Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 25

by Aileen Wuornos

  Ive still plenty here by the way – on my Star trek gig on the fallen Angels., and I’ll get back with you on it, after I get this regular kite out to ya and shoot the bull a little bit with ya. Want to catch up with ya. ok . . .

  By the way.... Have you heard at all from Steve an Arlene. I wonder what they’ve been doing all this time now. Its been since 94. Me + them . . . Anyway! . . . How would you feel if I made Amends with them?! I’m curious . . . Feelin ya know that I may be up for XN/. And so was wonderin. If you dont like the idea Ill drop it. If you dont care! Well. Then I need to get in contact with em – ya know . . . Let me know OK. Do you have there phone numbers—(?)

  Well. I’ve a few things I’ve got to do. Trays are Comin . . .

  Love 4-now – Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  My hands are actin up – so please bear with me. OK. And I hope all of ya are doin good. Exspecially your Mom . . .

  Virginia Lazalerie told me I could have to wait up to 7 more years before all my paper work is finalized. But I slightly disagree Because of 6 death warrents . . .

  Thank-you – on your Sweet Comments concerning the Star Trek Episodes. The reason Im Kirk by the way and your Piccard – is Because Kirk had Brains – But yours were even smarter! Now! Feel Better! Ha Ha. Man. its not over yet OK. So. I’m on a roll good Buddy!.

  Its taken so long – because I’ve been really careful at how I’m wording it all. Dont want him to mad at me – once I get on thee other side if I was – By chance way off. Chuckle. But I’m sure he doesn’t mind us gettin lost in our imaginations . . .

  We were innocent back in our days weren’t we? The most our little horns did then. Well me anyway – was.... hummmmmmm u Come on Come on Aileen. Confess. / Ō ok Gulp. Threw toilet tissue up in a guys widely spread out oak tree. Threw green tomatoes at passing cars. Then older got real courageous and – B-Bs/ out passing cars – Lieing out in the woods off of 20 mile. Near the house. Aileen! Why that was MEAN! I know. I know. I feel terrible today. So how about you. Lay it on me. And no lieing. OK.

  Ha Ha Ha Ha

  OK. I’ve got to close shop. Last call! Whatta ya want!? Me. Ill take a Ice Cold Coors. Pleeeeeeeese. Ha Ha . . .

  Love ya Buddy

  Until then/ Aileen


  The Fallen Angels – and Lucifer.


  Dear Dawn,

  Hellloooo! This here is the last part. OK. A regular Kite will follow behind . . .

  Jesus Continued and Said

  Let us now eat and Tomorrow we will meet again for another gathering on all these matters . . .

  Now before I close here and let you all enjoy your dinner along with the day . . . For much will begin in the Marrow of the Morning Star. I’ll leave you with a mysterious expression. See while you eat if you can figure its riddle in purpose. If So / Report it back to me. As it is this.

  “One Day shall Be As A 1,000 years. And a 1,000 years as one day.”

  “Unto the Day of the Lord.”

  Now let the Man Adam begin – And the last – with a Trump.


  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . This phoney CCR Shit from Tallahassee informed me Xn wont be any time soon. So relax! . . . A real big joke indeed. Em. Em. Em . . . allowing 2 puppies to represent me. To really make sure I’m not “properly represented” Being that of 21 and 24. Sick!. Capital Murder cases and letting kids play with it. Em. Em. Em . . .

  Well. since 1994 I’ve had this So called CCR in my face telling me . . . they’ll help me waive off to the chair . . . Well it was like they were saying. Lets just hush everything up OK., And we’ll help you. So all madder then hell by the very lack of concern for anything . . . I said OK! So dont bother me any or see me on it then. Alright!? And they agreed.

  And so they showed up. Just a week or so ago . . .

  Now the reason Im telling you all this. Is because I heard there on there way up to Michigan. If they are and they come over to see ya. All of which “If you Want” to see them will be boreing. And would perferr if you didnt . . . So you see! The very bottom line here concerning “Florida” is that it is Extremely Corrupt. Head over fist.! As the powers all wash together. They scratch each others back. Wash each others hands. And will Cover for each other in “Anything” . . .

