mom. So let me do so . . .

  Remember. I’m Kirk and your Piccard.

  And there we are on the bridge of the “Star Fleet Command” gazeing up at a map thats stationed – In a planetary 3-D effect accross star boards screen. And as we were looking the areas over of the Universal Solars and all its Planets Inhabited abroad., we search for Lucifer’s. As it is known as.... “The Garden of Eden” within this kingdom of His. And EDEN within the Realm of this Kingdom – is His Head Quarters over it all. Our Mission. It is to Seek and Destroy these rebel’s through flooding out of their entire Garden. Since word has come from their Kingdom to our Lord they wish to war against him.


  Against our Majesty and all of His Heavenly Host!.

  Yes. Piccard – and what fools to think they could take him on and literally overthrow their Creator! But it is war they want – So war they shall have! . . .

  Well Now. Let us Be Going. Much to be Done. ahead of us here. (And as there walking off the Bridge – Kirk Stops Piccard and States). I overheard something the other day of which purhaps I shouldn’t have. I just for a moment overheard one of our Lord’s Top Angel’s saying to another about these fools getting a 2nd chance. And then I heard something to thee effects of a Mercy Seat. But Lo if I heard no more for I was in a Gre
at Hurry and not able for even a hair of a second stop to chat and find out what it was all about. Well whatever it May Be. An Hail to His Glory.


  As the fleets Cruise the stars visiting many plains and poliecing the Universe from such intrustions as Lucifer’s that occurred. / Kirk enters bridge.

  AHHHHH! Piccard! Remember that tiny bit of a discussion we had way back when Lucifer was being tracked down . . .

  Well.... That future has arrived, and the time has come for us to be briefed on it. We are to meet with our Majesty in the Union Hall at Noon. He is going to be chooseing various representatives from all around the Galaxy! To take charge over – His Commands and see them through. There is a big uproar of excitement from Colony to Colony. Everybody can’t wait to embark and partake upon the stars of this Glorious Mission. Those Imprisoned have been in Heavy prayers with the Lord.., and he had finally leaned his ear to Mercy – Predestineing them a way out of this tragic mess they’ve befallen in.

  Is there a title to this Mission!?.

  Yes – There is Piccard.! Actually I should say a few.! For one is called – Salvation. Another.... Redemption. Their meaning is . . . Redeemed. But Now!? Well.., Will just have to wait for noon to find out. So I’ll be going and getting myself ready. And when you do, wear your best!. OK!? Until then, See you there and God Bless.

  To Be Continued.




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And sure hope none of ya’s had any terrible hangovers.167 I can recall some pretty hairy tricks to get rid of off the road. Lordy, I must of tried em all too. But only one I really liked. Alcazelzer. Ha Ha Ha. But I cant really say if it actually worked or not. – Because I basically got drunk., everyday! So by noon I was back to a buzz on the stuff. – I swear once I had one so bad, I didnt even feel human! Ha Ha Ha. I couldnt wait to feel human again. Ha Ha Ha. It was a Terrible Hangover. Big time bad one . . .


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