Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 26

by Aileen Wuornos

  I did say I’d tell you about Adrian. “The girls training school.” I will next

  letter, Promise . . . For now Love Aileen. P.S. Amnesties In California I just found out. There was a segment on Women across America and being abused in prison. Excellent. See. The timings getting right for me to tell.


  Dear Dawn,

  Hellooooo! . . . Say on Amnesty. God! I never meant you to try like that!. Lord.! Stop in the name of (a) – phone bill buddy! Geeeez . . . I’ve NEVER had anybody extend themselves so far for me as you have! . . . You are soooooooooooo thoughtful and careing! . . . Sure wish there was something I could do for you in return . . . Helplissly stuck here in this prison. sniffle sniffle . . .

  “Happy Birthday Buddy!”

  Did ya get my card!? Hope you liked it. I tried not to put to much say in it, so I wouldn’t screw up the looks of it. Inside (or) out. That’s a Classic . . . So I’d keep it in a good place since its surely a collectors . . .

  Curious! Whats voice mail? I’m in the dark on that one buddy! Got to help educate me with these new fangled things an all the high tech and modified Jazz. Chuckle. Chuckle. So teach me. Teach me. Teach me. Bå . . . . . Bā!. Ha Ha . . .

  Until next flight in. Von Voāge . . . And I . . . Love you! echoes me across the miles Aileen



  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy! And Im sooo glad to hear you got the Tickets to see Rod. Great!. Im soooo glad . . . And am very glad to hear that your 43rd Birthday went swell. Good, Good, Good, Good, Good . . . “Is this concert at the Silver Dome by the way!?” . . .

  And on CCR. You asked who they are. Well my recent letters explained their callousness. / But just look at their title and its obvious. CCR stands for. “Capital” “Collaterol” “Regency” and they’ve now added another C to it for “Counsel”. CCRC. So that its rigged all the way by Tallahassee. To Lie to Society that Death Row case’s are being thoroughly investigated – when there not . . .

  Well, we all know just what Collateral means – don’t we!? / A type of loan for a pay back! And then the counseling. Listening to all the Corrupt Crap the prisons laying over on the inmate. And then – them claiming theirs nothing they can do about it! . . . Let me know when you received this Kite Love



  Dear Dawn,

  Hellloooo! Hows it goin Kid!? . . . its snowin outside. WoW!. Well. hum. If I remember right. Way back when I was 14 stuck in an Unwed home in Detroit., Low an Behold just before I had the little tike – it was snowin outside. So! I guess I can’t say I find that to unusual . . . Boy that kid I had was huge. I can’t remember if they said 7 lbs 11 ounce’s or 11 lbs 7 ounces. But I sure remember well the pain. 24 hours of labor. The stretch marks from him rack my bod. There all over. He pulled me apart! Wound up naming him. Keith Arnold Wuornos. Then later, as I was being sentenced to girls training school. the Judge said that my child was adopted into a wealthy family., and that the 1st name was kept. Humm. Wonder how true that all was. Anyway! Sure kept me happy....

  And you know I did tell ya now that I’d finally write ya about that School . . .

  I’m off to telling some tales. So get prepared. May make your hair – “fly way on up in thee air!.” Chhhhcccchhhhhh.


  Well, as you know, way back, at the age of 15, I ran away from home for the 3rd and last time. The other times were at the age of 13 and 14. Now Mom cared., but Dad didn’t. But in order for themselves not to get in any trouble with the Law, they did as any normal parent should do and finally filed a run away report. With Dad havein a plan behind it, I had no idea of – once I was caught.

  Then of-course, as you know, during this 3rd split from the house, Mom dies. Unaware to! I had no idea she was so sick. As she did in the Morning, and I was at the pits about to be hunted down by Lori and some of the Shelley girls in Dad’s Maverick Lori was driven. Now you may have been with em Dawn, but I can’t remember everyone there. I was beginning to get way burned out from the whole mess – so please forgive me if you were and I’ve forgotten. Anyway . . . from the car – someone came down to the beach and told me Lori was up there and needed to talk with me. So I made my way up thee embankment, to the car, only to find her full of tears. Then she laid on the Shocking New’s an split., just to leave me likewise.