  OK. Well let me close er up . . . Hope the wheathers great and Happy Holidays.!





  Dear Dawn,

  I hope you had a Wonderful Holiday! And Knowing you. No hangovers!

  Ha Ha Ha

  I use to have nothing but hangovers.! . . . And now the way I feel with all the cigs and booze outta me . . . I feel great! ... So now I hope you and your mom. and anyone else for that matters does too. Best of Luck Sis . . . My other new years resolution is “No swearing” No criticizing and more praying.” I’ve got this sign up in my room that reminds me. It says. No Swearing – and – No criticeizing. Ha Ha Chuckle. Chuckle. I’ve broken it a few times ... But not cigs! I’m holding my ground and doing swell. I dont even go outside anymore. If I did. I’d definetly light up . . . Besides, I know my time . . . will be comeing soon. And when it does, and I must go. I’d perferr to be all white – all over. Ha Ha . . . Not tan here and there . . . Could you just imagine my head shaved with a super tan face. Well! I could! Ha Ha Ha . . .

  I’m now working on Linda’s info she needs for furthering her project . . . Real stressful. But it must be done. In all area’s the truth told. Then burn my ass in that chair for all I care! I came clean! all the way. And felt so good when I did . . .

  Well. Time to close er up . . .

  Happy New Year!

  Take good care, an until next

  time. New Year hugs + kisses

  to everybody! Emph!

  Love ya, Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Piccard.—————Merry Christmas!. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha I couldnt resist. You called me kirk in one of the letters, so had to kid ya back. Chuckle. Chuckle. Any snow up there yet by the way!? Snow always seemed to fill up any empty space in the Holiday for me. It perked up my spirits of it up more . . .

  I take it your lonely an missin me buddy. If so! Im Sorry. And Ill try to write more often now – since my ear’s gettin better, and wrist and finger pain can be mastered . . . They’ve put this huge Satallite on the compound. “Huge deal.” Looks like somethin outta Star Wars. Well . . . I personally fell their useing it for covert purposes against Death Row . . . This is like the serie’s then – X Files – and then one can see why they mockishly changed the prefix from G to X . . . Every time you ask them if the Com’s on. Their response is.... It doesn’t work anymore! The system’s been disconnected! Ha Ha Ha. Ō yeah. Thats why a high frequency signal runs through this room continually . . .Their in for a big surprize! For the whole world soon may find out! And thats one of the reason’s I wanted to bring Steve back in. To blow the prison wide open . . . They’ll have me back infront of Nick before I know it. Chuckle. Chuckle.

  Say. I hear he’s been callin to see how I’m doin! How sweet. I hope he has a wonderful Holiday ... Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Say I see here your mom did have eye surgery and alls fine now. Cool! Really glad to hear it.! Do you know she’s written me a few times . . . As sick as she’s been and with one eye! WOW! . . .

  Love ya’s soooo. Want to hug and cuddle. Aileeeen! Dawn. I dont mean like that. Solllly. I mean as a good friend an sister. Sure wish I could. Give ya a big ol Kiss on the head and a Super hug! Without lettin go for a good long time. I wouldve done that here. Butttt! there fincky about that stuff. If ever we see each other again, I’m gonna do it – Anyway! wheather they like it or not. Bluuuuuuuu . . .

  Pleeeeese tell everybody . . . Hi – for me! Will ya! And . . . . . . .

ppy New Year!

  Hope it turns out swell for all of you. ok . . . time to rapp er up again. Have another hug. EEmmmMMMMmmMMph. and bunch of Kisses! Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. Catch ya in the next flight in – ok Happy Holidays! Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . you know I finally wrote Steve! just let him know I was sorry about what Nick did.168 Hoped he an his family had a wonderful Christmas / same with New Years. And if he felt like it – Come on Over . . . I also let him know that I’d like to hear from Arlene. So contact her / and if she’s interested in writeing me. Well then! good. You know – Those 2 did do a hell of alot for me. And I must say I was ungrateful. So I’m guilty! And want to royally apologize . . . You see! Nick didnt understand any of the ways Steve an Arlene did things together. And as Arlene was frantic in getting outside assistance from others to help support an assist me . . . Well Nick got the wrong impression! And in my mixed emotions So did I.!. Royal! So wound up back stabbin Steve and Arlene. By supporting Nicks film. Which in all reality is a huge misunderstanding that has really screwed up Steve an Arlenes life . . . So I am deeply grieved at how I treated them . . . I was disrespectful and am abased . . . Therefore buddy. If they do come back in full swing. Lets keep it all Cool. OK . . .