  The news got to the Cops fast, that I was around the area, ... after that. Surely by Lori. Barry or Dad. But because of an Uncle or Cuss. (can’t remember what kind of kin he was). . . . being one of the Cops in Troy I believe I was overlooked for a while as a run away, so I could attend her funeral. Yet it wouldn’t be 24 hours later – after I did – that’d I’d sure enough be rounded up on my way to a juvenile facility out in Pontiac.

  Now let me tell ya, that center was somethin else. Full of UK and discust. Hate was “Everywhere!.”, and nothing was being accomplished because of it.

  And it wouldn’t be 2 days there, that I’d get locked down in a tiny cell away from the others for given a Matron the finger. I believe they left me in there around a week or so. As the one I gave the finger to, knew very well about my Mom’s death. Haveing just died. But did they care!? why hell no!. Only that the information was music to their ears to further punnish me with. So they Loved it., and snickered anytime I mentioned here name or memories of.

  Then one day came a break. A good way to bust from the place. The girls were hedin on a field trip and I was asked to come along. I figured, excellent, now I can run from this joint. As my feet began to itch with excitement. I had a trail to blaze.

  Finally by another week we were off. Arriveing to a picnic area that was way out in the Boonies. I kept looking around, an sayin to myself... , How easy!. And once everyone was pretty well occupied. I walked off. I must’ve been a good ½ mile when they finally noticed me missing!. And then way in the distance I could hear them callin my name. As I just laughed an walked on.

  Around 2 miles or more I found a farm. My eyes trained on the barn as a hide out, I started towards it only to be greeted by 2 young guys and an older Man. Who were part of the farm. The father and sons. They immediately started askin me what I was doin on their land. As I really didn’t much care an told em everything. They told me they heard plenty about the place and its cruel conditions, so decided to help me.

  They hid me then up in the Barn until the coast was clear – as meanwhile their Mom was makin sandwiches an soup for us all. After it’d get dark they were then gonna take me to I-75., and with great Thanks I’d be back on my way to Troy – hitch hiken.

  As to say the 1st day on the run went swell. While for 3 more weeks I’d be back around everybody to see and party with. Only to then get busted again an wind up back at the facility.

  The court appearances didn’t take long. I didn’t have one the first go a round. They just called my Dad up and he said he didn’t want me no more. But this time one was up – as I was appearing on charges of Run Away. And there was Dad - alone and smellin as usual full of Wine. He kept given me a dirty eye an telling me he couldn’t wait for this to be over with, and never see me again. As if I was up for a hanging.

  But I guess it was’nt gonna work for ol’ Dad – the way he wanted it. When the judge asked if he wanted me back home, he shouted from the roof top no. To do as you like to her, but she’ll never step foot in his house again. So the judge sentenced me to 6 months in Adrian – to a place known as a girls training school. Leaving me and my Dad with these words before pounding the gavel.

  “That maybe by then you’ll change your mind about her,

  And me about running away from home.”

  To Be Continued

  Well, up next the School.

  Lord was that place a trip.

  See ya in the next kite.

  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy! . . . let me tell ya some of thee ol’ wars I’ve been in. Ha Ha Ha. I’ve got scad’s of w
ar stories!. Seen a bunch! Chuckle Chuckle. So as I said I’d do. Let me continue here with Adrian. Lord. Now that there (is) one war story!. Geeeez . . .



  . . . Arriveing in the evening hours to check into my new motel (or) should I say hell . . . called Girls Training School. Located in Adrian Michigan.

  I was amazed how huge the place was! . . . it was once an old plantation ... As the houses with all there buildings intrigued me with their antiquity.

  I pictured Amish folk. (or) even further then that!. ole the 1500 pilgrims (or) other’s. Visualizing them wondering around . . . to be now remodeled into a reformatory for troubled Kids and run aways like me . . .

  I was placed in a cottage named Rose. / I believe!

  . . . two more weeks of thee ol’ place and I was suddenly gettin home sick... and wantin to just get back to Troy to see Keith and Lori again. (or) anybody else I loved!. So plans of runnin were next... The place was so wide Open – you could just walk away . . . So I figured. A piece of cake!.

  Ō but I’d learn a tail of major problem . . . As the story went, that no girl had yet succeeded in her attempts. Because of the hounds.

  . . . What!?. There it was. Well OK Back to the drawin board., and how I’m gonna beat them hounds once I take off . . . To Be Continued., Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Amnesty wrote back. (or) did they. The person who drummed up the letter – can’t spell. Completely illiterate. So I’m thinking on the lines of a further cover up . . . The envelope has no return address at the corner of the Kite. Just a candle. Then my names spelt wrong and everything ...

  Anyway. Fishy. Illiterate Man! For real. Then they went on to say that I might not be interested in their organization Because. “Their against Violence and the Death Penalty.” Now how would they “Even Know” if I’m likewise or not. So there was another fishy part of this whole thing . . .

  Love Aileen


  Adrian School

  The 1st Run


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy!. Ready for some more Adrian. I hope so, cause here comes a bunch more. Enjoy the campfire talk. Chuckle. Chuckle. Hand me another marshmallow will ya. One of those dam hounds took the last one I had on the stick. Chhhhhccchhhh. Boy them Hounds! So it went like this Dawn . . . . . . . .,

  A Black gal named Bernedett and I volunteered Kitchen duty . . . After Breakfast, we had to wait for roll call and one more round of a check from the cottage guard ... when Bernadett gave me the signal to hit it, and I was gone!.

  Boooom! out the back door I flew! Runnin my ass off!. Crossin the dirt road, flyin over the ditch into the woods, just a runnin just as fast as I could. I was floorin it right through the pine, brush, and shrub., slippin along the way on broken limbs and pine cone’s lieing around!.

  This runnin was Hard . . . My legs were growin tired, as my chest was wretched in Sweat and Pain. Burning Bad!. This burning ripped on down my throat and licked flat into my lungs like fire.

  I knew I had to keep runnin and get a good mile or two before I could stop., but feelin ½ way there is when I heard the hounds.

  . . . So the more I heard them hounds, the faster I ran . . . My body felt like it was gonna just drop ...

  I knew then too, that I had to hide out near the tracks and just hope for the better . . .

  And as the hounds were getting closer an closer – I feared only 2 things bad!. The poundin of my heart . . . and sweat. Wonderin if the dogs would pick up any of it.

  Eyein the ties, I began to see what was huntin me down . . . it was one huge fat guy with farmer jeans and a flannel shirt on. With one Dog!. They were so Close, I could hear the dogs pantin.

  Suddenly ... the dog looked up from sniffin and stared right at me. He just stopped at all that he was doin and stared right in my direction. Then the farmer said: “you see somethin boy!?” . . . as he began to look in my direction too. I nearly fell out!. My heart was in my throat! I kept eyein them and thinking ... I’m busted. But not without a fight!. when next the dog went back to snoopin the tracks and movin on, as the farmer took the dog’s word for it, and followed on behind him.

  . . . I started laughin . . . Here they both passed me up – right from under their nose’s . . .

  To Be Continued,





  Dear Dawn,

  Hi. And onto the woods here an my first run. Don’t get scared now. Cause later on there’s even scarrier. Ha Ha Ha. I swear. Enjoy my life lines Buddy. What a life I lead. For Shore. So in continuance here.


  . . . I must of gotten 100 yards when suddenly out of the blue came another guy with a dog. But this time in the woods. The girls told me to wear dark colors if I was gonna do this., so I put on a black T-shirt with blue jeans. It obviously did the trick too!. Because in this 2nd run in they just walked on by - . . . Sayin to myself Man!. your Dogs can’t smell. Unless the dog was just caught up in the matrix of the woods. / with its smell an all. Therefore blocking his scent. Otherwise these dogs were just phoney to me!., as they walked on by. . . .

  I now wondered how many more of them there were....