  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Sis . . . you’re a Sweet heart. And a real Big One for callin Arlene. Thanks a bundle! Ill always Wonder about her and just what her real reason was in comeing in my life. But tough. I cant let this Bull get in the way This Time. I need her and Steve’s strength for Security purpose’s. To Many prison problems. Time to disclose it . . .

  But please keep this “Reason” to yourself. OK! Will you!? . . . I’ve got to much “Care” in my Soul. / then to take someone and simply “Use” them . . .

  If there usin me. I cant gripe, because I’m still getting help by them – if they are!

  . . . And pleeeeease Buddy, don’t start thinking I’ll go right on back to written [Arlene] more often than you. NO WAY! As I said. I Love you a heck of a lot more then Arlene. You come 1st. Well God 1st But! your 2nd my dear. Then comes every body else. OK!

  I worry like hell over you guys in the Winter an driven. To dam dangerous. Ha Ha Ha, I can hear ya now. No Shit! . . . Had a Cutlass and Wound up in the ditch . . . a guy I was screwin in Sterling Heights, let me use his wheels . . . I think I was 15 then. / Not 16. Cause it was when I was still goin to Troy. I thought I was so hot with that guys pretty cutlass at School. That’s why I didn’t mind Screwin the guy – just to get his wheels. Ha Ha Ha . . . I was a Devil. And most of my life! Because of him I’m here. But. even so. Jesus can Save . . . Even the lowliest as me. Chuckle . . .

  Well my crazy ass has to hit the sack . . . Love ya Much. And Get Well. “Soon”. Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Pleeeeese remember this! OK. If it doesn’t go as planned. By the will an all. Pleeeeeeeese don’t let it bother you any. Flesh is just that . . . Dead an gone. The burial of it. / However done really doesn’t mean that much. I mean. If my ashes can be spread out in the ocean of Flagler beach just north of Daytona. Then Ā Real Cool!. Great! But if mommy dearest wants to play games for unknown reason’s. Don’t go through the mess with her. Just let her have the bod and do what she wants in her – somewhat crazy mind. As I’ve said. I’ll always be suspicious of her wealth . . . And real reason for comeing into all of this. OK . . .

  You said here . . . that sexually you never done anything with Keith. That’s Cool. I never did anything with Ducky either. I was always wonderin if Keith ever “Asked” you though. Ducky never did me. Nor – of-course I him. etc. etc. etc. I always looked at him as a brother to, that . . . Ha Ha Ha . . . didn’t like me to well . . . Catch ya in the next flight in. Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I wanted to finnish with ya on the rest of thee interesting event of Fort Lauderdale an leaveing it in the 69 Cutlass, but Heidi wanting to stay behind. OK. So off we are back to Michigan in the car.

  . . . I don’t think I had my license . . .

  Here we were in Ohio now . . . seeing that the gas was nearing empty and we needed to piss an all. Break time it was then, an off the exit we got off at.

  . . . Laney was gonna count out some bucks outta the Wallet . . . Buttttt Couldn’t find it!. Panicking – only to remember – It was taken to the rest room – and either dropped it in there (or) left it on the counter (or) something!. And with the median being grass now – and in a panick – I went for a U-turn in it – to head back to that exit and the gas station John. Ha Ha Ha.

  . . . now a Cop on our ass., for U-turnin. And I’m driven with no license . . . Soooo! Here comes the sirens, as I pull over.

  Explaining everything does no good. The Cop tells us to follow him . . . [we’re] directed to follow the Cop into the building – to meet the Judge.

  . . . the Judge has sympathy, and then fines us 10 bucks. But the problem. We still haven’t any money! And by now. Its all stolen. So I tell the Judge once again. As he tells us. You got 2 hours to get it. / The plan now is Western Union . . .