  I trucked it back up on the tracks and started runnin. I was amazed! Not a soul in sight!. But . . . I could see a problem ahead.... [The woods] were diminishing to cow pasture and Lots of it!. Now all you could see was green grass! Acres of it!. All lookin like a huge golf course . . . In every direction for miles!.... So my next plan was to get off. But where!?. There was nothin . . . Nothin but a Huge Tree that really branched out itself.... I figured I’d park my butt under it and pray for the best while I rested up some too. God knows my lungs were burning. So were the muscles of my legs.... I was completely drained and exhausted.

  When I finally did reach the tree . . . I noticed a small community of houses down in the Valley. As another wonder crossed my mind., . . . if I could be easily spotted under it.? Once again I just prayed for the best.... I just panted away – leaning against [the tree] . . .

  I sat under that tree just talkin away to God. And how I missed my Mom so bad.... that No One would ever take her place....

  Then I began to do some sinful prayin. Askin him to help me get through the run. And once I could reach the outskirts and highway, to help me hitch hike it back to Troy.

  And then suddenly.... It seemed like out of no-where . . . came this guy . . . just as Mega as the Cow I was starin at (seconds ago).... he said. “You know it was a long walk to get to ya . . . you mind if I sit against the tree here with ya and catch my breath.!. I said. “I don’t Care.” So he sat down then he said . . . real sympathedic like . . . “Your from that Girls training School aren’t ya!?” The hair of my head started risen with my adrenalin as well. I must of looked like a scared horse., when I said., “No.” He said. “Yes you are, Cause you see here . . . I’ve got a picture of ya!.” And he handed me the picture. I glared at the Juvenile Mug shot and thought to throw it and run. But he must of sensed it, cause he suddenly grabbed me by the wrist and held on tight . . . sayin. “Don’t try it, see them cars down there, there full of hounds!.” Best give up cause your surrounded. / they got ya hon.” Lookin around, and realizeing he was right . . . I gave up all my hard efforts and surrendered.

  We slowly walked over to around 4 car loads of dogs and people., as I was then placed in one and back on my way to Adrian.

  Thinkin . . . how much I struggled to get away and how fruitless it all became.... I then had to ask and said. Hey! By the way! How far are we from the School?! He Said. 3 miles.

  To Be Continued





  3rd Run

  . . . I was positioned at the door, readyin myself for this fly by night run. . . .

  As my heart jumped in my mouth and my Adrenalin rushed to my head. I went for it!.
Yankin the door open having it smack against the wall.

  Then, The chase was on!......

  . . . Flooring it to the exit, ... With the girls out in the hall cheering me on, as I could hear them saying Go Go Go Go Go. Runnnnnnnnnnn! . . .

  I kept flying on down the stairs and could hear each step snappin under the Weight. . . . havein me trembling to the ground.

  . . . I was – boltin across the road, on into the dense forest debris., stumbling over this and trippin over that....

  I could’nt see a thing!, as sense of direction seemed easily to be impaired. I was’nt liken this at all!......

  But Ā . . . I could’nt turn back now . . . It was Troy or die. My senses were desperate, as I went on to tough it out....

  Butttt! I’d find out pushin through the woods in the middle of the night was like being lost in a cave without a flashlight. It was just to thick!....

  . . . I’d suddenly run into a barbed wire fence.... the pillow case170 blocked the blow.... And started back at full speed ...

  So I started pushin harder, running as if the wind was at my back. With my heart poundin wild an lungs burning bad all over again.... Just as soon as I thought I was clear of the fence . . . a spool of barbed wire lying on the ground, swirled round an round, would greet me.

  Eat a pita. I was pissed!.

  Flying through the woods only to fall – full force with one horrific impact., I did, onto this roll of spike. Gouged from head to toe, . . . given them hounds just what they needed to pick up a good scent.

  . . . I was pissed. Bad.Ha Ha. To Be Continued.

  Love Aileen

  Still in the Woods

  3rd Run



  Dear Dawn,

  Back on my feat / flyin through the woods. Not knowing how much damage had been done. Being chased by a pack of hounds and runnin like a wild animal from.... But I was’nt given up!. No way!. I was toooo desperate for Troy. As I struggled on in a mess of, blood, sweat, an tears.


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