  Well then he Leaves And for how long I didn’t know – nor cared! As I look at Laney in piss an fear. We’ve got to get out of here! So . . . I told her., I’m gonna go ahead an leave. and if were chased Ill try to outrun em. OK!? (crazy idea Ā) (See what desperation will do? Make you think the wildest) So. I cranked it up and started rollin to I-75. I could see a State trooper near one of the construction area’s on the freeway. So I told Laney. hide down! Maybe with one passenger itll fool this guy – incase he knows about us. / waiting for the bread (or) to the clink we go. Ha Ha. So she did. – Dawn! I kid you not!. I floored past the crew. The Cop looked. Shook his head an went about his business talkin to another guy. I thought for sure there was gonna be a chase. But – no such Luck! Ha Ha Ha and on to Troy we were once again. (OK) to be Continued.

  Catch ya

  in the next



  Love ya




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And CCR. Dawn!,. Ive got to tell ya., I never asked them to see ya. And if he showed you any letter by me saying to—then they must have had a handwritting specialist draw it out. Cause I’ve written to them 2 young roosters just startin to crow as lawyers. “Once”. / Werent they / discustingly young lookin . . .

  And now I’ve another problem . . .

  Sooo. please if you would I need for you to contact Amnesty International out of DC . . . They’ve got my room rigged with G-force effects . . . They’ve been turning it on – so high while I’m sleeping That I Wake up with body pressure and nearly choked to death by the perching effects to the ear drums. So now there hopeing the force will Kill me. / Covertly . . . So let them know this stuff OK. And. let me know when you received this letter. Cause its being logged ...

  Whats this . . . Ben Lloyd had a crush on me!.


  Man . . . I don’t want to hear it. That guy was whipped lookin in my book! But then again . . . that could’ve all changed ... Because As it stands . . . I was’nt all that Bad lookin as a Kid . . . but Lord . . . Look at me NoW! Ruff. Ruff. I’m a dog! Chhhh. That’s why I don’t want any one to see me . . .

  Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  Say ... Have you any recent flicks of him by the way!? Sure would like to . . . “Remember what he looked like!” I was so, Stoned all the time . . . back then . . . I cant get much of a picture of him in mind . . .

  Well. Gotta wrap er up here. Love ya Buddy And. Thanks a million for never havin given up on me . . . For now / Aileen.


  Dear Dawn,

  Thank you for the Birthday greetins., Appreciate it sis. Looks like Ill be doin it up though for thee 43rd with tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  . . . Ill be happy to help you out with Rod.
169 OK. Since you love him so much. Would love to be a part in the tickets to see . . .

  Dawn. About Keith havein the hots for ya. He did! At first. Then that feeling passed away an all it was . . . Was a sisterly thing. The hots came where you guys first met. But when he found out how tough and Tom boyish you were, it all melted away into just one dam good friend. . .

  Once again I want to Thank you with all of my heart for having visited Keith (an) helped him as you did . . . I cant believe what Barry did to him . . . Sick MFKER. I cant believe you had to bring him a “Pillow!” My god was that bastard insane or what!?. Had to bring my bro. a pillow . . .

  Barry! Dad. Man. It seemed Dad was the only one he liked outta the entire family! All of which had me always look at him like a Womanizeing pig. So when Keith became ill like that . . . I bet Barry thought this was a good Opportunity for revenge . . . So he tortured him like that before he died.

  Same with me in the testifying department with Lori an Barry. I’m sure they thought on the lines of a perfect opportunity for revenge. As I said. They hated us so much in the family they wish we were dead. Well! Their wish finally came true didn’t it. I personally dont see any salvation in their bones either. So.

  Whatever will be, will be. The future looks bleak you see, I’m sure it will be, hee hee. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Whatever Jesus decides . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . CCR. Do you know – them bastards went to most of the people who were abussive to me (or) raped me. / to interview.

  . . . in VJBJ I Wrote out a list of some 25 names of people I thought would be a good choice . . . Well not one person on that list was “Ever” contacted. Except only the ones the . . . , “Cops had drummed up” . . . Pretty sick bunch Ā!? . . .


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